Minato love story

Від Tony-Stark-4-life

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This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

639 25 6
Від Tony-Stark-4-life

Hitomi stood protectively beside Amaya as they ventured off towards the tower. So far they've bid many thank yous and even embraced Lou and Dan, still extremely greatful to them both. Departing away to different locations, Lou and Dan were both going to stick close to Kaemon for safety reasons. Giving both kunochi's a chance to safely arrive at the tower without any danger lurking. So far Amaya's movemnts were slower than usual and even had trouble running without collapsing from fatigue, mentally and physically tired from her encounter with Kaemon last night. Both females know that this can make them easy targets for other shinobi's on the prowl. Hopefully they will reach the tower in time before night fall or late morning, their time is cut dangerously short. Hitomi turned around stopping to witness Amaya pant heavily and even look more tired, suffering from extreme blood loss that's very dangerous. Kaemon really done a number on the poor princess.


Teal eyes flickered up, cloudy from pain and fatigue. Amaya's now the weak one, easy prey.

"Give me a minute...to catch my breath." Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, blood loss and heat do not mix well together. Hitomi nods in understandment. They've been traviling for hours and it's been a real challange for Amaya herself, she's almost at her limit.

"I'll scan the area."

"Sure." Amaya muttered while sitting on her legs, breathing in deeply while unscrewing a water bottle's lid. Hitomi's Byakugan scanned each and every corner of the area, so far so good. They're alone.

"How long till we reach the tower?" Amaya stood up walking towards her fellow kunochi. Suna's heat wave made everything look and feel much more hotter than normal, both females were already sweating up a storm.

"Half a days run."

Amaya blinked in surprise, holy crap they were that close? Man they're on a freaking roll!


Hitomi bit down a grin, she's happy that Amaya's not changed after everything that's happened. Maybe a little wiser and mature a small bit, but still the same in some areas.

"I am serious, half a days run."

"But it's only one two day and two nights."

Hitomi turned around and nods. "It's our last night. If we do not reach the tower by tomorrow morning, we..."

"Go boom! Yeah I know that sweet cakes, better get a move on them." Amaya rolled her eyes smiling.

Hitomi grinned nodding as they both ran faster towards the tower.


Amaya couldn't wipe a big old fat smirk off her face. They've made the tower in record time. A few suna medic ninja's had healed the rest of her wounds, gave two chalkra pills and even a bath. Now she's bathed, feed and laying in a nice comfortable bunk bed. Laying on the bottom bunk while Hitomi slept peacefully. Tomorrow morning is when the dead line for other shinobi's were up and then they go boom, bye byes. Secretly she hopes that Kaemon doesn't make it in time and goes sky high, that would be a sight she would pay for. Heck it would be like a totaly awesome thing to witness. That asshole monster Uchiha to explode into little chunks. Then again she wants to fight him again. To show him that last time he simply caught her off guard and wasn't properly pre-pared to fight him toe to toe. Now it's different, she wants to fight him to an all in all out battle to the death. Amaya knows that Kaemon held back, held back what his truly made of and was taunting her. Now the games are over and she wants to fight him like a true kunochi, to smack him around like a little bitch. Once that's all over and she's going to go home or march of to war.


A picture of her beloved and everyone presious to her flashed before her eyes. Wanting nothing more than to go back to them all, to see them alive and happy. Hopefull that they will return from war safely, even though she felt something wrong within her spirit. It felt very unsettling even strangely it resembled heart break, but broken from what? The exact moment the two kunochi's entered the tower the guards were whispering to each other in a hush tone. Apparently while they were doing the exam two days ago, the war had already started. The hidden leaf village were trying to blow up some bridge in grass country, then that's all she heard from them. Once they realise that Hitomi and her appeared from the exam looking tired even slightly annoyed. That upsetting piece of news didnt seem to fit all to well with Amaya, something's wrong. Call her crazy or paranoid but there is something terribly wrong going on with this war, but what is it?

She stood up from the bed ignoring cramping and stiff joints from a long traviling period. Slowly walking towards a old beaten up sofa chair that had all of her's and Hitomi's things. Sitting indian style on the chair and pull her hair up into a high ponytail. Opening her kunai pouch and pulled out a photograph and Minato's special kunai knife. Both item's lay across her lap while staring at them fondly. The picture was taken at the ramen shop three months ago. She sat happily beside Minato and Obito. Kakashi and Rin sat beside each other while smiling at the camera. Minato had an arm drapped across her shoulders while she done bunny ears to Obitio and smirked at Kakashi and Rin. Rin's face was lit up with utter joy while Kakashi gave Amaya his famous 'your an idiot' look. They spent the entire day with each other, just playing around. It turned out to be a good day for everyone. Teal eyes slowly lingered towards Obito who smiled back at her. This feeling involves Obitio in some strange reason.


Hitomi yawned peering down at the blue haired woman looking confussed even fearful.


Pale lavender eyes looked concernly at her.

