Rivals Love

By Anime_Fanfic_Central

128K 4.5K 694

Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Goku starts to have faded feelings for his wife ChiChi and begins to hav... More

Goku's Dream
Chess match
The fight/Erection??
Night in the Hospital
After Revenge
Night in the forest
Fun Vegeta
Plans in Sucsess
Inturuption 1
Small filler
Chess mach 2
Inturuption 2
The Past
Sex without interuption
King Kai's warning!
Oh No
That annoying bitch
The Date
Somthings coming!!!!
Vegeta's 3rd brother!?!?
The fight is on
Nosy Krillan an Gohan
Guilt Pt.1
Guilt Pt.2
Coming clean
Afraid to say you love me

The Kiss

5.7K 175 85
By Anime_Fanfic_Central

"What was that?" Goku asked. "Why didn't you kiss her?" Vegeta was silent, staring down at his blanket.
"None of your business," he said quietly after a few seconds. Goku stared at him.
"It's Bulma, isn't it?" he suggested. Vegeta looked at him quickly.
"What?" he snapped.
"The thing that's bothering you has to do with Bulma, am I right?" They stared at each other for another minute or two, and then Vegeta sighed heavily.
"Yes," he admitted. "But I'm not going to go into details. I don't need you in my personal life." Goku thought for a moment, then got out of his bed and sat at the end of Vegeta's bed, facing him.
"How about this," he said, shuffling the deck of cards. "Let's play a card game. If I win, you have to tell me what exactly is bothering you."
"Oh come on," said Vegeta, rolling his eyes.
"It'll be fun! Please, Vegeta?" Goku practically gave him the puppy dog face.
"Fine," he said coldly. "But if I win, you have to do whatever I say for an entire day."
"Deal!" said Goku, smiling. "So what are we playing? Go Fish?" Vegeta laughed.
"No," he said, smirking and taking the cards from Goku. "We're going to play War. Do you even know what that is?"
"Yea, I've played it a few times," said Goku, watching Vegeta shuffle the cards.
"Hmph," he said, dealing them out. They played for about fifteen minutes without saying much to each other. Goku watched Vegeta intently, noticing that he was concentrating very hard, trying to beat him. He wanted to tell him what he had really dreamt about, but he knew Vegeta would be completely disgusted and probably would never talk to him again. He'd probably even tell everyone, just to humiliate him. Goku began replaying the dream in his head, feeling warmth rise to his cheeks, and his heart began to pound. What was the meaning of this dream? And why couldn't he stop thinking about it?
"Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted. Goku snapped back to realty, jumping and staring at Vegeta. "It's your turn!"
"Oh, sorry..." said Goku, and quickly played out his turn. A few more minutes went by, and Goku ended up winning.
"Damn!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"Ha ha! Now you have to tell me!" said Goku, pulling all the cards back into a deck. Vegeta sighed angrily.
"Fine, fine..." he growled. "Well... lately I've felt sort of... annoyed around Bulma. I almost feel like I don't... love her anymore..." Goku blinked, his heart skipping.
"Really? That's pretty intense... have you guys tried... you know..." Vegeta blushed slightly, and Goku couldn't help but smile.
"Well, she's tried to get me to, but lately I haven't felt in the mood at all," Vegeta explained. "Last time we did it, I just... wanted it to end... ever since then, I'm just not turned on by her at all."
"Is there another woman you like?" asked Goku.
"No," Vegeta replied. "The feelings I used to have towards Bulma are gone, that's all." Goku was silent for a minute, before spewing out his confession.
"I've felt the same way about Chichi," he admitted. Vegeta blinked.
"What? Since when?" he asked.
"A few months ago... I don't know why, and I feel so ashamed..."
"But I thought you just had an erotic dream about her last night," Vegeta pointed out. Goku froze, feeling caught. He wasn't a good liar.
"Let's play another card game," he suggested quickly. "Just for fun, no bets."
"Alright, but let's play a game I know I'll have an advantage over," said Vegeta with a smirk. "Have you ever played Bull Shit?"
"Yes, but I always lose because I can't lie," Goku said, feeling a sense of irony. Vegeta laughed.
