Minato love story

Від Tony-Stark-4-life

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This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

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Від Tony-Stark-4-life

As our beloved Princess silently walked down the wet pathway leading down the the lower levels of the tunnels. Fear started to show its ugly head while she walked down the tunnel only hearing the clicking sound of her shoes. Maybe this was a bad idea from the start? Jiraiya is known for believing the most stupidest things managable. How can a meer Princess befriend a almighty beast of the sea? How can one small female convince the Kraken to allow her to be it's summoner? This whole trip was a terrible idea. Amaya wanted to turn around bolting straight home and never come back. On the other hand why give anybody the sadistfaction she's a cowerd who needs Minato to fight her battles. No that never going to happen. Sure Kiyoshi protected her back in the genin days but this is different! His long dead and she's a grown up now. A woman on a mission. She would rather kiss a horses ass then marry that selfish bastard Kaemon Uchiha and bear his children. No kissing a horses ass is too extreme. If worst turns to worse then...she'll have to kill herself. It doesn't matter if it tarnishes her reputation for Konaha and Cyclone. Amaya would rather be dead then marry Kaemon. A life without Minato and the others is a life not worth living. Hopefully they would understand. But that's not important now, she has to find enough strenght to carry on this insane mission.

'I cant do it. It's impossible!' Amaya lead against the wall slidding down onto her butt. Pulling both legs up to her chest and start sobbing softly. This is too much pressure. Everyone is expecting results after this and that damn contract. Amaya felt like she had bitten off more then she could chew. This whole thing is totally insane. Minato would not shown how ashamed he is but rather bottle it up inside, like the others. Amaya doesn't know what to do anymore. Continue on and die? Or turn back and be labled as a failoure and abomination as a kunochi of leaf. That thought made her sob harder.

"I cant do this. This is insane! Minato I wish you were here with me. I' am so lost and afraid." She yanked off her kunai pouch and threw it aside. The buttons flew open and all of her weapons were sprawned against the cold damn floor.


She heard an unfamilar sound and looked up. Right in front of here was...Minato's three pointed kunai knife? When in the hell did that manage to get in her weapons pouch? She crawled forward and looked at it. Extremely sharp but held a look of elegance to it. The seals going down the handel looked so neat and so perfect. His hand-writting is way more neater and fancier than her own messy one. She doesn't put enough effort into anything that involves studies or homeword. She was the dead last in the academy days. Day dreaming and boasting about how awesome of a kunochi she was going to be. Kick everyones ass left, right and centre. Also she commented that she was going to be the first female hokage ever! Maybe students including teachers laughted at her. No one takes her seriouslly anymore. Even till this day. However Minato does.

A small smile graced her face while running a finger down the handel of the kunai knife.

He always seems to understand her and even tries to lighten up her spirits with praise. Even if the training methods he uses was so much harder than a normal sensie. Minato pushes her past the physical limits and tries to encourage her to try it again. How can someone so perfect want to be with a brainless loud annoying princess as her? Whatever the case is, she feels lucky to have him. Her first and only true love.

"...Is this a sign Minato? Why would you give me your kunai knife and why do you stay at my side?" Amaya whispered and then frowned. Throwing the kunai knife to the opposite wall and stand up tall. Collecting all of her weapons and stap it back onto her left thign. Yes she is left handed. Turning around she ran down the tunnel. Unknowing to her there was a flash of yellow light.


"Alright talk about one fucking awesome swimming pool!" Amaya cried out with a grin looking at the crystal clear water bellow. No little fish or unexpected nasties swimming around. Damn this is only the easy part. Now where is that damn bowl of special water? Apparently it tastes so much better then regular water. Amaya looked around walking around the large pool of water that leads down another tunnel. Corral and small little pieces of shells were the only thing down bellow.

"Oh secret water~ Where are you?" Amaya nervouslly said while scanning the room. Nope no sign of the water.

