Werewolf tris pedrad

By Con324

81.6K 2K 374

Tris pedrad and her brothers are werewolfs but can they keep it a secret in normal day life without messing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Tris wolf
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Sequal now out!

Chapter 8

3.7K 96 17
By Con324

The next morning when I woke up I checked my social media site then went on YouTube and watched the video we made. It was actually really funny especially the end. He bandaged himself up for saying good bye to the viewers.

I'm looking forward to going to the party tonight.

I through some clothes on(not the ones above) and walk to the forest.

I transform feeling the gentle tingle and feel the exhilaration of running in the wind. I run and run and run to the clearing,why is someone always here!
I walk up to them to see who it is.
It's four...what a surprise...wait.....why does he have a black eye?
When he sees me he smiles slightly.
I go up to him and sit on his lap,why is his lap so comfy!?!?!?
He starts stroking me, I want it to last for ever.

"I wonder what it's like to be a wolf"

You have no idea.

"I bet it's funner"

Than what?

"No worries"

We have worries

Four POV:

I sit there in the forest with Gege on my lap,
She smells of roses and warmth..
Her fur is softer than anything I've ever felt.

Oh shit! I almost forgot about the party!

"I gotta go Gege"
As I'm running I wonder why I said that,it's not like she understood me.

I jump in the shower and change then head to Zekes house,for some reason I'm looking forward to seeing tris..I wonder why.

Tris POV:

Im putting my last minute make up on when the door opens and Uriah comes in and sits on my bed innocently...

"What did you do" I ask cautiously

"What makes you think that" he says

"Just tell me" I say finishing my eye make up and rolling my eyes

"Well....I kinda wana prank zekey weaky" he says in a baby voice

I burst out laughing

"What do you have in mind Uri-acorn" I say evily

"Well trissy poo,I was thinking that we could....

"Okay, Uriah truth or dare" zeke asks

"DARE,I ain't no-"he starts

"Ye Ye we know you are the biggest pansycake so don't regret it" I say

"Okay,I dare you to........sing wreaking ball in your pants and then run away when someone comes up to you,"zeke says trying to hold back laughter

"Yes!"uri says

"Oh and you have to be holding a small stone like its the only one left in the world" Zeke says laughing

"Fine"uri declares in a posh accent"as you wish child" while pouting his lips

Me and Zeke are witnesses.
A boy comes up to him and says
"What the hell are you doing,just shut the hell up"he yells pointing a butter knife at uri

Why a butter knife I ask myself .Uriah runs like he'll die if he stays..
And we continue playing

"Tris t or d" he asks smirking

"D" I say less confidently now

"I dare you to sit on your crushes lap" he says

I get up and look around,I decide to sit on fours lap since it's the comfiest...and maybe because I like him...
Uriah looks quite shocked,he probably thought I would sit on his since he now gives four a death glare.


Tris scans the room looking at all the boys and eventually sits on my lap.
At first I'm shocked but I realise I don't mind her sitting there resting against me like I usually do. I decide on putting my hands lightly around her waist which makes her have a slight smile on her face. She smells of roses and warmth just like Gege,that's weird....

We continue playing for 2 hours and a half.

Tris POV:

"It's late you guys should stay over for the night"I say still in fours lap

"Sleep over!!" Chris yells

We get sofas and pillows together with blankets and get ready to sleep. Four lies next to me,closer than he needs to be..
Once everyone falls asleep we get ready to prank them,I wake the snoring pig(a.k.a. Uriah) and we grab a air horn and bowls full of warm water ,we dunk everyone's hands in the water so they pee them self,Uriah and I make a evil laugh...

After a second we blow the air horns and shout

"FIRE FIRE FIRE" we scream at the top of our voices in unison

They jump out of their skin and run out with four grabbing me on his way out like a firefighter...

Uriah and I explode into laughter,especially since it's 2am
Once they realised what happened we-


Thnx for reading and I'll try and update soon!
If you have anything you want to happen in the story Plz tell me,I'm interested to see your opinion and ideas!!!!!!

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