Minato love story

By Tony-Stark-4-life

21.2K 598 109

This book dose not belong to me I would just rather read it on watt pad instead of fan fiction.com More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

3.8K 48 24
By Tony-Stark-4-life

Amaya took a deep calming breath before throwing five kunai knives towards the practice dummy, a small frown of annoyances crept across her lips at the wonky angled knives while one of them had fallen out and made a metallic clicking noise on the ground. The eighteen year old chunin wanted to scream with frustration and pull her hair out, earlier that day she had asked jounin instructor if he would be able to give her some tips but he brushed the royal blue haired teen off before working on his pride and joy Uchiha student. It infuriated the girl so much that she stormed off ignoring him calling her an ungrateful brat with no talent. She had taken her anger out of the tree behind her that was snapped in half, she cant control her chalkra that well. Amaya had a incredible amount of chalkra but the problem is how to release it in a small or steady amount without wasting the rest of it.

Rolling her teal coloured eyes Amaya picked up her fallen kunai knives before doing two chart wheels then followed by a back flip before tossing them at her target once again, landing in a crouch she hissed at the results of the attack. They were the same as last time, badly angled and one had fallen out. Standing up she kicked the ground with frustration causing dust to rise around her, still angry she picked up her weapons before running out of the training ground heading towards the village for a bowl of spicy chicken ramen to calm her nerves. Running in the village she waved at a few people who smiled at the chunin girl, jumping onto a cart she leaped onto a roof and kept leaping and jumping all the way to Ichiraku's ramen bar. Leaping off the roof she landed on both of her feet then grinned at the surprised ramen chief who broke into a large grin laughing at the sight of his best female customer.

"Training hard again Amaya?" Reaching over the counter to pull out the twig from the girls slightly messy hair. He flicked it away in the bushes beside his restaurant.

"I still suck with chalkra control and weaponry. I tried to ask Aiko sensei for some helpful tips but no his to caught up in the glory of training an Uchiha. Old man I' am not going to be a jounin one day at this rate, but that's not going to stop me for training hard to protect my home, precious people and this ramen bar." Amaya grinned at the man who pat her head with affection.

"That's a good girl, don't worry you'll be a jounin one day because I have faith in you. Now what do you fancy?" He crossed his arms together.

"Spicy Chicken ramen please!" she broke into a large smile as he went to the back laughing. While she waited for her order she looked around the place then noticed another customer eating his own bowl of ramen. Looking down at her dirty clothes she sighed softly while pulling out her locket from her jacket. It was pure silver with a beautiful fox in the centre in a defensive crouch. Flicking it open she pouted at how empty it was inside, not even a single picture was present inside the locket. Closing it was a small click Amaya noticed that the stranger next to her was watching. Turning her head to the side she hissed.

"What! Got a problem man? If you want to fight then I'll gladly obliged to that, I'll kick you ass!" she glared at him. He chuckled while shaking his head slightly,

"No thank you. I over heard you saying that you are struggling with chalkra control and weaponry."

"Aren't you a bloody eavesdropper, well yes I am having trouble. Aren't you going to make me feel terrible about myself?" she crossed her arms and glared at him slightly, he shook his head.

"I' am a jounin instructor as a matter of fact and I'd like to help you accomplish your dream to be a jounin." He smiled at her while extending his hand towards the surprised teenager "I am Minato Namikaze."

"Amaya." she shook his hand with a small unsure look to her face along with a pout. He shook it eagerly with a charming smile.

"Pleasure to meet you! It looks like your ramen is ready."

Sure enough a large bowl of spicy chicken ramen was placed in front of the blue haired girl who's mouth was slightly open drool at the sight and scent of the steamy bowl. She broke her chopsticks with a dopy grin then slowly started eating slowly enjoying the tingling feeling and the numbness on her bottom lip. She was a big fan of spicy and sweet foods but she hates sour and salty food because they were foul. She looks the man beside her to see him eating his fifth bowl with abnormal speed which made her raise an eyebrow. He must really enjoy his ramen then. Finishing her ramen Amaya pulled out a some money along with a small tip for the old man, slapping the money on the counter top before sliding off the stool heading back towards her training ground unaware of Minato following her.

Half and hour later

Amaya panted hardly while trying to control her chalkra by trying to walk up a large tree, tightening her grip on her kunai knife she dashed towards the tree and managed to make it up three meters before slashing the tree making a line then dropped to the ground on her back. Beads of sweat dripped down from her forehead while trying to regain some breath, her attempts to make it up the top of the tree was fruitless. Struggling to her feet the blue haired teen sat on the ground crossed legged while glaring up at the tree, it stood there mocking her with those lines to show how little she's seceded in the past few days and today's hard efforts. Just as she was about to stand up again then sound of clapping surprised her greatly, turning around she saw Minato with a impressed glint in his eyes along with a encouraging smile which made heat creep across her cheeks. No ones ever clapped nor praised her before.

