Picture for a Frame

Bởi SirFlicker

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Camelhot is preparing to receive a royal visitor, but the arrival of a familar face on the same day may compl... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Picture for a Frame
Chapter 2: An Arrival at Court
Chapter 3: They Say One is Worth A Thousand Words...
Chapter 5: Help and Hindrance
Chapter 6: Frenemy Mine
Chapter 7: Is it Too Late to Return the Cake?
Chapter 8: A View Towards Further Adventures

Chapter 4: Suitable for Framing

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Bởi SirFlicker

Sunshine poured in through Princess Flame's window and settled upon her face. Very slowly, she began to awake, first groggily opening one eye then the other. Clothed in her light pink night gown, she sat up in her yellow silk circular bed. She yawned as she slowly stretched her arms outwards to either side while feeling the morning breeze stir her slightly disheveled purple hair.

As she sat slowly waking up, many thoughts filled her head. Principal among these was her regret that Draxia had taken so poorly to her suggestion to leave Flicker alone. However, she felt buoyed by the new day outside. Surely, both she and Draxia could have a more pacific conversation today. Flame felt that if she reasoned with Draxia enough, that surely she could get her to see the logic in her position. And, when she questioned herself, truthfully, what was the harm even if Draxia did continue to pursue Flicker? Flicker had made it clear that he did not return these feelings, and she knew that Flicker was a dragon of his word. All the dogged pursuit in the world would be of little assistance to her in that quest. Besides, Flame was fairly certain she knew where Flicker's true devotions lay....and thinking of this made her smile contentedly. With this comforting thought, she hopped out of bed and got ready for the day.


Flame strolled leisurely down one of the castle's main corridors, but found it odd that she hadn't run into anyone yet. She usually would have at least glimpsed Cinder and Clinker scurrying back and forth by this time. As she approached the throne room she began to hear the muted voice of her father giving what sounded like some sort of speech. As she rounded the corner and entered the room she stopped in her tracks upon looking ahead. Flicker, looking downtrodden and bereft of hope, knelt on one knee on the floor below her father and stepmother who were securely ensconced in their thrones. Draxia stood just behind and to the right of Allfire's throne, and oddly seemed to wear an expression of excitement. The Chancellor, Cinder and Clinker, and the knights all stood in a semi-circle around Flicker. Allfire appeared to wear an expression of disappointment, and held some small piece of paper in his right hand. She then heard her father continue.

"Very well, Honourable Squire, since you can furnish no defence for your frankly outrageous misconduct, you leave me no alternative. I therefore refer the matter to..." Allfire began.

"DADDY! What on Earth is going on here!?" Flame demanded as she walked right up next to Flicker. "Why is Honourable Squire Flicker kneeling here in such a shameful manner...and why are you berating him so!?" she questioned further.

"Well, Puff, I don't enjoy this anymore than you do, but, it appears that the Honourable Squire here is guilty of some not so honourable conduct. Certain accusations have been made, and, unfortunately, substantiated." Allfire replied, seeming to genuinely dislike being the bearer of bad news.

"Accusations!? What accusations?! By whom?!" Flame questioned defiantly.

Draxia stepped forward from behind Allfire's throne. "Unfortunately, it is I who bring these accusations, Flame. Believe me, I too had the highest respect for Flicker....but...but.....after the his conduct towards me last night..." Draxia paused to pull out a handkerchief from one of her inside cape pockets and held it up to her cheek as if to dab away a tear. Princess Flame could observe none to be present. "After last night, I feel that my honour as a dragoness hinges upon justice being done in this case." she continued in a solemn register.

Flame looked both confused and angered. She glanced down towards Flicker who merely continued to look down at the floor and then she looked back up at Draxia. "His conduct?! What conduct is that, exactly?!" Flame questioned with an angry and suspicious tone.

Allfire piped up. "Listen, Puff, I know you weren't present here earlier to hear the allegations, but, as they are of a certain, um, sensitive nature...perhaps it would be better if we discussed this in private..." he began.

