By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Survival of the Fittest Part 2

1.8K 77 14
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up and at sunrise as usual.

By now I just naturally woke up at this time, it is just ingrained in my brain at this point.

I looked down below me, to see Jack sleeping on the floor. He kept mumbling my name like a helpless romantic or something.

What a creep!

Seriously, who in their right minds would fall in love? That is the dumbest thing one can do. Love is a weakness and a weapon. People don't think it is a weapon, but that is because so few people know how to wield it. I will never let myself fall in love, because I know love is a lie.

"Elsa, please come back to me, I love you." Jack mumbled in his sleep.

"Oh my God. I'm stuck with the biggest idiot in the planet. It is sad really, falling in love with someone who hates you." I responded even though I know he can't hear me. Then I turned all cylinders on the day ahead of me.

I sighed thinking about all the work I had to do, and walked outside.

I picked some leaves from the treetops, and weaved a couple baskets then tied them to my back. After that I grabbed my spear, fishing pole, some meat, and hollowed out coconut shell.

I walked back outside into the cool morning air, and lowered the bridge, then climbed back down to the ground below.

The ground was moist from all of the dew and everything smelled like earth here. This place was so perfect, untouched by man. Not a soul in sight, my kind of place.

I walked to the close to the coast, then started digging in the ground with my bare hands until I found worms. I put them in the empty coconut, then walked to the coast.

Seriously how is that stupid idiot having trouble surviving out here? There are so many resources and possibilities if you know what to do with them.

Anyway, I sat most of my empty baskets down on the ground except one basket, the coconut of worms, the piece of meat, my spear, and fishing pole. I took off my leaf skirt, so I was now basically in my undergarments or a leopard bikini, and swam out to a rock in the water.

After that I fished. I used the worms to get smaller fish, and the meat to attract the bigger fish. I shoved all of the fish into my basket until it was full, then carefully swam back to shore making sure none of the fish escaped. Then I picked coconuts, berries, nuts, tropical fruit, vanilla beans, coco beans, several spices, and put all of them in my other baskets.

After that I hauled my stuff back to my little house in a tree and prepped it. I smoked the fish so it wouldn't go bag, drained all of the coconut just into a little pitcher I made, organized all of the fruit into a bowl, started drying the fruit, and roasting the nuts and beans.

Seriously, this was so easy!

I went outside, and started playing with the pipes for the toilet. I had a large hole dug, and that is where the waist would go. Water from the ocean would fill the toilet and send it down the hole and fertilize the plants below when you flushed.

Perfect! Issue is getting it to work.

I took all of the hollow bamboo like pipes, and connected them all together, and made it stretch all the way out to the ocean. I covered the pipes with sand on the beach to protect it from the elements above, some animals and from the people tripping on it, then made the clamps and nozzles out of some rocks that I shapped, and some rope I made from plants and vines.

I hooked them together, and tested them out to see would they move with ease. They were sticking, so I had to use some leopard lard for oil or grease, then tested out the toilet.When I got there the toilet had water in it, so that is a good sign. I dropped a white pebble in it, then flushed it.

After that I walked where my hole was, and looked in and saw the pebble!

I ran back to see water clean water in it.


After this I went swimming in the ocean. It felt nice to relax a little since I've been working my ass off to make a functioning home here.

Hey, at least on abandoned island terms, I'm now living in the life of luxury.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I flipped backwards so I was behind them, then started choking them. Moment I saw white hair, I let go, and Jack was coughing.

"Never sneak up on me again." I hissed, "Now what do you want?"

"I wanted to know did you want help fishing." He said.

"Well princess, you're too late. I finished fishing hours ago."


"Yeah, I also had time to weave baskets, pick fruits, spices, nuts, prep all of the food, and finish making a functioning toilet." I said, and his jaw dropped, "Let me close that for you." I said, then slammed his jaw shut.

"Seriosuly how?" he asked.

"Because am amazing." I said, "Now seriously. You need to find some way to contribute to our supposide group, our you're out. If you do not help, then you have no purpose, and I don't keep things that have no purpose." I glared.

"Okay, well tell me what you want me to do?" he asked, "I mean you know what you need someone to do, just tell me, and I'll do it." He said.

"I need you to get me some dragon blood. It is a red sap that grows in a tree, and if prepped the right way, has many healing purposes. There are also a lot of healing flowers on this island, that I need incase we get poisoned or ill."

"Okay, what typed of tree is it? Also what flowers and where do I find those?" he asked.

"Here, I'll show you. After that, your on your own for the rest of the time. They only grow at the top of waterfalls, so the journey will be long."

"Okay, we are going to need a nozzle for the sap?"