"You've done extremely well Amaya! The will of fire burns brightly in you, but may I give you some tips?" he walked towards her.

"You'll be the first one to give me some tips, what the hell alright! What am' I doing wrong?" brushing the dirt off her knee high black pants and light blue T-shirt and white vest. Minato picked up the kunai knife before looking to the tree's marks,

"Well I've noticed that your chalkra is abnormally large which is strange but you are using too much when you start then you lessen it when your going higher. Too much can blast you off the tree and too less wouldn't let you stick on it, making you fall down. Now show me how you control you're chalkra." he went into sensei mode so fast it was shocking. The stern look in his eyes and the authority in his voice was scary. Amaya made a small ball of chalkra in her left hand before it burst causing her to fall back down onto her butt.


Minato helped her up then calmly spoke "Have you ever consider meditating?"

"Nope, old people do that." Amaya looked at him oddly.

"Not all old people do that, I do it to keep focus on my chalkra and to keep calm. Now sit down and mediate until I tell you to stop."

Amaya gaped at him before shaking her head "Nah ah!"

"Amaya it will help, trust me. My students do it when I' am late or in an important meeting."

Blushing she murmured "I don't know how to mediate."

Minato sighed as he sat down and pat the spot beside him with his hand, Amaya slowly sat beside him and crossed her legs watching him closely. The blonde haired cerulean blue eyed twenty year old man closed his eyes.

"Close your eyes."

Rolling her eyes she kept her teal orbs open but was still listening to him for the hell of it.

"Now take calm breaths in and out, slowly picture a perfect place or focus on what's around you. In and out, breathing is important." he took deep calmly breaths while relaxing. Amaya watched him then broke into a grin while waving her hand in front of his face, leaning forwards to him she started pulling faces at him while he mediating and his eyes were still closed. Biting her lips together to suppress a giggle she kept making faces.

"Rah!" he snapped his eyes open and shouted at her. Screaming she fell backwards after realising what happened she started laughing. Minato simply grinned.

"You scared me!"

"You should have been mediating instead of pulling faces at me, now actually try it this time and concentrate Amaya. Remember breathing is important." Minato looked at her with slight amusement before closing her eyes with his hands, pulling away he went back into his own mediation with a peaceful look on his handsome face. Amaya slowly closed her eyes then slowly breathed in and out picturing leaves dancing in the wind along with flower petals and she could hear the faint sound of water, she felt the wind blow against her face and gently sway her hair. Felling oddly happy, relaxed and in control she was beginning to like mediating. After it felt like an eternity in her happy world she felt someone nudge her arm, slowly opening her teal eyes she stared into Minato's cerulean blue orbs. He grinned,

"How do you feel?"

"Better, like I am in control." Amaya grinned at the man given him the thumbs up.

"Great now let's try the tree exercise one more time and this time don't be aggressive but relax, take deep breaths and try not to get angry at the tree it's not mocking you." Minato tossed the kunai to Amaya who caught it with her left hand, given him an uneasy look she ran towards the tree and followed Minato's instructions. Taking deep breaths she ran up the tree letting the right amount of chalkra to keep her sticking onto the tree. Going past her original spot she grinned as she nearly reached the top but lost her footing so she quickly slashed the tree before falling towards the ground and landed in a tiger crouch. Looking at her achievement with pride she starting jumping up and down with her arms high in the air shouting with excitement at her accomplishment. Minato grinned while watching the happy girl, he felt proud for her and that his tutelage helped her.

"Thank you so much Minato. You're the most awesome person I know!" she hugged him, he fought back a blush of embarrassment from being hugged by the vibrant teenaged girl who kept praising him.

"It's alright Amaya. I' am glad to be of some assistants to you." he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head while Amaya released him before staring up towards the twilight sky, a lot of time has past. Minato got the same idea and looked back to the royal blue haired girl who looked slightly upset, he wondered why.

"Well it's time for us to go our separate ways Minato, thanks for the tips. I appreciate it. Well bye and keeping being awesome!" she walked off after giving him one final hug. Minato stared at the girl's retreating form trying to fight down the blush that graced his cheeks as he watched her blue hair sway in the wind slightly. Remembering that she also needed some tips of weaponry he ran after her.

Amaya was already in the village heading towards her small apartment that was located in the bad side of town. Ignoring the busy people dashing past her or walk towards their homes with family or friends, she kept her head held high feeling proud of her accomplishment today. About to enter her home she felt all the colour being drained from her face, her front door was busted open and was swinging limply. Dashing into her apartment she held back tears at the trashed, burnt and stole items she paid for. Walking into her bedroom she finally allowed her tears to fall as her mother's jewellery box was stolen, her clothes being shredded to pieces and her bed was slashed in half. Standing there crying she didn't noticed that Minato allowed himself in. The jounin's eyes harden at the sight of the girl's apartment being trashed and stolen personal items, he slowly made his way towards the distressed girl ready to comfort her if necessary.

"Amaya are you alright?" Concerned about the silent girl. She responded by shaking her head slowly, she wasn't alright. Taking pity on the girl he took a deep breath.