"No, your majesty." Draxia interrupted and continued "I thank you for your sensitivity, but Princess Flame has a right know...I can withstand going over the events again."

Allfire looked a little surprised at this. "Oh, um, very well then."

"In fact, hard as it is for me to recount the events, I myself will repeat them." Draxia declared.

Princess Flame looked tremendously unimpressed and crossed her arms. "Oh, yes, please do! I am curious to hear what preposterous story you've concocted!"

Allfire piped up. "Puff, I realise that you hold the honourable squire in high esteem, but, please, I must ask you to preserve respect for Princess Draxia. Especially until after you have seen the persuasive evidence she had adduced."

"I had stopped by Flicker's quarters late last night to bid him goodnight. I didn't even mean to come in, but he invited me in to take a photograph of himself and I as a gesture of friendship. I saw no harm in this, and readily accepted the invitation. However, to my great shock, upon standing next to him, he grabbed me and declared his love for me. I struggled, but could not initially get free. When the camera flash went off it startled him a moment, allowing me just enough time to break loose and rush for the camera to collect my evidence. I knew no one would believe my story without the picture which captured his advances towards me." Draxia said, all the while reciting the story in a somber tone.

"I think you would make a fine actress, Draxia, but I don't believe a single word of it! Let's see this picture evidence of yours!" Flame replied, maintaining her crossed arm posture.

At this point, Flicker turned his head slightly to look upwards at Flame. "I'm afraid that won't do any good, Flame." he whispered.

"Here, Puff, have a look at this picture produced by the Honourable Squire's very own device. I'm afraid there can be little doubt." Allfire said as he held the picture outward for Flame to take.

Flame approached closer to him and grabbed the picture briskly. Looking at it, her look of confidence faded. Though she managed to stifle any outward sound of it, internally, she gasped. The picture clearly showed Flicker and Draxia engaged in a passionate kiss.

"Now, do you see what I mean, Puff? I don't like it anymore than you do, but that picture would seem to speak for itself!" Allfire said, sensing Flame's momentary drop in her resolute stance.

"I'm sorry that your illusions about Flicker's honourable conduct had to be dashed in almost as sudden and tragic a way as mine were, but do you see now that I am telling the truth, Flame?" Draxia questioned.

Something about this last sentence made Flame snap back to her senses. She had heard what Flicker had said earlier about his feelings towards Draxia, and she believed him...no matter what this picture seemed to suggest. "You...you...um...needn't trouble your conscience on my account, Draxia, because you haven't changed how I see the Honourab;e Squire at all!" She began to say shakily and then continued. "There could be other explanations for how this picture came to be...has anyone here even bothered to ask the Honourable Squire about his version of events?!" She walked back over to where Flicker still knelt. She crouched to meet his eyes and held the picture up to his face. " I'm sure you have some explanation for this photograph which contradicts Princess Draxia's version of events, now don't you, Honourable Squire?" Flame said reassuringly and with a smile.

Flicker looked down at the floor again, and in a somber tone of voice replied. "I'm afraid that I cannot offer another version of events, m'lady." He seemed to be visibly holding back tears.

Princess Flame's jaw was agape. "What?! What do you mean? Flick...I mean, Honourable Squire, aren't you aware that Princess Draxia is questioning your very honour and integrity? Can't you say anything in your defence?!" Flame tried desperately to coax Flicker to fight for himself.

"No, m'lady...I am unable to offer any defence." Flicker again declared in a somber tone.

"Puff, I'm sorry you had to see this first hand, but now do you see? The Honourable Squire offers no defence to the accusations made and, as you have seen yourself, that picture offers fairly solid evidence upholding them." Allfire said.

Flame stood up and just looked down at Flicker in disbelief. "Flicker, why? Why aren't you fighting this?" She whispered.

Flicker paused a moment. "I have no choice, Flame." he whispered, looking upwards at her sadly for a brief instant before lowering his head in shame again.

