Minato love story

By Tony-Stark-4-life

21.2K 598 109

This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

729 20 1
By Tony-Stark-4-life

Tsunade sat across from Amaya at a local pub, both were drinking sake and play a friendly game of poker. Three days since returning back from war, everythings slowly settling back down after honouring the fallen heroes memory. Sadly Team Seven hasn't arrived back yet, still only a day later than usual. Unable to continue watching Amaya lay in bed doing nothing, she dragged her to the pub for some girl time. They drank a fair bit of sake, still no buzz.

"So I heard about your new shinobi nickname. The Blue Siren of Leaf, I am impressed with your progress Amaya. Your now a feared Kunochi like myself." Tsunade smirked against her glass of sake.

"Idiots. How freaking orignal, the Blue Siren of Leaf? Honestly that sounds like a porno book. Why couldn't it something more frightening like...shit I don't have a clue. Fuck it." Amaya gulped down her sake quickly, ignoring Tsunade's snickering.

"I like the Blue Siren of Leaf. Classy unlike the Legendary Sucker, damn my luck."

Amaya smirked. "Sucks to be you then! I can live with mine."

Tsunade groaned slamming her cards onto the table, she lost again once Amaya shows her hand. Damn that woman and her luck!

"Hmph! Oh by the way, have you even thought about what your going to do for your wedding with Minato?"

"Eh? When dah fuck did he...oh." Amaya looked down at her finger, her engagment ring finger.

Tsunade smirkes wickedly at how dense her friend is, totally clueless. Hell who forgets about being engaged? Whats the point of a ring then?

"Well have you?"

Amaya frowns, "No. He can plan the freaking wedding, I'd rather go down the isle wearing a tux and he wears the white dress. I am no bitch, his my bitch." Amaya slurred her words while taking three large shots of sake. Yeah almost drunk.

Tsunade laughs loudly, playfully slapping the table top. "Oh dear. Amaya your unpredictable, oit six more shots here!" Pointing down to their table.

Amaya groans. Flicking a peanut into a person's hair behind Tsunade.

"I don't wanna wear white. I am not gonna wear the dress."

Tsunade chuckles. "After these drinks I am taking you home."

"...Okay...but make it a double!"

"I've got a new drinking buddy now." Tsunade mused happily.


Amaya woke up the next morning with a slight hangover, thankfully her grandfather got rid of that minor problem. They haven't spoken to each other for awhile but he seemed distracted about something, cutting their conversation shorter than normal. So out of sheer bordom the apartment was cleaned out. Minato's room cleaned, new bed sheets and the window open for some fresh air in his stuffy hot bedroom. Her room is sheer perfection, big change.

Amaya changed into a pair of blue cotton short pants, a pale blue tanktop and her hair pinned back. On her hands and knees scrubbing the wooden floors with some lemon scented cleaning product. Scrubbing it with vigor, wanting Minato's return home to be a pleasant one even a home cooked dinner. His favourite pork roast, vegetables and a bottle of red whine for later one.

'Obito. I miss you.' Her eyes dimmed while stopping, hands placed onto her knees. Homes doesn't exactly feel right anymore, could is be that little Obito's gone so soon? Never going to experience the joys of life, find love and have his own family? Or could is be that he will never ever become Hokage? His dream never going to be a reality for himself or to others who shared his passionate dream. Another great young shinobi's fallen, heroes die but legends continue on throught out the ages. Obito is a hero yes but also a legend, a truely remarkable young youth taken away so suddenly.

'I wonder how Minato, Rin and Kakashi are handling this, their student, teammate and friend's gone.' Amaya sighed loudly, hand pressed against her forehead. Are they alright? Do they miss Obito as much as herself? Of course they miss him, how stupid. They grew up together and become a strongly respected team of Leaf. The best of their year, a perfectly balanced team. Now the question is, does she want to take a genin team now? Does she want to be ruin their chances of living out their dreams, their ambitions? Does she want them to witness the cruelty of the worlds ways? Does she want to watch children die horrible deaths, which means nothing to anyone else? Could she truly mold innocent children into blood thirsty creatures, shinobis? She's not sure what she wants anymore. Maybe she's gotten a little wiser during these passing weeks, one could only hope.

"I' am not sure what I want anymore." She mumbles sadly. Still feeling oddly hollow inside, she wants to cry. To scream out to the world how could it be so fucking cruel, by taking innocent lifes away so very easily. She wants to storm to the Rakikage and beat that thick headed asshole black and blue, just to make him feel her pent up pain. She wants to...feel something again besides saddness, anger and taken advantage of. Why does it have to be the young ones? Why Obito, why?

Amaya stood up slowly almost sluggishly, her body still aches even after rest. Tsunade said to dont push past her limits, she's fragile enough after using way too much chalkra and pushing her limits way too frequently. No shit sherlock, she's a shinobi and they always push it. Even against medical advice, dumbass doctors think they know everything. Okay they do know whats best after all.

