Percy Jackson One Shots

By omgitshappenning

616K 7.9K 12.3K

*COMPLETED* Demigods and mortals and gods and monsters... Need I say more? DISCLAIMER : I do not own Percy Ja... More

Introduction (& BEDMAS)
Helen Kingsley
Jake Miller
Piper Mclean
Annabeth Chase
Nancy Bobofit
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jamie Rosewood
Leo McSizzle Valdez
Ethan Roony
Percy Jackson
Cassiopeia Sanders and the Gods
Silena Beaureguard
Third Person - Percabeth
Nico di Angelo
Miranda Tellgemir
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Fred James
New Year
Diedre Alamanga
Australia Swagness
Millie Parker
Annabeth Chase
Thalia Grace
Matt Sloan
New Book???
It's another dam A/N
Jaclyn Singer
Ryan Feathestone
Tessa Black
Headcannon #2
Allison Page
Clarisse La Rue
Jaclyn Singer - Part 2
Alexis Jackson - Mature
Hazel Levesque
Alexis Jackson - Part Two
Annabeth Chase (Soulmate AU)
Sally Jackson
Headcannon #3
Laila Sykes
Ashley Castellan
Autumn North
Percy Jackson
*waves awkwardly*
Kennedy Walters
Callista Skye Evener
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Introductory Camp Video
Annabeth Chase
Loyetta Amilea Banders
Courtney Sullivan

Third Person - Percabeth

10.8K 168 127
By omgitshappenning

Percabeth AU.


Annabeth turned her head in vain, trying to see who had called her Annie. She hated that name. Only Mommy could call her it without Annabeth getting angry. Finally she stood up. She turned in a whole circle...

Percy lay on his stomach in the garden. He must have snuck in through the gate. "Percy!" Annabeth whined. "Don't call me that. I don't like it," she pouted.

"But I like it!"

"It's my name."



"Fine," Percy huffed, giving up.

After a pause she asked, "So what do you want to do?"

"Well, my Mommy sent me over to tell you that she baked some cookies and you can have some...if you want," said Percy pleading her to come over but at the same time warning her not to have any cookies.

Annabeth's eyes lite up and she jumped in the air. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she shouted. Sally's cookies were the best. They were better than the best. Especially the blue chocolate chip ones. Those particularly were her favourite.

Percy grinned. If he did have to share his cookies, there were worse people than Annabeth. He stood up from his spot in the dirt and raced through the gate, Annabeth hot on his heels. Together they bounded across the patio to where Sally was placing two plates both with two blue chocolate chip cookies on them on the table.

"Hello, Sally," Annabeth said, grinning. She walked and jumped into her seat at the patio table. She took an enormous bite out of her cookie. Percy promptly followed her example.

"Thank you, Mom," announced Percy, his mouth full and disgusting.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, young man," she scolded. "But you're welcome." She ruffled his hair slightly and turned to go back inside.

Annabeth quickly swallowed her bit and shyly thanked Sally for the cookies.

Sally smiled. "You're welcome too, Annabeth." As Percy's mom disappeared behind the screen they heard her call, "and don't eat them too fast!" But it was too late. The only things left on either of their plates were a littering if crumbs. The friends giggled and slide off their chairs.

Percy brought out a soccer ball and they used that for awhile. Passing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

"I'm bored." Annabeth announced, sitting herself on the grass tiredly after one last pass.

"Well, what do you want to do now?" Percy asked, kicking the ball accidentally into Annabeth's yard. Annabeth raised her head and followed Percy as he scrambled out through the gate. His eyes widened when he found the ball in the middle of Mrs. Chase's prized garden. He quickly ran over to inspect the damage. "Uh oh."

"What did you do?"

Percy pointed to a bed of mauled over tulips and daffodils. "Your mom's gonna be mad."

Annabeth cocked her head and studied the crushed flowers. "We can try and make it look like it never happened."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"Like this," said Annabeth, sounding very factual for a six year old. She bent down on her knees and picked up all the smushed flowers and laid them in a pile by Percy's feet. Percy, now very curious, knelt beside her and studied her movements as she worked. Annabeth started to meticulously shift the remaining flowers around to cover more space.

"There," she proclaimed. They both stared at her finished project. If you were to stop and stare intently at the flowers the mess was obvious. But if you just gave a passing glance, it was easily missed. "Good enough."

Percy hugged Annabeth and said thank you.

"It's my garden."

"It's my soccer ball."

They went silent.

"Well, what now?" asked Percy.

"Let's play imaginary," Annabeth suggested. I was a game they often played. They continued the story each time they picked it up. Now it was time to slay the dragon who had been terrorizing Percy & Annabeth land for many months now.

"Only if I get to be the prince that kills the dragon," Percy insisted.

Annabeth glowered at him a little. "Fine, I'll be the princess...but only if I can help you kill it."

Percy shrugged. As long as he didn't have to play the princess part again he was fine. "Okay."

Both of them simultaneously broke into a run, through the fence into Percy's backyard and into his house and down to the basement.

Percy pulled out the dress up box from beneath the stairs. "Here we go," he said, handing a large red gown and tiara to Annabeth. He then took out a foam sword and crown for himself. They both pulled their costumes on and sprinted back outside.

Percy waved his sword around in the air. "Come and get me, Dragon!" he yelled.

Annabeth screamed, "To your left Percy!" She pointed to a corner of the yard behind an elm tree by the hedge. Percy ran. "You won't get away from me this time."

Annabeth and Percy rounded the elm tree and stared up at their dragon. Though different to both of them, the dragon was equally terrifying. In both of their eyes it was huge. That's where the similarities ended.

Percy's imagination showed an enormous black sleek dragon with four powerful legs and a handful of talons on each foot. Its wings cracked about like flames and its nostrils puffed smoke. It had three horns on either side of its head, twisted as a ram's.

Annabeth's imagination told her that the dragon was a patchwork of green and brown. An expert in camouflage. It carried itself on eight spindly legs like a spider's. This made her shudder as she was deathly scared of arachnids. The dragon was made for speed and stealth, not power she realized. Its face was long and from the mouth two fangs shot up on either side. Its wings were of medium length, meant for speed and short distances.

So naturally they tried to attack the same dragon in a variety of different fashions.

"It's really big wings will slow it down! We have to move quickly!"

"No. It will catch us easily. We have to trick it somehow!"

"But we could sneak up on it!"

"No, it'd hear us!"

It went on and on. Annabeth finally got fed up and pushed Percy into the hedge.

Her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, Percy. I didn't actually mean to push you." She gave him a hand up.

And then she hugged him. "I really am sorry."

Percy, surprised, hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. "I know. I forgive you," he whispered.

Annabeth pulled back and kissed Percy quickly. Just a peck on the lips. But Percy freaked out.

"Why did you do that?"

"Well, because isn't that what the prince does when he saves the princess?"

"Yeah but, I'm the prince."

Annabeth reached for his crown and her tiara and switched them. She snatched his sword and started to run around the yard. "Not anymore!"

I just really wanted to write a one shot when Percabeth is six or so. And I promised a couple AUs so here's one. I hoped you guys all like it. It took me way longer then necessary.

Also did you like the writing in third person? Or is first person better? Also present tense or past tense? This is the first time I've written in past tense. All the other ones are present. Which is easier to read. I'll do all my others in whatever style you like.

~omgitshappenninng 💀❤️🌞4eva

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