"Puff?" Allfire called out to make sure his daughter was hearing him.

Flame turned around and approached him. Though looking panicked, upset, and uncertain all at once, Flame launched one last appeal. "Listen to me, Daddy! I know this" she held the picture aloft "doesn't look good, and, for some reason that I cannot fathom, the Honourable Squire refuses to defend himself, but you have to believe me that this is simply not possible! I have known the Honourable Squire since the very day he came to Camelhot, and in all that time, he has never done one act of disreputable conduct, or breached one law of this kingdom! On the contrary, he has saved us all at one time or another and continues to safeguard Camelhot on a daily basis! I don't have an explanation for this picture, but my heart, my head, and the very fiber of my being tells me that Princess Draxia's accusations are utterly false and untrue!" Princess Flame voiced her counter accusation with great candor.

Allfire shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Puff, I'd like to believe that too...but as the head of this kingdom, I must rule justly and not simply based on my own likes, dislikes, wants, and on what I would want to believe. Unfortunately, all the evidence in front of me supports Princess Draxia's accusations. Therefore, and I derive no satisfaction in this, I am forced to apply the punishments outlined for such an offence in section 32 of the knight's code." Allfire glanced down at a pocket version of the code he always kept near his throne for such occasions. "That section," he continued "states that the accuser will be given a choice of three options to remedy the situation: expulsion from this kingdom, demotion, or marriage."

Before anyone could make any other comment, Draxia piped up again. "Although his action of indiscretion has insulted my honour, I must recognise that it was, at some level, born of the Honourable Squire's love for me."

"Such theatre! I don't believe what I'm hearing!" Flame said sending a scowl at Draxia.

Draxia continued on without acknowledging Flame's comments. "As has been mentioned earlier, Flicker has most often acted according to the highest standards of honour and chivalry. While I cannot fathom the reason why he has forgotten his place in this instance, I do feel that his usual, and frankly model, behaviour should be recognised. As a result, I feel that expulsion and demotion would both be too heavy handed for the scope of the Honourable Squire's one, misguided, crime. Therefore, I will accept the remedy of marriage, and request that the ceremony take place as soon as possible." she declared with regal composure and great presence.

King Allfire issued a perplexed glance at Draxia. "Marriage, Draxia? Are you...I mean...are you quite sure? Would it really do to marry the very dragon you accuse of such impropriety?"

"That...That's a very good point....if Flicker is such a brazen dragon as you claim, why would you so wish to marry him!?" Flame enthusiastically echoed her father's line of questioning. Having been mentally winded by the mere thought of Draxia being able to marry Flicker, she was grateful for almost anything which could delay it.

Draxia remained perfectly calm and maintained her regal composure. "Your Majesty, Flame, I see as much imperfection in this solution as yourselves, but it is simply the best option of the three granted to me under the code of this kingdom. It is also the option which would have the effect of having word of this incident least sully my honour and reputation. Furthermore, I feel compelled to add, that although Flicker has acted in this one instance in a most inappropriate fashion toward me, I have seen in him the traits which would make a not altogether unfit husband. Would I have preferred, ideally, to have waited and found another dragon of my class to wed? Perhaps, but we are now speaking of ideals and not of reality. This is simply the best option available under the circumstances and the only one which I may take in good conscience." she replied with very carefully thought through arguments.

Flame clapped her hands slowly, the sound echoing in the silence which had followed Draxia's comments. "I must applaud you, Draxia! You have obviously put much effort in honing this elaborate performance! Somehow producing this picture," she held it aloft and continued "engineering some power over Flicker by which he is unable to challenge your outrageous accusations, and all so that you can have what you have most desired since coming here to Camelhot...Flicker!"

"Um...Puff..." Allfire began in a cautionary tone but was swiftly interrupted by a snide rebuttal from Draxia.

