Challenges of Tomorrow: A New...

Par Lollipop_Usagi

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FINALLY A SEQUEL of "WHEN I MET YOU" XDXDXD Everyone's living a happy and peaceful life with the Yamabukis ou... Plus

Challenges of Tomorrow: A New Day Awaits ~SEQUEL~
Chapter 1: Another Beginning!
Chapter 2: First Encounter; First Impressions
Chapter 3: Avoiding, Hiding, Thinking & Meeting
Chapter 4: Unpredictable Happenings
Chapter 5: Discoveries and Festivities
Chapter 6: New Leader, New Problems
Chapter 7: No Turning Back
Chapter 8: This Means War
Chapter 9: Flower Festival: My Beginning With You
Chapter 10: No Words
Chapter 11: Back on Track
Chapter 12: According to Plan
Chapter 13: The Depressing Aftermath
Chapter 15: Trying to Uncover; Hoping to Remember
Chapter 16: One By One
Chapter 17: The Unwanted Circumstances

Chapter 14: Aggravated Emotions

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Par Lollipop_Usagi

Aggravated Emotions

The man that was standing right before Ikuto looked as though he was only a bit older than his own father. He had messy black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked tired, and his face already had a couple of wrinkles in them. The man had been staring at him for a while now, not even answering his question. Ikuto didn't like the company of this man, after all, he was the one who helped Hiro abduct him. But, he did feel pity for the man, he didn't know why he exactly felt that way, but he did.

"Who are you?" Ikuto asked again, clearer this time.

"No one you need to know." Stated the man.

"I think I have the right, after all, you've already taken me to who knows where." Stated Ikuto.

"I can't risk my name being soiled when you get out." He told Ikuto

"Will I? I don't even know if I can make it out of here without you and Hiro trying anything." Ikuto said with a glare.

"Hiro won't do anything to you, he's too afraid to try." The man had sated.

"Look, can I at least get your name? It looks like I'll be stuck here for a while anyway." Said Ikuto.

"…" at first, he didn't get an answer, thinking he wouldn't get one anyway, Ikuto just kept silent until… "Sai."

"Sai?" asked Ikuto.

"You asked for my name did you not?" Sai replied.

"So, what are you doing here working for Hiro?" asked Ikuto seriously

"That's none of your concern." Stated Sai firmly.

"Alright, fine. Here's another question for you, how long are you planning to keep me here?" asked Ikuto "Because just in case you haven't noticed, I don't like being tied up."

"I don't know." Sai replied.

"What do you mean, you don't know? How can you not know when you're Hiro's accomplice?" asked Ikuto, he was starting to get annoyed.

"Look, I don't concern myself to those kinds of details, and even if I did, he wouldn't tell me. All I did was do my job, and as of now, my job is to make sure you stay in here. For how long? I don't know." Sai looked at Ikuto seriously, and for some reason, Ikuto knew that he was telling the truth.

"Let me get this straight, so all you do is follow orders? And id Hiro doesn't tell you to do anything else, you won't? Did I get that right?" stated Ikuto

"That's right, but I do have my own reasons of cooperating with him." Stated Sai as he looked over at another direction. "You don't know him as much as I do, that boy will go to lengths to get what he wants."

"Then why work with him?" asked Ikuto, this man was confusing him more and more now.

"I told you already. That is something that's none of your business." Said Sai. He soon went back outside for a moment and came back in with a tray of food. It wasn't what Ikuto expected, seeing as it was edible looking and rather decent too.

"This might not be something that you're used to at the palace, but right now you're not really in any position to complain." Stated Sai as he brought down the food and placed it in front of Ikuto, and untied him. "don't get any ideas of running, you won't make it far."

"Don't worry." Muttered Ikuto "Not like I can go anywhere anyway, seeing as I have no idea where you've taken me."

"Now eat. You wouldn't want him seeing you like this." Said Sai. "When he gets back, it'd be best if you were done with al of this, or he'd have my head."