"What's wrong?" Worry laced her voice while laying her heavy head on the rubberfoam pillow.

Amaya shook her head frowning deeply, this feeling wouldn't go away. The feeling of losing someone dear to one, a feeling she knows all to well.

"I don't know."

"Wanna talk?"

Amaya picked up Minato's kunai knife admiring it.

"No it's fine. Sleep Hitomi."

Hitomi yawned rolling over facing the wall.

"Don't stay up to late."

Amaya responded back. "I won't."

Five minutes passed and she kept staring at Obito's face, unknowing to her that tears started falling down her face while frowing at the picture. Minato promised to protect them from danger, he wouldn't break a promise. She hopes that this feeling is wrong and once everything's done. She returns home to see them waiting for her, Obitio must be there aswell. He has to be there, he must be there.


"Our finalists have arrived!" The Fourth Kazekage stood proudly at the centre arena. Wearing his offical kage robes. Everyone who arrived at the tower in time were sitting down on seats. Looking at their fighting stage that resembled a coliseum. This where they chose who's earned the rank of jounin. The final battle.

Amaya looked down at the Kazekage while both arms and legs were crossed. Hitomi looked impassive which looked creepy, Hyuuga poker face on people!

The Fourth Kazekage looked around at the remaining chunin's noticing a large chunk of them were missing, presumed dead after being blown to higher heavens. Not quick enough to live it may seem.

"Congradulations to everyone which made it through the desert in time, now you've proven worthy to par-take on suna's final jounin exam. This is our coliseum, the first Kazekage built this arena for this exam himself, consider this an honor to battle within these strong walls. Right here there will be two against two."

Several harsh gasps or groans were heard. But stopped once the Kazekage glared at them.

"Two on two. However since there is an odd amount of numbers were are going to have a one on one battle, which will be the first battle. It's a no holds bar match, anything goes including death."

Hitomi flinched slightly in her seat at the death part, she cannot kill. Amaya on the other hand found it repulsive but knows fully well that a shinobi's life is always cut shorter than average people. Minato keeps on drilling that information into her head. They won't show mercy because she's a female, killing without any remorse. Kill or be killed.

The Kazekage looked around until stopping at Amaya and Hitomi's seats. His eyes narrowed as a small smirk crossed the blue haired trouble-maker's face, his right eye twitched. Trouble-making woman.

"I chose who's going against who."

Everyone remained silent while holding their breaths, not wanting to fight against a friend or sibling. Amaya's eyes drifted towards Kaemon's seat where he looked boredly down at the Kazekage, his right eye had a bandage wrapped around his head. A proud smirk crossed her face as he glared at her. Hitomi bit down a fustrated groan while Amaya flipped Kaemon off.

"You woman!"

"Eh?" Amaya looked down at to the Kazekage who had a scolding look. Crap busted! Oh how the leaf village would be so proud knowing that their own shinobi had acted up in the presences of the Kazekage. Minato will be so proud! Amaya looked around then pointed at herself. He nods.

"Come down here."

"Aye aye Captian Lord Kazekage sir!" She walked down the stairs while Hitomi facepalmed herself while muttering. Some people chuckled from the free entertainment proved by a leaf kunochi. The Kazekage bit down a chuckle.

Once down infront of him. Amaya smiled.

"Amaya of the hidden leaf village reporting for duty sir!" Even saluting in respect.

Fourth Kazekage chuckled. "Strange woman aren't you?"

She nods. "I' am limited edition!"

A round of laughter erupted from the stands. Some Suna guards chuckled.

"I can see that. You've volunteered to fight against someone in a one on one battle."

Amaya smiled still. "Happy to be of some assistance Lord Kazekage!"

He smirked walking around looking up to the stands, eyes carefully scanning each person. Until stopping at one person who's glaring down at Amaya, hello what do we have here? He can faintly see his clan symbol on his back from leaning forward.

"Uchiha come down here!"

Kaemon smirked at a frightful Hitomi. He leaped down from the safety bar than landed on the ground on both feet, a skillful Uchiha shinobi. Amaya crossed her arms looking un-impressed at his stunt, just muttered. "I can do better."

Yes Amaya's having a childish moment now ladies and gentlemen, a very childish moment. She walked down the stairs like a cripple in her own words, while Kaemon the prick leaped down. Yeah yeah so impressive, he can leap over a safety bar, give the bastard a medal. Ohhh where's my violin? Amaya felt oddly depressed, next time around she's gonna do a super freaking awesome sweet as enterance. It's gonna be sick as!

The Kazekage looked at the Uchiha.


"Kaemon Uchiha of the hidden leaf village."

"Alias mega prick with a iron rod shoved up his ass. If we are lucky enough the iron rod will get hit with lightning. Zap zap roasted asshole on a stick." Amaya muttered than looked around as people started laughing again. Kaemon sent out a murderous aura while the Kazekage smirked chuckling.

"Was that out loud?" Yes it was Amaya. Very loud.

