By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Bye Felicia

2K 75 19
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up naked as anticipated, and felt someone tracing my cheekbone very lightly. I opened my eyes to see Jack staring at me intently with a gentle expression on his face.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep....... or anytime of the day really." he said softly.

"Jason." I said gently slapping him, and forced a blush on my cheeks.

People say you can't fake blush, but I say bullshit.

"Why don't you go get ready for your bombshell premier, and I will make us some breakfast?"

"Okay, something light though, I don't want to look fat." I said.

"Nothing you eat can make you look fat." he chuckled, "How about some green smoothie bowl? I know you love those." he said.

How did he know that? Not even Anna knew about that, because it was something I invented when she left.

"Yeah, that would be amazing." I said, and gave him a quick kiss. Then I went into the restroom, and brushed my teeth twice to get the minty taste of his mouth out of mine. After that I showered, did my makeup, and got dressed. I put on the 2 million diamond bombshell bra, a water blue silk top that showed almost all of the bra, a water blue silk skirt that showed my tone legs, some white silk gloves, tow diamond bracelets, cream open toed heels, large diamond earrings, then styles my dark hair so it was in finger wave curls.

I walked downstairs where Jack was waiting in a tux, and his dark hair slicked back and styles.

"How do I look?" I asked spinning.

"Lovely, but there is something missing." he said. He walked behind me, and something cold went around my neck. I looked down to see a beautiful diamond necklace.

"There, now you look perfect." He smiled at me. I smiled and pecked his lips, then we ate our breakfast.

He made it flawlessly, how did he do that?!

I wanted to ask, but I can't, not with that fucking creeps cameras.

Anyway, we jumped into a limo, and went to the premier. A man took my hand, and helped me out of the car, and we were blinded by cameras. Other than that one man helping me out, Jack was by my side the entire time, refusing to let any man touch me.

Men and their possessiveness.

Anyway though, I posed for a ton of pictures, signed a lot of stuff, and advertised the bra. The entire time Jack was looking at me with some expression that I couldn't read.

When the premier was over, Jack got a 'text' and left for work, and I went to our fucking creepy neighbors house. I put on my special lipstick, then walked up to his door.

"Hello." he smiled at me.

"Hi, so...... Jason is at work and........." I said, but he dragged me into his house.

I let out a little laugh and looked around. He tried to kiss me, but I turned so he only got my cheek.

"I don't want to, at least not yet. I feel like I know nothing about you." I said, and he smirked.

"So tell me, whatever it is, I will answer honestly." he said, and then I pecked his lips. Oh, I know he will tell the truth now.

The lipstick was laced with limbus grass, which is an old magical plant the can make anyone tell the truth.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked.

"Sell C4 on the black market to countries wanting to start wars." he said.

"Really, I don't see anything around here?" I said, "Where do you keep the stuff."

"Behind the painting in my bedroom." he said.

"Really, I don't believe you." I said, and he smirked.

"Come then, I will make you believe me." he said taking my hand, and dragging me up to his bedroom. There were 5 guards guarding it, but since I was with him, they easily let me in without question.

He removed the painting, and I quickly pulled out my phone and filmed him putting the code in. Then he opened it, and there were crates of C4 in the safe.

"Wow!" I said shocked, "For some reason, that turns me on."

"Really?" he smirked, "Well then....." he said while locking the safe up and  putting the painting back. Then he started to kiss me.

I let out a fake moan, and slipped on a ring without him noticing. The ring had a super thin needle on it, that was laced with something that would make him fall asleep. I grabbed his shoulder with the ring hand, and within 3 minutes he was out. I then left m a note to meet me at my house in the bedroom at 6 pm, then left.

When I got home, I changed into black lace lingerie and a silk robe to cover up, and I sent the video and information I got to Jack.

Instead of texting back and 'thanks', 'okay', or 'got you', the stupid idiot texted back 'did he hurt you?'.

Why do I get stuck with the sentimental idiot?!

I just shut off my phone, and took a really small nap. Next thing I know, I am being carried up to the bathroom in Jacks arms, and he has a glare on his face.

He shut and locked the door, then sat me down.

"What the hell Jack?!" I yelled softly.

"What the hell?! You didn't respond to my texts! I thought something happened to you! Do you even know how worried I was!?"