"I thought you'd say that..." He dealt the cards, and they began to play. Vegeta placed two threes into the pile. Goku didn't have to lie for quite some time. The only problem was that he couldn't tell when Vegeta was lying, and he didn't want to wrongly accuse him of cheating. Finally, Vegeta put down a card that Goku couldn't play on.
"Three eights," said Vegeta. Goku frowned, looking at his hand. He didn't have any nines. He bit his lip and grabbed one card from his hand.
"One nine..." he said, trying to sound confident, but Vegeta grabbed his wrist before Goku could set the card down. Goku looked at Vegeta quickly, blushing. Vegeta smiled menacingly.
"Bull shit," he whispered, and yanked the card out of Goku's hand. It was a five. Goku sighed, smiling.
"I told you I can't lie," he said. Vegeta chuckled as Goku was forced to take the pile of cards and add them to his hand.
"You have an obvious tell," he said. Goku blinked, thinking. What did he do that gave himself away? They continued to play, and each time Goku had to cheat, Vegeta caught him. Goku kept trying to figure out what his own tell was, but couldn't. He watched Vegeta closely whenever it was his turn, and finally something caught his eye. He watched as Vegeta placed a card on the pile that Goku had just put two fours on. "One five," he said, and Goku noticed that his knee shifted slightly. He remembered Vegeta shifting a few other times during the game.
"Bull shit!" he said loudly, and Vegeta froze. Goku picked up the card and saw it was a Jack. "Yes!"
"Lucky guess," said Vegeta, taking the cards from the pile. Goku had a plan. Now that he knew Vegeta's tell, he could try to cover up his own. He decided to change his emotion each time he placed his cards. When he was telling the truth about which card he was putting down, he furrowed his brow and tried to sound unsure. This worked a few times, and Vegeta ended up falsly accusing him. Then, when Goku had to lie, he smiled calmly. He switched it up, however. He mixed up his facial expressions so that Vegeta had no way of figuring out if Goku was lying or not.
"Fuck!" said Vegeta, as he picked up the pile again for accusing Goku of cheating when he wasn't. Goku had only one card left. "Four Kings..." Vegeta lay down four cards.
"One ace," said Goku quickly, practically throwing the card onto the pile.
"BULL SHIT!" Vegeta shouted, and snatched up the card. It was indeed an ace. "WHAT THE HELL!?" He threw the cards onto the floor, glaring at Goku. "I thought you said you couldn't lie!"
"Well, after I figured out your tell, I did my best to cover up mine," Goku explained.
"What was my tell?"
"Your knee shifted." Vegeta froze, and they were silent. Goku was sure that if looks could kill, he would be dead in a heartbeat. Then, Vegeta growled and threw Goku off the bed and into the wall. Taken by surprise, Goku failed to catch himself, and ended up slamming so hard against the wall, that it cracked. Vegeta stood and stared him down. "Why do you always get this way, Vegeta!?" Vegeta didn't answer, but instead yelled and went to attack him once more. This time, Goku dodged, but Vegta turned around and kicked him in the back, pushing him into the counter top and causing him to shatter a jar of cotton balls. Goku gripped the counter to keep himself from falling, wiping blood from his mouth. He turned around just as Vegeta was coming at him again and punched him right in the jaw. Vegeta stumbled backward, but recoiled almost instantly. He grabbed Goku by the shirt.
"Maybe I wouldn't be so ANGRY all the time if you'd just back down and stop BEATING ME AT EVERYTHING!!" he shouted, and Goku backed up suddenly. He stepped on one of the cards that were on the floor and slipped back, taking Vegeta, who was still gripping his shirt, with him. Goku landed on his back on the floor and hit his head hard. He blinked rappidly to try and get the stars to clear from his vision. When he could finally see straight again, he saw that Vegeta had fallen on top of him. Goku blushed, staring into his angry eyes, mere inches from his own. "I hate you," said Vegeta in an angry whipser.
"Well I don't hate you," said Goku, matter-of-factly. "You're still my friend, Vegeta."
"Shut up," Vegeta snapped.