"Why don't you stay with me for a while? Just until things get sorted out. Tomorrow will go see the Hokage and report this."

"Don't bother, this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. I'll sleep in the bathtub....again." she sighed while running a hand through her hair with her eyes closed. They are doing this again all because she refuses to quit being a shinobi and go back home. Running away from home at eight years old was the best and worst decision she's ever made. They are furious that she ran away that they, now they are determined to bring her back.

"Don't be ridiculous, pack your belongings Amaya because your staying in my apartment as a special guest." he smiled at her trying to brake the tension in the room. The teal eyed girl turned her attention back to her room before sighing in defeat, sliding open her dresser she pulled out a travel bag then she started looking for her clothes that weren't damaged. Minato left the room given her some privacy, a woman's room was private and he respects that.

Amaya picked up some other items shoving them in the bag before walking into the living room where Minato was reading a book from her half empty bookcase, he looked like he was enjoying it very much. He tore his attention away from the book as he watched the girl swing the bag over her shoulder, before he could place it back in the shelf she smiled softly.

"Keep it. I know that book of by heart, it's a good read and very enjoyable."

Minato nod with thanks before placing it in his weapon pouch. Clapping his hands together he asked.


"As I'll ever be...Minato?"


"Thank you."

"It's alright." He smiled before walking out of the apartment and picked the door up managing to fix it then watched Amaya lock it with a small gold key. He lead the quiet girl out of the apartment building heading towards his two bedroom apartment located near the Hokage's Tower.


It was eight o'clock at night in the hidden leaf village, Minato and Amaya just finished eating and wash their plates before going into the living room. Amaya had her bath around seven thirty and she's dressed in a pair of long blue and lavender coloured pyjama pants and a white singlet shirt. Minato had a shower after her and his dressed in a pair of long yellow pyjama pants and he was shirtless, Amaya doesn't mind at all. Both of them were seated in the living room with Minato reading the book from earlier while Amaya laid on the polished floor listening to the rain pelting hardly against the window and outside. She had a drawing pad out along with some art equipment as she sketched the window with droplets of rain dripping down from the smooth glass surface. Drawing was a special talent of hers and she felt absolutely relaxed while drawing anything that comes to her mind. Using the charcoal dust to darken it a bit she grinned with satisfactory at how nice it came out, as a special touch she had drawn a faint handprint on the glass. Looking up towards the clock she noticed it was nine at night, gathering her items together she stretched her sore back before rising to her feet.

"Do you want a drink Minato?"

A pair of cerulean blue eyes locked onto her teal ones, Minato smiled warmly at her before looking at the clock himself, he might as well read for another twenty minutes. Looking back at the waiting girl,

"Yes please, a cup of tea would be very nice thank you Amaya."

"Tea it is then." she headed towards the kitchen to made two cups of tea leaving a smiling Minato going back to his reading, in fact he wasn't really reading but watching Amaya draw in silences for the past few minutes. He enjoyed watching her draw and titled her head slightly while keeping focused on the window, clearly unaware of him watching her for the last hour. She looked so happy to be drawing, he noticed that it kept her mind focused at the task at hand and not wondering back towards her trashed apartment. Remembering that he felt furious and somewhat responsible for not even realising it, the sad looking on her face somehow made his heart ache and felt an uncontrollable anger swell up inside of him. As he ponders on his thoughts he didn't know that Amaya had placed is cup of tea on the side table beside him and sat down on the ground cross legged and was staring dreamlessly at the window.

After two more seconds he returned to reality.

"Thank you." he picked up his tea and took a sip of it, it noticed the vanilla aftertaste which he liked.

"Oi who the hell is that!" she squealed and pointed to the window, Minato quickly pulled out a hidden kunai from his sofa and went into battle mode in front of Amaya ready to protect the unarmed chunin. He slowly stood up straight while looking at the person's face that was pressed against the glass, it was Jiraiya.

"It's alright, his my sensei he means no harm to you." Minato opened the window allowing the sannin entry of his home. Jiraiya crept in shaking the water off his hair and clothing while his eyes were glued to the glaring girl. He grinned noticing her chest, long legs, perfect curves and her pretty face.

"Don't fucking stare at me like that or I'll castrate you Pervy Sage!" she yelled at him with angry, fury and embarrassment while crossing her arms across her chest trying to shield her breast from his view, she had a crimson blush on her cheeks. Minato felt that incredible angry swell up inside of him once again along with another undetectable emotion.

"Jiraiya sensei would you like a cup of tea to warm yourself up?" He tried to act polite towards his teacher while trying to suppress his anger down. Jiraiya grinned at his favourite student before sitting on the couch ignoring the growls from a beyond pissed off Amaya.

"No thank you, I am here to discuss something with you about little Miss over there...who's snarling at me." he flinched slightly under her gaze. Minato's anger was transformed into one of curiosity.

