Chapter 3: They Say One is Worth A Thousand Words...

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"Pick up the pace with that card, Flicker! I'd like to turn in early this evening for once!" snapped Loungealot who stood behind Flicker.

"Yes, m'lord, I understand," Flicker said without looking up from his careful calligraphic endeavour at his work desk and continued. "but such precise calligraphy takes time and a great deal of planning and concentration. The spacing between every word and the interaction between letters must be fully visualised beforehand, not to mention the colour scheme considerations and....." Flicker began to explain.

"I didn't ask you for a technical lesson, squire!" Loungealot interrupted.

Flicker nodded without looking back. "I know, Sir Loungealot, but I don't think that I can get this done any faster....although, you know, there's no reason you need to be up and around to watch me complete it. I, um, I sense the spirit of the message you would like to convey to Princess Draxia, and I can certainly complete this project on my own."

"Ha! If only it were so easy to convey a message to the frozen heart of that little snake of a Princess! No, Flicker, I'm afraid you'll just have to work faster. I want to be here supervising you so that this apology card really has my personal touch to it."

Flicker rolled his eyes, unseen to Sir Louungealot. He stopped creating his delicate strokes of fine penmanship, sat up straight, and turned around on his stool. "Um m'lord....perhaps the Princess would like this card even better if it came from your own hand? Then it would definitely carry your personal touch." Flicker suggested.

Loungealot glared down silently but disapprovingly at Flicker.

Flicker quickly turned around in his stool and bent over the card to continue his work. " faster....yes, m'lord." he said.

"There's no need,'re quite right, I'd much prefer that Sir Loungealot write his own apology to fact he may just have to write several at this rate!" came a voice from the doorway to Flicker's quarters.

Both turned around to see Princess Draxia standing in the doorway with her arms crossed in disappointment.

"Oh! Your highness.....I mean your Royal Highness Princess Draxia, Heir to the Throne of...." Loungealot began, going into full supplication mode and simultaneously making an exaggerated bow.

"I lift that requirement for the moment, Sir Loungealot....if only so that we can spend as little time speaking to one another tonight as possible!" she said, with much annoyance in her voice.

"Oh, but, your highness, I love our chats so....wasn't I just telling you how much I enjoy talking with the Princess, Flicker?" Loungealot turned to Flicker.

"Um...ah...well, Sir Loungealot was just telling me, um, just how strongly he feels about talking to you, m'lady." Flicker said, trying to improvise without stretching the truth too much.

"Oh, yes...." Draxia said opinionatedly as she advanced further into the room. "I heard exactly how Sir Loungealot feels about me...a 'snake of a Princess' wasn't it?" she questioned.

", I, ah, I can explain you could explain it to her majesty for me? " Loungealot said sheepishly.

"There is simply no need, Sir you will have ample opportunity to explain your conduct in the card of apology you, and only you, will have ready for me tomorrow! Now....leave this room at once!" Draxia commanded.

"But, but, your highness! Really, this is all a misunderstanding..." Loungealot attempted to fabricate some explanation.

"I said leave, as in right now, Sir Loungealot!" She insisted pointing to the door.

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