Minato love story

By Tony-Stark-4-life

21.2K 598 109

This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

1.2K 34 4
By Tony-Stark-4-life

Rin smiled softly at the panting older girl in front of her laying on the ground breathing heavily with small beads of sweat falling from her forehead, she just accomplished mastering the walking on water technique in three days. The small medic ninja sat beside Amaya twirling a small strand of grass between her fingers while watching Obito and Kakashi fight in hand to hand combat. Minato watched them with a keen eye ready to jump in if they go over board or end up killing each other. It's been the same routine for the last few days, things have been extremely quite in Konoha for sometime now but other qualified shinobi's deal with the more dangerous missions. The Hokage has been occupied with his paperwork for a few days and she hoped that he might issue them a mission sooner or later before Obito and Kakashi kill each other by accident during training. They were fidgety lately and always looked for ways to burn off steam by doing something, their spars have become more aggressive than usual.

"Amaya I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now." Rin's brown eyes looked down to Amaya's teal orbs, sitting up the eighteen year old girl pressed both of her hands to her eyes trying to fight a mind grain.

"Yeah? I am all ears honey. If there's anything troubling you that you are to embarrassed or not wanting to speak to Minato about. You may talk to me anytime day or night. I may be a trouble making moron but given advise is one of my good qualities." Amaya groaned slightly as she laid back down onto the ground covering her eyes once again.

Rin scotched closer towards the blue haired girl "Well you know that I' am an orphan right?"


"Well for the last few days I've been....very uncomfortable with my body and last night when I woke up I noticed some...." she coughed slightly turning a bit red in the face, Amaya caught on immediately then jolted to her feet gently pulling the girl up onto her feet. Looking towards Minato's direction she shouted.

"Oi! I am taken Rin with me, don't start shit with me man." she shakes her fist at the group of males staring at her oddly, Kakashi shakes his head then jumped back into fighting with Obito.

Minato blinked a few times at his older female student's sudden outburst, since they have been living with each other he's learned not to mess with her when she's on her....monthly schedule or when she's in a complete bad mood if she doesn't have her daily bowl of spicy chicken ramen. He nod in her direction before looking back at the black haired boy dodging a well aimed kick to his head from Kakashi who twisted his body before launching a right hook to Obito's head. Both girls walked out of the clearing with Rin explained her dilemma about the certain changes involving her body, Amaya wrapped her arm protectively around Rin's shoulder's trying to comfort the distressed girl. All girls go through that change and it also gives them an excuse to eat chocolate and to give people a hard time, that caused Rin to feel a little better. Staring up to Amaya's face the small medic ninja felt like she had an older sibling that cared for her, smiling softly she walked into a pharmacist while Amaya held the door wide open. Walking down several isles until Amaya stopped at the feminie cared shelves.

"Well these are here to help ok? Now you're pretty young and small I will let you chose by yourself." Amaya stood back watching Rin pick up a few items with an uncertain look on her face, looking back up to Amaya who watched with a comforting smile.

"Umm it only lasts for a week right?" she whispers inaudible to other people but loud enough for the blue haired teen to hear.


"I made my choice then, umm I don't think I am ready for the other item though." she glanced nervously to the small packet sitting on the shelve. Amaya done a small yawn stretching her back.

"Understandable honey, now can we get some head ache tablets or something? I feel like some emo Uchiha has burnt my brain with their fire ball justu. It's unbearable." Amaya pinched the bridge of her nose. Rin laughed as she used a small medical jutsu then lightly pressed two fingers on Amaya's temple then slowly pressed some chalkra into the girls skull. Amaya sighed with relief as the head ache vanished like it never was there.

"Thank you so much Rin. Now that I managed to get you out of the clutches of the evil sensei Minato lets get some ramen before he finds us, I'll pay for you're personal item and your ramen. I already paid rent this morning and later on Minato wants to go food shopping." Amaya winked at the brown haired girl. Rin smiled back to the girl as they headed towards the counter to buy the item then go out for some ramen.

Around three thirty Minato had appeared at the ramen bar surprised to see Amaya with seventeen large bowls of ramen and was in a ramen coma while Rin drank some green tea,

"Hello Minato sensei." the girl waved in greet to her blonde haired sensei. He blinked twice then smiled brightly at his young female student, sitting in the chair beside the young girl wanting to discuss why Amaya had dragged her off earlier.

"Hello Rin, what happened to her?" he look to Amaya who laid her head in her arms and would twitch every once in a while. Rin grinned at the unconscious girl with mischief and amusement.