"How old are you?" asked Ikuto out of curiosity. "just wondering"

"Older than you, that's for sure." Said Sai "Just eat boy, and stop asking me so many useless questions."

"And here I thought you were bearable." Muttered Ikuto irritated. This man wasn't giving any of the answers he needed.

"You won't get anything from me, and Hiro's probably just going to enjoy himself while you're gone. He says he's visiting you later, best be prepared." Said Sai.

"I take it you don't like him either?" asked Ikuto, now this got him interested. If he as right and Sai wasn't too fond of Hiro, why the need to work with him?

"Me? Ha! I could care less of that lad. If he didn't have something for me in return, I wouldn't have it in me to help him out." Said Sai with a grim look on his face "He has something that belongs to me…"

"Oh? And what might that be?" asked Ikuto curiously.

Sai stood up and looked over at Ikuto with cold eyes "None of your concern, I don't know how many times I have to repeat it for you, but I aint interested in answering to you, prince."

"Not telling you to. It's just that you kept giving me answers that weren't too clear." Said Ikuto with a shrug as he took a bite of his food.

Sai stared at him again and then began to walk away "call me when you're done. I'll be outside by the door, so don't even think about trying something stupid."

"I already told you I won't." stated Ikuto as he watched the figure disappear from behind the door. Ikuto sighed as he heard the door shut. He stared at the food in front of him and wondered what he was going to do next. If Hiro had what he wanted, that would mean he would go after Amu now that he "disappeared". Thinking about such things made his blood boil, and he wondered how the others were coping with his disappearance, especially his family. He only hoped they were still able to cope. After all, he figured he had ways to go before he'd be able to get out of here, and to start he needed to know more about Sai…


Amu was finally able to get out her room. She didn't want to leave the palace, in hopes that Ikuto would return there soon. The others had gone back to the mansion, and was told to come any time that they wanted, but for now, they also knew that they had to give their friend some time alone.

As Amu was walking down the halls of the palace, she immediately spotted Hiro, and as soon as she did, she turned away to walk in the other direction. Hiro had immediately noticed this and he frowned. But, regaining his composure, he immediately went after her.

"Amu!" he called after her.

Amu immediate stopped, "since when did I allow him to address me so informally?" she thought with a frown. Momentarily forgetting that Hiro was chasing after her, she jumped when she felt an arm on her shoulder.

"Amu, there you are. I've been looking for you." Said Hiro with a smile

"Gomen. I'm not in any mood for this." Stated Amu "I'm sorry."

She was about to leave when he took a hold of her arm and stated "No, wait! Please don't go."

"Hiro-san please, I don't have the time, or the patience to deal with you right now." Said Amu seriously. She was not in a good mood, and seeing Hiro was not uplifting her spirits as of the moment.

Hiro frowned. Amu wasn't even looking at him, and if she was, he was sure she was glaring. He sighed and let her arm go. "No need for such a tone Amu, I simply wanted to share my condolences on what had happened."

"Excuse me?" asked Amu shocked.

"I know that it hurt you, his you highness's disappearance I mean, and it seemed to have quite an effect on everyone." Stated Hiro "I wanted nothing more but to share your pain with you."

I don't need pity! Especially not from you." Stated Amu as she harshly turned away from him.

Hiro was too shocked to protest, but it didn't take long for him to reply again. "No, you seem to have misunderstood. I do know how you feel. I know what it feels like to lose someone important. Believe me."

Amu sighed. She might have seemed unfair to vent out all her frustrations on Hiro, but she really didn't need any of this nonsense right now. She turned to face him properly and spoke "I apologize, if it may seem cold of my to turn down the offer of your company, but please I want to be alone. I hope you give me at least that much."

"Of course, anything you ask for, I would be more than happy to comply." Hiro replied as he gave her a sympathetic smile "And it is I who should apologize, I didn't mean to startle you with my words."

