Minato love story

By Tony-Stark-4-life

21.2K 598 109

This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

700 24 4
By Tony-Stark-4-life

Minato shook his head with a small frown watching the scene in-front of him. It's already morning around seven thirty am. Today has to be one of the worst one so far in his entire life, Amaya's departure for the hidden sand village. His spunky trouble-making girlfriend is going to be apart of the jounin exams. In this one exam has lead towards so many shinobi and kunochi's deaths. However there is one thing that truly does frighten him, if she loses then she is forced to wed Kaemon Uchiha. Even sparing a single glance at that man made Minato's blood boil with a uncontrolable hatred and anger. His own blue eyes narrowed into slits while watching the smug Uchiha speak with the Uchiha clan elders. They exchanged words, nods and of course bowed in respect at one another. Minato seriouslly hoped that Amaya comes out as of this as a jounin and a free woman. There is however a high chance of that bastard winning, but Amaya does have a chance with the Kraken on her side. However they made an agreement this morning, only use it when it's a death situation. Afterwards they both exchanged brief hugs and kisses before he allowed her to shower up and double check her belongings.


The jounin turned his head slightly nodding at the Hokage. Sarutobi lit up his pipe looking at the group of Uchiha's aswell.

"Don't worry about them my boy. We know that Amaya will come out as the victor of this event and will come back finally free to spread her wings. Have faith in her and her new power."

He shook his head slightly. "I have utter faith in her Lord Hokage. But there are times when I don't want to admit that she doesn't need me around to fight her battles. Just the thought of lossing Amaya sickens me to the very core, I love her."

The Hokage smiled patting the blonde's back. "I am sure she loves you in return. Knowing that you love her will give Amaya enough strenght to carry on fighting. No one can ever stop the power of love, it's a strong emotion. Driving people into doing crazy, dangerous things just to keep ahold of it."

Minato smiled softly. He watched Amaya talk with Rin, Obito and Kakashi for a few moments before skipping towards Mikoto, Itachi and Kushina. Both females brought the smaller female into a giant hug. Giving words of comfort and surpport for the up coming battle.

"Amaya's turned into such a beauitful young woman. Harbouring the will of fire as well as the true grace of a royal. If only her great great grandmother was around to see this."

Minato looked at the old Hokage with a raised eyebrow. "You've met her?"

Sarutobi chuckled. "Of course. Michiko was an extrodinary kunochi with alot of power and a heart of gold. The First Hokage has a diffcult time trying to keep her under control around ramen or pranks. Amaya does remind me alot of Michiko. Not by looks, but their personality is almost a perfect match. I know that Lady Michiko is going to guide Amaya to the right path of life and help win. A gurdian angel if you call it."

Minato lighten up hearing the words of comfort, Amaya does have a gurdian angel besides himself. Secretly he prayed to Lady Michiko to guide Amaya through this entire thing safe and sound. Just thinking about it made his sour mood turn bright once again. There is hope for things to chance for the best. Amaya will win no matter what, she refuses to give up! That's what makes a Kohana Kunochi and his girlfriend. Amaya will be alright, he believes it.

"Alright everyone be quiet! Lord Hokage has a important announcement to make!" A random jounin shouted beconing the group of chunin's forward. They all done so with a serious expression, standing straight and gave a slight bow of respect to their leader. The other's who aren't going to be in the exams stood back, listening and watching. Lord Hokage blew a puff of smoke out looking at determind faces of the chunins selected to be apart of the jounin exams. Looking through the sea of faces only to stop at a single one. Amaya stood there beside two random chunins with a small grin. Oh that girl can never take things seriously until it bites her in the ass. Shaking his head slightl, he spoke.

"First of all I want to congratulate everyone who's been selected to be apart of this giant honour. The jounin exams."

A wave of appluse was heard until silences with a raised hand. He continued to speak.

"This year it's going to be held at the Hidden Sand Village. We are told that there have been some new changes for the exams. I must warn each and every last one of you to always stay on guard and never loss sight of your goal. This times are hard since we are now going to war with the hidden rock village."

Now a wave of gasps was heard and hush whispers. Amaya closed her eyes, so the rumors were true.

"After this exam, the war will offically start. A last sign of good will before we march off into battle. However who ever has became a jounin will not be coming back to the village immeditly, they will be sent off to assist in battle. I know these are troubling times for everyone, but I am afraid there is no way out of this. As Kohana shinobi we must insure our power in the reigon. Many lifes will be lost and many hardships also awaits. I give each of you my best wishes for the future. I give you all good luck." Lord Hokage nods and everyone bursts into waves of appulse once again. Amaya opens her eyes and looks directly towards Minato and his team. They all were staring at her with wide eyes.