"She tried to make a record on how much spicy chicken ramen she could eat, I told her the normal limit was around three to four bowls but she took that as a challenge and then slipt into a ramen coma. Teuchi had been rushing around the place preparing the ramen while she literally inhaled it with abnormal speed, don't worry sensei she's already paid." Rin chuckled while taking the last sip of her warm tea. Minato shook his head snorting with laughter. Amaya had to take everything as a challenge or if anyone wanted to make a bet with her she would happily do it as long as the Third Hokage pays for the damage bill. He remembered the time Obito came to training one day upset with a down cast expression refusing to meet anyone's gaze, Amaya had successfully managed to speak with him in private and he told her that Fuguka Uchiha had made him cry as that man insulted him publicly in front of the whole clan. Saying he was unfit to be an Uchiha. Amaya was furious at hearing that and she cooed him saying that she'll do something to make all the pain to go away, she had a pay a certain paint store a little visit. The next morning all of Konoha woke up to anguish screams coming from the Uchiha clan, someone had painted the whole compound a bright neo orange colour with glitter. The pathway was painted a yellow colour with a dopey drawing of Fukuka with his mouth open saying "Blah blah blah I am the evil emo vampire over lord of the Uchiha clan! Fear me! Also I am allergic to water." Amaya was immediately woken up by Minato who stood at the side of her bed with his arms crossed and a small scold on his face but his scold never reached his amused eyes. The girl was ordered by the Hokage to clean up her mess with many glaring Uchiha's and three smiling Uchiha's who watched as Amaya who flip her hair to one side of her neck then shield it again just to piss them off. After a hard days work Amaya had crawled back to Minato's apartment laying on the couch complaining at him about how evil they were. Later on that evening when they were having dinner Obito appeared then glomped Amaya saying his thanks a million times until eventually he stayed for dinner. She's very protective towards Rin, Kakashi and Obito like they were her own babies. No one fucks with her babies and gets away with it.

"Hmmm another bowl old man! I can still eat." Amaya raised her head then accidentally slammed her head against the counter, moaning softly while clenching onto her head. Minato sighed as Teuchi cleaned up the bowls shaking his head with a large grin.

"Sorry kid but I don't want to be the one to spend you to the hospital in a bigger ramen coma. Maybe tomorrow." he walked into the back room going to wash the dishes.

"Sorry Rin but Amaya and I have to shop for food." Minato apologies to his female student who nod then paid her own bill before hurrying back to her apartment. Smiling at Amaya who slammed her hand on the counter begging Teuchi for another bowl, gently placing a hand on the girls shoulder.

"Time to go shopping."

"Shit man...can I get ice cream?" she turned her head to the side making eye contact with the amused jounin instructor with beautiful cerulean blue eyes.

"If you behave Amaya then I promise I'll buy you a large ice cream cone, but now we have to go shopping or we will wind up with no food for a week." Minato smiled as he helped the shaking girl up who was strangely drunk from ramen, he held back a blush as he smelt her hot spicy breath fan his face slightly. Minato slowly pulled her up onto his back given her a piggy back ride, both of her arms flopped over his shoulder swinging slightly while he walks. Many people looked at them oddly like they haven't seen Amaya in a sort of ramen coma but what really caught his attention was a small group of females whispering and would send horrible death glares at the slightly snoring female. Reaching the super market he gently set Amaya onto the ground, lucky enough for him she had fully came out of her ramen coma. Pulling out a trolley from the entrance he smiled softly as Amaya stood at the front of the trolley, he pushed the trolley smiling as she would grab what they need and throw them into the trolley.

"Amaya I was wondering why you took Rin away from training earlier? She seemed upset and you know that if their's someone who's hurting her I am always there to help." Minato picked up a packet of crackers then threw them into the trolley.

"It's girl stuff Minato. You wouldn't understand." Amaya looked at the flavoured box of chips.

"Amaya my father figure and sensei is Jiraiya, I know a few things after spending a lot of time dealing with a perverted man who writes smut." Minato looked at some pasta packets then threw them into the trolley.

"Well she's been going through certain female changes which has frightened her. So I told her that all females go through that change."

Minato held back a blush, that's why his small female student has been acting funny this morning.

"Oh I understand perfectly Amaya, I had a fellow team mate who was female and she went through mood swings and would hit Jiraiya sensei if he would peep on the females in the hot spring. As for Rin I guess it's nice for you to explain it to her. It would be very awkward for me to discuss the feminie changes with her." Minato blushed at the though of explaining the whole period thing to Rin, he was a male after all.

"That's why you have me around, I am the awesome chunin chick." Amaya poke her tongue out before jumping off of the trolley then ran around the place getting the groceries with Minato running around the place. He would chuckle as he watched her smile brightly at the children and would run around the place playing with them until their parents got them away from the crazy kunochi. Fifteen minutes later they both were at the check out,

"I should make curry tonight and for dessert ice cream Sundays!"

Minato laughed at her before trying to pick up all of the twelve bags of groceries,

"Shadow clone justsu!" Amaya went through some hand signs before twenty four clones appeared and carried the groceries.

"Impressive. I would have never thought shadow clones could do simple tasks like that. Another good thing they are good for." Minato wrapped his arm around the smug girl then playfully messed her hair up, Amaya giggled feeling happy to have him around. He always made her feel happy and he also makes her feel protected. Minato was like a breath of fresh air and his bright playful spirit attracted her. Both of them walked off smiling at each other until a cold emotionless voice broke the happy scene they shared with each other.

