By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Memory Loss

2K 74 23
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I sat inside my ice castle, breathing in the cool air. My baby snowmen playing with each other, and begging for me to hold them.

"Uhh.................. there is too many of you." I said already having four in my arms.

"Mind if I help?" I soft voice said, and I saw Jack.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked, "How did you even find me?"

"I will always find you Snowflake, even in the next life if necessary." he chuckled and pecked my lips, "I came here to tell you good news. I talked to Manny long and hard, and he approves!" he squealed, and I let out a sigh of relief and smiled.


"Really really!" Jack said, "So, you can have this back now." he said while slipping the ring back on my hand carefully so I didn't drop any of the snow babies. Then he picked up the other four snow babies that wanted to be held, and sat near me.

"See, we can have more than 4 kids." he smirked, "We can have 8 at the least."

"You realize kids grow up and get bigger, these don't?"

"Meh, we can handle it though. We can handle anything as long as we are together."

"Yeah, we can." I smiled. We both sat there holding them until they finally wanted put down. Then after that we went into my bed chambers and locked the door. I pushed Jack on the bed, and jumped on top of him.

"I believe I told you if you got Manny's approval, I would kiss the shit out of you." I chuckled, then started kissing him.

"I love you Elsa." Jack mumbled out in between kisses.

"I love you too." I mumbled back.

Then an invisible force threw me off of Jack, and pinned me against the wall. I looked and saw my hands and feet were cuffed by black sand.

"ELSA!!!!!" Jack screamed, but a nightmares sand cage appeared around him.

"Darling, I must say, it warmed my heart to see you so happy. And in love." Pitch said appearing out of a dark corner, and walking towards Jacks cage, "Look at him, such a pretty face. It would be such a shame if something happened to him." he smirked at me.

"Pitch, please don't!" I begged, "Please, you can break my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me. But for the love of God, don't touch him."

"Darling, I would take you for my team, but darling you have a weakness now. This boy is your weakness, and I can't have weak people on my team, so........" he said then pulled out a gun, "We'll just have to get rid of yours."

"NO!!!!!" I screamed, and tried to freeze the chains, but nothing was happening. I tried to break free, but they were too strong. I was trapped and couldn't do anything.

Pitch pointed the gun at Jack, and shot him in the face.

I woke up screaming my head off at 1 in the morning, and in a cold sweat. I looked around, and I was in my penthouse. Thank God it was just a dream, thank God.

I was going to go back to sleep, when I saw black sand on my pillow........... Pitch! That doesn't make sense, he's never given me a nightmare before, why now?

I sat and pondered about this for little bit, then realized, I had nothing to fear in the past. I knew I was always going to be there for Anna, so I was fearless.

Love really is a weakness.

If I am going to take out Pitch and the entire Nightmares, I needed to be like I once was. Emotionless and fearless. And I know just who I need to talk to.

I jumped out of my bed, and made an outfit. It was a pair of ice blue skinny jeans, an ice blue V-neck short sleeved shirt, a thin white cardigan, silver flats, a snowflake necklace, blue diamond earrings, and a ring that said 'sisters forever' on it. I froze my hair so it was in a bob, then ran outside and grabbed my motorcycle.

I drove all the way across town where a huge mansion was, then rang the doorbell. When no one answered the first time, I kept ringing it over and over again, until finally they opened the door.

"Elsa, what are you doing here?" Manny said stretching, "I already got a long talk with Jack, and you aren't going to change my mind." he said.

"No, that's not why I'm here. I need your help." I said.

"Okay, come in." he said. I walked into his house and we sat down in the living room.

"So, what do you need Elsa?" he asked.

"Pitch sent me a nightmare." I said.

"Elsa, that's never happened. You have no fears." Manny said, "Are you sure you aren't making a mistake?"

"There was black nightmare sand on my pillow, I'm positive. The nightmare was about loosing Jack, like watching him die." I said.

"I see, and what do you need me for?" he asked.

"To make me back to the way I was, I need to forget my fears.......... Jack." I said, "And only you can help me with it."

"You want me to make you forget Jack?"

"Yes, it is the only way to keep him safe and me fearless. The more I have these nightmares, the stronger Pitch will get. Plus Pitch wants me dead, so he will go after Jack. I have to forget. I need you to turn me into the heartless monster I once was."

"Your sure?"

"Yes, positive, it's the only way." I said, and he nodded. "Okay, I will get dressed and make a call. There is someone at the agency who can take, give, and tamper with memories."