"Hmm....'Flicker'? Sounds a little familiar coming from you Princess Flame...don't you mean Honourable Squire?" Draxia said, smirking a little.

"No, I don't!" Flame said back adamantly. "I mean, Flicker!" she turned around to face the knights and other gathered around in a semi circle. "As in the Flicker we all know and respect....the Flicker that would never do anything even remotely like this! Why should we simply call him by title as if he were some unknown commodity! You all know him! How can you just sit idly by and let this farce go on?" she said with considerable emotion.

"Now, Puff...I must really ask you to retain respect for these proceedings!" Allfire said sternly.

Flame turned around to angrily face her father. "No daddy! How can I have respect for these proceedings?! That dragoness is trying to steal away the person who is, perhaps, the most loyal and courageous serving in this kingdom! All because she somehow managed to falsify one picture to frame Flicker for this imaginary misconduct!" she said desperately, exasperated at this unjust situation.

Allfire wore a stern look. "Now, Puff, I'm afraid that's quite enough! I take no pleasure in reprimanding the Honourable Squire. And, while I too find Princess Draxia's choice of remedy not entirely without question" he paused to look over at Draxia in a semi-suspicious manner and then looked back at Flame "I must listen to what my logic tells me. A charge has been leveled against the Honourable Squire, a charge he has been unable to deny even with multiple occasions to do so, and the Princess has even furnished a picture of the alleged conduct taking place. The code is clear on this matter, and I must follow its provisions. Now, I must ask you to make apology to the Princess at once! She has been patient with your accusations up to this point, but I cannot ask her to endure more!" he said with considerable gravitas.

Flame paused a moment and looked up at Draxia, who wore a smirk of expectation.

"Never, Daddy! I will never apologise to her for calling her on her own unforgivable lie!" she said, clenching her fists and wearing a scowl.

Allfire sighed aloud. "In that case, Puff, I must ask you leave! We can discuss this, and your respect of courtly conduct, later!"

Flame shot an angry glance at Allfire in silence and then stormed out of the room.

For a moment, absolute silence descended. It was enough time for Sir Loungealot to give mental voice to his worries at what was transpiring before his eyes. If Flicker would marry Draxia, he would not only be forced to leave Camelhot, and therefore, Loungealot's service, but he would also become a Prince. This had to be stopped somehow!

"Ahem...your majesty, if I may be allowed a brief word?" Sir Loungealot spoke up.

Allfire turned to face him and replied "Yes, Loungealot, what have you to say?"

Sir Loungealot made an exaggerated bow. "Thank you, your majesty. I merely wish to add my opinion to that which Princess Flame has already stated so elegantly. While Flicker can be a little lazy at times, in my experience, I do not believe it is in his character to..." Loungealot began but was interrupted.

"Sir Loungealot! Is it not bad enough that I am forced to suffer the baseless accusations of Princess Flame without a knight of the square table also questioning my veracity?!" Draxia said, feigning real hurt from the comment.

"Princess Draxia is absolutely correct in this matter! There is to be no further questioning of her accusations regarding the Honourable Squire's conduct, which, as difficult to accept as it may be, to my mind has been established! The only person who can speak to the Honourable Squire's potential innocence of the charges is he himself! Do I make myself clear?!" Allfire announced with displeasure.

"Oh, um, yes, your majesty. Quite so, your majesty!" Loungealot said nervously, making another exaggerated bow.

Allfire looked over to Flicker again, who still knelt before him on the floor. "Honourable Squire, I too find it difficult to comprehend that you could act in such a manner as Princess Draxia suggests. However, if you maintain your current lack of a defence for your pictured actions, I will have no choice but to enact Princess Draxia's chosen remedy of marriage. Do you understand me?" he questioned in an almost patriarchal tone.

"Yes, your majesty. I do understand." Flicker replied, not looking up from the floor.

"Very well, so I put the question to you again, Honourable Squire. Do you have any defence or information which would explain or excuse your conduct towards Princess Draxia?"