"No, that will take too long to make one. I only need a little bit anyway." I said.

"So, what does this dragon blood cure?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuckface, haven't you been taught anything on plants? Ever heard of a horticulturist or herbology?"

"Heard of them, never studied them. Also stop calling me that, I have been nothing but nice to you." he said.

"Oh honey, stop acting sweet. We kill people because we are handed a file and told to. Unlike you, I embrace it. Embrace is the only way to be in control, embrace the darkness, don't fight it." I said, "And I'll call you whatever I want, it's a free country."

"Okay, fine. What does this sap do?"

" It helps with internal bleeding, cuts, GI issues, female excessive bleeding, herpes and even high blood pressure. "

"You really think any of us are going to get herpes?" Jack asked.

"Who knows, you couldn't keep your junk in a pair of pants for 2 weeks." I smirked, and I saw him blush.

"Just so you know, I've only been with one woman, and she is the only woman I ever intend on being with."

"Yeah, the one that left your pathetic ass." I said, "Seriously, no wonder she left, you need to woman up and stop being a bitch on her period."

I saw him look at me with a funny expression....... I think it was hurt, again not sure about emotions.

"You really think that?" he whispered.

"I'm not really good on giving advise or comforting words, and I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?" I said.

"Elsa, do you remember anything about me?" he asked.

"Yes, from Manny's into, the plane, saving your ass, and this very annoying conversation now!" I said.

"Elsa, we met long ago when you were 19 and living with Anna in the Burgesses. We were engaged, you lived with me, we loved each other, you were so happy." Jack said.

"Wow, okay, you are crazy." I said.

"Your favorite flowers are white roses, you've always wanted a 2001 Fantasy Goddess of the Artic Barbie Doll, weapon of choice is the katana, your favorite color is ice blue, you make snowmen named Olaf and Marshmallow all the time, you enjoy dancing more than you care to admit, you have the voice of an angel but only sing when you think you are alone, you are afraid to touch peoples hands thinking they will have a poison needle on it, you were on the agencies headhunters list for 3 months because you killed over 30 agents unknowingly, your agent name 'the Snow Queen' you got from your favorite childhood story, when you first met Eugene you thought he was gay, in the center of that cute snowflake tattoo on your right hip was where you first got shot at, you can't have kids unless through invetro fertilization, you have a metal skeleton thanks to the agency, and you always push those that care about you away in fear that you will grow to care for them too." Jack said, and I froze and slowly turned to face him.

"Have you been stalking me?"

"Well, in all technicality I did once, but we already talked about that incident." he said, "Elsa, you know me. You just made yourself forget."

"I have trouble believing that." I said, "I'm unlovable. You probs just looked me up on the agencies database."

"Elsa, your wrong. I loved you, and I still love you. Please come back to me." he said basically begging.

"Dear God, get up, you are embarrassing yourself." I said, "Listen I don't know how you know all of that about me, but I don't care. Listen, I hate you with the fires of a thousand suns. So leave me alone." I said.

"Elsa, listen. You don't remember when I proposed and you cried for the first time in 3 years?"

"You know what, I'll do this shit on my own." I said, then ran into the forest leaving him there alone.

What he said sounded so familiar, but be serious. I don't cry and I certainly don't love. Especially someone like him.

Meh, lets not think too hard in to this. I am used to working alone, I'm not a people person. Maybe it's his voice, it's lowering my IQ.

Jack's POV

God!!!! Why is this so hard? I'm trying my best to make her remember, but it isn't working.

She is just in a state of eternal denial. 

What if this was something that couldn't be removed? I can't live without her.

I sighed, and walked back to the forest.

On the way, I ran into someone crawling on the ground........ it was Anna!

"Anna!" I called.

"Jack!" she said and crawled towards me. I noticed she was torn apart, her legs had bite marks, scratches all down her stomach and back, her arms were weak, she was hardly able to move.

"What happened!?"

"Nature, that's what." she said.

"Here, I know where Elsa is, she can help."

"Elsa, how is she?" Anna asked while I picked her up in my arms, and started walking towards Elsa's tree house.

"Not a scratch on her, living the life of luxury." I said.


"She made an entire house in the trees, has a shower, toilet, sink, everything you need she has."


"I know." I chuckled, "And going up." I said and carefully climbing up the tree so Anna wouldn't fall.

When Anna saw her place she gasped.

"She made this?"

"Yeah, she is impressive. In this environment she is thriving." I said. I walked Anna in, then sat her down on a chair."

"I don't know when Elsa is going to be back, stay here and relax." I said.

"I never knew she was capable of doing all of this with her bare hands." she said.


