Minato love story

By Tony-Stark-4-life

21.1K 598 109

This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

602 22 0
By Tony-Stark-4-life

"Amaya behind you!" A random male shinobi shouted over the booming noises all around them.

Amaya turned around quickly, blocking a kunai knife aimed directly for her throat. Three days since the Jounin exams in Suna and already the handful of newly ranked Jounins have died terrible deaths. Bodies were scattered all around, body limbs blown off and many more bloody things that will forever haunt the leaf kunochi. The things which nightmares become a reality, war's a bloody terrible thing, especially if one's apart of the man made chaos.

"When's the backup coming?!" Amaya shouted while backflipping away from a exploding kunai. Flames licked and burned human flesh causing that god awful burning flesh smell, she felt deadly sick. Sick of watching her comrades go up in flames and their screams, god don't mention the screams of agony.

People thrash around on the floor poorly attempting to put their fire out, only dying seconds later. Bad things do happen to good people, war is a disgusting thing. Man kind shall forever be sinful, blood forever staining against hands and the earths grounds. When will peace become a goal? When will man kind finally live together peacefully? How many fucking lifes will mean nothing? When will this maddness stop? Amaya choked down tears threatening to fall, how many families will lose their loved ones? Unfair times, thats apart of shinobis ways, completely unfair.

"In half an hour!"

Amaya nods kicking and dodging more attacks from cocky rock shinobis, stupid idiots. Hitomi went with another group of leaf shinobis offering help, before they departed they exchanged strong hugs and whispers of comfort. She prays for everyones safety. She prays for Minato, Kakashi, Rin, Obito and Hitomi's safety and that they stay alive. She needs them all to be alive, they gotta be alright.

"Argh!" A male rock ninja snuck up behind her, stabbing her shoulder with a kunai knife. A rookie mistake on her part, damnit! A leaf kunochi saw the sneak attack and acted fast by throwing a swarm of kunais hit his chest, killing him before hitting the ground. Excellent timing.

"Ahhh shit!" Amaya pulled out the weapon, stainined with her own warm red blood. Damn she's so careless. Another fellow leaf shinobi grabbed Amaya and dashed towards the nearest medic ninja available.

"She's hurt!"

The male medic nods, hands turning green with medical ninjustu, healing the deep wound. No poision thankfully. Teal eyes opened witness the horrors of war again, screams all around.

"Thanks!" She dashed back once again, slashing a rock ninja's throat with a kunai and throw several ninja stars at anothers chest. Kicking, dodging and punches added. More lightning and earth justus thrown in. Adding chalkra to her feet, she leaped high into the air.

"Water Style: Water Bullets!" Spitting out water bullets, taking out a handful of rock shinobis. Smirking happily to herself, Amaya safely handed before delievering a soild punch to a female enemies nose. Bones broke under the punchs pressure.

"Take that bitch!"

Amaya gasped sharply as a male rock ninja performed a earth justu, a large piece of earth was thrown directly towards...backup! Their here already?

"Shit! Go back, go back!"

Too late, they were crushed under earth already...dead.

She leaped away gripping her hair painfully, damnit! They are losing badly and numbers are down shocking amounts, maybe retreating for now is best option. Re-group and think of a better attack.

Sadly everyones too far away to even hear a command. There is only one thing left.

"Shadow Clone Justu!" Amaya shouted and an army number of shadow clones appeared. Only nodding at them giving the signal, they leaped away helping out fellow ninja shinobis. Tell them it's time to retreat and re-group with nearby allies.

"Retreat!" Everyone retreated immeditly. Leaving the battle ground.

Four Hours Later

"Thats too risky, we need to take out that bridge and they wont be able to get supplies!"

Amaya stared blankly down at the large map. The Anbu ranked shinobis they found were helpful. Healing the heavily injured and proved rations of food and clean water, they're amazing. Now they were disussing how to cut down the rock shinobis numbers rapidly, sounds good enough only if that bridge wasn't heavily guarded and in Grass country. They need a strong attack and a better idea on how to accomplish that goal. Take the bridge out and it turns to their favour greatly.

"How are you planning on doing that?" Amaya pointed out calmly, ignoring a medic ninja use a wet rag to wash away dried blood on her skin.

They looked back at the map. "We're sending in a team. A special group strong enough to blow that thing to hell. Lord Hokage's sent out a letter yesterday agreeing with us and offering leafs full surpport."

"Great, now when are we going to do this? Is there going to be a signal?" A male shinobi sat beside her, drinking cool refreshing water and food pills. Saving up energy for this plan.

"Once that bridge blows then we are called in immeditly."

Amaya bit her nail nervouslly, she likes it but that uncomfortable feelings back, the one from Suna.

"I say we salvage all we can get from them, take weapons, medicine and anything we can carry. They will be left with nothing, that could work for our favour aswell. We're low on supplies." Amaya pointed out.

An Anbu member on the left nods, agreeing with the blue haired princess.

"I agree. They will be desperate and then we strike."

Amaya stood up tall and proud. From a weak chunin looked down on now to a strong confident jounin, she fights along side brothers and sisters of leaf as an equal.