Flicker continued to look down at the floor in abject sadness. A single tear was produced from his right eye and hit the floor. "I cannot provide a defence to the accusations, your Majesty." he said sadly.

Allfire looked uncomfortable. Something told him that Flame may not be mistaken when she suspected something awry. The whole situation did seem forced and artificial, but only one option seemed available from the information he had. "Honourable Squire, I must admit that your demeanour is one more of sadness than of guilt. However, if you can offer no defence to the charges against you, neither can I. My appreciation of your innovation and general sense of loyalty cannot be advanced as evidence in your favour. That being the case, I grant Princess Draxia the remedy she seeks, and order that you and her be married at mid-afternoon tomorrow." Allfire announced looking at Flicker.

Draxia smiled and bowed slightly. "You have my thanks, your majesty. This will go far towards mending my injured sense of honour. My only regret is that this matter has come between Princess Flame and I."

Allfire looked at Draxia, feeling something which bordered on suspicion. "Yes, I was rather displeased about that myself...you wouldn't happen to know any reason my daughter would have for suspecting duplicity on your part, would you? Flame isn't usually prone to making wild accusations." Allfire asked in an almost leading tone.

Draxia looked surprised and worried for a moment. "Oh...um...no...no, your majesty...none." she replied with a hint of nervousness.

Meanwhile, Flicker remained kneeling on the floor with his head held low. He closed his eyes and attempted to hold back the flood of tears.


Moments after King Allfire announced his order that Flicker and Draxia be married, he along with Griddle, the Chancellor, Cinder and Clinker, and the knights left the room. Only Draxia and Flicker remained. Draxia approached Flicker and bent down. "Come now, Flicker, you shouldn't feel so depressed! You're going to marry me tomorrow! You must put your ludicrous loyalty to Princess Flame aside...you know as well as I do that we were meant to be together! Tomorrow will be a dream come true, you only need to let yourself see that!" she said, propping up his chin with her right outstretched hand.

Flicker moved her hand aside with his left hand and opened his eyes. "Except it will not be my dream, Draxia! I know what you're doing is motivated by how you feel about me...or how you think you feel about me, but there is no word for your conduct except vile! How can you say that you love me when you are prepared to lie to me on several occasions and then go on to sacrifice my right to choose my own wife and my vey future, all just to secure your perception of what's best?! Love is an agreed state of affairs, not something you can merely force into existence!" Flicker exclaimed.

Draxia smiled as though she were un-phased by what Flicker had just said. She chuckled briefly. "Well, Flicker, one thing is for certain...our marriage will not lack for intellectual conversation."

Flicker slapped his forehead, feeling like he was talking to a wall. "Draxia...."our marriage" shouldn't be happening at all! Despite everything that has happened, I still respect you and consider that, deep down, you really must think you're doing what's best for us both....but it is most definitely not! But, it's not too late....there's still time. Just go to King Allfire and explain everything to him and I'm sure he would..."

Draxia got up quickly and turned her back to Flicker. "He would what? Throw me in the dungeon, ask my parents to reduce my rank....no thank you!" she said, bristling a little at the notion.

Flicker stood up, walked up behind Draxia and placed a hand on her shoulder. "King Allfire is fair and decent, and if you were to admit the truth about all this to him, including why I could not speak up in defence for myself, I would speak up on your behalf. I think that I could convince him to be lenient on you." he offered in a ameliorating tone of voice.

Draxia turned to face Flicker and appeared to actually be considering what he said. "Do you really mean that, Flicker?"

"Yes, I do." he replied.

Draxia paused for a moment longer. "That is a sweet offer, but I'm afraid now that I've started this course, it would be a rather bad time to change it."

"But, Draxia, don't you care how this will affect me? Even if I were to become your spouse, I'd be miserable in that role!" Flicker questioned.

Draxia shook her head. "No, Flicker, you won't be because, deep down, I know you feel the same way about me. Didn't you say that you care about me and find me attractive? That sounds a lot like a basis for love to me."