"Jack, I'm sorry about giving you two a hard time, you were the right match for her. What are we going to do though, we need to get my sister back."

"I don't think we can. Magic did this, so I think only it can undo it." I sighed.

"Jack, she might have been dangerous before, but now she is extremely dangerous."

"Hints why when she left she was labeled R.E.D." I said, "Then though she loved you. Now she has no idea what love is or even believes in it."

"Then make her. You did it once, you can do it again."

"I don't think it works like that. She had love and feelings in her before, now nothing. It is going to be like trying to make a rock love you."

"Jack, you can do it. Please save my sister from herself."

"I'll try." I said and Anna nodded.

We waited for Elsa for 2 hours according to the sundial in the room, and Elsa walked in the door with a clay vase, and a basket of flowers, roots, and leaves.

"Sup fuckface.....................and Anna." she said.

"Elsa?" Anna said looking at her, "Your hair...... and are you wearing makeup?"

"Yep, made them." Elsa said, "What the hell happened to you?" Elsa said while holding back laughter. It shocked me, but then I remembered. That's right, she thought other people getting hurt is funny now.

"Got attacked by a wild boar and leopard, I don't know what plants are poisonous here, so I haven't eaten anything for 2 weeks, and I just barely was able to make an outfit out of leaves." Anna said, and Elsa busted out laughing.

"Man, you really are the weakest of them all." she laughed, "And here I thought it was fuckface over here."

"Elsa, this isn't funny, I almost died." Anna said.

"Anna, I did this when I was 8, and was in the middle of the desert, and I was doing better with you. Hell I even got bit by a rattlesnake and attacked by a honey badger!"

"Elsa, just help her out." I said, "She doesn't look so good."

"This is survival of the fittest out here. If she dies, she dies."

"What!" Anna and I said.

"Elsa, we're sisters."

"No, we are not. After you left me, I disowned you." Elsa said.

"Elsa, please. I was scared and weak then, I made a mistake. I didn't know how good you were or how talented you were. I just saw a super thin sweet girl, and a group of trained spies willing to protect me. I'm sorry, and I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"No, you can't just make that up. Do you know what was the final strand for me? You never even thanked me for all my years of sacrifice for you, hell you never even said goodbye. You just walked out the door and left me there alone, to die!"


Do you wanna build a snowman

Come on, let's go and play!

I never see you anymore

Come out the door

It's like you've gone away

We used to be best buddies

And now we're not

I wish you would tell me why!

Do you want to build a snowman?

It doesn't have to be a snowman

Anna sang, and for the smallest second I saw something appear in Elsa's eyes. It happened to quick to see what it was thought.

Elsa then walked into the room with us, and looked at Anna's wounds. I watched as she pounded some of the flowers into powder and mixed them in some of the sap. I could see why it was called dragons blood. It was crimson, and had the same consistency of blood too. After that she gently rubbed them on Anna's wounds.

When she was finished treating Anna, she gave her some food, and sat Anna in her bed.

I laid down on the floor with Elsa, and looked at her.

"Stop looking at me." she said.

"Please tell me at least something about yourself." I said, "Anything."

"How about you ask me one question, and I'll answer that. I want this noted that that is all I will answer. After that you leave me alone."

"Fine. Why don't you let people see the good in you?"


"You just saved Anna, you saved me, you could be a contract killer or work for Pitch but instead you work for the agency and help people. There is good in you, but why not express it?"

She chuckled a looked up at the ceiling, "Because when people see good, they expect good.... And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations."

"What is wrong with being good?"

"Because there is always one thing constant in the superhero movies and comics. The villains knows that the hero is good, so they threaten people and use that to their advantage. I don't play fair or love people. I won't let hostages or that stop me from getting the job done, I will let them die if it means taking down my target, therefor I can be considered both good and evil. The bad guys don't know what I'll do and they have nothing to stop or threaten me. That is what is wrong with being good, and that is why I don't show goodness."

"So your like the Green Hornet?" I said and she chuckled.

"I guess." she said, "I do, do a lot of work with drug dealers."

This reminded me a lot of that time when we were in chemistry class all those years ago, and we did this.

"So want to know something about me?"

"Not really. The more I know, the more I get attached. I can't let that happen." she said, "Now go to sleep." she said curling up in a ball near the fire place.


She groaned and hummed in response not turning to face me.

I wanted to ask her did she still want to have kids, my kids, our kids. Sadly, I know she won't remember me or that conversation.

"Never mind, sorry I bugged you." I said.

"Idiot." she mumbled.

'Just you wait, I'll be your idiot soon.' I thought to myself. I curled up in a ball, and turned the other direction.

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