"I'm serious," Goku said, laughing slightly. "Next to Krillan, you're my best friend."
"I said shut up," Vegeta repeated.
"Make me!" There was a split second of silence that made it seem almost as though time had stood still. As soon as Goku blinked, the second was over, and Vegeta's lips had locked onto his very suddenly. Goku made a sound of surprise, his heart racing, confused as to what was happening. When Vegeta broke the kiss, Goku saw he was blushing intensly.
"I... told you to shut up..." he muttered. Goku's lips were still parted as he stared at Vegeta in disbelief.
"So... you decided to kiss me?" he asked slowly. Vegeta's hand gripped Goku's throat tightly.
"Don't you dare tell anyone that happened!" he hissed. Goku gagged, taking his hands and trying to pry them from his neck.
"And what if I do?" he asked, smiling gently after he made Vegeta release him.
"Then I'll fucking kill you," he growled.
"If I had a dollar for every time you threatened to kill me..." Goku began, but Vegeta interupted.
"SHUT UP!" They stared at each other for a minute, and Goku's gaze softened. He lifted his hand and placed it on Vegeta's cheek. Vegeta froze, then slapped his hand away. "Hey! Just because I kissed you, doesn't mean I like you!"
"But what if I like you?" Goku asked playfully, raising his hand and carressing his cheek again, which was slapped away a second time.
"Stop it!" Vegeta yelled, grabbing both of Goku's wrists and pinning them above his head. Goku blushed, getting excited again. He could tell by the look on Vegeta's face that he could feel it. "Kakarot!"
"Your fault," said Goku quickly.
"So it was me last time, wasn't it?" Goku nodded.
"The dream was about you, not Chichi..." he confessed. Vegeta was silent, and it had almost seemed that he had stopped breathing. "Let go of my hands, will ya? Or at least one of them?" Vegeta hesitated, and then released Goku's right hand. He smiled and lifted it to Vegeta's cheek for the third time. This time, he didn't slap it away. Goku slowly slid his hand to the back of Vegeta's neck and pulled him down, starting to kiss him deeply. Vegeta loosened his grip on Goku's left wrist and instead he grabbed his hand and laced their fingers. Goku's right hand made its way into Vegeta's hair, gripping it slightly. Vegeta suddenly pulled away, panting.
"No, this is wrong!" he exclaimed. Goku frowned.
"Come on," he pleaded. "It's just a little experiment..." He accidentally tugged at the hair he was still holding onto, and Vegeta moaned suddenly. Goku blinked, and saw that Vegeta was blushing. He tugged a little harder, and Vegeta bit his lip, holding back any further sound.
"Kakarot..." he said in a warning tone. Goku smiled.
"You like it," he muttered. He yanked Vegeta down and kissed him again, and he let out a surprised moan. He suddenly moved his hand from Goku's hand to his forearm and dug his nails into the skin. Goku broke the kiss, moaning in pain. He stared at Vegeta, whose expression changed. He now was smirking, looking almost fiesty.
"You're right," he said softly. "I do like it..." Vegeta gently pushed his fingers through Goku's hair as well, pulling hard while kissing his neck. Goku cried out in both pain and pleasure, closing his eyes tightly. Vegeta suddenly bit his neck hard, causing him to give another cry of pain.
"Vegeta...!" he pleaded, and Vegeta froze. That seemed to bring him back to his senses. He suddenly got off of him and stood up, backing away and wiping his mouth desperately. Goku got off the floor, staring at him and rubbing his neck. "I had no idea you were a sado-masichist..." he said. Vegeta glared.
"I can't believe you made me do that!" he shouted. "I don't care if you're gay, just don't rope me into it!"
"Hey, you're the one that kissed me!" Goku shouted back.
"You're the one who had an erotic dream about me!"
"Maybe I liked you before that dream!"
"MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHUT UP!!" Vegeta raised his hands, using his energy to lift the broken glass from the jar off the floor and shot it at Goku. He covered his face, wincing as he was cut by thousands of shards. Just then, Bulma walked into the room.

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