"Ah fuck wheres the bloody water?!"


"Damnit!" Amaya clenched onto her head as a goose egg appeared. Looking behind her with a small snarl and glare. Only to stop going wide eyed and nervouslly laughing. Standing behind her is Minato Namikaze, her boyfriend. Both arms crossed his chest and a small scold on his face. How in the hell did he come here?

"Amaya I thought I already discussed this way you a hundred times. A lady should never curse or use any sort of foul lanagauge. For crying out loud your a princess!" He scolded and huffed.

"How did you get here?" Amaya stupidly asked.

He smiled. "I slipped one of my teleporting kunai's into your pouche while we embraced at the front gates of the leaf village. I thought that there is no chance you are going to die with me around. No way you are going to leave me behind." He tussled her hair.

"Stalker much! I am a big girl now. I was thrown into a extremely dangerous cyclone like a boss by Tsunade. Do you honestly think for a single minute that I am some sort of defenseless maiden that needs a knight in shining amour every minute? No I am a princess and a bada...ss of that!" Amaya preached waving her hands in the air. Minato smirked slightly.

"I am your knight in shining amour?"

Amaya blushed slightly. "...I need to find the special water now."

Minato rolled his eyes. "Alright then let's get to it. Sooner we finish this, the sooner we can go home. Obito, Rin and Kakashi miss you something fierce. Rin had to stay at our place crying to sleep on your bed for the last week. Obitio is slagging off in training and running later for training and Kakashi is not reading a single book or taunting Obitio."

Amaya gasped. "My babies need me! Hurry up Knight-boy we got a job to do. Like the sooner we start then sooner we finish and get ramen!"

Minato face-palmed himself. Ramen.

They both walked down the pathway together looking around for the bowl of water with jewllery encrusted on damn thing. Minato glanced at his blue haired girlfriend with the corner of his eye. Amaya looked determind to find the water, drink it and then dive down bellow the very waters of hell itself. He remembered feeling so scared at the main gate, he sneaked one of his kunai's into her pouche. If she threw it then immeditly he would appear and assist in battle. Minato refuses to stand back allowing her to die by the hands of a monster. For the last couple of days his been doing more re-search of the Kraken, the stuff actually made him panic with worry. It doesn't eat its victumes right away. It drowns them first and waits for a few days for the body to rot then eat it. Jiraiya sensie freaked out also running around the library chanting "It's my fault! The brat doesn't stand a chance! Minato we gotta save the idiot princess and make sure she gives me some god-children!" He was a nervous panic wreck. Both of them told the Hokage and he even broke into a nervous sweaty wreck. So he believes sneaking one of his kunai's into her weapons pouche was one of his most brilliant ideas ever. Amaya is not going to die around him! Minato would rather die himself then allow her to go through this whole thing alone. Honestly, he truly does love her. Back home in a seal scroll was a present when she comes out of the exams as a jounin. A wedding ring.

'Amaya.' He grabbed onto her hand gently. Teal eyes looked deeply into his own blue orbs with love and determination.

"I think I see it Minato. Over there." She pointed over to a small cave with a small stream of water leading into the lake. He looked over to the bowl. It does look rather pretty.

"Alright let's go." He replied back. Dragging her towards it.

"I think that I should be the one to drink it." Amaya whispered.

"No!" He turned around cupping her face with his hands. Staring deeply into her eyes with a fire.


"No! We are "both" going to do this together Amaya. We are going together and that's final. Don't try to aruge with me." He stated with a strained voice.

Amaya sighed. "Look the thing is. I don't want to watch you get hurt because of me alright."

"Look I don't care about myself alright? My main concern if for you to come back in one piece. Amaya please let's do this together...as lovers." He whispered kissing her forehead.

"Oh Minato. There's no chance of me doing this alone is there?"

He chuckled. "Not a chance Princess."

Amaya kissed his lips softly. "Let's do this alright. Ready?" She walked over to the bowl and threw the spare cup at him. He caught it without hesitation.



