Mockingjay academy

By WritingAsUsual

112K 4K 1.6K

Ok so where do I start, this story has all characters from all the hunger games books. They all look like the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: fixing things
Chapter 12: truth 'O dair
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:party for the not-normal
Chapter 17: after life
Chapter 18: (extra long update)
Chapter 19: my new bro?
Chapter 20: I Go Back To December
Chapter 21:change in the weather
Chapter 22: theyre gone
Chapter 23: our group
Chapter 24: classic day
Chatper 25: suprising events
Chapter 26: no trust
Chapter 27: bad blood
New story out!!
Chapter 28: messy place
Chapter 29: secrets
Chapter 30: sydney or katniss
Chapter 31: One returns and one leaves
Chapter 32: hurting
Chapter 33: happy?
Chapter 34: do i have a Brother NO
Chapter 35- TIME SKIP
Chapter 36: Angry
CHAPTER 42 {Very Long Update}
Chapter 43: Shopping, cinemas and memories
Chapter 44: Going till morning
Chapter 45: We're naive
Chapter 46: numb

CHAPTER 37- Regret and Remorse

1.2K 41 7
By WritingAsUsual


"What?" Finnick stutters.
"I said I knew, I have known for a while now," I let out a long sigh before continuing. "I was waiting for him to tell me,"
"But he never did." Finnick finishes for me.

That's right. He never did.

"We are going to take Sydney down." States Finnick.
"How?" I ask.
Finnick laces in front of me a bit. He sighs again and again.
"We kinda have some information on her," he starts.
"Finnick you can't blackmail her." I say although I would like that very much.
"Oh why not," he snaps.
Before I speak I bite my tongue. What I want to say could come out wrong. Or it could make Finnick hate or- maybe it won't. I don't know. Ugh.
"Sydney isn't the problem."
Finnick stops his laces and stares at me. Studying me almost like he did before. Searching me. But for what?
"Delly is the problem. She's always been the problem." I says unsure of how Finnick will respond. "Delly has just been lurking in the shadows letting Abbie and Sydney do the work."

Finnick lets out a very loud sigh. "But if we take Delly down the others have to go with her. I mean they are all related in someway. And that included Jake." He says.
"I know," I hesitate for a moment. That does include Jake. "Finnick I know, that's why I'm so stuck," Finnick can tell that I'm torn up inside so he motions for us to sit down. We both sit down and I take my seat so that I can lean on a tree trunk.
"Finnick I wants from having a big group of friends to having none. I've had so many people come and go all through my life like my father." I stop for a moment again. "And gale."

"So your saying that we should just take Delly and Sydney and Abbie down. Leave their brother, or whatever the heck he is, here?" He asks. I sigh knowing that it sounded better in my head.

To my left, the sounds of to pairs of feet running away, become distinct. A soft whisper sounds as well. And A little giggle.
"We should go," Finnick suggests. I nod along before we walk out of the forest. Being the brother that he is he puts a hand on my back and guides me through the forest like a young child. I smile at this though. Although he hasn't been a brother to me lately- this kind of makes up for it. I don't even know how but all the hatred and sadness has all died down to just something small. I feel a tiny bit of happiness in this moment of walking through the woods. Like I have my brother again. And this moment is far better then anything else that I've been feeling towards him and the others. I was hating them and revenge plotting and self pitting.

But that's all gone. All of it.

Once we are out of the forest Finnick heads towards his dorm room and I turn to the left to go to mine. Finnick starts climbing the stairs before he speaks.
"Hey were are you going?" He asks.
I turn around to find him walking back down the stairs. "Back to my dorm," I reply.
"No come on," he indicated for me to walk upstairs with him.
"No, wouldn't it be weird?" I ask.
"No," he implying strongly.
"No Finnick I don't want to," I argue.
"You can't keep everyone waiting," he says and before I can argue he picks me up. Classy move on Finnicks behalf.

I open the door and am meted by everyone who I've missed. They get up from where they were all sitting and look at me with hope in their eyes.
I don't think I should be the first one to speak so I stay quiet.
I look to Johanna; who used to always have my back.
Then to Glimmer and Clove the kindest and crazy girls. And major shopaholics.
And then to Annie. Who was like a sister to me. Well all the girls were.