Amu stayed silent for a moment before she gave him a small tired smile. "It's alright. Now please, I need some time alone. Good day to you Hiro-san."

"Good day to you as well." Stated Hiro. And Amu left him on that note, and he simply turned away to another direction with a smile of his own. "Things have just begun…"

While Amu was away in the palace, Kukai had just left earlier that day after he had woken up beside Utau. He had excused himself and stated that he wanted to be able to help in the search for Ikuto. Utau had more than wanted him to stay, but also knew that he was just allowing her to have time for herself, so she had agreed to his request.

Right after the palace, Kukai had immediately gone home, only to find most of his friends there in the vicinity. They were seated in one of his round tables again, and this usually meant that they were talking about something important.

"Can't believe you guys beat me to my own house." He stated as he walked inside.

"Sorry for intruding." Stated Nagihiko "but we all needed a place to talk and we agreed on doing it here, so we do hope you don't mind."

"Nah, I never do. So, what's all this about?" he looked around and turned to Temari and Rhythm "With the two of them here then it must be something big."

"It is, actually." Stated Nagihiko with a sigh.

"Come on, let's not play dumb. We know what this is about." Stated Rima seriously.

"Okay, okay. I get it, but could someone please lighten up first. I know we need to have a serious conversation, but this is just too tense. We wouldn't want to lose the ability to think straight."

"As much as I want to agree with you, I do think that we should get the matter at hand." Stated Rhythm with a small reassuring smile.

"Ok I get it already." Stated Kukai with a sigh. He pulled out a chair and sat beside Nagihiko. "So, we established the fact that we knew what was going on, what's next?" he asked.

"I assume we have to do this one step at a time. First would be to figure out who actually took Ikuto." said Dia.

"Agreed. Everyone here knows he wouldn't just disappear without a trace on his own." Stated Miki.

"Any suspicions?" asked Daichi.

"The most obvious one actually." Stated Rima.

"The two brothers I assume?" asked Rhythm knowingly "Hiro and Kenta?"

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure about Kenta's involvement about this though." Stated Nagihiko.

"You talk like you're sure that he isn't involved." Stated Daichi "Something you know Nagi."

"Well, we did overhear something. Me and Rima-chan that is." Stated Nagihiko and this automatically got everyone's attention.

"Oh?" asked Kukai shocked "Then why didn't you say so? This changes everything."

"Indeed. Making an accusation is one thing, it may even lead to distress, but if you actually have some proof Nagi, then it would turn our situation around." Stated Temari.

"I can't call it proof actually. Just something that got me thinking. I wasn't sure what to make of it myself, but if it is indeed connected to Ikuto-kun's disappearance, then at least we have some sort of lead." Nagihiko stated.

"So, what's all of it about?" asked Rhythm "What did you and Rima hear that raised your suspicions of him?"

"Well, we heard Hiro talking to Kenta and…" Rima and Nagihiko had then begun to explain their side of the story. They had told their companions about Hiro not being in the palace the same time that Ikuto had disappeared. And they also stated the fact that Kenta had reprimanded Hiro of not coming home that day.

"Huh? Doesn't that make him guilty already?" asked Ran "What reason would he have to not come home?"

"Yes, that is suspicious enough to pose as an accusation, I doubt it's simply coincidental. Knowing the grudge that Hiro has on Ikuto…" stated Rhythm.

"But that information alone isn't enough to actually do anything to help the situation. Yes, it is true that this might highly show that he is somewhat involved, but other than that, we have no further evidence that he did anything." Said Temari.

They sighed, they all they knew that Temari was right. Right now, nonw of them had any position to accuse Hiro if they wouldn't be able to provide any clear and accurate evidence. None of the things they heard was clear, just bits and pieces that were enough to make them assume Hiro doing something. But assumptions aren't going to work on something as serious as the kingdom's prince missing.