Scoope the water into their cups.


Pressed it to their lips.


Drank it down fastly. Once they finished the whole cup of water they groaned holding onto their stomachs in pain. Amaya started coughing slightly pressing a hand to her throat. Minato clenched his teeth together tightly looking up to her. Amaya collapsed onto her knees biting back a scream of pain. It felt like someone was sewing her legs together with a burning hot sewing needle and also her back and throat was burning.

"Damn...Amaya." Minato coughed also falling onto his knees also.

"Minato..." Amaya whispered then the pain immeditly disappeared. Relife washed over her head to toe and also she felt...she was chocking? Looking down to her legs Amaya struggled to grin. Insted of legs there were a pale blue and green mermaid fins. Luckly her shirt was still remaining on her body.

"...I am a merman?"

Amaya looked up and snorted with laughter. Minato's legs had changed into mermaid fins aswell. A yellow colour with random pale blue scales here and there. His shirt was still one sadly.


"Not bad yourself Princess." Minato grinned as she blushed.

"Okay to the water, charge!" Amaya pumped her fist into the air and started wiggling down to the waters. Minato rolled his eyes following her example after strapping his kunai pouch to his arm for safety. Amaya smirked flopping into the water. Once they both were bellow the waters thing felt different. Like they were both floating on a cloud, weightless and free. Minato looked around finding out that he could breath and actually strange enough smell under water. Amaya was casually swimming in a circle with a grin.

"Like a boss!"

Minato rolled his eyes swimming towards her. They can speak underwater aswell. Grabbing onto her upper arm and swam with her down deeper into the lower levels. His shinobi sense kicked in fast as he heard nothing, that's usually a bad sign. They both had to squeese into a gap in a rock that blocked their way, if it was Jiraya he'd have his fat ass stuck there. Also to add that guy has some big hips for a male. Amaya sighed pulling a rubber band off her wrist and tied her hair up into a ponytail, her hair keeps on getting in front of her eyes. That would be a bad thing if she got into a fight underwater. Minato looked back at her nodding in understandment, usually most kunochi's had their hair up or cut short for battle.

"Amaya are we getting close?"

"Another mile down the right tunnel and we have to take a left. Also adding once we hit the dead end there is a hole that leads down." Amaya pointed to the right tunnel with a frown. It looks so dark down there. He nods swimming along side of her.

Just as they entered the right tunnel something odd happened. Something behind them giggled? Turning around the saw nothing but a small disappearing stream of bubbles, something is following them and hiding. Minato pulled Amaya in front of him with narrowed eyes, pulling out two kunai knives. Handing one over to the princess and held onto one himself. At least they both have a weapon to defend themselves with if an enemy appears. Amaya gripped onto her tightly swimming ahead of him still looking back once or twice. He continued to look back in hope to catch a glimps of their stalker. Hopefully they haven't accidently taken the wrong path were the Kraken's babies roamed and played around in.

"Minato we are almost at the dead end."


Amaya was about to say something but shook her head insteed. Looking back ahead only to scream. In-front of her face was a ugly looking creature with a foot-ball shaped head, pale greyish green skin, large bead like black eyes, white blood stained teeth and half of it's body looked like an octopus. It screeched at her and started to grab handfuls of her hair, tugging it. Minato turned around with wide eyes then watched as three to four more Kraken babies started pulling Amaya towards the darker side of the tunnel.


"Minato help!"

Just as he was about to swim towards them a giant countless group of Kraken babies appeared screeching and snapping their teeth at him. Immeditly as a well trained group darted towards the Yellow Flash. Minato quickly turned around doing a 360 slashing them. Blood soon turned the water red and more appeared. Angry that a human...merman was killing off their siblings. From small to big, they swarmed everywhere like a endless plauge.