"Oh carry on then." Minato sat beside his sensei while Amaya sat on the floor silently wanting to know why this involves her. Jiraiya sighed loudly,

"It seems Lord Hokage was just notified about Miss Amaya's apartment being trashed again and he wasn't to pleased, in fact he was blowing steam from his ears."

"About fucking time he found out, I could have been laying on the floor dead for all he cared." Amaya murmured and yelped at a book being tossed at her head, Jiraiya threw while Minato grinned slightly. The white haired sannin continued,

"He was worried that they had stolen the locket or something along the lines of that, I have no clue what he's talking about. Also he was concerned with Amaya's safety since this wasn't the first time her apartment got broken into. Amaya why would someone want you locket?" Jiraiya looked down at the teen who blew a piece of her hair out of her teal eyes.

"It's a secret."

Minato done a small pout "You don't trust me?" pressing a hand to his 'aching' heart for a dramatic effect.

"I do but...it's dangerous and people can get hurt." she whispered.

"Hello I am the Gallant Jiraiya the most feared man of the five great shinobi nations baby!" he pointed to himself with pride while puffing out his chest. Minato shook his head laughing at the man in the inside.

"Yeah sure I heard that Lady Tsunade kicked your ass without braking a sweat when you were caught perving on her in the hot spring. You're a senile old perverted aren't yah Pervy Sage?" she smirked slightly as his cried anime tears while muttering how mean she is and how disrespectful kids are becoming. Minato openly laughed at his sensei's misfortune.

"The locket is around me neck and always has been since...I ran away from my home village when I was eight."

Minato stopped laughing and looked at her with sensei mode which will one day been Hokage mode. "You ran away from your home? Surely something must have made you do such a thing."

"My clan...were not in the right state of mind when they declared that they were going to start a war....involving the nine tailed fox demon's power as it's secret weapon. When I was three the fox appeared to me in a dream and claimed to be my spiritual guardian and is my grate grate grate grate grate grate grate grate grandfather. I have a small portion of demon blood which is that reason I have an abnormal amount of chalkra. They were going to kill me in order to set him off then capture him, I love my grandfather because he's the only one who actually cared for me. I came here to start a new life and to keep him safe." Amaya didn't look guilty or ashamed but she looked proud, she was proud of her demon heritage.

"I see, but why do they want the locket?" Jiraiya was surprised at her heritage and that she was related to the great and powerful fox demon.

"I can communicate with my grandfather through it. Sometimes I speak with him in my dreams or daydreams, it's like a link to each others mind in some sort of way. The idiots don't know that I am the only one who can actually use it unless I do a blood oath with another...or have a lover." Amaya blushed slightly at the last part, her mother would always tease her about the lover part by walking past her then do some kissy noises and faces which always made the girl turn crimson red then dash towards her chuckling father who would scoop her up into his arms. He said that if he doesn't approve of the guy he would kill him cause in his eyes no ones perfect for his little girl unless he declares him safe and marriage material.

"Interesting, have you spoken to him while you lived here?" Minato asked while taking a small sip of his now cold tea but he still loved the vanilla after taste that went down the back of his throat, he must get the recipe off of her. It was calming and would make a nice treat for any guests in the future.

"Yeah last night, he's been flirting with the two tailed cat demon. He's a sort of a big flirt when it comes to women, one time he tried to flex his muscles to a priestess while vacationing in the demon realm." she rolled her eyes, he thinks his a sexy beast. Minato chuckled while shaking his head in amusement and laughter, who would of thought the great nine tails was flirt.

"Well now we have that sorted out now the important matter of your living needs, Lord Hokage is going to arrange you to live in the Uchiha compound for a short period of time until your apartment is clean and has a special seal on it to stop intruders." Jiraiya clapped his hands together. Amaya pouted slightly about living with the cold hearted emotionless emo vampire clan for a while. The only Uchiha she got along with is Mikoto who was a dear friend. But deep down Amaya wouldn't fit in and they treat her like an outcast. The Hyuuga clan were a thousand times better in her eyes but Mikoto was still one of her precious friends. But she was so busy with her fist son and that Fuguka Uchiha dude that she wouldn't have extra time to spend with her.

"Sensei she's more then welcome to stay here with me, as long she pays rent and a little extra for groceries and help out with the cleaning .She's more then welcome to live with me. Besides I enjoy having company." Minato crossed his right leg over his left while resting his right temple on his closed fist. A warm smile graced his handsome face along with a warm look in his eyes. Jiraiya turned his attention to his prized student with mild shock and had a small glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Are you sure? From what Hokage has told me she can be a handful and a big time prankster."

"Hey! Thanks to my pranks I've mastered stealth and how to be quick on my feet you giant super perverted toad!" Amaya was offended at being named a trouble maker. Crossing her arms across her chest she turned her head to the side completely ignoring the chuckling male and the white haired man who was spacing out.

"I like the ring of that....SUPER PERVERT!" he cried out with happiness approving of that title. He wrote his little porn books, does researched and he cant help but flirt with every attractive woman that walks past him. The same book he threw at her was thrown at the side of his head.