Groaning she tipped the dirty bucket of water into the laundry rooms sink and cleaned up abit.

A soft sighed escaped her lips, listening to the radio's music. Playing a lovely song. Danity Kane's Stay with Me, it's a gorgeous song. So peaceful and yet so sad.

'I need a bath.'

After having a nice bubble bath for an half an hour, feeling like a damn proper princess. Amaya got dressed in her white pantie's and a strappless white bra, throwing on a nice lavender coloured knee high long sleeved dress and a white apron. It's almost seven o'clock at night and still no Minato, damn him. She misses him greatly. Missing his personality, calm nature and how he stares at her like she's some priceless treasured pearl. Minato would sneak into her room late at night,hold her close and whisper sweet things until they fall asleep. Amaya wanted nothing more than to have his arms around her and breath in his sweet scent. To hear his voice.

Turning around after hearing the front door open then close. Teal eyes watered up, Minato stood there looking incredibly tired and still managed to smile.

"Amaya." He whispers softly.

"Minato." She smiles back while running to him, throwing her arms around him. Minato held her close, kissing on top of her head repeatedly. Amaya looked up, kissing his lips deeply. Minato kissed back. They pulled back after feeling light headed.

"I am sorry. I was too late." He mutters sadly looking down, ashamed. Ashamed that he couldn't protect his student from death. Honestly he tried but Kakashi and Rin were both still in danger.

Amaya looked down, "It's not your fault, you tried. I wish things were different, I wish he was still with us."

Minato looks up slowly. "I feel exactly the same way. He was brave, he saved the village and all of us with his selfless act. He saved us all."

"Obito was...a hero and I am very proud of him."

He half smiled. "A hero, our Obito's a hero."

Amaya nods. "If anyone says differently, then I am gonna kick their ass. No one will ever say anything terrible against his memory or I'll loss it. Even you wont stop me." She chuckles bitterly.

Minato kissed her forehead, lips still lingering. "I wouldn't hold it against you."

"I' m making dinner, go take a bath and relax. Everythings taken care of." Amaya poked his chest playfully, he chuckles.

"Cannot wait."

"Go stinky pete."

Minato walked towards the bathroom smiling faintly.

Three weeks later

Minato walked out from the Hokage's tower with a shocked expressioned face. Apparently there was a secret vote on who will becomes the Fourth Hokage, since the Third finally wants to retire after years of service. It was between Orochimaru and Minato himself, everyone including the Third Hokage all selected Minato to be the Fourth Hokage. Not everyone was pleased, namely the Snake Man himself.

'Me? Fourth Hokage?'

Minato walked towards the ramen bar, meeting his fiance there after meeting with the Third Hokage. Honestly he doesn't know how to express anything that's on his mind. Surprise? Happy? What were the other ones? He doesn't know what they were. Is he Hokage material? Yeah as a child he wanted to be a great Hokage and Kushina wanted to be the first female Hokage, so they were kinda rivals for a short while. Oh man she's gonna be pissed. Amaya would either laugh or do something stupid to embarass him greatly. One of that woman's hobbies are to do something embarassing to Hokage's or Jiraiya...oh and Uchihas. Things were just so complicated. His planning a wedding since Amaya keeps laughing as he tries discussing it. Jiraiya's now helping out thanks to Tsunade's pushing...eh punching methods. Planning a wedding and now think about his Hokage's speech, all in under a months time.

"Minato-sensie!" Rin and Kakashi ran to him.

"Rin, Kakashi." Minato's eyes lingered to the empty left hand side of Rin, where Obito usually was.

Kakashi's forehead protector's tilted over his newly accured Sharingan eye, Obito's last gift to him. The Uchiha's were outraged that Obito gave his eye to a shinobi not from their noble blood line. For a change Kakashi was sort of frightened they would take Obito's gift away. Thankfully Amaya arrived in time and screamed bloody murder at them. Mikoto made Fuguka back down, that ended it all. Especially when Amaya said "Fuck off now or I'll summon the Kraken on all yah asses. I'll unleash the Kraken! Now leave my baby alone!"

Minato chuckles softly, their faces were priceless. No one wants to mess with The Blue Siren from Leaf, not even the Uchiha clan.

"Sensie there's a problem." Kakashi smoothly spoke, visble eye twitching.

Minato tilted his head. "Problem?"

Rin chuckles. "Amaya's running around the village wearing the wedding dress you bought, Kushina and Jiraiya are throwing paint bombs at her. Jiraiya spiked her ramen with sake."

Minato's eyes widden in horror, a big fat anime sweat drop down his head. Damn that woman, he hid that dress so well. Hell that bloody thing alone nearly gave him a heart attack, the price was too damn high. Yet he liked it, elegant classy and looks very flattering on her. Ugh...manly thoughts. He thinks she looks hot!