He watched with shock as the small offspring threw his princess down the small opening and their larger siblings pushed a large pile of rocks down. Blocking him from getting her and her getting out. Turning around he fight harder and stronger out of rage and fustration. Hopefully Amaya will hold on long enough for him to get there.

'Keep safe.'


"Minato!" Amaya cried out slamming her fist against the rocks that blocked her way to him and freedom. Those horrible little bastard pulled a whole clump of her hair out and scratched her arms. Their small claws ended up cutting through skin and drew out blood. Hopefully there is no sharks around or she will be in some serious trouble. Sighing the blue haired princess turned around swimming slowly away from the bolders with a sad expression. Minato will be alright, his far more stronger then her after all and a legend. Kohana's Yellow Flash has never been defeated in battle and it's not going to start now. Amaya hopes he will be alright.

'Okay why would those little bastards seperate me and Minato? Is this some sort of cruel joke? Well whatever is going on, I am not going to back down. I am a freaking Kunochi of the hidden leaf village and Princess to Cyclone Island. I must find enough courage and strenght to do this solo.'

Swimming deeper into the pitch black waters pressing a hand against the wall for support. It's so dark down here and mermaids dont see well in a pitch black area. If only there was some sort of light down there.

'Hmm?' Amaya wrinkled her nose feeling something abnormal about the water, it felt much more warmer and also wavy then before. Gulping slightly she continued moving along the wall with both hands on high alert for any bad signs. Okay first was the Kraken babies and now she's in the domain of the Kraken's wife. Hopefully she could avoide this one and move towards the abandoned ship wreck and get the contract.

'Keep calm and collective Amaya. Don't let your mind wonder even for a second, it's even more dangerous down here. One level down and two more to go and then jack pot. I hope Minato is alright.'

She froze immeditly with utter fright and what happens next. Staring directly towards her from the black waters was a pair of giant golden eyes that shined like becon lights. Also the thing that made her whimper slightly was a slimy and disgusting feeling of something wrapping around her waist. Pulling her towards the eyes. Amaya wanted to burst out in tears and cry for help. But the fear replaced her courage and will to do anything buth whimper.

"Who are you mortal? How dare you enter my home and injurie my children. For that you must pay!"

Amaya pressed her hands together in a prayer. " I am Princess Amaya from Cyclone Island. I am here to help you out and also I didn't harm your babies. I came her with my boyfriend!"

The eyes narrowed then soften in a second. "Why would a Princess from Cyclone Island want to help a monster like me? Also is a boyfriend and newer way to say mate?"

"Minato is my boyfriend and lover. Ugh we haven't mated just of yet. Also to answer your first question Lady Kraken. I am here to help you get your family together again. All I requre is allowed enterance to the ship and get your husband out of the scroll. Look I mean no harm nor does Minato. We only want to help you out! Please don't eat me, I am skin and bones! I am a twig!" Amaya threw her hands in the air in plead. Strange enough Lady Kraken started laughing causing some of the rocks for the ceiling to crumble and fall. Amaya squealed as a light poured down from the roof. Amaya looked at the wife of the Kraken. Bigger then any size tower or house ever built with a strong but femine looking body with curves and breasts. Pale greenish skin with scales. Large golden eyes and a mouth full of dangerous looking teeth. Looking like tall katana swords sharpen to perfection. Damn this is so not good.

"You want to help me! Aahahaha bring my family back together again. Human you must be as stupid as they come these days. What no power or my husband as a summon? Ahahaha oh you are a funny little one."

"It's true! I understand what it feels like not knowing your parents. Mine were killed in a assasination for a peace treaty. Your children know you but have they even seen their father up close and personal?"

Lady Kraken's eyes soften even more. "You lost your parents."

"Yes...It killed me to hear that. Your children have a father but they have never met him. Please give me a chance to prove myself and prove to your husband I am worthy enough for a contract. If he doesn't agree then thats that. At least one part of my promise if accomplished. I can live knowing that I tried my hardest but failed. Please Lady Kraken give me a chance to help you!" Amaya pleaded.