'I will win and stay alive for you all. That is a promise I am going to keep.'

Kushina and Mikoto gave the small blue haired princess a giant hug fighting down tears. They don't want to see her go off into battle after accomplishing her goal of jounin. Hopefully it won't turn into a major disaster and watch her die in the battle field. Amaya fought back tears of her own.

"Good luck."

"Thank you guys." Amaya whispered. After all of this, they are still going to war. After the end of the jounin exams marks the offical start of the third shinobi war. This one is going to be a bloody mess with many lifes lost. She prays that in the end of all of this war, they will be peace finally accomplished. A never ending peace spred across the shinobi nations.


The princess looked up to see that Mikoto and Kushina were gone and in replacement was Team Minato. Rin had tears and Obito looked down. Kakashi was impassive as usual however with a small glint of saddness deep inside his black orbs. Whats going on?


Rin bit her bottom lip looking nervous.

"We have something important to tell you."

"Go on."

"We are going to war aswell." Kakashi blankly said. Her teal eyes went wide with utter horror and shock. Three young shinobi's were going to war? Shaking her head wildly.

"No! Please tell me this is just a joke, for me accidenly screwing up on something. Missed a birthday?" Amaya hoped they would point at her and laugh, crying out "Joke!"

However it never came insteed they looked down to the ground looking utter shattered and heart broken, it's not a joke. This is the hard reality smacking her hard in the face. After all they are more then meer children, they are shinobi of the hidden leaf village. Trained at a young age to grow up as killers.

"Oh god now. There has to be another way. Can they send someone else whos more experenced in that field? You guys are more then children, your my family!" Amaya cried out bringing them into a tight hug. Her heart was torn in two. Like rice paper, there is no way they could get out of their duty to protect their village.

"We cant! I am so sorry." Rin cried out bringing herself closer into the embrace.

"But we promise to come back alive and in one piece. After this is finished. We can have another sleep over again!" Obitio shouted with a weak grin, he really had a blasted the other week. Who knew that Amaya could be the life of a party and pranked Kakashi and him when they were passed out? He cherished their times together fondly, he will always remember that Team Minato is not just a shinobi squard. They are a happy, not by blood but by heart and spirit.

"I agree." Kakashi nods.

Amaya pulled back with a weak grin. "N...Now you all promise to come back to me alive, alright? Or I'll find a way to bring you back and kick your asses over the Hokage mountain!" Amaya cried harder.

"We promise." Rin and Obitio grinned.

"Hn." Kakashi grumbled.

"I love you guys so much." Amaya finally admited. They all looked at her with shock and utter happiness, she loves them!


The Cyclone Princess kissed their foreheads and brought them all into another group hug. Breaking apart only to see their sensie and boyfriend watching them with a watery smile. Rin grabbed the boys upper arms forcing them to the gate, despite their protesting. Minato looked at the blue haired woman with fondness.

"Amaya can I ask you a question?" He asked.


Minato gently pressed a hand to her back escorting her to a more private area of the gate. So no one will hear their discussion. This delcare of war had totally thrown his whole idea out of the window. So it's time to man up and ask the biggest question of his entire life. Looking side to side slightly for no unwanted ears and people. It's all clear. Taking a giant breath he looked deeply into her teal eyes.

"Amaya how long have we been seeing each other?"

She smiled fondly. "Nearly nine months, best nine months of my entire life."

Minato smiled back. "These last nine months have been so amazing, I feel like we've known each other for many years. Even though we met at the ramen bar nine months ago, I knew it was the best thing that's ever happened. If not we wouldn't have met. You make my world brighter and full of laughter and happiness. I truly do love you."

Amaya smiled with tears rimming her eyes. "I love you too Minato. Always have and always will, there can never be anyone else but you."

Minato smiled going down on one knee after pulling something out of his jounin vest.

"I know this seems a little quick and a bit frightening. But I want to do this, I want to ask you. So Princess Amaya of Cyclone Island and chunin of the hidden leaf. Will you please be my wife?" He opened up the small dark blue velevet box. Amaya gasped with tears rolling down her cheeks, of utter joy! Inside the box was the most gorgeous ring she's ever seen. A silver band ring decorated like thick vines, a large diamond in the center and small sapphire blue diamonds acting as flower petals. It's an engaggment ring! His asking her to marry him.

"M..Minato I don't know what to say." Amaya pressed a hand to her mouth trembling slightly. He done a small childish pout.

"Say yes?"

Amaya laughed throwing her arms around his neck screaming at the top of her lungs. "Yes! Yes I will marry you Minato! I will marry you!" Minato laughed with glee standing up proud wrapping both arms around her and started spinning them around in a circle. They both laughed happily! Minato stopped kissing Amaya's lips before gently slidding the ring on her finger.

