One Hell of a Maid ~ Kuroshit...

Από MaddyKateMichaelis

203K 4.9K 1K

Ciel Phantomhives father, Vincent Phantomhive, made a contract with a demon. Marrie Desdemona. Vincent wishe... Περισσότερα

My Lord, Gone
His maid, Able
His maid, Omnipotent
His maid, Capricious
His maid, Care
His maid, Weaknesses
His maid, Perplexed
His maid, Unique
His maid, Heavens Conflict
His maid, Battle
His Maid, The Truth
His maid, Devotedness
His maid, A New Chapter; A New story
His maid, Noah's Ark Circus
His maid, New Recruits
His maid, Roomates
His maid, Breath
His maid, Witness
His maid, Expressions
His maid, Point of No Return
His Maid, Indulged
His Maid, Gone
One-Shot || Like Mother, Like Son
To my, Beloved, Followers

His maid, Damaged Demon

12K 304 57
Από MaddyKateMichaelis

≡♡ Chapter 6 ♡

"He is not so noble that would stake his life for someone else. Nor is he so forgiving that he would sit by and allow someone to trample him. He is a selfish... as a self righteous human being.. That's why.. He... to clear his own shame... used that power. Demonic power. Not for anyone else, but for himself.. And he then found the truth.
As do I.. have those powers."

~Ciel's POV~
"Sebastian." I called, having him close in to my side as he returned.
"Yes, master?" his voice questioned, leaning down to examine my paperwork.
"I found the address.. We will catch the killer in action..tonight." Sebastian smirked at my remark as I continued. "..and once we find Jack the Ripper.. Don't dare hesitate to kill him." I ordered. He gracefully took a bow on one knee, playing that smirk even wider than before.
"Consider it done, my lord.."


~Marrie's POV~
Sebastian, the young lord and I are now walking in the streets of London, up coming the address of what seems to be the house of the next victim due to Jack the Ripper. "It's here, I'm sure of it.." the young lord thought out loud.
"Are you sur-" I started, yet was interrupted by a horrid scream of agony coming within the alley way we approached. As instinct took in, we ran towards the loud noise. Coming to a dark and misty alleyway, a door stood down the end of the narrow walkway. As Sebastian walked up to open the door, I held the young lord close to me for protection.. And oddly enough, I wasn't doing it for his sake.. But for my own.

As Sebastian came to open the door, it slowly unraveled its-self. Opening to reveal the body of our next victim-- planned to be--laying, dead. Blood on nearly every inch inside, as her lower gut was torn and sliced, from whereas the main source of blood poured from. I covered Ciel's eye, not wanting a fragile child be in sight of such things. Yet standing over that lifeless body, was a another, only alive, painted in that same red. The shadowed and mysterious figure walked slowly out for his shadows to identify Madam Red's butler, Grell. His piercing green eyes looking longingly towards us. He had a large sized chainsaw equiped in his grasp, yet having the most innocent face to display.
"O-Oh.. No! It's not what it looks like!" he started stammering. "Y-You see, I-I-"
"We're done playing games Grell, you're caught." the young lord inturupred.

Grell stared at him for a while, then started laughing.. "Ah! ..and what fun this was!~" he managed to say between his giggle fit. "Indeed, playing the butler role was quite amusing..." he looked up with a sharp toothy grin. "But it's about time for me to show my TRUE colors, shall we?" he said, taking out a comb and brushing his long brunette hair into a vivid crimson, taking off his thin-brimmed specticals and replacing them with one's that had red lining around them. He stopped after his whole show to display. "Ah~ SHINIGAMI!" he finally represented with the hand gesture of love.
"Grim reaper.." Sebastian said backing up, glaring daggers into the dreaded race of a being. Ciel looked up at Sebastian and I, rather confused.
"Ah~ And you're little servants aren't very human like after all! Odd seeing such demons playing the role of maid and butler.." he grinned, as if not a care to give or take.
"I could say the same for you, Reaper." I spat, rather coldly.
"Yet a perfect crime couldn't be done alone!~" Grell replied, swaying his chainsaw back and forth.
"No, not at all.." said a deep females voice come from back inside the door. "No.." I managed to say above a whisper. My eyes widened in disbelief.