"You speak exactly like that other female from Cyclone Island. Even though my husband hated her, I was fond of that human. She taught me how to show mercy and kindness. Alright Princess Amaya I'll let you pass. But here's a warning. My husband expects a fight for one worthy of his contact. Lay one hit on him and the fights over."

The tenticle around Amaya's waist loosen and vanished. Amaya took a large breath smiling at the female monster.

"Follow me Princess."

"Yes Lady Kraken." Amaya swam beside the giant female monster.



"It is amazing isn't it? However I cannot enter through the barrier. This is where we must part ways. Good luck Princess and don't beat him up too much." Lady Kraken nods her head and swam away back into the black waters again. Amaya smiled waving at the retreating monsters back. Sighing she looked at the ship again. Unlike the black endless waters Lady Kraken lived in, this one was different. The roof was completely broken making the moonlight shine on the ghost ship in a spooky way. Broken in half and the sails were still fluttering around the oceans current. The flags were black with a white skull and two swords, a traditional pirate ship by the looks of it. Inside the ghost ship lays the Kraken's contract sitting somewhere in the captians personal quarters.

"Well here's goes nothing." Amaya cracked her fingers swimming through the barrier towards the ship with fire dancing in her teal eyes. She saw towards the main deck looking around at the dead pirate skeletons laid every corner. Some of them held onto mugs and small pouches of gold coins inside. Amaya gulped hoping not to encounter any vengeful spirits from beyound the grave. Seriouslly she hates ghosts!

"Umm okay maybe its down here?" Amaya poked her head through the broken dungon section of the ship on the lower levels. Nope there is nothing down there but giant treasure chests full of pears, coins, gold, rings and ect. No sign of the contract. Amaya has to be honest, this ship is awesome!


She looked up turning her head to the left. A old wooden door had opened showing the captian's personal quarters. Maybe this is a bad omen or something? No door should magically open, this place is a freaking ghost ship for real! Besides swimming off like a coward cod fish, she hesitated swimming through the doors. Holding onto the corner looking through the murky waters, into the room. A large oak desk full of small treasure chests, a old map, a world globe, a spy glass, a skeleton of a dead bird and a...dead captian?

"What's that in his hands?"

She swam forward towards the skeleton captian. In his hands was...the contract! Amaya swam in circles shouting like a lunatic. She's finally found the contract! Time to kick ass and take names. Holding onto a breath she peeled the skeletons fingers back one at a time until it eventually dropped the scroll. Picking it up the Princess examined the scroll.

Kraken's scroll!

"Umm how do I open it? Ah great no one has told me how to activate the damn scroll! Curse Lady Kraken for not spilling out the beans, that damn giant tuna fish bitc...Ouch!" Amaya screeched as she accidently cut her finger on the sharp paper of the scroll. Once a single droplette of blood hit the paper. It started to glow a golden colour and she was forced to tightly shut both eyes. The feeling of being sucked into a wirlpool made her feel upset in the stomach, wanting to heave up everything she consumed that year alone. Once the spinning feeling vainished she heard a deep animalistic growl.

"Where am I? You foolish mortal, why did you summon me? Me the almight Kraken. The demon of the seven seas!"

Teal orbs snapped open in surprise that turned into shock. Hoovering infront of her face was a pair of extremely big demonic red and black pupiless eyes.

"Umm hi?"

"How dare you disrespect me human! I will eat you for your ignorance!" The Kraken screamed at her face. Amaya's face turned bright green pinching her nose shut. His breath smelt like one hundred rotting corpses and dead smelly fish. Need a tick tack bro? Or at least fucking brush your teeth and repeat!

"I am Princess Amaya of Cyclone Island. Lord Kraken I am here for two reasons and first of all. Since I was a small child living on the island. My dream was to bring you back to your family and hopefully be friends with you...please?" Amaya asked clapping her hands back into a prayer manner.