"Yep." he said, then walked off. Manny came downstairs in a pair of white jeans, a gray t-shirt, a white jacket, and gray converse. I was the only one that I know of that he felt comfortable dressing casual around.

"Okay, let's go to the agency."

"Manny, please tell Jack that I love him, and it is because I love him that I am doing this. Also make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

"Okay, I will Elsa." Manny said, then hugged me.

Manny was always like a second father to me, even though he could be a dick. He loves me, but thinks I'm not safe to be around.......... it's a complicated relationship.

After the hug, we both drove to the agency and walked into the mental lab section where Tooth was waiting.

"Hey." I smirked remember her from high school.

"You." she said glaring, and I shrugged.

"Tooth, she now has fear, and we need you to remove some memories."

"I can't remove, only suppress." she said.

"Okay, I need you to suppress all memoires of Jack Frost, and make me cold and shallow. I need to remember everything except for him, but I can't have feelings."

"Okay, lie down, and we'll begin." she said. I laid down on a cold hospital bed, and Tooth touched her small hand to my head, then lights out.

Jack's POV

After Elsa ran out of the park, I ran to Manny's house, and gave him a long talk. Even after everything he still said no.

Still I wasn't going to give up, I'm never giving up on Elsa and I.

I was going to go in early to talk to Elsa and Manny.

~Time Skip~

I woke up early in the morning, took a quick shower, and threw on my spy suit. After that I got into my car, and drove to the agency.

I saw Elsa's bike and Manny's car, so I know they are both here, they were the only ones here in fact.

I walked in, and went up to Manny's office, but he wasn't in there. I called him, and he said he was in the training section.

So I walked into the training section, and I saw Elsa training there fighting robotic enemies with the katana, and Manny was in the control station.

"Hey." I said glumly walking up to him.

"Good morning Jack." he said.

"What is it, causal Friday?" I asked noticing him wearing normal clothes instead of his normal white suit.

"No, I have been here for hours." he said, "I'm monitoring Elsa's brain and heart right now." he said looking at an EEG scanner.

"Look at her, such a remarkable specimen. She has been at this for hours, and nothing has changed. Her mind is completely focused on killing a target, and her heart beat has not increased at all." he said in awe.

"Yeah, she is something." I said smiling while looking at her grace with the sword.

"Elsa, that is enough for now. You are doing survival training with the others, and need your rest." Manny said through the mic, "One of them is up here, come and meet your partner."

"What do you mean, she already knows me." I said.

Elsa ran into the room with a blank face, and looked at me with loads of judgment, then to Manny.

"Who's grandpa over here?" she asked.

"Elsa, this is Jack Frost, he's basically my son. He is Agent #2, Agent Frost, or the Winter Spirit. He is going to be your partner and teammate on your mission."

Why is he introducing me?

"Hello Agent Frost. I am Agent #1, Agent Winters, or the Snow Queen. I guess it is my job to get a toothpick like yourself into shape." she said.

"Elsa, why are you doing this? We have met before, I just saw you like 12 hours ago." I said confused.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble fuckface, but I have never met you before. I think I'd remember meeting someone so pathetic looking." she said.

I gasped in shock, and had tears in my eyes.

"Elsa, why don't you go get on that cuff in your room, and take off your clothes. The others should be here soon and then you go on the mission."

"Yes Manny." she said blankly and walked off.

"Manny, what happened to her?" I said trying not to cry.

"She came to me early in the morning, and said Pitch started attacking her. She said it was about loosing you. Pitch could never attack her before, because she was fearless, but then she was afraid of loosing you. She asked me to help her forget you and turn her into a monster. She had her memories suppressed, she doesn't know who you are, and she can't feel any emotions for that matter."


"She said as long as she cared for you that you were in danger, and she would then keep making Pitch stronger. She also told me to tell you that she love you, and it is because she loves you that she did this.'."

Then I lost it, and started sobbing. She can't even remember me, not a thing.

"Please tell me there is a way to undo it." I croaked out with my voice cracking a few times.

"There might be, if you can make her remember again. Then again magic was used to do this, so it might be different."

"Why the hell did you let her do this!?!"

"Jack, because she wanted to."

"She wanted to marry me, but you wouldn't let her do that!" I yelled, "Now she can't remember me, and we can't have kids!"


"No! I will make her remember me, I don't care what it takes!" I cried, then ran out, knocking someone over.

"HEY!!!!!" someone screamed. I looked up to see I knocked Elsa over. She had on a short ice blue silk robe, and that black cuff on her arm.

"Sorry." I said.

"YOU'D BETTER BE!!!!" she yelled giving me a hateful glare, "Wait, have you been crying?" she asked.