~Sebastian's POV~
I looked cautiously over to Marrie, who seemed to has froze in place, her grip behind the masters shoulders, tightened. I furrowed my eye brows as a feeling of worriness and revenge settled into me, when seeing Marrie in this state. Another dark siloette standing in the door way, walked up revealing Madam Red, playing a rather peculiar smirk. The young lords breath becoming short and ragged.
"Madam Red." he stated, suprisingly, boldly with confidence. "Why.." he then stammered, making her smirk only increase.
"Isn't it obvious, Ciel?~" tilting her head with the murderous grin.
She continued to reveal that ever since she was not able, physically, to give birth to a child, she'd kill those who would abort them. And finding the shinigami was a faster way of doing so..

The young lord looked down, shaded his eyes with his hair as his muscles softly stopped all reason to move. His breath slow and ragged. Marrie held him comfortably in her arms from behind, as if she wanted him to feel her presence, and know her form of self was right next to him, always, through thick and thin, shall she never depart...
As Madam Red regained composure from from her confidence, she pulled out a dagger that seemed to glisten in the light, how appropriate....

~Ciel's POV~
I watched as Grell smiled widely and pounced straight for Sebastian with his chainsaw equiped, starting the significance of battle. Marrie held me close as she glared daggers into my aunt. "..L-Lady Dallas... We... We trusted you..." she stuttered in her result of shock. "..I trusted you..." I felt a warm sensation land upon my head, looking up realising my head maid,
my damaged demon...

"Oh, Marrie, you wouldn't understand~" Madam Red cockily 'tsked' her, polishing a small knife like weapon with her own grasp. "Nothing much to do now..." she continued, cautiously stepping forward, as eerie as possible can be--she made it seem. "You must die." frowning, she held up her blade with a swift movement as a murderous expression washed over her. She aimed down towards me, yet in a flash I was pushed left, to the side wall of the alley, falling on my arse as my head layed facing my chest. I looked up seeing that Marrie pushed me, having what looked like her heart being punctured as she took my place.
Madame Red stabbed her instead.
My eyes widened as she toppled over, wincing and coughed up yet crimson substance from within.


"Marrie!" I screamed out.
"..m-master.. I'm fi--NGH!" she tried to reply yet Madam Red pulled the dagger out of her chest, her blood covering my aunt in the process. Marrie fell to her knees, breathing heavily. She can't die... I know that.. Right?.. But I'm still worried... She's a demon..Then why is she so weak??
I looked over and saw Sebastian pushed against a wall with Grell keeping his death scythe in place above Sebastians shoulder.

~Sebastian's POV~
I was locked eyes with Grell as he gave a sharp and toothy grin. He held me in a death like trap with his dreaded chainsaw..
"Marrie!" I heard my master call, instincting me to look over as I witness Marrie being stabbed in the heart. My eyes widened as a feeling force made me break the trap and kick Grell towards the opposite direction of where the young lord and Marrie were. I bolted to the young lord, standing in front of him to block him from his aunt. As I saw Marrie, only a couple meters from me, on her knees in the weakest state I've ever seen her.
Madame Red looked down to Marrie with wide eyes. As if she didn't do a thing.
"M-Marrie.." she said, dropping her knife with shaky limbs, and taking a hesitant step back, looking at the young lord. "I can't... I can't kill my beloved nephew!" she sobbed, reaching her hand out to him. "My beloved.. Cie--NNGH" a blade ways pushed through her.


"How dissapointing, Madam Red... in the end you're just an ordinary woman... and yet this Death Scythe I'm using will play a duet with the soul's last moments!" Grell pronounced from behind the lady in red, as he reclined his chainsaw from out of Madam Red's torso. I felt the uneasiness of Ciel's soul as memories beyond images came from her lifeless form. The wrapping sound of cinematic records, whipping the frosty nights air, showing the life of Angelina Dallas... Also known as Madam Red.
Her life story shortly came to a close as the sound of the wind was all that could be heard. Grell then walked up to the lifeless form, his boots echoing through the alley, as he made to be and re-clothes himself in her cloak.
"You're not fit to wear red..." said he: and started to leave. Immediately after, Ciel stood up with his head held high and removed his eye patch.

"Sebastian.. Don't you recall my order?!" he yelled out to me. I turned my head to look behind me at his new stage of self with a following smirk.
"Consider it done, my lord." I took out my butler knives and slowly headed towards the reaper who changed reactions quickly and started avoiding me, not wanting to get hurt, rather dramatically.