Then my eyes settle upon Cato and Marvel who always made me laugh.
Then Gale. Who I gave a second chance. And he understand me.
Then Finnick who is my brother. Well, really he's my step brother but what the heck.
Then my eyes fall onto Peeta. The guy I missed the most. The one I loved. Wait what am I saying. LOVED. Really? I never stopped loving peeta. And seeing him made all the feelings come rushing back.
And I can feel it now. Being in the same room as these people just makes me feel joy again.
I mean I was happy with Jake and all but it's not the same.

Johanna is the first to speak, "Katniss," she says. "I'm sorry."
I have never seen Johanna cry before. She never even showed any sign of hurt. I don't think she allowed herself to. But now I can see water forming in her eyes. And her lower lip starting to tremble.
"I'm sorry to," I get engulfed into a hug before I can finish. She wraps her arms around me and I do the same for her. "I can't believe I just made you cry," I whisper into her ear and she chuckles.
"Well don't get to cocky about it," she replies.
To be honest Johanna kind of stayed really neutral during all that's happened. Where as Annie and Finnick well.. I don't know what they did. But I know that glimmer, clove and Cato all took Peeta's side. And I don't really know what Marvel did.
And Gale well.. He went out with Sydney- that's self explanatory to be fair.

"Can somebody else speak before things get really awkward," I nervously laugh hoping to ease the situation.
"Okay," Annie says and walks over to the table. "The girls are all related, including Jake. So.."
"We should just make them drop out," marvel says.
"They clearly only came here to cause drama. They don't care about their education. So let's make them leave." Glimmer says, supporting Marvel.
"But if we use blackmail, it makes us as bad as them." Clove points out. And I can see both sides of the story.
"But we all deserve to get revenge here," I say.
"Yeah, I mean she blackmailed all of us," blurts out Peeta and the whole group turn to him. He clearly wasn't supposed to say that.
"Wait what?" I ask. The whole group tries to act normal and pretend they didn't hear me.
"Guys.." I go on.
"Nothing," says Cato. "Don't worry,"
If what Peeta said is true, then they have already used blackmail. Therefore I am in the mood now, for some revenge.

I take a key out of my back pocket that I had stolen from Jake a couple days ago.
"What's that?" Peeta asks me.
"Well let's just say it's the key to.." I begin. But getting interpret by Johanna laughing hysterically. She must have figured out what key it is.
"If we are going to blackmail people. We are going to do it properly."


We only have ten minutes before Sydney returns to the girls dorm and Delly and Abbie return to theirs. That gives us just about enough time to go to their dorm room and dig up dirt. Peeta and Johanna came with me to their dorm and everyone else stayed behind ready to stall Sydney if she comes.

I yank open a desk drawer and open up a notebook a couple of photos fall out and I catch them in my hand. It takes me a while to figure out what they are of due to coffe stains and the fact that it is also a bad quality photo. Then something in my mind clicks.
I glance into the draw I got the notebook form and take a double look. There lie iPhones, a couple of watches and docking station.
"Look what I found?!?" I exlaim while taking out some phones from the drawer. "They are thieves." Peeta runs over and take s the notebook from my hand. It's kind of weird between us now. And in a very sad way.
"This is my old phone," he says. "And my watch! Wait." Johanna is behind me in a second and we all figure it out at the same time.
They were the ones that robbed the boys dorm ages ago.
"But why would they rob you guys? They barley even knew you then?" Johanna asks. I shrug and Peeta sighs.

My phone alerts me that we only have four minutes to I run into one of the girls bedrooms. I know it's a bit weird but if we are going to find something then... I realise that this is Abbie's room. And I pause and think. All Abbie ever did was have a crush on Peeta.

Walk around her room before I tried on a small book labeled DIARY. My mind gives me a dilemma. I pick the book up and examine it. No. I'm not going to read this. It's an invasion of privacy. I command my self not to open this. Then I laugh at myself. If this was in reverse Abbie wouldn't hesitate she would be reading my diary by now. So I do the same.

I open the first page and it reads:

Dear diary
Due to my stupid family history i have been made to join mockingjay academy. And my family thought it would be amazing for Delly to start the school with me.

I reluctantly turn over to the next page:

Delly promised me that she would help me fit in if I obeyed her. I think I'm in deep trouble. And I don't know how to get out of it.

I keep turning the pages. I can't stop.

I can't believe Delly persuaded my parent to allow me to date Zayn. Yes I have to get my parents permission for everything. Or Dellys. And Delly doesn't approve of Zayn. She wants me to date this Peeta guy. Who even is he she's always talking about him.

Okay is it bad that I may have a little crush on Peeta. Delly had me talk to him and I kind just fell for him then and their.