"We rest tonight, gain strenght and we all build a better bond together. We leaf shinobis will fight as one and make sure Rock knows we stand together. Apart we are weak but as one we shall win. Together we shall end this war! No more wars, no more of this pointless shit. Leaf shall win, now lets make our Hokage proud!" Amaya shouted out, looking at them all with pride. Everyone cheered clapping and whistling.

"Go Leaf!"

Amaya nods grinning. "We will not be beaten! Brothers and Sisters let us fight together as one, we will win!"

Everyone ate together, talked together and importantly learned how to trust another. Some of them exchanged casually jokes or conversations, actually enjoying themselves for a change. Forgetting about the war and how many friends, lovers, family and fallen heros died for a single moment. Building new bonds and a new reason to continue fighting. Learning to become one strong unit, a family.

Amaya sat alone on a log, staring blankly at the bloody kunai knife on her lap. She's finally broken her rule, do not kill. She's a killer, taking another life with her own two hands. She's no better than the next person, she feels dirty covered in blood. How desperate she wants to wash the blood off her hands with boiling hot water until she bleeds. To get rid of feeling filthy, digusting, to feel like a bloody killer. All of it gone, out of sight, out of mind. No, it will always be there. Under her skin, in her blood and she will always be a monster out for blood. She's a leaf kunochi, killings part of the job no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

She looks up weakly with tired eyes, looking around at everyones faces. Happiness, laughter, silent, smiles, frowns and emotionless expressions as far as she could see. They know how hard life is, yet they continue fighting. Why or what are they possibly fighting for? Friends? Family? Lovers? Or do they fight because it's all they know? Why do they continue on so strongly and not fall under pressure of taking so many lifes? Amaya muses silently still watching.

"Miss Amaya?" A Anbu member kneeled down to match her eye level. Dark circles under her eyes, blood shot eyes and a sombre expression.


He sighs sadly. "We just got back word of the bridge. It's been blown away two hours ago by our elite team with the assistance of the Yellow Flash himself. Sadly it came with a great loss. Team Seven lost a member, one goes by Obito Uchiha." He grabs her hands, feeling them shake wildly.

Amaya's eyes closed while tears poured down, she feels her heart throb painfully along with shortage of breath. Obito? His...gone? Why? His only a kid, only a baby! A sharp cry escaped her while sobbing in a heap in the Anbu's arms. She cried hardder feeling torn. Never will she see his smile, bright personality and his stupid acts to act manly while hidding his tears. Never again to see her little baby again to grow into a fine man.

All gone in a moment, someone stole Obito away.

She screamed out loudly.


She lost one of her important people, she lost Obito Uchiha.

Several weeks later

"Over, the war's over. We won!"

Amaya ignored everyone as they marched back to their home, they indeed won against those bastards. Slicing them apart and making them run home like a bunch of pansy ass bitches, crying to their mummys. She single handedly killed thirty odd rock shinobis with one attack, her Violent Storm justu was deadly and killed many in the process. While near the end of it all, those idiots grew scared of another feared leaf shinobi. Only this wasn't the Yellow Flash of Leaf, oh no. They named this one out of fear, The Blue Siren of Leaf. One point in the battle she summoned the Krakens babies and they were torn apart under water. Blue crystal water turned blood red. Obito's death had made a great impact on her life, life's a crule bitch. She wanted them to feel her pain full force and they did. Now she feels hollow inside, she wants to go home back to whats left of her loved ones. Home is where the heart is, only a piece is missing from her heart. Her little Obito's dead. Never coming back to his home again.

"Lady Amaya we are almost home." Hitomi smiled sadly while holding her blue haired friend's shoulder in comfort. Oh theres another thing, everyone holds a great respect towards her now, they call her Lady Amaya now. Everyone respects her, The Blue Siren of Leaf. Maybe they call her that because once she dashes towards them, she gives out a loud battle cry before they meet their demise.

"Thank God. I need a bath badly and ramen."

Hitomi chuckles linking their arms together, she's now confident after returning back. Kiyoshi would be so proud of her, well them both in general.

"Bath and ramen sounds too good to be true." Hitomi agreed happily, no more stuttering present in her voice.

"Also sake."

"Sake? But you don't drink."

Amaya grins impishly. "Well war does chance people a bit no?"

"Hmm okay. We shall get drunk together!" Hitomi laughs along side everyone else in their group.

"Shit faced and stumble around like a bunch of fools."

Hitomi smiles.

"Welcome home everyone!"

Amaya looked up to see the open gates with everyone there including clan heads and civillians cheering at them. So many happy faces, like a endless swarm. She could see the Third Hokage there with Lady Tsunade and Jiraiya. Their eyes landed immeditly on her.

"Amaya!" Lady Tsunade gasped at the sight of Amaya. Blood covered clothes, her face and arms smeared with dry crusty blood and she looks different in a way. A changed woman.

The Third Hokage grins while Jiraiya smirks at him. "Looks like we have a new deadly edditon to Leaf's legendary ranks. Looks like The Blue Siren of Leaf is home eh sensie?"

"Hmm welcome home my children."

Tsunade wrapped Amaya up in a strong hug. Amaya hugged back tightly feeling relaxed and safe. She's home. Home at long last with the people she loves.

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