
Da TheCoumie

94.7K 3.9K 6.8K

Deciding to play by his own rules, Dan embodies the dark part of his mind. Phil, wanting the best for him, tr... Altro

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18
Unit 19
Unit 20
Unit 21
Unit 22
Unit 23
Unit 24
Unit 25
Unit 26
Unit 27
Unit 29
Unit 30
Unit 31
Unit 32

Unit 28

1.6K 79 177
Da TheCoumie


Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

The meeting room was becoming way too familiar. Like every time since the beginning of the case, the pictures Dallas had taken had been spread on the table and the forensic results were revealed by Vincent Talley and Vani Singh as everybody listened.

When they were done, Zarah Mello continued with her own results, theories and deductions.

"On the kitchen table were several grocery bags and a huge dog food sack. Considering the amount of bags, I hardly see Link Maxwell bringing all of that home by himself. He doesn't own a car, so he most definitely walked home with all of these, which is impossible. This is what brought me to believe that Alpha helped him carry some of his bags home. I have located the nearest grocery store, it's a few streets down. I thought maybe Quest would want to check it out."

"I will." Quest agreed. "Anything else?"

"No. Alpha- or the copycat- probably already had gloves when they got to Link Maxwell's house because after analysing everything, we found nothing."

"Alright." Quest sighed deeply and massaged his forehead. "So, Link Maxwell's brother comes to his house on Thursday afternoon to give back the dog but then finds him dead, correct?"

Wade nodded.

"I interrogated him and he said Link Maxwell had been out the country for a week with a few of his friends." He explained. "So he took care of his dog during that time. I also talked with the friends he traveled with. They all had no idea of who could've done this and that nobody hated Link Maxwell. So, no suspects yet."

Tucker Essex had been awfully silent since Jesus' death. He had been working on other cases and only filed reports for Alpha's. He persisted on being present at the meetings, even though he wasn't doing much anymore. Quest believed it was simply because he wanted to be the first to drag him when he would fall down. He sat in his chair, staring and judging.

"Okay." Quest said. "Still no sign of K?"

"I'd be the first to tell you." Tucker suddenly spoke.

"Alright, thank you, Agent Essex." Quest replied sarcastically.

Tucker sneered.

"You don't realize it, do you?" He asked. "Do you seriously still think you're going to stop him?"

Quest frowned.

"Yes, I do actually." Quest replied sternly.

Tucker laughed again.

"I have been sitting here since the first murder and we haven't gotten any further." He scoffed. "There are only five people left for Alpha to kill. Five. We were at 15 a month ago. We have one suspect, which remains faceless. We have two DNAs, which remain unidentified. We have one dead forensic, an entire terrified population and a loose serial killer. At this rate, they'll all be dead in a week."

The silence that had settled in the room was deafening.

"I hope you realize it's over. You lost, Quest. He won. Alpha won. He knows how to trick you, he knows his way around you. There's no way we're going to find him. You were stupid enough to let him play with you, you sacrificed people, but now it's too late. You waited too long. If he got this far without being caught, he won't make a mistake now. You lost."

Quest glared at him and smiled. He stood up from his chair and looked at Zarah.

"Can you give me the address of the grocery store, please?"

Zarah handed him a small piece of paper with a scribbled address. He mumbled thank you before grabbing his stuff and heading towards the exit without adding a word.

"It's over, Quest!" Tucker shouted before he went through the door.

He turned around and scowled.

"It's over only when I say it."


Tuesday had passed in the blink of an eye. Phil had been under the impression that Dan was watching his every move. He hadn't been half wrong, though. Every time he changed room, Dan would either follow him there or go to the nearest room where he could still hear him. He had wanted to go to the grocery store, but with Dan on his heels it was impossible. Instead, he laid in his bed for the rest of Tuesday and slept through the entirety of it.

Consequently, on Wednesday, he woke up earlier than usual. Dan was still asleep, so Phil took the opportunity to watch the footage from the hidden cameras he had put around the house. He had left them around before going to sleep, because since he had lost the GPS, he couldn't track Dan outside anymore. So he wanted to make sure he saw if Dan left during his slumber.

Phil was full of ideas. He had left three cameras: one in the living room, the other in the hallway leading to their bedrooms and the last next to the front door. He had hidden them quite well, behind doors or behind stuff on counters.

When he retrieved the footage, they revealed themselves to be quite disappointing. He saw Dan come and go in the two first cameras, sitting in the living room with his laptop, doing absolutely nothing compromising. He saw him leave to go to his room. He had left his door open so he could see him change clothes and then go back. The third camera hadn't caught anything.