"Then what do we do? We all know that Hiro is somewhat involved in this, so what? If we can't prove anything then all of this thinking would be for nothing." Stated Ran.

"Maybe there's a way to know if Hiro really did do it~desu." Suggested Su.

"What if I keep an eye on him for now?" suggested Kukai. "I'm the person with the most access in and out of the palace right now."

"Yes, as the princess's fiancée you do have that kind of ability." Stated Temari.

"True, and it would make it rather convenient for the rest of us." Stated Rhythm.

"Maybe asking Kairi for help would be a good thing too!" said Yaya "He's smart and Yaya's sure that he'd be happy to help out."

"Yeah, having Kairi on our side is a definite plus." Said Daichi "That guy can be big help in locating Ikuto."

"I'm sure the palace has already enlisted for Kairi's help." Said Temari. "He is the sister of one of their most loyal workers, and if they haven't asked for his help, I'm sure he himself is already doing something to locate Ikuto."

"He is, after all, quite loyal to the Tsukiyomi family." Said Rhythm with a smile.

"Leave Hiro to me, I suggest you guys keep an eye out on what's happening around here." Said Kukai.

"Yes, that would be the best course of action for the moment." Said Dia "We wouldn't want to end up doing anything rash and later regretting it, we would then be putting others in danger as well."

"I wouldn't want Amu-chan to worry so much too." Said Miki.

"Oh yeah, so we tell her about this or not?" asked Kukai seriously "She's already dealing with too much right now."

"So we don't mention it to her then." Said Daichi.

"Maybe it is truly best if we kept quiet about it." Said Rima. "I wouldn't want her to end up snapping at Hiro all of a sudden."

"Don't worry, she's a rational girl." Said Temari.

"As rational as she is, she's just a human after all." Said Nagihiko "Nee-san, we won't be able to prevent whatever tantrum she might do when she assumes that it was truly Hiro who had something to do with Ikuto-kun's disappearance.

"Worse, this might get out of hand if she suddenly starts to snap at any of the two brothers in the palace, and we wouldn't want that." Said Kukai.

"I assume that as rational as it is to not make sudden accusations, in Amu's case, it is normal. After all, the love of her life just disappeared." Said Rima. "Even I would freak out."

"Yes, and would we keep this a secret from Utau-chan too?" asked Ran.

"I think that's Kukai's choice." Said Daichi "You know her better than any of us here."

"Hm, I guess there would be no harm in telling her, but I do have to think about it first. I don't want her getting dragged into anything that can harm her, and yet, I do feel she has the right to know." Said Kukai with a sigh.

"She hates it when you keep things from her yes? And I think you have both established that secrets will not be kept between the two of you, as to not make another big misunderstanding." Said Nagihiko.

"Yeah." Replied Kukai.

"So that's it, and what we've talked about here doesn't go to anyone else. Except for probably Kairi and Utau." Said Rima.

They all agreed to that for now. Knowing that suspecting Hiro would be big news if ever it got out. They left the area maintaining a discreet status, not wanting any news or gossip to start spreading out, knowing well enough how fast news travels around the kingdom. And also, knowing that Amu may react harshly if known that Hiro could have been related to the sudden disappearance, and for that reason they are to keep it a secret from their dear friend.

Somewhere in the Back Alley of town

Just like what the others had assumed, Kairi was indeed doing his own work after the event of the disappearance. He too thought that it was strange that Hiro showed no consent whatsoever to what had happened. In fact, Kairi was smart enough to think about the sudden disappearance of Hiro during that night as well. He had remembered seeing Kenta but the young prince's brother was nowhere in sight.

He did owe a great deal to the Tsukiyomi family. He knew he did. For all that they did for him and his sister, and the Tsukiyomi siblings alone were enough to guarantee him people to socialize with. They meant much to Kairi, and he knew he couldn't let them down. Unknown to even his sister, Kairi's connections go far beyond those of the people in town that are seen on a day to day basis. He did have other hidden means of finding things out. In one of the areas of the back alley of town, lies a small tavern. The tavern was a room for business and socializing but not for nobles, those who do go are mostly merchants and some of those who want to sell other trinkets for money. There were no longer as many taverns as there were before, but this one stood out.

