Chapter 4: Suitable for Framing

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Sunshine poured in through Princess Flame's window and settled upon her face. Very slowly, she began to awake, first groggily opening one eye then the other. Clothed in her light pink night gown, she sat up in her yellow silk circular bed. She yawned as she slowly stretched her arms outwards to either side while feeling the morning breeze stir her slightly disheveled purple hair.

As she sat slowly waking up, many thoughts filled her head. Principal among these was her regret that Draxia had taken so poorly to her suggestion to leave Flicker alone. However, she felt buoyed by the new day outside. Surely, both she and Draxia could have a more pacific conversation today. Flame felt that if she reasoned with Draxia enough, that surely she could get her to see the logic in her position. And, when she questioned herself, truthfully, what was the harm even if Draxia did continue to pursue Flicker? Flicker had made it clear that he did not return these feelings, and she knew that Flicker was a dragon of his word. All the dogged pursuit in the world would be of little assistance to her in that quest. Besides, Flame was fairly certain she knew where Flicker's true devotions lay....and thinking of this made her smile contentedly. With this comforting thought, she hopped out of bed and got ready for the day.


Flame strolled leisurely down one of the castle's main corridors, but found it odd that she hadn't run into anyone yet. She usually would have at least glimpsed Cinder and Clinker scurrying back and forth by this time. As she approached the throne room she began to hear the muted voice of her father giving what sounded like some sort of speech. As she rounded the corner and entered the room she stopped in her tracks upon looking ahead. Flicker, looking downtrodden and bereft of hope, knelt on one knee on the floor below her father and stepmother who were securely ensconced in their thrones. Draxia stood just behind and to the right of Allfire's throne, and oddly seemed to wear an expression of excitement. The Chancellor, Cinder and Clinker, and the knights all stood in a semi-circle around Flicker. Allfire appeared to wear an expression of disappointment, and held some small piece of paper in his right hand. She then heard her father continue.

"Very well, Honourable Squire, since you can furnish no defence for your frankly outrageous misconduct, you leave me no alternative. I therefore refer the matter to..." Allfire began.

"DADDY! What on Earth is going on here!?" Flame demanded as she walked right up next to Flicker. "Why is Honourable Squire Flicker kneeling here in such a shameful manner...and why are you berating him so!?" she questioned further.

"Well, Puff, I don't enjoy this anymore than you do, but, it appears that the Honourable Squire here is guilty of some not so honourable conduct. Certain accusations have been made, and, unfortunately, substantiated." Allfire replied, seeming to genuinely dislike being the bearer of bad news.

"Accusations!? What accusations?! By whom?!" Flame questioned defiantly.

Draxia stepped forward from behind Allfire's throne. "Unfortunately, it is I who bring these accusations, Flame. Believe me, I too had the highest respect for Flicker....but...but.....after the his conduct towards me last night..." Draxia paused to pull out a handkerchief from one of her inside cape pockets and held it up to her cheek as if to dab away a tear. Princess Flame could observe none to be present. "After last night, I feel that my honour as a dragoness hinges upon justice being done in this case." she continued in a solemn register.

Flame looked both confused and angered. She glanced down towards Flicker who merely continued to look down at the floor and then she looked back up at Draxia. "His conduct?! What conduct is that, exactly?!" Flame questioned with an angry and suspicious tone.

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