"Jack, stop fucking insulting me and degrading me! I am #1 for a reason, I know how to protect self, and I know my limits."

"Elsa, you are my partner, and you mean more to me than you can even begin to fathom. Stop acting like a total bitch, and take 2 seconds to say 'yes I'm okay' or 'no I'm not'. I sprinted here from 5 miles away, thinking of every possible thing that they could be doing to you."

"Then don't fucking worry. I am a big girl, and I am tired of your concern. I don't need it, I'm my own hero."

He then sighed, and rubbed his temples.

"Elsa, look. I am human, and I have emotions. I don't know how you do it, but I am not like you. I care for you, and it would kill me if something happened to you. Next time this happens, text me the answer, okay?"

I just glared at him. I don't need to, I can take care of myself.

"Elsa, come on. I'm going to annoy you until you say yes." Jack smirked.

"Fine." I said. I knew that he would, and when it came to people I had little patients.

"Good, I'm going to go now. Have fun, but not too much fun." he said, then left the house again. Why does he care? I am just a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence, unlovable, a weapon, the list is endless.

I sighed looking at the clock, and it was 4. I groaned and fell back asleep in the bed, thinking of ways to kill the little fuck...... to be clear, I am thinking of Jack.

It seemed like I hardly got any sleep, when I heard someone banging on my door in excitement. I opened it, and let Will in.

"Hey, ready for some more fun?" I asked

"Yeah, is your husband coming home soon?"

"No, business trip, left at last minute." I shrugged.

"Cool." he smirked and pulled out cuffs and a whip out of his coat pockets. Dear God!

Jack's POV

I was hiding in the bushes, and waited for Elsa to let the guy in. Then I picked his locks and ran into his house. I silently crept up to the guys bedroom, and took out all of the guys guards.

I entered and used the video Elsa got to get into the safe. I then had the agency squat cars take it all away, then ran into our house, into the bedroom. I wanted to torture the creep going at it with Elsa, but I wasn't that patient. I blew his brains out, and unloaded 3 clips in him. Elsa then pushed him off of her, and looked at me.

"Alright, I have to go on another solo mission. I will see you back at the agency tomorrow." she said.

"You are going to complete a mission in one night?"

"Men have a bad tendency not to think with their brains." she chuckled, "So easy to manipulate."

"Why do you always get missions like this?" I asked.

"My mother once had to sleep with a guy for a mission, and got pregnant; it was a boy incase you were wondering. Anyway my father wasn't happy about it, but still didn't stop loving her. Then she had to go on another mission while pregnant, and lost the baby from getting tortured for so long. It tore her apart, and she wasn't the same. That is why they did this whole egg thing to me, so that would never happen. Manny saw that as also a pro, so that would never happen to another woman again. Someone who couldn't get pregnant or lose a baby on a mission." she said, "Really I'm the best candidate for it, and I'm helping other agents. I also don't mind, I don't feel anything, so what the hell." she shrugged.

"Does Anna know about the brother thing?" I asked.

"No, not a lot of people know. No one ever asks me why I get these sort of missions, they just assume that I'm a slut who enjoys it." she said rolling her eyes, "It doesn't bother me though, they can say whatever the hell they want. They know my name, not my story. They have all heard what I have done, not what I've been through."

"Oh........ If it makes you feel any better, I know you are not a slut, and I beat the shit out of people who talk bad about you."

She let out a little laugh and shook her head a little.

"Well thank you, but you don't have to. I'm a big girl, and I don't give a shit what people say or think. Remember, do whatever the fuck you want, because people are assholes, and they are going to talk about you either way." she said, then went into the restroom.

I walked out to make sure that they loaded everything proper and defused all of the C4 so nothing would blow up. Then I told the truck to take everything back to the agency.

"Bye Felicia." Elsa said. I turned around and my jaw dropped. She still had tan skin, but her hair was now amber. She had on a burn orange dress that showed her entire leg, huge part on the side, and you could see half of one of her breast. It looked like something Aphrodite's would wear, and I wanted to cover her up with a long coat.

"Where are you going?"

"Some stupid fancy party in Italy." she shrugged, then jumped into a car, and it took her away.

I sighed in frustration, sorrow, anger, and a ton of other emotions.

How many fucking times am I going to have to watch her walk away!?

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