~Ciel's POV~
As I sent Sebastian off to kill Jack the Reaper.. I ran towards Marrie who was struggling to even stay on her knees.
"Marrie...! Get up!" I yelled as her posture was of her right hand clutching the wound in her heart and her left holding herself up from the ground. I got down on my knees to her level as she coughed blood onto the glavled pathway.
"..m-my lord...." she managed to heave out. Her breathing raged, deep and slow. She's recovering.. But dangerously slowly. Even Sebastian doesn't take this long to recover from a wound.. Why is this!?
"Marrie, y-you're a demon for crying out loud! Get up! That's an order!" she looked up at me with her blood stained cheeks, sending myself into fear of her health, still playing my confident face of a nobel. Yet, in return, she played a soft smile and took her left hand to cup my cheek.
"..still... as stubborn as always... my lord.." she laughed that reverted to a cough that sent her back to the ground with a groan of discomfort. My eyes became watery just seeing her in this state. Yet I surpassed crying.

"S-Sebastian!!" I called, wanting desperately to get her back and well. I can't see her like this... My parents.. Aunt... But not you.. Please, Marrie..
"Stay with me.." I spoke silently as I put my hand upon her head. Sebastian then came over to me and bowed.
"I am sorry my lord, but it seems the shinigami had gotten away--"
"FORGET THAT, SEBASTIAN!! LOOK AT HER, DAMMIT!" I replied, more the less interupted. Is he not worried!? He sighed in more frustration than worriness.
"My lord.. Let me explain.. She will be fine.." he, somehow, calmly replied. I was over my limit, so past angered that I didn't know what to say. " lord.." he said, amusingly and picking up Marrie bridal style in the process making her gasp and stutter in pain. What does he think he's doing!? "Before you say anything... This is a female demon we're talking about.. They are completely different from the male." he smiled, as Marrie panted heavily and wrapped an arm around him for support.

~Marrie's POV~
"They are completely different from the male." I made out the voice to be no other than Michaels. Dammit.. My blood level is decreasing.. "W-What!?" my lord called as I looked to the side of me to see him then looked back up at Sebastian, my eye lids becoming rather heavy within the seconds.
"..t-tch..." I looked away from Sebastian being embarrassed from him needing to carry me.
"My lord.. All demons become weaker in their human form. Males only become weak from blood loss, yet females have trouble regaining their vital organs, broken bones, or as well blood loss." Sebastian explain to the young lord who seemed to calm down for the better.

"I see..." was all he replied with. "Then we shall not hesitate to get her recovered. Let's go." he then added, walking past Sebastian and towards were we had parked the carriage.
It was becoming harder to stay awake.. and my hold to my wound wasn't going to be the best support. I gasped a slight wince as I applied more pressure to my heart. My eyes tightened and eyebrows twitched from the pain. It wasn't unbearable..
But it hurt like the devil.
"Marrie?" I heard Sebastian call as we neared the carriage. Yet didn't acknowledge him.

Sebastian set me inside the carriage quickly and let Ciel in afterwards. Then the driver, assuming that it's Tanaka, started and were off and down the road. I layed, my head rested upon Sebastian's lap and Ciel sat on the other side of us. I felt myself breathing at a deep and slow rate as my eyes seemed to grow even heavier until they closed, and I was in thought, then to a deep needed sleep.


~Sebastian's POV~
I kept my glance down to my lap where Marrie laid, sleeping in a peaceful yet painful slumber. I heard Ciel cough to where I looked up at him questionably. "Yes, my lord?" I raised an eyebrow as to why he was giving me such a smug and amused look.
"I never truly thought demons could feel..emotions.. " he let out light hearted laughed with half lided eyes that traveled to Marrie then back up at me, along with a stone cold silence. "I know how you feel Sebastian.. you feel love towards her." he spoke with confidence, "..and you better not mess this one up.." he added with a smirk. I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes with sigh as the carriage drove over bumps and crevasses.

"you can care~"
Came Marrie's voice from the conversation he had prior, mentally remind me.
..demons can... feel.

'Her eyes..'

I care for the young master..
I want to keep him safe, oddly not for his sake... But for my own.
It shouldn't be possible so feel.. as we are merely of forged sins! Then what is our punishment for being slaves to the devil!?

'Her voice..'

Being satanic isn't supposed to be good. It's everything but good. If you are from or have been chosen to go to the underworld, you have been as bad as the devil they call it to be. Meaning of this is not in good fun.
And it shouldn't be.

'Her hair...'

Then why must we, demons, feel this?
We make contracts to devour souls for Satan's sake. I care for a human...
But most importantly.. Something else... It has taken over me.

"I understand, my lord..."

Maybe not finding the answer is our punishment. Punishment for being

I looked back down to the sleeping form in my lap.

Why must I fall in love...
With her..?


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