"Pervert!" Amaya bellowed out loudly.

Minato shook his head once again "Do you agree to the terms Amaya?"

"Yes, do I pay you weekly or fortnightly?"

"Hmm how about fortnightly and you cook four times a week?"

"Deal." Amaya smiled, she enjoyed cooking very much and loves to add her own special ingredients just like the vanilla tea. Minato smiled brightly at the eighteen year old, both of them didn't notice the white haired man smirking at them sightly while rubbing his together in a evil sort of way. Ever since Kushina Uzumaki broke Minato's heart his been out searching, hunting for the right girl to come and mend those scars on the blonde haired man's heart. Amaya was perfect for the job and she can keep Minato on his toes at all times. Being the perfect little hellion with a giant knack for getting into trouble. Jiraiya looked at them both a few times before splitting into a large grin as a idea hit him, murmuring under his breath,

"Light bulb."

"Did you say something?' both Minato and Amaya looked at the toad sannin at the same time and spoke like a record player.

"Nothing, well I better be going off to report the new living matters with Lord Hokage. I'll catch up with you later Minato and Amaya try not to burn any garbage dumpsters." He stood up waving before leaping out of the open window smirking as Amaya cried out.

"That only happened one time and it was an accident!" she slammed the window closed and locked it, turning around to meet Minato amused gaze and slight smirk.

"You burned garbage dumpsters?"

"One time and it was an accident! How am I suppose to know Uchiha's don't like a simple yet funny prank of water balloons? No they got pissed and tired to burn me alive with their fireball justsu! I ran past a dumpster and they lit the garbage on fire! It's their fault not mine. I got punished and they didn't even get a slap of the wrist." Amaya knew from that day forth she know knew that Uchiha's were allergic to water and they have a fiery temper that matches their fire jutsus. Mental note don't piss them off unless they deserved it or it's a boiling hot day, they might let her go on that one as they might finally cool down a bit without going mental at her. Minato laughed as he got up from his couch and walked towards his bedroom ready to call it a night.

"Night Amaya."

'Night Minato."

Before closing his bedroom door he turned back to the blue haired teen who placed the empty cups into the sink,

"Amaya tomorrow morning I'll get you around seven o'clock and around seven thirty we have to be at training ground four. We'll work on your weaponry before you have the honour of meeting my students." He smiled before closing the door. Amaya blinked twice letting the message sink in, chewing her bottom lip Amaya forgot to tell him that Aiko wanted to have a team meeting tomorrow around six thirty in the morning in a small café that opens up around dawn. Sighing the girl will deal with it tomorrow morning by leaving Minato a note but promise to meet him at training ground four to being introduced to his students to her, he seems very proud of them and she doesn't want to let him down after all the nice things he's done for her already. Sighing she turned the lights off before retreating into her room ready to call it a night.

In the morning

Amaya was dressed in some fresh clothes, brushed her hair and teeth and was fixing her hair into a loose ponytail. She was now wearing a black pair of white cotton pants with a long ice blue shirt that reaches the bottom of her butt, her blue shinobi sandals and she wore her forehead protector around her neck. Sighing as she strapped on her weapons pouch on her left thigh then started to write a quick note to Minato who was still sleeping, after finishing her signature she walked towards the door. Slowly opening it trying to make as little noise as possible Amaya thought she was home free until the door was snapped shut to show Minato leaning on the door with his arms crossed.

"Morning!" Amaya smiled then looked away at his stern glazed look in his eyes with traces of sleep still noticeable.

"Amaya why are you up this early? Trying to sneak out?" Minato was clearly not a morning person. Sighing she started to explain to him why she was going to sneak out so early while making him a cup of cinnamon tea as he sat in the kitchen on a wooden chair rubbing the sleep out of his eyes nodding at her explanation. Handing him the hot cup of tea Amaya leaned against the kitchen's bench.

"So you were going to meet Aiko, the man who's abandoned you and for another student and neglected your training." Minato took a sip of his tea while keeping an eye on the nodding blue haired teenaged girl.

"Yeah, he's possibly wanting me to be his prized students real life dummy to kick the living shit out of, then he's going to say I've been slacking off on my training and how much I've disgraced the village and other bullshit." she murmured sadly drumming her nails on the hard marble kitchen top. Minato went silent for a few seconds before gulping down the rest of his tea, standing up he grinned down while keeping his eyes locked onto her teal orbs.

"Let me change, get ready then will both go to have a nice chat with Aiko, personally I've never met the man but that will change soon enough." He walked past Amaya brushing his shoulder against hers while she looked utterly confused at the blonde man's reaction.

After fifteen minutes both of them walked down the street of Konoha, well Minato was walking sort of fast like he was about to run so Amaya tried to catch up with him by jogging to his side once again. The Iris café was just around the corner, once they reached the small café Amaya panted slightly at how fast he could power walk. Looking around the small shop Minato saw a few males and females before turning his head to the side he heard Amaya mutter silently.