Phil sighed. He watched Dan get up from the sofa and come near the camera. His breath got caught in his throat as he started searching through the stuff the camera was hidden behind. Suddenly, Dan's finger hit the lens. He made a confused noise and crouched to look at what he had touched.

Dan's face appeared in the shot, his eyebrows furrowed. He shook his head and grinned.

"Awesome, Phil." He said to the camera. "Real fucking great."

He then showed his middle fingers to the camera and stood back up.

"How many did you put?" He laughed. "Where are they...?"

He left the frame of the first camera. He could hear him faintly. He suddenly appeared in the second.

"Wait... you must have put one close from here..." He looked up. "Ah, yes, of course, in the cupboard, hello, Phil!"

Phil cringed. He closed the videos without watching the rest of the footage.

"You're so annoying..." Phil mumbled to himself. "Why do all my plans fail so miserably...?"

He put his laptop aside and left his room. He took a shower, got dressed, grabbed his stuff and went outside before Dan could wake up. He was determined to check out the place the GPS had been left at.

After walking for a while, he recognized the sign he had seen on the app. He looked on the pavement. After scanning it for a few minutes, he located his tiny GPS. It had been kicked against the end of the wall. Dan had either taken it off himself, or it had fallen off by itself. Either way, Phil was still angry it hadn't followed him further. Shaking his head, he shoved the device in his pocket.

After he took a deep breath, he entered the building. Phil didn't really know what he was expecting. After all, it was a grocery store.

Feeling a bit out of place, he stepped forward and walked through the aisles. Very average people seemed to visit this place. Nobody looked very suspicious... But Phil continued walking around. He went to the back of the store to see if there was perhaps another door where people could go through to get to another place. There was indeed a door with an "employees only" sign on. There was a small window in the middle, so Phil carefully approached the door and peeked through it. It looked like a very normal back store.

Sighing, he went back to the front of the store and walked up to one of the cashiers.

"Hi, sorry, do you rent this place sometimes?" He asked.

"What?" The girl behind the counter frowned. "This is a grocery store, sir."

"Yes, but, do you have like a second floor or a basement to rent?"

"I don't think so..." She replied, slightly weirded out by his question.

Feeling embarrassed, Phil thanked her and headed straight for the front door. But humiliating himself in front of the cashier wasn't enough. He had to bump head first into someone that was coming into the shop.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" He apologised. "I'm didn't s-"

He stopped talking. He knew this face. Phil's throat dried up completely and his muscles tensed. It was Quest Kadner, the detective he had met at the crime scene with Dan a few weeks earlier.

"Hey, I know you!" Quest exclaimed after taking a few moments analysing Phil.

"D-do you?" Phil replied with a shaky voice. Quest was very intimidating. Phil couldn't shake the vivid description of the crime the detective had given him the last time they had met, and he didn't want to be there anymore.

"Yeah, you came to one of the crime scenes a few weeks ago with your weird emo friend- oh what was his name...?"

Quest put his fingers on his chin and seemed to dive into his memories. Phil stood there, uncomfortable and anxious, waiting for Quest to say something.

"I met him at a bar not long after that... Ah! Yes, Rupert!"

Phil's brows furrowed. Rupert? Was he talking about... Dan?

"Rupert?" Phil asked, confused.

"Yes, you two came to Emily Fontaine's crime scene and you were very curious to know what had happened. You even helped me figure some things out. Thanks again for that."

He was really talking about Dan, then. But why was he calling him Rupert?

A few things clicked in Phil's brain. "Oh..."

"Oh, yeah, me and Rupert..." Phil decided to play along. He needed to know more. "You said you met him at a bar?"

"Yeah, not long after you two came. Did he not tell you?"

"No, unfortunately." Phil whispered. He remembered Dan's breath smelling of alcohol the night he had followed him out. "Do you know what he was doing there?"

"Uh, well, when I got there he was just drinking." Quest said.

"Was he with anyone?" Phil asked again.

"No, I don't think so." Quest replied. "Why so many questions?"

"Uh, no reason." Phil lied.

Quest squinted his eyes. He considered Phil, scanning him from up and down. He thought he was acting a bit strange. He noticed his unmissable purple coat with galaxy motifs on it.

"I don't think I know your name." Quest pointed out.

"Um, I'm, uh, I'm Phil... Philip. Phil."

He nodded.

"So, is Rupert good?" Quest continued after looking at Phil for what felt forever.

Phil hesitated. "Oh, um, fine... He's, erm, great."

Quest didn't seem convinced. His happy features hardened and became more serious. Phil's heart started pounding hard against his chest.

"Are you okay?" Quest wondered. "You seem a bit nervous."

"Nervous? Ah, no, I'm fine, perfectly fine." He coughed. "So, um, what brings you here? Aren't you busy busting criminals and stuff?"