Kairi had entered the tavern with his coat disguise. He didn't want to attract attention as an informant from the palace. As he came inside, he wasn't too surprised to see it was empty. He pulled down the hood of his cloak and sighed. "Empty, how convenient."

"Came to see us again Kairi?" a girl said with a snicker. Kairi turned to see who he was looking for.

"Oh! Kairi-kun is here!" Kairi gave a smile to another girl that had showed up.

"Greetings Il, and El of course." He said with a bow. Yes, this was indeed no ordinary tavern, this was owned by two female twins Il and El.

"Greetings he says, stop that! We aren't your fellow rich people." Said Il with a smirk.

"Oh hush, he was just trying to be polite." Said El.

Although Il and El were twins, they were the complete opposite of the other. With Il being the more conniving one of the two and El being the more well mannered. "So, what brings you here anyway?" asked Il.

"I'll go get you something to drink." El had then gone off.

"I came for some information. I need to know if you've heard anything that concerns the sudden disappearance of the prince." Explained Kairi.

"Bah, again with this? Almost everyone in this town wants to know about that." Said Il "I don't see what the big problem is, they can send out guards to look for him can't they?"

"Yes, but somehow, we have a feeling sending just guards isn't going to solve the problem." Said Kairi. "Do you happen to know anything from your customers?"

"Hmp, even if I did, why in the world would I tell you. You may be an informant of the palace, but I heed no loyalty to that place." Said Il "They're simply there to rule."

"Now Il you know that isn't true. Utau-hime and you got along well the last time she was here." Said El as she came back with a cup of tea for Kairi.

"Thank you." Said Kairi with a small smile.

"Hmp, she's the only one I ever get along with." Said Il. Utau had a habbit of sneaking out during her rebellious stage, and she happened to stumble upon the small tavern, and met the twins way back. Of course, she never told anyone about it. Kairi just found out from the twins themselves but he never confronted Utau that he had known.

"Anyway Kairi, if it's information on the prince, we rarely had any. Most of the people here have asked us the same questions but rarely provided us anything." Said El.

"I see." Kairi was dismayed, he thought he'd finally find something here.

"I could ask around for you." Said Il and then she smirked "But for a price."

Kairi looked at her and sighed "Alright, what is it?"

"Oh forget that, she's just kidding Kairi, we'll help you." Said El

"Whatever." Replied Il with a sigh.

Kairi smiled, he knew that with Il's help, it would be much easier for him to gather some much wanted information. Owning the tavern, the twins didn't limit themselves to customers who are village merchants alone. Oh no, their range goes far wider than that. They actually open their doors to anyone, and they do mean anyone.

For Il business was business and if it was a way to get some money, she'd do it. She had been able to convince her sister to open their doors to anyone who came, regardless of their background or records. This meant that they had access to people who had, less than clean backgrounds. Be it previous criminals or even those from the black market.

Of course, El and Il would know how to figure out which of their customers belonged to this sector. Sometimes, they could even get information, because they open their doors to even these people. They treat the twins with respect as they have been respected and are willing to provide them with information as their gratitude, and that was something Kairi was after. Though the twins didn't engage themselves into any type of illegal activity, they knew people who did.

"Will you be able to provide me with certain information that I would need?" asked Kairi again.

"Tell us though, what would you possibly want from people "underground"?" Underground had been their terms for speaking about those who have engaged themselves with the black market or other illegal activity.

"I need you to ask around for someone with a reputation for kidnapping, be it for their own reasons, or if they work for a client." Said Kairi

"Hm, so you think someone hired a kidnapper for the prince's disappearance then." Said Il and then she smirked "this person must have been really smart to have done something like that without anyone catching on."