"Ahahahahha! Oh another little Princess from Cyclone Island. Oh how I hate those blasted royals. But you truly are a foolish brain dead mortal. Why would anyone in their right state of mind want to bring my family back together again? Be friends with you? Ahahaha don't make me laugh. I hate all humans, I hate ships that cross my seas and I especially hate Royals from Cyclone Island!" He screamed and tried to bite her. Amaya screamed swimming as fast as possible as the Kraken swam behind her.

"I just want to help!"


Amaya acted fast swimming through the pirate ships small circle window and he missed bitting off her fin.

'Oh fucking hell!'


"AHHH!" Amaya screamed as a large clawed hand bursted through the wall of the ship reaching out for her body. Cowering at the other side of the ships wall screaming. She pressed both hands together forming hand signs.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Justu!"

Two large water dragons shot and and bit the Krakens hands. He screeched in pain and slapped them away with his tenticles. Amaya knew for a fact, it increased his anger and blood lust even more.

"How dare you attack me!"

Teal orbs widden in fright while her chest rised and dropped heavily. Six or more tenticles shot through the opening aimed straight at her. Looking around then up, the small dungon had a meduim size crack. It could offer her some sort of santuary until a plan is planned out. Amaya darted to the small crawl space hidding there. The tenciles were far to big to enter, it's safe for now.

'I need some sort of plan! I cant use Cyclone Disaster down here! I cant use wind justs nor fire or lightening. I can only use water. I need a plan. Damn it think. Umm I got it!' Amaya clicked her finger together.


"AHHH!" Amaya screamed as even more tenicles ripped the ship apart! She's exposed in the centre of nothing but water. She looked up in horror pressing herself up against a nearby rock. The Kraken roared with anger and slight happiness for finding his prey.

"Lets so you dodge this human! Water Style: Giant Cyclone Justu!" He pressed his hands together and opened his mouth. Amaya screamed as the water was sucked away from the surronding area and she was now laying back against the rock in dry land. Her breathing became shallow also trying to keep some oxgyen in her lungs. It's not use. Large teal orbs widden as a giant water cyclone lifted the Kraken up higher up into the sky. He laughed darkly.

"Water Style: Water bullets justu!" He spat out water buttles towards Amaya. She crawled away randomly dodging them. Until one brushed up against her arm.


"AHHHH!" Her arm is broken! Tears fell down her face while looking at the evil monster. It showed no pity or sympathy. Just cruelity and excitment. The devil of the ocean enjoyed witnessing a human's pain an suffering.

"Do you enjoy this human? I do! I've always wanted to hear a decendant of that blasted Michiko's scream in pain and fright in battle. Oh my black heart lights up in excitment. Let us continue this game before I drown you!"

Amaya dodged more water bullets aimed directly at her once more. It's a shame that no one in Cyclone Island is a lightening user, if she did have it then that fucking creature would be BBQ'd. Amaya flopped on her back.

"Oh no!"

Her fins turned back into normal human legs and her pants covered her pale legs once again. This is so bad, this is so bad.

"Looks like the waters effect is gone now. Once a mermaid now a mortal who relies on air. Well this is good bye huh?"

Amaya growled. " Not quit. Water Style: Giant Vortex!" Her hands stopped and the justu became alive. The cyclone turned into a vortex sucking the Kraken in. Large red, black eyes grew wide with surprise as it was tugged down and started being thrashed around the place. Like a rag doll slamming into every wall smashing it to pieces. More water bursted out adding into the vortex making it unstoppable. Amaya's eyes grew blurry as little black dots entered her vision.

'Oh no. I've used all of my chalkra. I am going to...pass out.' The world went completelly black.


A warm heavenly breese gently hit our Princess's face. It felt so good. Almost like soft kisses planted all over her face and arms. Slowly a pair of teal orbs fluttered open. The sky is ever lasting blue, just like Minato's wonderful eyes. Sea gulls flew over her head and the smell of salt water drifted in. Was this heaven? If it is then it's rather peaceful. However heaven does sound rather nice. Amaya's never killed anyone before.