A streak of white, blue and multi colours flew past him. Minato groaned as he clearly hears hysterical laughter followed by,

"Suck shit Minato!"

Jiraiya and Kushina appeared with water ballons leaking out paint and wore clear goggles. Jiraiya threw a yellow ballon and it hit Amaya's back. A sharp yelp then a thud was heard.

"Oh yeah I got her!"

Kushina smirks at Minato who looks defeated.

"I found the dress and gave it to her." She said it with a hint of sadistic pride. Minato countered back smartly.

"I am going to be Fourth Hokage in a month."

Jiraiya and Kushina's jaws dropped along with their assult weapons of paint. Rin squealed while Kakashi smirks.

"That's my boy! Congradulations Minato." Jiraiya sharply smacked his student's back, beaming with pride. Minato's his prized student after all.

Kushina groans. "Stupid girly boy gonna be Hokage."

Amaya staggered past them with a dazed expression, giggling like a lunatic while seeing stars.

"I see stars! Ooohhh so pretty, chesse shaped stars are dah best."

Minato sighs along with his team.

Jiraiya on the other hand pulled out a spare paint ballon, looking at it and her a dozen times. Shrugging he pegged it at her with some chalkra added.


Amaya's covered head to toe in a bright green paint.

"Twinkle twinkle little...ssstttttaaaaaarrrrrr!" She fell backwards, ko'd by Jiriya.

"Your life will never be dull with this one Minato."

Kushina smirks feeling naughty, "I call dibs on Godmother when they have a baby!"

Minato blushed deep red while stuttering.

Amaya sat up then fainted after hearing Kushina's claim on Godmother.


"What the hell Minato?!" Amaya glared daggers at her blonde fiance.

Minato smiles drapping an arm over her shoulders. He got her an early engagment present, well it's for them both. Standing infront of them was newly built mansion at least four stories. Large stone made walls surrounding their mansion with special seals thanks to himself and Kushina's for extra protection. Breath taking gardens with a large water fountain designed to be like a cyclone with dancing leaves caught against the winds. He feels proud to finally make a home for his soon to be wife and family. Providing for them already.

"Your bought a house!" Amaya groaned.

Minato flicked her nose teasingly, earning a glare. "I bought us a mansion."

"Your an idiot!"

Minato rolled his eyes walking away back to their temporary apartment, after all his going to be offically the Fourth Hokage tomorrow and the day after that's their wedding. Little did his little wife to be knows, that dress she found was the decoy. The real ones in a summoning scroll in his kunai pouch. However little did Minato know, Jiraiya's full of surprises.

"Minato! I am not cleaning this place by myself!" Amaya shouted out in panic, honestly that's a hell to the no. What does he expect her to do? Go on her hands and knees and lick that place clean?

Minato simply said, "Shadow Clones my dear."

Amaya pause looking back at the mansion with a narrowed look.

"Too much effort. I'll burn the place down. I'll brib little Itachi into doing arson with candy~"

Minato rolled his eyes, what a goof ball. "What ever you've cooked up inside that evil little blue haired of yours, I've already thought and countered. No matter what happens, that mansion will never burn or any harm towards it. Face it sweetheart, I've won this round."

Amaya whimpered. "Nooooo! Minato why are you so mean to me?"

"It because I love you." Minato snickered.

"Eh he good for you...hey wait a cotton pickin minute. How come this ring isn't coming off?" Amaya tugged, pulled and bit the ring on her finger. Minato paused turning around with a questioning expression.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Amaya grunts. "Taking the ring off duh."

His eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Amaya rolls her eyes. "Oh baby I love you so much, my finger needs air! But this things not moving. Minato the ring's eating my finger!" Shoving her finger into her mouth and try pulling it off with her teeth, damn extremely stupid yet entertaining for Minato.

"I placed a seal justu on that ring, it will only come off when I place the real one on your finger. Let's face it, keep doing that and you will shatter your teeth."

"Bastard Fourth Hokage!" Amaya shouted.

"Correction. Your are going to be the Fourth Hokage's wife in two days time. That makes you Lady Amaya Namikaze." Minato chimes happily.

"Uh dumbass I forgot to tell you something very important. My Uncle sent me a letter the other day and oh what would yah know. Turns out my Dad's the Grandson of the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju. My last names Senju!" Amaya laughs arrogantly while strolling past a stunned Namikaze.

"That explains so much. Your remarkable water control and stamina." Minato grins.

"Yeah. Explains how he managed to get past the cyclones back home, damn my dad's a badass."

Minato rolls his eyes linking arms with Amaya,

"Lets go home."

Amaya smirks. Pointing a finger behind them. "Then what the hell's the mansion then Mr Hokage?"

Minato knew he will not be able to win a verbal argument with Amaya, but he will try. For the sake of their future children, he will at least win one arugment with her.


"Awww shit! Who put that pole there?"

He will try his hardest, for his childrens sake and for his sanity.


"Another one!"

...Is there another pole ahead...?


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