Phil had a nervous laugh. Quest didn't miss it.

"Uh, no actually. I'm here for a case. This was the last place one of Alpha's victims was seen at."

Phil felt like someone had punched him square in the face. His heart swelled up and his breath got so heavy he thought he would faint.

"Hey, you sure you're alright?" Quest asked, grabbing Phil by the shoulder since he looked as he was about to collapse.

"Fine, I'm fine..." Phil managed to breathe. "I have... I have to... I've got to g-go..."

Before Quest could say a word, Phil scooted out the door.

"Say hi to Rupert for me..." Quest said, but Phil was already out of sight.

He didn't really know how to interpret this encounter. He massaged his temple and approached the cashier Phil had just interrogated. He showed his badge and she opened wide eyes.

"Agent Kadner, I'm here about the death of Link Maxwell. He was here two days ago around 8PM. I would like to talk to someone who was working at that time and also have a look at your security cameras."


Phil didn't stop running until he reached the park. It was a few streets down his apartment, and it was always where he went when he needed to be alone.

He leaned on his favorite bench as he panted violently. He put his hand on his pounding heart. He felt like it would rip open his chest and jump out onto the ground. His throat was so dry he thought he had swallowed a billion razor blades and his entire face was covered in a thick layer of sweat, making his swollen red face glisten under the morning sun. His lungs threatened to explode every time he inhaled. They were burning so badly they could've been mistaken for bonfires. He stripped his coat off his body and threw it behind him.

Phil's knees were shaking so badly he felt like he was holding the weight of the whole wide world on his shoulders. His thoughts were racing, it was such a chaos that he thought his head was slowly inflating, becoming heavier and heavier by the second. Phil attempted to stand up by removing his hand from the bench, but his whole body had become so numb that his knees couldn't hold and he fell forward.

His body hit the ground in a muffled noise but he didn't feel anything. He weakly put himself on all fours in a lame attempt at getting up. His thoughts were bumping against each other so hard that Phil felt like his already inflating head had set fire and was just awaiting to burst. And suddenly, his thoughts focused on one thing. The thing he had ran away from since the moment he had left the grocery store a few minutes ago.

He screamed. The sound that came out of his mouth was full of terror. The scream unleashed every thought he had, the complete mess his mind was at that exact moment, it flowing out of his mouth in a noise that would leave you paralyzed. A scream so heartbreaking, a scream for help, a scream coming straight from the soul, full of pain and full of fear, betrayed and bruised. He kept screaming, feeling tears sliding down his eyes onto the ground, feeling his body being swallowed by darkness, his brain by panic and his screams by despair. His breath had increased pace and the air got caught in his lungs. Every limb trembled like a leaf trying to support his sobbing body. The lump in his throat was so big but it didn't stop him from screaming again and again. Clutching his throbbing heart, his screams slowly turned into loud sobs. He managed to sit and lean his back against the bench. His eyes were blurry with salty tears and nothing in that moment could've made him feel better.

"I'm here for a case. This was the last place one of Alpha's victims was seen at." Quest Kadner's words were echoing in his mind, making him shake even more.

Phil didn't want to believe it. But it made so much sense now... Dan leaving the house so late and for so long, Dan not wanting to talk about what he did outside, Dan having weird daydreams, Dan's video about psycho thoughts, the GPS left at the grocery store, the numbers carved on his wall, the things hidden in his room, his indifference to Alpha, the excitement about crime scenes, his weird sleep talking, his aggressiveness, the lies, the gloves...

"Death... torture... Fate... Sin..."

Phil turned around and vomited behind a bush near the bench. His wiped his mouth with a shaky hand and slowly stood up on his weak legs.

Dan was... No. Phil shook his head vigorously. This had to be a coincidence. A big, big coincidence. Yes, Dan's behavior was just due to his depression and addictions. Nothing else...

Nothing else.

After gaining control over his body again, Phil left the park and headed back to the flat. He kept telling himself this was all just a very big coincidence, but he couldn't lie to himself for long.

He didn't want to believe it until he could be sure.


Feet up on the table and a coffee in his left hand, Quest was watching the footage from the security camera at the grocery store. The cashier he had talked to earlier had introduced him to a teenager that had been working at the same time as Link Maxwell's visit.

"He bought a lot of stuff." The teenager had said. "I helped him get his dog food bag out, but I had to stay here so I couldn't help him all the way to his house. He waited next to the door for a good twenty minutes, got rejected by two people before someone helped him."

Quest had asked for a physical description, but just like Rad, the teenager at the cinema, this one couldn't remember.

On the footage, he could see Link waiting outside the shop. Though, the camera angle could only see from the chest down.