"Hmm my head." Amaya sat up straight holding onto her sore head. Ok this is not heaven, heaven has no pain. Her brain ponded against her skull hard, a small mindgrain no doubt from using far too much chalkra.

"I see your awake human." A familar voice spoke.

She sat up even more looking in a pair of giant red, black eyes. She screamed as the Kraken smirked. Taking great pride for making a human scream like a banshee. Oh this on is fun to mess with.

"Kraken! Oh I see. Come back to finish the job will yah! Well come on Mister. I'll kick your ass." Amaya leaped up folding her arms up into fists while jabbing the air. He threw his head back and simply laughed.

"Calm down human. I see that even in a injuried state, you are still very amausing. No calm down or I'll leave." He barked out.


"You managed to accomplish beating me. As of now I' am back with my wife and children. She told me your plans and how brave and courageous you spoke. So a royal of the damn island that imprisioned me managed to set me free. My my times have sure changed. So little Princess what is it you want? My power? Command over the oceans? Want me to destroy someone?" He crossed his arms and looked over at the ocean. Amaya sat down on the cliff dangling her feet down.

"I don't want neither of that. I want to be your friend." Honestly coated her voice.

"Friendship of a demon? Did your mother drop you as a child?" He raised a scaley eyebrow.

"No I leaped down the grand-stair case and tried to swing off of a curtian to the swimming pool. Of course they did effect my mind and skull a tiny bit. But still I want to be friends." Amaya admited shyly. The Kraken laid one arm across the cliff staring at her with hard cold eyes. He saw nothing but truth with a small glint of hope. Never in his entire life has he ever encountered a strange human. Sure Michiko was strange but Amaya takes the cake. Even in their fight the woman refused to give up.

"Ouch my fucking arm is broken, fuck!" Amaya hissed surpporting her arm. He rolled his eyes.

"Rude human."

"I didn't break your mother-fucking arm!" Amaya shouted.

"I was simply caught up in the moment."

"You wanted to make me sushi you lying fuck!" Amaya roared.

He smirked. "You know what. I like you. Here I'll offer my friendship and a blessing. Sign my summoning contract and allow me, my wife and children to be your summonings. We find you to be rather amausing, just don't abuse this. Or I will devour you and everyone you love. Starting with that boyfriend of yours."

"Minato? Oh no where's Minato?" Amaya cried out. Was he still in the cave?

"Relax human. My wife took him up before the water was completelly out of his system. His sitting on a beach waiting for you. Now do we have a deal?"

"Shake on it?"

He laughed using one finger to shake her hand. While she held her other arm up close to her chest. Hmm maybe a medic should fix it.

He clicked his fingers and the scroll appeared. The Kraken rolled it down onto the grass and opened it.

"Sign your name in blood and your hand print here. Beside Michiko's."

Amaya hissed while slicing her hand open and finger. Quickly writing her name down then pressing a bloody hand print.

He smirked. "The summoning tattoo is going to burn like hell."

Infact it did. Amaya screamed as it appeared on her right broken arm. A large black and white tattoo of the Kraken appeared with it's tenticels wrapping up her entire arm and it's body in the center. It also had blue waves for a back ground and a large stone bolder. It's two single clawed arms were holding onto the bolder trying to rip it in two. It looked scary but beautiful at the same time.

"Thank you."

He blinked in surprise. "To summon me all you have to do is wipe blood on the tattoo and pump chalkra into it. To little will make my children appear, meduim amount my wife and large is me. I am the big boss. Well Amaya fare well and good luck." He turned around diving straight into the water and swam away to the sunset. Amaya waved.

'Minato!' Amaya ran to the right side of the cliff. Minato sat alone on the beach starting at the ocean with a small frown. He doesn't see her.