"His not here yet, but I am starving!" she ran towards a nice table near a the window, Minato sat down in front of her and looked at the menu. After three seconds a young waiter appeared with a small note book ready to take their order. He had shaggy brown hair, green eyes and he was dressed smartly.

"Hello and good morning to the both of you, so are you ready to order?" he sounded happy, clearly he was a morning person. Minato handed both of their menu's to him and crossed his arms with a small grin.

"I'll have the breakfast special with a cup of vanilla tea, Amaya what are you having?" He placed his chin on a closed fist while looking at the chunin.

"Umm I'll have five slices of cinnamon toast, a bowl of honey porridge and a cup of vanilla tea also."

The boy blinked as he asked "Are you sure Miss? Isn't that a little to much for you to eat?"

Amaya felt embarrassed about how she ate so much unlike those other girls who would have something small or would have a salad. She closed her eyes opening her mouth about to reply when Minato spoke up.

"If that's what she wants then please let her have it, I' am paying for it anyway."

Teal eyes snapped opened to stare at the slightly annoyed jounin, the boy done a small bow of apology before hurrying to the back of the café to hand in their orders. Amaya looked at Minato who done a small sigh stretching his back before doing a small yawn.

"I can pay for myself Minato."

"Your silly Amaya, I want to pay for you. My treat." He chuckled slightly before waving his hand to end the conversation. Taking a long sigh she smiled softly at how nice a gentleman he is and how lucky she was to meet him at the ramen bar. After their breakfast arrived they started having a nice conversation with each other and ate their breakfast, once in a while Amaya would either chuckle or laugh at his many stories about his genin years or his students. Both of them enjoyed having each others company until Aiko and a eighteen year old boy entered the café half and hour later. Amaya looked slightly down for a second before smiling brightly at the males.

"Morning Aiko sensei and you to Kaemon!" she waved at them trying to be polite to them both. Minato felt slightly irritated at how they didn't greet Amaya who did though in a bright bubbly adorable way, both of them looked emotionless. Aiko had a curly chocolate brown hair, deep brown eyes behind a pair of sunglasses, he had a large scar going from the side of his mouth all the way to his ear. He wore fully black and his forehead protector was around his forehead.

Kaemon Uchiha had short black hair that was cut up to hi ear loop, cold uncaring charcoal black eyes, he wore a black body suite with the Uchiha emblem at the back, he wore his forehead protector around his bicep. He looked down at Amaya like she was completely below him.

"Amaya I told you to meet us at the department of integration and torture's buildings main entrance. This proves yet again that you are not the most brightest person in the shinobi forces." Aiko spoke in a cold tone which made Amaya flinch and done a small squeak while saying on her behalf.

"I heard you say to meet you guys here in the Iris café, I even asked you twice to confirm it and you said yes before calling me a stupid girl before you stormed off with Kaemon."

"I don't want to hear anymore excuses Amaya! Now Kaemon is angry because of you which means that you might be lucky to come out of the spar alive. Get up you worthless girl and follow us!" Aiko roughly grabbed Amaya's small wrist and yanked her off the chair causing it to fall backwards. In a blink of an eye a flash of yellow was seen and Aiko froze as a kunai knife was pressed to the man's exposed throat. Minato looked demonic with his face twisted with anger.

"Release Amaya right now." he spat with venom dripping from his words.

Aiko obliged and Amaya walked to Minato's side rubbing her sore red wrist that already has finger mark imprints on creamy coloured skin. Kaemon looked pretty pissed off with his Sharingan activated ready to hurt the man. Minato's eyes were so dark that it scared Amaya half to death just by looking at them.

"How could you neglect your student and use her as the other's personal punching bag? that comes down as sexism for her being female, neglect for not showing her the basic skills to survive outside of the village's walls, preferring another student against the other is something the Hokage doesn't have an patients for." Minato hissed in a dark tone. Aiko didn't respond but he kept still glaring at him.

Kaemon watched the scene with anger for starters he does know who the blonde man was as he held a kunai knife at his sensei's throat, he was in the way of Kaemon's training time and that Amaya looked close to the man who's known as Konoha's Yellow Flash. His name is Minato Namikaze. With an angry huff he crossed his arms together he finally spoke.

"Why don't you mind your own business, besides why do you even help the dead last? She's not even worth fighting over."

Amaya held back the urge to play with her locket, it makes her feel better by toying with it while feeling upset or angry. Aiko tried to throw a punch with his spare hand but grunted as Minato swiftly dodged the attack then delivered a solid kick to the man's exposed stomach, he double over in pain falling onto his knees clenching his stomach wheezing and gasping for air. Minato shoved his kunai knife back in his thigh pouch slightly satisfied with his work but held back the urge to end the man's life right there.