Flicker looked exasperated.

"Yes, as it does for me as well, if it is expressed by the right person!" Hollered Loungealot as he strode up to the two.

Draxia looked worried for a moment. "Oh...Sir Loungealot....how long have you been standing by the doorway there?" she questioned.

"Only just a moment, your Royal Highness Princess Draxia, Heir to the Throne of Castle Colander, Most Serene Pre-Monarch." Said Loungealot, bowing low before her.

Draxia grinned, realising that Sir Loungealot had probably not overheard anything sensitive and remained what he always was: a buffoon. "Why, Sir Loungealot, I'm impressed, you remembered the whole title this time. You seem to have made some progress." she said, almost sarcastically.

Loungealot returned to a standing position. "Thank you, your Royal Highness Princess Draxia..." he began.

"You needn't continue with that for now...I grant you another temporary reprieve." Draxia interrupted him to say.

"Again, thank you m'lady. Your kindness is truly as great as your beauty!" Loungealot replied.

"I would ask you to conclude your business with me here swiftly. This whole ordeal has left me tired and I wish to retire before I attend the tour of the castle grounds scheduled later in the day for me." Draxia said in a rather cool fashion.

"Yes, m'lady....I understand completely. I came here because, after hearing of your impending marriage to my Honourable Squire, my heart felt like a sinking stone." Loungealot began.

"Really? You don't say!" Draxia replied unenthusiastically and crossing her arms.

"Yes, m'lady. It was then that I knew clearly where my true duty lay." he continued.

"Do tell, Sir Knight?" Draxia responded, again highly unenthused.

"Right then and there it became absolutely clear to me that my knightly duty meant that I must set right what was wrong!" He said, building to his point.

Flicker wore a surprised smile. "Really?! Sir Loungealot, you came here to defend me?! I...I don't know what to say....." he began.

Just then Sir Loungealot shot Flicker a look of annoyance. "Really, Flicker! Will you shut your mouth already? Of course I didn't come here to defend your reprehensible actions towards this primrose of a princess!" he replied harshly.

"Oh...yes, how foolish of me, m'lord." Flicker said in a deflated manner and hung his head low again.

Draxia smirked. "Then, do get to the point, Sir Loungealot, why did you come here?"

"To correct this state of affairs! You have been forced to marry my Honourable Squire by his ridiculous actions in order to spare your honour. No doubt, you feel trapped because you feel that no truly suitable dragon would wed you after such an incident. But, m'lady, I have come to offer you a solution...I offer myself in my squire's place! This way you can enjoy the benefits of a husband of true substance and noble rank!" Loungealot said, bowing low again.

Draxia stared at him for a moment in mild surprise. "Oh...wait...you're quite serious, aren't you, Sir Loungealot?!" she inquired.

"As serious as I have ever been, m'lady! What say you? " Sir Loungealot replied in his typical exaggerated manner, returning to his standing position.

Draxia chuckled. "You are more dense than I could have imagined! That is what I say! Do you think, for a single second that I would honestly even entertain your crude offer?" She paused to giggle. "You utter fool! Flicker, despite his actions towards me, is still worth ten thousand of you!" she said.

Loungealot looked more deflated in his purpose than a balloon which had impacted a diamond sword. "But, but, m'lady...I'm a knight! I'm a knight of the square table, in fact! " He paused to consider new strategies and then continued. "Did I mention that I also have an ancestry of some pedigree....why, my own mother is the Lady of the Lake! Surely you see the many advantages in marrying someone like me over a mere squire!" he rushed to build more 'substance' into his argument.

Draxia began laughing uncontrollably. "Stop it, Sir Loungealot! You're really too much! You're giving Cinder and Clinker a run for their money!" she paused and then looked over to Flicker. "Do you see now, Flicker, the life that I am saving you from?! Service under ignoramuses such as this?" She questioned.