"Now I have something even more important to come home to after the war. I have a fiance to return to." Minato chirped happily. He felt he could actually touch the sky, he felt so damn happy.


Both of them turned around with giant smiled. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Mikoto, Fuguka, Itachi, Kushina, Rin, Obitio, Kakashi, Teuchi the ramen chef and the Hokage all clapped. Amaya snuggled into Minato's chest while he beamed with utter pride.

"Congrats kid!" Jiraiya grinned doing the thumbs up.

Everyone gave their own blessing but it was cut short by a certian jealous and pissed off Uchiha Kaemon.

"I doesn't matter. Have you all forgotten the contract? Unless Amaya beats me in the exams she's still classed as my fiance. So with this new development accuring, it seems that I have to step up my game. Amaya belongs to me!" He grindded his teeth while storming towards the gates, with the other lucky few and ANBU escorts.

Minato held onto his fiance tighter with his own dark possessive glare. Amaya stood their dumb found.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Minato shook his head trying to keep his temper under control and not shove Rasengan down Kaemon's throat and slowly kill him if his still alive that is.

"Amaya promise me something."

She looked up at him. "Eh?"

Minato looked sternly down at her, sensie mode has returned! But this one seemed more darker and more meancing, hello to soon to be husband mode!

"Beat Kaemon at all costs."

She smirked licking her teeth with her tongue, "Alright babe. Also make sure you bring Kakashi, Rin and Obito back to me. Or I am going to realse the Kraken on you."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. So she knows.

"I promise."

Jiraiya walked forward and slapped Amaya on the back hard. "This brat is to sturbborn to give up Minato! Knowing her the entire sand village will be in utter chaos once she gets a whiff of a new prank idea."

Minato smiled.


His smile turned into a scolding look.

Jiraiya grinned. "You sure you want to deal with her for your entire life Minato? Marraige is a big thing, bound to the same broad for life and no more fun?"

Tsunade glared at Jiraiya as did Mikoto, Kushina and Rin. The other males that were smart enough backed away slightly, Fuguka pulled Itachi behind him. Away from the cross fire.

Minato laughed shaking his head. "I am sure sensie. I love her!"

Amaya smirked. "I am so loved."

Jiraiya rolled his eyes and turned around, turning chalk white from the four extremely enraged women, cracking their knuckled. Amaya smirked with wide insane eyes.

"Better run dumb dumb. From killer kunochi the hun hun!"

Jiraiya started to run away screaming like a sissy as all four females threw kunai's knives at his back. Amaya looked back waving innocently.

"See you later dumb dumb!"

Itachi grinned waving too. "Bye Mummy!"

"That's my boy!" Mikoto sweetly cried out to her baby, before continuing the chase after a certian pervert.

Minato looked down shaking his head slightly. His life is sure weirder now that Amaya is going to be his wife. However on the lighter side, he cannot wait for this war to finish and he marries her. Starting a family with the woman he truly does love. Amaya is his everything and he will fight harder to return back to her and she back to him.


"Alright enough good byes. It's time to go now!" A random jounin shouted as one other held onto a gong.

"Well see you later losers!" Amaya laughed giving them all quick hugs and kisses before running towards the group, waving at them with a giant smile. Minato smiled blowing a kiss that she caught and returned. Minato held a hand to his cheek with a soft blush.

Fuguka walked forward and pressed a hand onto the blushing blonde man's shoulder. "Cute and innocent now. But once your trapped in marraige, you better have good life insurance. Especially when they fall pregnant and welcome to hell my friend."

Minato smiled. "I am actually looking forward to it."

Fuguka scoffed. "Dumb bastard."


He Uchiha pointed things out. "Once they fall pregnant things chance. Morning sickness, complains about their weight and if you say the wrong thing that's when they get angry and upset at the same time. Weird food cravings, waking up in the middle of the night to get them stuff from the stores. Bitching and complaining and they will not make things easier for you. Once they start giving birth make sure you have a medic aside for you. Example broken hands, broken noses and most of all...punched bellow the belt." Fuguka shivered slightly. Minato's eyes went wide.


"As I said dumb poor bastard."

The Hokage sighed. He knows their pain all to well.

"Still I want to marry her and have children." Minato giggled nervouslly.

"You say that now." The Hokage muttered. They watched Amaya's figure disappear behind the open gates as they walked in a tight diamond shape. Minato gulped slightly as she completely disappeared from his eye sight. He hopes that she comes back safe and has enough brains to run back home rather than march off towards war. Minato looked back at his team. He also has to keep his promise to her also, bringing them all back alive. Or else it's his head on a silver platter...or worse.

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