Chapter 2: An Arrival at Court

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The two arrived at the large archway denoting the entrance to the dining hall and stood outside it for a moment.

"I appreciate you helping me with this, Flame." Flicker said, genuinely sounding relieved.

"Don't mention it, Flicker...and like I say, I may not be able to dissuade her from making advances towards you, but I'll do my best to tactfully splash a little cold water on whatever torch she may be carrying for you." Flame replied with a grin.

"Have you given any thought as to what you'll say?" Flicker questioned.

Flame held her index finger aloft and wagged at it him in a playful manner. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Flicker...we women have to keep some secrets, now don't we?" she said with a smile.

Flicker smiled in return. "Whatever you say, Flame."


King Allfire, Queen Griddle, Princess Flame, Princess Draxia (now wearing her gold tiara), along with the Chancellor and the knights of the square table sat around the polished, large, and well appointed oak table. Flicker and Cinder and Clinker busily scurried back and forth waiting on everyone. The tasty aromas of the various meals being served mingled to mouth watering effect.

"You know, it really is so good to see you two sitting side by side at our table again. Reminds me of the old days when it seemed like you would always be stopping by to visit, Draxia." King Allfire said with a great nostalgia present upon his face, looking at Flame and at Draxia who sat to her left. "It must be at least a good ten years since your last visit to our kingdom, mustn't it?"

Draxia smiled and replied. "Fifteen by my count, your majesty."

"Ach, I think it would've taken me that long to have realised that it was you who we met at the inn!" Sir Burnevere interjected and then continued on. "Just out of curiosity, your highness, what made you adopt such a disguise?"

Draxia paused for a moment. "Well, now that you mention it, I had thought about using the name Scarlet....but I didn't want you all to get the wrong idea about my character."

Laughter erupted around the table.

"But, in all seriousness, as Sir Loungealot's Honourable Squire Flicker had already seen through my disguise as a peasant," she turned briefly to give an admiring glance over to Flicker, who was refilling Sir Blaze's wine goblet. She then turned her gaze back to address the table "I thought it best to see how convincing an aristocrat I could be. After all, while I wasn't keen on the possibility of you or any of your party going around addressing me as Lady Sapphire, I far preferred it to being fully revealed to be Princess Draxia. I quite feared that every highwayman and brigand would line up outside my room's door to rob me the next morning if word got out." Draxia explained further.

Sir Burnevere nodded. "Aye, I suppose I see your point, your highness. Quite clever of you."

"Thank you, Sir Burnevere, that's kind of you to say, and the truth is I feel badly for deceiving you. However, as I say, I felt it a necessary precaution at the time." Draxia replied.

"And what a truly wise and timely precaution it was, m'lady." said Loungealot with flare he usually reserved for addressing Queen Griddle.

Draxia looked about, feigning that she had not really heard Sir Loungealot. "Did.. someone say something?" She questioned and continued on. "I thought I heard someone, but it seemed a little... mumbled." she said looking directly at Sir Loungealot across the table.

Loungealot quickly understood her meaning. "Um, what I meant to say, was what a truly wise and timely precaution it was, your Royal Highness Princess Draxia." he said, practically bowing in his seat.

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