Flicker said nothing.

"Very well, be maudlin if it makes you happy, Flicker! But I expect you to be in a much better mood for our wedding tomorrow...after all, it was your actions that necessitated it....or do you dispute the fact?" Draxia questioned with glee.

Flicker looked annoyed. "I am unable to dispute it, m'lady." he said with perceptible effort.

"Good...then I will see you both later on!" she said, largely ignoring Loungealot's presence and planting a brief parting kiss on Flicker's snout before departing.

Loungealot looked on after her until she left the room and was out of sight. He was shocked. How could it be that she would have rejected him? Him? The Queen's favourite! And all for a squire? As his mind struggled to process all this, it arrived at another thought. Perhaps he couldn't avoid Flicker becoming a prince, but maybe he could still profit by it.

"I'm sorry she was so rude to you, m'lord." Flicker said, sounding a little despondent about everything.

Loungealot turned to face him. Fresh from his new mental aerobatics, he took a moment to respond. "Oh...ah...yes....rude....well....I'm....I'm not sorry, Flicker!" he said with confidence.

Flicker raised an eyebrow at this. "You're...um...you're not, m'lord?!" he questioned with surprise.

Loungealot put both arms on his hips, assuming a stance of pride. "No, of course not, Flicker! Princess Draxia behaved exactly as I expected her to!" he proudly declared.

"She did?!" Flicker questioned, again looking stunned.

"Yes, Flicker, she did! I came here precisely to put any doubts you might have about your future bride's fidelity to the test, and I'd say she passed with flying colours!" Loungealot proclaimed.

"You...you were just pretending to ask her to marry you? So that I would be assured she wouldn't?" Flicker said, unable to quite picture this as being the case.

"Yes, Flicker, although, I must admit that I didn't even know what kind of supreme acting talent I really had in me! I could have been the actor of the century!" Loungealot preened.

"I must admit....it...um...it was quite a convincing performance, m'lord." Flicker said, still internally doubting the veracity of Loungealot's claim.

"Yes, true enough. Fairly masterful, I suppose." Loungealot said, rubbing his fingernails against his armour and admiring them. He then snapped back to reality and his next course of action. "Uh, yes....but, enough about me, Flicker. I'm actually quite glad that Princess Draxia threw in that bit about one of you being worth a thousand of me..." he began.

" Actually, I believe she said ten thousand of you, m'lord." Flicker chimed in genuinely for correctness sake.

Loungealot gritted his teeth a little upon hearing this but managed to keep his cool, and quickly softened his expression.

"Ah, yes, it was ten thousand, wasn't it? What does it matter? The point is that she's absolutely right! You are worth ten thousand of me!" Loungealot said, apparently with joy.

Flicker stared at his master in shock for a second. "Are you sure you're feeling alright, m'lord?!"

Loungealot laughed this off. "Me? Never better!" he said convincingly.

"You're quite sure about that, m'lord?" Flicker ventured.

"Of course, I'm sure, Flicker!" Sir Loungealot walked up beside Flicker and rested one arm on his shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie. "You know I've always held you I high esteem, now don't you, Flicker?" he questioned rhetorically.

"Um, well..." Flicker began.

"Of course you do! I've always appreciated your ingenuity, loyalty, and, let's not forget, your speedy laundry services!" Loungealot interrupted.

"Oh well, thanks m'lord...I'm glad I've been of some help at least." Flicker said, still sounding fairly dazed at Loungealot's new, more positive attitude towards him.

"You know, Flicker, about that m'lord business...it's so servile sounding isn't it? Call me Loungealot." Loungealot suggested, uncharacteristically.

"Um....alright..um...Loungealot." Flicker said hesitantly.

"That sounds much better! Now doesn't it? Can't have our future prince of castle Colander going around calling me m'lord, now can we?" Loungealot said with apparent warmth.

"Ah...I, um, I suppose not, m'lor...I mean, um, Loungealot." Flicker replied.

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