Heartbroken (Fairytail Love S...

By natsudragneel1020

189K 3.8K 1K

Lucy missed her best chance in the world, Natsu confessed to her, but didn't give him an answer. The next da... More

Heartbroken (Fairy Tail Love Story NaLu Fanfic)
Chapter 1: My home
Chapter 2: Job
Chapter 3: The Dangerous Path
Chapter 4: Love rival appears
Chaptet 5: Confession
Chapter 6: Confused
Chapter 7: Who are you?
Chapter 9: Plan A
Chapter 10: The dream (Part 1)
Chapter 11: The dream (Part 2)
Chapter 12: The broken heart
Chapter 13: The anger and the happiness
Author Note
Hold: A sweet time
Chapter 14: The truth (Part 1)
Chapter 15: The truth (part 2)
Chapter 16: The truth (Part 3)
Chapter 17: Plan B
Author's note

Chapter 8: Disaster

8.7K 201 33
By natsudragneel1020

Woow! I can't believe that 1146 reads on my story. Thx all of you. I'm came this long because of you guys.

Let's stop the small talk and continue the story.

Enjoy chapter 8 ^_^

Natsume's POV

What does he want? He already made Lucy cry and he wants to make her cry again. No way i will that happened. No matter what.

"Hi master!" My maid said. She is the only person i ever had. My parents left me when i was young. She was the one who raised me. 

I can smile because of her.

"Oh hi"

"Did it went well, as you planed master"

"Yeah, but i still have some works to do"

"What kind of work"

"Destroying Fairytail and making everyone forget about that guild. You already know that Ami (the maid's name) right?."

"Yeah! Just wanted to ask you, master"

"Fine! Oh yeah i almost forget. Cancel all the meeting for today."

"But Master...."

"Just do as i say, i have something to take care of"

I went out of the house looking for a dragon. The reason i canceled all the meeting is that i heard that they were a water dragon same way around here. If i find it, i will make it my trainer and i will be a dragon slayer just like you Natsu Dragneel.

Wait for me fire dragon slayer. I will make you regret for what you have chosen and i will take Lucy from you.

"Natsume! You are finally here" someone said behind me. I turned to see who it was. Lisanna.

Thats right, me and Lisanna are working with each other. She came to me three years ago asking me to destroy the guild that made her cry. First i didn't wanted to work with her, but that day when I saw Lucy laughing with another guy. That made me angry (jealous), i couldn't watch Lucy being taken way in front of me so I started working with her. She wants to take Natsu dragneel and I want Lucy Heartfilia.

"Sorry if i was late, had things to take care of. So is the plan finished yet."

"No! Their are still things left and how long are you planing to take in order to take Lucy away from Fairytail. You know that we need her in order for the plan to success so its about time you take her back. Even though i hate her. But that doesn't matter because she is going to me a sacrifice"

Fine! I will do it so don't yelled at me. Got it"

"As you wish 'master'"

Lucy's POV

I wake up and my head was hurting like hell. I looked around and saw that boy. He was sleeping like a baby ( he was so cute). I starched my hand to touch his hair, but he grabbed me. "You are wake Lucy" the pink hair said. "Y-yeah"

He got closer to me as i finished talking. "I wonder how you forget about me. Don't you remember me? I was the person who took you to fairytail". As he said that my head started to get hurt. "Awww". "What wrong? Lucy! LUCY! LUCY!"

"M-my h-he-ad. AWWW" i screamed. It was hurting like if it was burning inside out. Why does it hurt? What is that?

A boy who is walking with a blue thing. "AWWW" what is he doing their and who is he.

My memories are blocked of something. I can't remember more than that. The only thing i know now is that i was saved by a boy when i was young who had a blue thing with him.

"LUCY!LUCY!" i get back to the real world. What was i doing? So many questions.  

"Are you ok, Lucy" the pink boy said.

"Y-y-yeah! Just need some more sleep, thats all."

"Okey! I will came back later, when you woke up" as he went out of the house i looked the other side and said:

"Why does everyone has to lie to me?"

*End of chapter 8*

Sorry if it was short. Didn't have much time to right, but i will make the next chapter longer.

Hope you like it and find out what does Lucy mean "why does everyone has to lie to me".

Cya minna


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