Chapter 1: Picture for a Frame

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Hello Everyone,

Please find below the third episode in this collection of Blazing Dragons Virtual Episodes: "Picture for a Frame".

Once again, the reader will probably derive the most enjoyment from this story if they have watched the majority of the first season of Blazing Dragons, but it can equally be enjoyed by anyone. As with the first and second entries, "Brother Mine" and "Inn-cident", this story was written to be imagined as playing out with the same animation style, voice acting, and tone of the first season of the show.

In imagining the voices of the new characters introduced below, I myself imagined the following voice acting possibilities:

-Princess Draxia--- the voice of actress Frances O'Connor in the role of Gwendolen Fairfax in the 2002 film "The Importance of Being Earnest"

-Phenton Smyth --- Jeremy Irons.

This story cannot replace the actual series, nor is it meant to in any way. This is also not intended as a commercial venture in any way, and my goal is to spread some joy in the Blazing Dragon's community of fans who so obviously also loved this show and its endearing characters.

Please feel free to leave a comment or review and let me know how you liked it.

If either Nelvana or Ellipse should happen upon this story, I grant them permission to use it as the basis of one or several episodes should they one day revive the series. As this is a solely non-commercial venture, I do not request any remuneration should this be the case, but do request that:

-they keep the characterization of the characters the same (or very nearly the same) as they are presented here;

-that the storyline is kept materially the same (or if this is not possible that extensive changes be discussed with me);

-and that I be given a writing credit for the episode (with my actual name and not simply by my pen name given here).

Blazing Dragons and its characters are property of Nelvana Ltd. and Ellipse Programmé. [Blazing Dragons™ Terry Jones. Series © 1996 Nelvana Limited/Ellipse Animation S.N.C. All Rights Reserved.] For the sake of brevity, a more comprehensive list of the talented voice actors, writers, editors, and producers who brought this show to life is available by viewing the end credits of episodes of the actual show itself or by visiting the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and searching "Blazing Dragons".

The only characters and locations I lay claim to are Sapphire, Draxia, Phenton Smyth, Singe, and Castle Colander.

So, without further ado, please enjoy the story,

Sir Flicker


Picture For A Frame

Lightning flashed outside the walls of castle Threadbare as a fierce wind howled through the forest of denuded trees surrounding it. Princess Flame quickly took cover behind one of the leafless trees to avoid being seen during the flash of light by whoever was on watch duty on the castle's parapet. Tucking her arms in close against her chest to better conceal herself behind the knotted old trunk, she could feel her own heartbeat accelerate. She wasn't sure if it was related to the risks which accompanied her current mission, or whether it was an effect of the desperation which the current situation made her feel. She was grateful for the hood her peasant robe included, which shielded her head from the driving rain coming down in sheets. Flame, in the moment she stood there, began to recollect memories of happier times. She recalled the last time she wore this disguise was to help Flicker in retrieving her father's sword, Excaliburn. Another lightening flash brought her attention back to the present. She took a deep breath, clenched her fists at her side, and with a look of renewed determination said quietly to herself

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