"Yes, and that is what worries me." Said Kairi "If this person really did have an accomplice with a record, then it would be hard to catch him, and his accomplice."

"Why come to us for help though?" asked Il "Isn't the palace smart enough to figure this out on their own? Plus they have more than enough money to get things done. All they have to do is offer some big reward."

"They're already trying that." Stated Kairi "But it doesn't seem to be doing anything, because no one has a clue to where the prince may be. And I doubt the culprit would give him up for money if he had bigger motives. You two have access to people who work in such means, you can get me some kind of information that I may never get anywhere else."

"I see…" replied El rather grimly. She didn't support the idea of Kairi involving himself with anyone from the "underground". But if they were the ones to grab the information for him, then he wouldn't have to get too involved, and that was the only thing she could do to help.

"I know this might be rather troublesome for you, and I apologize for that, I truly do. I know it is rather complicated to grab information from such people." Said Kairi.

"We'll handle it. We have made quite a few friends, even in the "underground", there are many benefits from not judging someone from his past or present and treating them equally." Said El.

"I really do thank you, and I assure you that I will return my gratitude." Said Kairi with a light bow. With that, Kairi had taken his time to catch up with the twins and with what has been happening around town.

"So, is it true the Utau-hime is engaged? Of course there have been rumours running around like wildfire, bit still!" said El with glee.

"Well yeah, but I thought you'd heard all about her fiancée by now. I mean, with the tremors making their way around and all…" stated Kairi.

"Exactly, but it would be so nice to hear about it from a legit source and not just some kind of rumour." Said El

"So it's true then right? What's this fiancée of hers like?" asked Il beginning to sound curious.

"He's very similar to her in some ways yet different in all the others. Souma-san is, well, someone who can seem to control and match up to the princess. In his own ways, of course." Explained Kairi pondering about it.

"Souma?" the twins exclaimed as they looked at each other.

"Do you know him?" asked Kairi confused.

"Why yes, we do. We've eaten at their restaurant some time ago, and his brother was there as well if I'm not mistaken." Stated El

"But the guy is nowhere near being a noble. How in the world did he get the royals to agree?" asked Il

"He has his own way of doing things, and having Utau-hime and Ikuto-san to agree about him was more than enough to get the respect of the king and queen." Said Kairi "Although he has more than already proven himself to them with his own means."

"Oh how romantic!" El began crooning on how true love was.

Kairi sweat dropped, he knew how El loved anything concerning romance. Il sighed and looked at her sister with a rather half annoyed and half disgusted look. "Stop it jeez. I never liked these kinds of things."

"Makes most of us wonder how the two of you seem to get along." Sighed Kairi.

As the two siblings began to bicker about this and that, Kairi had been occupied with his own thoughts. If the twins would be able to provide him with at lean any kind of useful information, then he would be one step closer to finding Ikuto. but to start he was going to need some more help than just the twins, and he knew he had to ask the others about it too. Whatever happens next, he only hoped none of them were too late.

Hiro was roaming around the palace and he smiled when he suddenly saw a small pink haired girl roaming around the gardens. He frowned suddenly when he remembered what had happened earlier today. It lead him to the understanding that now was not the right time for him to see her. She already hated him right now, or that's what it seemed like, he didn't want to provoke her to hating him any further.

So, Hiro went away unnoticed by Amu. He had passed the area as silently as possible and led himself to the palace exit. He was suddenly surprised when he was greeted by Kenta at the exit. His brother had a small glare that was evident on his features.

"Why that look on your face? You look so mad right now, as if you want to kill me." Said Hiro with a small smirk.

Kenta sighed "It's not like that Nii-san. I don't want to kill you, I would never."

"Then why that look then?" asked Hiro as he approached Kenta even more.

"I just want to know why you keep sneaking out like this at night." asked Kenta with a exhausted sigh "I tire of doing this, worrying over something that I might never know anything about."