"I'll be taking over Amaya's training for now on and I'll also ask Lord Hokage to place her under my care until she's deemed fit enough participate in the jounin exams. Amaya come on lets go it's getting late." He paid the bill before leaving the two men inside the café with Amaya following him at his side without saying a word. They walking towards the training ground in silences while listening to the birds chirp happily in the trees or taking flight. Jumping onto a fallen log Amaya cursed the awkward silences and how much she wants to ask Minato why he said that he'll train her until she's fit enough to be able to participate in the jounin exams. Sliding down the log until both of her feet were now on the ground along with the crunching sound of leaves under her shoes. Looking up from the ground she squeaked as Minato was in front of her in his so called sensei mode she had the pleasure in seeing yesterday.

"You know I' am serious about the training right?"

"Y...Yeah, I know that you don't kid around about something like that Minato." she clapped her hands together behind her back.

"Good. Now I want you to know that because now you're my student it doesn't give you the right to think I'll neglect my other students for you. I treat everyone equally in my unit and yes I do have a girl in my team and I train her equally with the two boys, I don't do favourites between them and you, understand?" He crossed his arms.

"Yes...Minato sensei?" she asked with questioning gazed.

"Yes you can call me that but in private you can drop the sensei."

"Question!" she raised her hand high in the air.

"Yes Amaya." he smirked slightly admiring her spirit.

"Do you think I' am stupid enough to make you neglect your students? No I won't do that because their just children and with the way things have been going lately with the hidden rock village I would just walk away and let you continue to teach them." Amaya also crossed her arms together with a small stern glare of her own, she loves children enough to risk her own life for their own or give them enough time to runaway. Minato smiled softly while patting the blue haired girls head.

"You're a great kid."

"Kid! I am eighteen years old going onto nineteen in three months thank you very much old man!" Amaya puffed her red cheeks out with anger. Minato laughed while walking into the clearing with a angry girl behind him. Hearing the sound of arguing and a small feminie sigh made Amaya poke her head out from behind Minato. She almost squealed at how cute they were! They were definitely huggable because they were so dang cute! She stepped out from behind Minato and stood at his side smiling.

"Alright that's enough fighting Kakashi, Obito."

Kakashi and Obito both stopped their argument looking straight at their sensei then noticed the newbie beside him smiling. All three members of team Minato looked at their sensei awaiting his orders. Minato clapped his hands together with a beaming smile on his face.

"We have a new edition to the team, everyone please say hello to Amaya." he pointed to the not so shy Amaya done a foxy smile and waved her hand in greeting. The brown haired girl with purple facial paint on her cheeks smiled and waved back. The two boys immediately thought she was strange.

"Everyone introduce yourselves to Amaya." Minato crossed his arms and lead against a nearby tree.

"I am Rin." the girl smiled.

"Kakashi Hatake." Kakashi didn't bother looking at her while staring at the opposite direction.

"I am the great Obito Uchiha, of the Uchiha clan!" Obito beamed while jabbing his thumb to his chest that was puffed out with pride.

"Your part of the cold hearted emotionless emo vampire clan? The clan that's allergic to water?"

Obito's jaw dropped with shock while Kakashi snickered with Rin clapping her hands over her mouth trying to stop herself from laughing. Minato groaned while running a hand through his hair.

"Why did you call my clan cold hearted emotionless emo vampire clan? We are the best of the best because we have the Sharingan!" Obito shouted while pointing his finger at the smiling girl with furry burning in his eyes.

"Because...it's fitting and an Uchiha I know laughed and agreed with me, so I win." Amaya done a small yawn then winked at the now blushing boy.


Minato pushed himself off the tree and started with his lesson.

"Today I want Rin and Obitio to work on their tree climbing exercise. Kakashi you will help Amaya with her weaponry, it seems her previous sensei favoured his male student more then her. I'll stand back and observe you all. I also will point out errors that need fixing, alright?"

"Yes sensei!"

"Yeah sure whatever leave me with little Kakashi." Amaya walked towards Kakashi would set up a training dummy before sending the grinning girl a glare. Rin giggled softly while Obito done a small Uchiha smirk. Kakashi tossed her a kunai knife, she caught it swiftly before sitting on the ground watching him and listening him give her the basics.

"When you throw a kunai you need to calculate how the angle, which direction the wind is blowing and how hard you want to throw the kunai, the wind can change yes so that means you have to try even harder to hit your target. Now which hand do you write with?" His black eyes were a little freaky.

"Umm I' am left handed?" she raised her left hand.

"I can see that, now stand up and try to get hit the dummy's centre."

Amaya went into her battle stand and threw the knife towards the dummy's centre, unfortunately it hit crouch of the dummy before falling onto the ground with a metallic cling. She groaned softly while turning on her heel staring at Kakashi who looked a bit pale for some reason.

"First things first, your not throwing it hard enough but not to much force or you'll injure yourself. Your aim is slightly off because your gripping the kunai wrong." he pointed out before picking up the kunai from the ground and gently grabbed Amaya's left hand and curled her fingers on the blade's handle in the proper way. He lowered her arms slightly then japed it in a slight angle before standing aside.