The Fourth Kazekage raised his arms up, silencing the laughter.

"Our one on one battle. Amaya of leaf against Kaemon Uchiha of leaf. No holds bar match. Give us all a good match. Begin!" He leaped away to his Kage box where his wife was.

Amaya didn't waste time and formed serveral hand signs,

"Shadow clone justu!" Fourty Amaya clones appeared dashing towards Kaemon, wanting to bit him sensless. Kaemon threw shurkins at them and some disappeared in smoke, but they still ran towards him. They started throwing punches and kicks at him. Kaemon grabbed one clones arm and threw it to another, the impact made them disappear with a pop noise. They still continued their assult on Kaemon, a couple got a lucky hit.

He leaped backwards.

"Fire style- Phoneix fire justu!" A large fire ball shot out from his mouth heaping towards the clones. Some screamed in pain from the scorching flame hitting them and some managed to escape it's path.

"Water style- Water dragon justu!" Amaya screamed out firing out her own attack. Water connected with fire sending out steam once again, this time she didn't stand around like an idiot and summoned five more clones. They ran seperate ways hoping to catch Kaemon off guard. They ran around him, Kaemon saw several female shaped shadows dash around the place. A sly smirk crossed his face. He thought that was a clever distraction, very clever indeed. He formed more hands signs.

"Fire style-Fire ball justu!" Heaps of smaller shaped fire balls shot towards the clones.

Amaya smirked as two exploded, perfect! She ran behind him and dropped kick him in the back. Kaemon yelped and went flying several feet away. She and two more clones appeared jumping high up above him. Kunai knives at hand, throwing them at him. Aiming to pin him down by his clothes. Sadly the prick rolled away in time. The clones and her jumped back down hiding in the steam. It provided excellent cover also time to think a newer plan of action. Kaemon's lone sharigan eye glowed blood red.

"Good but not good enough Amaya!"

She done another water dragon and he copied that action with his own water dragon. Both attacks hit head one, flooding the coliseum's ground level. Kaemon tossed two kunai knives that made the last two clones disappear, leaving Amaya behind. She dodged more knives aimed at her and hid behind a large pillar. Breathing heavily while shoving a chalkra pill into her mouth. Chewing softly. A shadow moving in the corner of her eye made Amaya duck down. I time for a kunai to impale the same place her head once was, it dragged away causing some sparks. Amaya ducked again before rolling away, than dash behind another pillar.

'Damnit! I hate the freaking sharigan!' Amaya cartwheeled away from more slashing attacks.

Kaemon randomly appeared kicking her side.

"Give up already!" He snarled.

She smirked. "I don't know what that means. Give up isn't found in my personal dictionary. Maybe yours but certianly not mind. I' am a sturbborn woman!" She done the un-thinkable...kick Kaemon in the balls! Some men in the stands all winced while the females laughed loudly. Kaemon's eye nearly popped out of his skull while kneeling down, holding his now bruised purple nuts. Amaya laughed at him.

"Ohhh snap! Next time asshole don't cut my favourite shirt and do not mess with me!" She ranaway laughing like a crazy hyena on drugs. Kaemon slowly stood up growling trying to get some feeling back. Only to have two Amaya clones appear and pin him down while another two pinnned his legs down. A lone sharigan eye widden in utter shock, he never sensed more chalkra signatures in this area. Amaya stood proudly on top of a pillar some feet away.

"You are so stupid! Uchiha's cannot use my clan's natural chalkra and you were to busy licking your wound to notice my clones. I'am not gonna use 'that' on you. So...

Water Style- Giant Vortex!" Amaya pressed her hands together and widely extended her mouth open. A large wave of water shot out heading towards a struggling Kaemon. He yelled as he got washed away with the clones,than trapped in a vortex. Spinning and trashing him around like a rag doll. Amaya looked up at Hitomi's amazed face while standing up in surprise.

"I win fuckhead!" Amaya slammed her hands down and the vortex shot down from the sky, hiting the hard unforgiving ground bellow. Kaemon's twitching and desperatly trying to stand up. Teal eyes rolled.

"Man he doesn't give up." She leaped down, casually walking to him. Both arms crossed. Kaemon looked up painfully, glaring harshly.


Amaya hummed than booted him in the head. "Bad mutt! Play dead Lassie!"

Kaemon got K.O'd.

Kuraura smiled clapping with everyone loudly cheering. The Fourth Hokage smirked, heavily enjoyed that battle. It was hilarious also action filled, something he wants to witness again. Amaya's a exceptional ninja and a clown. He stood up.

"The battles over. Amaya of leaf is the winner!"

Amaya smiled like it's freaking Christmas time and she got a life time surply of ramen! She leaped up and down in joy screaming loudly. Hitomi clapped loudly the dead panned as Amaya kicked Kaemon again...for good measures of course.

"I win bitch. I' am free to marry Minato. Kiss my ass mother...Ouch!"

She fell down after frolicing around like a happy retart, people started laughing.


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