Amaya cupped her good hand to her mouth shouting. "MINATO! I AM OVER HERE!"

He turned his head to the shouting, eyes went wide seeing Amaya waving at him. Immeditly he threw his Fly Thunder God transporting kunai at front of her feet and disappeared in a yellow flash. A second later he appeared wrapping both arms around his girlfriend.


"Minato I got the contract! But your gonna be pissed at what is it."

He raised an eyebrow and looked down at her broken arm. Eyes narrowed dangerouslly looking at the arm sleeve tattoo.

"Amaya." He sternly spoke.

"Not me! The Kraken did it. I want to like do hand signs, not a summoning tattoo!" Amaya cried out.

Minato signed pressing a hand over his tired eyes.

"Okay. What's done is done and the present is now. So your the new Kraken summoner? Well that's my girl." He smiled bringing her into a deep passionate kiss. She smiled returning the kiss. Soon they broke apart.

"Can we go home?"

Minato smiled. "Yes. Hold onto me. We are going to use Flying Thunder God to get back. Hold tight."

"I got a broken arm dork!"

Minato rolled his eyes. Lifting the squealing princess up bridal style. One arm was wrapped around his neck tightly.

"Tsunade can fix that. Now let's go home." He threw his held onto his kunai knife and they disappeared in a yellow and blue flash.


Two days later:

Since they've returned back home in one piece, things were getting back to normal. Minato dragged Amaya to the hospital and got her arm fixed and given some pain killers. Eating ramen and have a shower. Minato and Amaya passed out in bed in a deep sleep. For two straight days the've been sleeping in the same bed. Minato had one arm drapped over Amaya's waist while the other held onto her head. Amaya laid on his stomach with one arm pressed against his head. Both of them were so tired from all that fighting and mental trauma. So for the first time in what feels like an eternity, they slept in the same bed.

Amaya's strenght is slowly returning back to normal, including Minato's own. But their bodies were so tired, strained and it eventually shut down requiring some good rest. By tomorrow they were going to be fit as a fiddle.


"Minato sensie! Amaya!"

Minato's eyes slowly fluttered open.

"In here!"

His bedroom door opened and his three students bolted in looking relieved and happy. Amaya rolled over onto the other side of the bed. Rin cried tears of happiness, Obitio done the same with a grin and Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell? Is that a tattoo on her arm?" He questioned. Minato gronaed sitting up from his bed. Luckily wearing a pair of sleeping pants and a yellow shirt.

"Summoning seal for the Kraken." Yawning.

Rin's eyes went wide. "She did it. Guys she actually did it."

Obitio pumped his fist into the air. "That's our Amaya! I knew she would accomplish it without breaking a sweat. Kaemon's gonna have his butt handed to him. Yahhoo! We should celebrate tonight. I say ramen!"

Immeditly Amaya shot up scaring Rin and Obito. "Did someone say ramen?"

"Amaya!" Rin and Obito leaped onto the blue haired princess. She laughed and pulled Kakashi in for a giant group hug. Minato lead against his door smiling softly.

'I knew you could do it Amaya. The will of fire burns so brightly from you, it's blinding. Obitio is right. Kaemon doesn't stand a single chance against you in battle. In three weeks time Amaya. Three weeks then it's the jounin exams. I am proud to call you my girlfriend. I love you.' Minato smiled watching her kiss the kids foreheads. Kakashi didn't pull back surprisingly.

"Idiot princess, let me go." He demanded.

"I am a smart idiot to get the contract right?" She done the puppy eyes on him.

"Yes a smart idiot. Now lets go and get something to eat." He turned around storming out of the apartment.

"What crawled up your ass and died Kakashi?" Amaya called out. Minato smacked his face with his hand. Seems that her attuide and foul language still sticks with her.

"Welcome back Amaya." Rin smiled.

"Naww thanks baby doll!" Amaya smiled in return.

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