"Well if it isn't dead last and her knight in shiny armour. I've been meaning to speak with you Amaya."

Both of them turned around to meet Kaemon Uchiha standing behind them with his arms crossed and he was scolding. Amaya felt all the colour drain from her face and she felt queasy in the stomach. Since they both were genin's she's always felt afraid of him, his aura was incredibly cold, uncaring and gave of an evil presences. Minato's eyes narrowed slightly as Amaya tightened her grip on his hand, both the Uchiha and Namikaze both glared at each other. The civilians scurried away from their fighting range but continued to watch them stare each other down. Amaya took a deep breath steadying her nerves.

"Wh....What do you want to speak about Kaemon? Can you please make this quick, Minato and I have to go home so I can prepare dinner."

Kaemon's eyes dimmed darkly while bristling as she said "Minato and I have to go home." how dare that filthy bitch say that in front of him, restraining himself from attacking the pair he smirked. He was going to enjoy this very much.

"I just wanted to let you know that we are no longer team mates, the next time we meet will be during the jounin exams and I'll be the one to kill you. Train hard enough to give me a decent challenge unlike those other times." He continued to smirk while he left the stunned girl and a angry Minato.

Staring down at her sweaty palms she shook slightly from fear, he promised that during the jounin exams he was going to kill her. Kaemon keeps his promises making sure once he said it, it happens. All those countless time his used her as a punching bag nearing killing her a dozen times while Aiko sensei stood back smirking not stopping it. Sobbing slightly Amaya knelled on the ground shaking with fearful eyes. Kaemon had killed a heap of genin's during the chunin exams when they were children while she stood behind Kiyoshi shaking like a leaf. After Kiyoshi's death three years ago things went bad to worse. Amaya had always had a feeling that Keamon and Akio were involved with Kiyoshi's death, but sadly she couldn't prove it. They even smirked during his funeral while she balled her eyes out.

"Don't be threatened by him Amaya. I'm training you after all, but it may seem well have to train you a lot more harder than intended. When we get home I'll bring out the chalkra paper and see what element you are, hopefully it's wind." Minato picked Amaya up bridal style jumping onto roof top to roof top heading back towards their apartment.

Half an hour later

Amaya laid on the couch staring at the white ceiling deep in thought while Minato put some chicken into the oven then put some vegetables and potato on low heat. Wrapping a thin yellow blanket around her body the royal blue haired girl curled up in a ball, it's windy outside which made her a little cold but altogether she was afraid. Afraid that Kaemon wouldn't wait that long to kill her, his very impatient after all. He never liked to wait for anything because his an Uchiha and Uchiha's always got special treatment from the village. The Uchiha's always came first then the Hyuga's and lastly the other clan's with a noble bloodline. Minato was an orphan but he has people from high places looking out for him, she on the other hand was a runaway with a big mouth that seems to get into trouble without even trying. Thinking about it she would sometimes think about going home back to her family hoping they had a change of heart. Uncle and aunty would most definitely would take her in then train her to be head of the clan. No that would be to easy, easy for her to runaway from her problems once again acting like a spoiled child who's parents didn't buy them candy. Why would she runaway from all of this? Minato, Rin, Obito and Kakashi were her family now, running away from them would crush them. Not only that Minato would chase her all the way there then drag her back to the village ignoring the screams of anger. He was stubborn after all.

"Here's a cup of tea." Minato placed a cup of hot tea at the side table. He was worried about Amaya being all quiet not daring to brake eye contact from the white ceiling. Sitting at the other side of the couch he watched her carefully.

"I am going to die aren't I? No ones ever beat Kaemon in a fight before, they end up dead by his kunai knife of fire ball justu." Amaya sat up from the couch with the cup of tea at hand, taking a small sip of the tea she hid a smile at the vanilla after taste.

"No you're not going to die Amaya, I promise that once you train hard enough to enter the jounin exam then you'll show that bastard what to be afraid of. Trust me." he smiled softly at the eighteen year old girl.

"How? I am not the most talented of kunochi's in the whole village if you haven't noticed. Besides I might as well go back to my village and bring back a few scrolls to study with, I'll have a talk with old man Hokage tomorrow about it, now I want to forget about Keamon." Amaya took the last sip of the tea then sighed softly.

"Sounds like a plan, right now how about we watch some television? Hopefully there's a good show or movie on." Minato smiled softly as Amaya passed him the remote then got up from the couch.

"I'll do some laundry instead."

Minato pouted slightly missing the company.


Amaya smiled softly as she gave him a hug "Thank you so much Minato."

He smiled softly again enjoying the embraced he's sharing with Amaya. Just as she pulled back he suddenly remembered about the chalkra paper, pulling a small piece of paper out of his pants pocket he handed it to the stunned girl.

"I forgot." she pressed a small amount of chalkra into the paper and was surprised when it split in two, one side was tore to shreds while the other piece went wet then it froze. Minato's eyes widen at the results. Amaya was a wind and a ice used wrapped into one.

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