"Give it another go and lets see how you do this time."

"Kakashi." she asked nervously.

"Give it a go." his stern voice almost made her gulp. Sighing she took a deep breath before throwing it, it soared through the air then hit it's mark dead in the centre and it stayed there. She done a cry of joy while jumping up and down then glomped the silver haired boy.

"Your soooooo smart! Thank you so much!" she kissed his cheeks while holding him up in the air in her arms. Kakashi shouted.

"Release me now woman!"

"Pfffft I've heard worse insults than that, I' am just so happy right now, it's taken my nearly three years to do that."

"Three years?" his eyes went wide with shock and surprise.

"My old sensei....didn't teach me a single thing let alone how to block a punch or kick, I was his star students punching bag for three long gruelling years of my life." she hissed slightly before looking into his black eyes, he looked disgusted.

"Can you put me down now?"

"Of course." Amaya set him down onto the ground listening to him telling her the basic's in blocking attacks. He would gently move her leg with his own and would raise or lower her fists then showed a combo of attacks and blocks the watched her mimic the moves. After two hours and a ten minute break they switched activates while they were carefully watched by Minato who watched their progress, Kakashi was with Rin and Amaya was moved to Obito. Obito had started doing his tree climbing exercise again while Amaya watched him from the tallest branch on the tree besides his. This got him angry but what really pissed him off is that she thought it would be funny to talk about ramen, how much she loves it and that she should marry the guy that invented ramen not caring if his an old dude. Minato now understood why Jiraiya said she was a trouble maker and hard to handle, walking towards a small lake beside the training ground he done a sharp whistle. Making his students look at him.

"Amaya let Obito continue his training in peace and come over here, there's something I want to show you. Kakashi Rin Obito you three are doing a excellent job, keep up with the great job!" he clapped his hand before watching Amaya casually walked up to him. With the others turning back to their work feeling pride and energetic from their sensei's praise. Minato grinned slightly at the pouting girl knowing he destroyed her source of fun.

"I've noticed that your chalkra control is reasonably good but it's not good enough, when it's the tree exercise you can do it fine. Now it's time for you to do something more hard, the walking on water exercise."

"Is there such thing as walking on air?"

"...No, that's impossible." Minato done a small sweat drop on the back of his head as she pouted slightly about how the most brilliant prank is now useless. She really was something.

"Now walking on water, you need release a steady amount of chalkra while doing this, to much would make you blast out of the water and too little will make you sink into the water. Remember if you still have trouble controlling your chalkra then mediate on it." Minato done a single hand sign before slowly walking on the lake's watery surface until he was in the middle.

"You give it ago!" he shouted.

"Yeah yeah keep your pants on!" she called back before doing the same hand sign and placed on foot on to the lake's water before falling straight in, she swam to the top spitting the water out of her mouth ignoring Minato's laughter along with the other students joining his as she screamed pulling a fish out of her shirt.

"Try again." he wiped away his shed tear away from his mirth rimmed eyes.

Amaya pulled herself out of the water then gave him and the others the bird then tried again and the same result happened again, she slapped the water with frustration but kept ignoring their laughter.

'This is going to take a while to master...is there another damn fish in my shirt?'

Six in the afternoon

Team Minato bid each other a goodnight before going their own ways, Minato waved happily at his students while Amaya was at his side with a large towel over her shoulders and she was dripping wet from practicing the walking on water thing. Her hair was dripping wet along with her clothes. Minato smiled as he walked down the street with Amaya talking about his little visit with the Hokage.

"He said that you cannot be apart of my team due to the fact there cannot be a fourth member and your not in their age group, but he did approve of you training with us but gently pressures you to train by yourself two times a week or three if your up for it. He also had a little chat with Aiko earlier this afternoon and he's not allowing you to be in his team any longer. Also with the living arrangements his alright with it but if you do any pranks or whatever I'll have to deal with it and your punishment."

"...Alright." she walked ahead of him.

"Where are you going!" he called out.

"Ramen is calling my name and I' am not going to ignore it's call! If you want to come I'll pay!"

Minato laughed as he ran towards her. He pulled the short girl into a head lock laughing at her fruitless attempts to free herself while laughing herself. Many of the civilians and shinobi's looked at them oddly, they definitely looked like a happy couple, too bad they didn't notice themselves. After they passed an alleyway Jiraiya stepped out of the shadows writing notes down in a frightening speed while doing his perverted grin, it turned into a smirk when Amaya playfully bit Minato's arm causing him to release the laughing girl who ran down the street calling him slow, Minato of course took that as a challenge and ran after the girl before catching her and playfully threw her over his shoulder then headed towards the ramen bar.

"Hmm this stuff is great! Adding a few of my own twists my next novel's going to be a best seller, Amaya thank you so much for finding Minato and for being the little brat you are. I cant wait to continue my research!" he done a small perverted giggle before disappearing in a puff of smoke heading towards the hot springs to do a little peeping on the females in the hot spring.

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