I swear Zayn is cheating on me. Today in English him and Katniss were chatting and then he depend the whole lunch time with her.

I hate Delly! She's ruined my life. She's got Zayn to break up with me.

Ugh I just want to leave mockingjay academy. I feel to small right now. And Delly .. Ugh. Why am I related to her. Why do my parent even approve of Delly. She's pure evil.

I didn't want to do it to Katniss. I didn't want to hurt her. Katniss, I've only talked to her a couple of times. And she's so kind. But Delly has given Me a special task. And I have to do it or she will lie to my parents and tell them that I cheated on my tests. And then my parents will send me to boarding school. My cousin went to boarding school. He came back and he was never the same. I don't want to go.

I put down the books and realise that I am almost half way through it. So Abbie is really just a good person but scarred and afraid of Delly. I had no idea. I bring the diary out to the main room and place it on a table where Peeta picks it up.

As I look around the room I realise that Johanna, as she has been searching, has been leaving the place in a mess. They are going to know we have been here!

Johanna sinks to the floor and searches inter the tables and sofas for anything. A sudden scream down the corridor makes us all stop what we are doing. Peeta drops the diary and Johanna bumps into a lamp to the coffe table and its falls of and the bulb blows out. Terrific. Great. Absolutely amazing. That's all we need right now.
The scream sound again and I can tell its Abbie.
"Okay I'm sorry," she squeals in a really loud voice. "But have you heard Justin Biebers new song?!?" And that I get it. Delly and the girls are back.
"We need to go." I hiss and Peeta nods and looks around the room.
"We can't leave the place like this." He worries and runs his fingers through his Hair.
"We have to," Johanna says with an amused face.

"How do we get out?" Peeta panicks.
"Well we can't go through the door," I say while biting my lip.
"State the obvious," Johanna says like she has a plan. She do,Los her eyes before she says, "balcony, duh?" And she starts laughing to herself.

We run through the place trying to find the door which leads to the balcony. I can feel my temperature rising. We can still hear the voices down the hallway. I know by now that Annie and the others are trying the best they can to stall them.
"Got it." Peeta says calmly. How is he not freaking out?
Johanna stumbles around the room tripping over books and that one lamp. Anyway we all end up on the balcony and running away before Delly has got into the room.

We walk along the balcony, jumping over the gates on the odd occasion until we get to the stairs that go to the ground floor. When we are on the ground Johanna starts laughing at me and Peeta.
"I just love it how Peeta was so calm through all of that," she says between breaths. And then her phone rings. She picks it up. "Would you look at that." She shows me her phone screen it says Dad calling. "My dad never calls me," but she still picks it up and walks away chatting on the phone. Which leaves me and Peeta standing there.

The last time I spoke to him was when I told him to stay away from me. And now I feel terrible about it. I can tell by the way Peeta is, that he's probably thinking the same things as me. So I turn to him.
"Yeah?" He replies after a little while.
"Um.. For everything.. I'm.." I begin.
"No I'm..." He starts but I Interrupt.
"I'm sorry. Hah there. Beat you." I say all to quickly and he laughs. Oh I missed his laugh.
"I wanted to say it first." He smiles and me. We both stand there for a minute. Just staring and thinking about things.
"Yeah." He replies.
"Can we just forget.." I begin. But he interrupts me. Again.
"This ever happened?" And I am so relieved he said that. I nod and smiles like I'm the happiest person alive. I just want to cry. Tears of happiness.

The next thing Peeta does is lull me in for a hug. Without even thinking about it I fling my arms around him and snuggle into his embrace.

This time last month as was so upset that I had broken up with Peeta. And lied to him. And the worst part about it was that all of my friends were not talking to me. So I couldn't talk to them.

Buts it's okay. Everything is okay now. Because right now it just feels like Peeta and I are the only ones in the world, wrapped in each towers embrace.

And if that were true. If we were the only ones. That would be more then okay.

2632 words and counting. That was a long chapter. But I hoped you guys liked it. I've decided that I'm really going to try with this book now and I'm going to update almost everyday.
Seriously I'm going to try. Bare with me though.
So what do you guys think of Abbie now. She was nice all along. I hope you guys really see that in this character.

So in the next chapter----- will Delly be gone?
And Sydney
And Jake.

And will Abbie be allowed to stay.

Can I also just say thank you to everyone who has also continued you read my story from the very start. It means so much at this story has 54K! I just can't believe it


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