I nodded, and she busted out laughing.

"God! You are such a pussy. I thought that Agent #2 would be better than this, letting emotions cloud your mind, like poison."

"Hey, I just lost the girl I love." I said.

"Oh honey, love doesn't exist." she smirked, and I was taken aback.............. this wasn't Elsa.

"Of course it does." I said.

"Love is life greats lie. One you accept that, your heart will know peace." she said, "You should try doing what I do."

"Which is?"

"Feel nothing, and slip slowly into madness. Savor the small moments, like when you are about to kill someone, and you see the life slowly go out of their dull eyes. That feeling just gives me a great deal of pleasure."

"You're a sociopath!" I said, and she let out this laugh that sent chills down my spine.

"Damn straight. You see madness is like gravity, all it takes is a simple push!" she chuckled, "Now get up and stop bitching you mewling quim."

"Elsa, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Manny said.

"Good thing I never listen." she said, "Now where is everyone else?" she asked.

"They are all in the plane already. Go already." Manny said.

"Fine." she said, then walked away.

"Told you she was a sociopath." Manny said.

"She was never like this before." I said.

"That was because before she still had a sense of emotion and love, only it was with her sister. Now  she has none of that. Although her memories of the stuff she's done are retained the emotions in them are gone."

I sighed and walked towards the hanger, and tried not to cry. My Elsa was gone, and all that remained is an empty shell.

When I stepped onto the jet, everyone was sitting down in robes and silent.

"Alright ladies, now that we are all here, lets go." she said.

"Wait! I have to pee." Anna said, but Elsa closed the door and the jet took off, "HEY!"

"Aww, did the little princess not get her way." Elsa laughed, then smacked Anna, "This is survival training, not the Four Seasons Hotel here. You either piss yourself or hold it!" Elsa said, and Anna was crying and holding her cheek which has to hurt like hell considering Elsa has metal bones.

"Shut up cry baby." Elsa hissed, "Our parents would be so disappointed at suck a pathetic excuse for a daughter and a spy. So trusting, sweet, innocent, and sensitive. I was torturing people while you were still playing with puppies." she hissed, then sat down.

Anna sat down too in the far corner next to me and started crying.

I texted everyone a message of what was going on with Elsa, and they all looked at me sadly, and her stunned/scared. Elsa with no sense of emotion is dangerous. Before she only fought without emotions, now she has none in general.

Elsa just sat there blankly, and looked at nothing. This went on for the longest time, but I just silently cried.

Why does this shit always happen to me........ to us?

Then there was this loud beeping going on and red light lashing from above.

"Umm........... something's coming at us!" Hiccup shouted from the front. Elsa ran up to see what it was.

"Everyone seatbelts, those are tracking missiles." she said, then threw Hiccup back towards us, and took over the plane.

Elsa then started making the plane dive and spin, and we heard some explosion outside. From outside the window we saw us getting close to the water, and I started to freak, then at last second we were level, and another explosion was heard.

How many missiles are there?!

Elsa, turned on the jets, and the plane took off, and jerked us all back. Then the plane started going straight up again, then did a series of spins.

I had no idea Elsa knew how to fly a jet like a pro.

I looked outside the windows to see two missiles on one side of the plane, and one on the other. We were surrounded, and they were moving in.

"Elsa?!" I called.

"Looks like we are going to have to jump." Elsa said opening the hanger door, "The island is around 4 miles, so we are going to have to swim. Try and mind the sharks."

Elsa stripped off her robe, and jumped out of the plane.

"WHAT!!!!!!!" Anna screamed, "Were over 1000 feet in the air!"

"You have a better idea?!" I said following Elsa's actions and jumped. Below me I saw Elsa doing a ton of intricate flips and spins, then broke the water without hardly making a splash. I did a dive too, but it hurt my arms to do it and it was also less graceful. I heard everyone else hit the water, and I swam up.

Elsa was waiting for us.

Everyone was groaning in pain, but Elsa.

"Alright, looks like we are all alive. Alright survival training starts now. Every man for themselves for 2 weeks, then we can start grouping up." she said, then started swimming off.

"Jack, what are we going to do about her?" Anna asked.

"I don't know, but we'll figure something out." I said, then started swimming too. I tried to pace myself, but these waters were shark infested, so that wasn't working out for me.

By the time I reached the island, Elsa was gone. Only thing to show me that she made it was damp footprints leading from the sand into the forest.

Okay, so two weeks alone a month here total. No clothes, food, water, shelter, powers, weapons, nothing.

Okay........ first thing I need to find is water.

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