"Do you trust me?" asked Hiro

"Yes but…" Kenta was not able to finish as Hiro started to walk away.

"Then as of the moment, that is all you need to do. Trust me." And with that, he ignored his brother's protests and walked away.

"Wait! Nii-san!" Kenta called. But he had been ignored. He had thought of following Hiro to wherever he was going, but who knows what would happen if he did? After all, nothing good ever came out of upsetting his older brother. Nothing.

Once Hiro was away from the palace, he hurriedly walked to his destination. He had entered the place where he kept Ikuto locked up, and was greeted by Sai at the door. "Where is our prisoner?" asked Hiro.

"He's inside." Replied Sai coldly.

"Now, what's with that tone? After all your help, you should be thankful." Stated Hiro as he slowly walked away.

"Just so you know, you won't make it out of this. Someone will find you." Said Sai.

"Hmp, as if anyone would dare oppose me. I can have them executed by my parents if I so wish it." Said Hiro.

"You have such a big head your highness but somehow, I'm sure someone will find you." Said Sai. He knew Hiro's secret, and he knew that Hiro would be much more vulnerable if it were exposed. "You're a fool to do this."

"I am no bigger of a fool than you are. After all, you are a murderer." Stated Hiro with a smirk "Why else would I have bribed you to work for me?"

Sai clenched his fist, "I may have to work for you, but it doesn't mean I want to. I've moved on from that life."

"You might have moved on, but you cannot fully atone for what you've done in the past. That is something that will stay with you until you die." And with that, Hiro walked away from Sai wanting to see his "guest"

"You wait, someone will surely come for you. No one does these things without paying the consequences." Muttered Sai, after all, with his past, he had to learn that the hard way.

Ikuto glared when he saw the persom who had entered the room. He definitely wished he was unconscious now. As much as he didn't like being knocked out, it was better for him rather than seeing Hiro's face and listening to his voice. Especially when Ikuto wanted so badly to slit his throat to prevent Hiro from saying some kind of snide comment he didn't find funny.

"And hello to you too my dear guest. Are you enjoying your stay?" Hiro asked as he approached the tied Ikuto.

"Oh yeah, you're food here is really good, and the atmosphere is just as comforting, too bad the service and the company I'm getting is utter trash. Oh wait, you're quite worse than trash aren't you? You're just garbage, in all of it's wondrous forms." Said Ikuto joining in the sarcasm.

Hiro frowned but then he smirked "You know you won't get out of here no matter what you do. Might as well give up now." Said Hiro "I will have her."

"I could care less about what you want, you may have me tied up here for as long as you like, but you will never have Amu. She would never listen to someone like you." Said Ikuto, his voice suddenly turning venomous.

"Oh? It seems to be my lucky day. I've been glared at on my way to see you as well. I wonder why that is?" asked Hiro.

"Maybe it's just because people are so tired of seeing you're pathetic face roaming around." Said Ikuto.

"You're attitude won't save you, in fact, no one will be able to save you, because they won't ever find you." Said Hiro.

"Someone will, trust me." Assured Ikuto.

"We'll see about that." Replied Hiro. He was quite sure of himself, and no one else was going to stop him.

"Who in the world do you think you are anyway?" asked Ikuto annoyed.

"Hm? Oh just someone, who has been searching for Amu for a very long time…" Replied Hiro with a laugh and with that he left Ikuto with only one question…

"What the heck is he talking about?" the only answer he got was Hiro's laughter, and silence.


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!¡ ❝ ive never felt like i needed to love someone but when i met you, that changed. 𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗞𝗬𝗨𝗨 © 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗨𝗜𝗖𝗛𝗜 𝗙𝗨𝗥𝗨𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧 © _𝗸...
2K 40 17
After Denki Kaminari is faced with a challenge, him, Hitoshi Shinsou, and Neito Monoma will have to face it together. What would happen when it's al...