But Quest had a lot in mind. His encounter with Phil had left him with an uncanny feeling. Phil had acted very strangely. He remembered the look of confusion on his face when he had mentioned Rupert. His voice had been shaky and he had seemed very nervous. He couldn't forget how he had almost ran out of the shop when he had said why he was at the grocery store.

On the video, a pair of legs approached Link Maxwell. Quest put his feet down and looked closely at the screen. The person stopped next to him. His outfit was all black and he had a backpack on his shoulders. When he grabbed the dog food bag, he saw his head from behind. For the first time, he wasn't wearing his hood. When he saw his brown hair, Quest paused the video and grabbed his head with both hands.

"Oh my God..."

Everything seemed to make sense in his head. Every locked door in his mind seemed to open magically. He knew that head, he had seen it before, many times. The past month played like a movie in fast forward in his mind. As the memories flowed back at him, his smile grew bigger as his hand tightened itself around Alpha's neck.

"It's Rupert..." He whispered to himself, his eyes glowing with satisfaction.

He remembered the time he had seen him at Emily Fontaine's crime scene with Phil. He had found him mysterious, and there was something in his eyes he couldn't comprehend. He then he had seen him again at a bar, and they had talked... about Alpha! And now he realized, the two people he had seen at the tower bridge that he thought he had recognized... It was them! And they had ran away from him! And now he finally had met Phil alone and he had acted in a bizarre way, and seemed uncomfortable with the mention of Rupert. And he was wearing that purple galaxy coat...

Quest grabbed the footage and ran out the room without thanking the cashier that had helped him. He jumped in his car and rode immediately to the hospital.


His throat tight and his hands shaking, Phil stepped into the apartment. He put one foot in front of the other quietly by fear Dan could possibly hear him. The place was painfully silent, so Phil deduced he was still asleep. But when he walked past the living room and saw him sat on the sofa, his heart stopped beating and his breath caught in his throat. He stepped forward slowly to walk past unnoticed, but the floor creaked under his weight.

"Phil?" Dan asked in the room.

The color drained from his skin. Swallowing hard, he entered the room and spoke in a hoarse voice:

"It's me."

He looked at Dan. He was on the sofa, his laptop on his lap and a mug of coffee in his right hand. He seemed so peaceful... so innocent. He remembered Quest's words and he gagged.

"Wow, are you alright?" Dan asked, worried.

He put his laptop aside and stood up from the sofa. Phil put a hand over his mouth, feeling the nausea from earlier strike him once more. As Dan approached, Phil's brain couldn't help the images of him he was trying to avoid from flowing.

"Phil?" Dan repeated, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me..." Phil managed to breathe through his dizziness.

Dan's hand retreated and confusion took him over.

"What's wrong, Ph-"

But he was already out the room. He sprinted to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. Dan had followed him and appeared in the doorframe.

"Oh, my God!" He exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

He leaned forward to step in the bathroom but Phil put his hand up and screamed:

"No! Go away!"

Dan scoffed. It was his chance to show Phil how fucking annoying it was to have someone nagging you when you're feeling like shit and you don't want help. He entered the bathroom and crouched next to Phil.

"Are you okay? Do you need to talk? Tell me what's wrong?! Phil, you need help! It's obvious! Look at you! You're depressed! Oh, no! Did you take too many drugs?! Phil! Why the fuck would you do that? Where did you go earlier, huh? Did you go drink? Did you go to a whorehouse? How dare you, Phil! Tell me everything! Tell me every single thing that bothers you, please, let me crawl inside your head like a little ant and scavenge for clues to understand what you're living right now! Perhaps let me spy on you, I cou-"

Dan fell backwards and landed on his side. He felt like his nose had increased ten sizes and he grabbed it with both hands, hissing painfully. He looked at his fingers covered in a string of blood oozing from his nostril.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, looking at Phil, whose fist was still in the air and anger was pumping through his veins.

Phil's fist met Dan's face for a second time. He was propelled backwards again, but when he tasted the blood in his mouth, he stood up swiftly and kicked his foot to Phil's head. He fell against the bathtub in a loud noise and Dan grabbed him by the collar. He held up his fist and crashed it on Phil's jaw. He raised it again, ready to punch Phil in the eye, but a pain in his stomach made him curl up on himself. Phil's knee met his already bruised nose and he moaned in pain.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Phil's leg. His other foot was in the air, ready to kick him again, but before he did, Dan pulled on his ankle. Phil lost his balance and fell forward on the bathroom floor. Dan stood up in a swift movement, clutched the fabric of Phil's shirt, banged his head against the floor, then lifted him up and rammed his body on the wall. He stared at his face for a few seconds, noticing a long cut on his brow bone.

Phil was panting and his eyes were wet. His lips started shaking when he realized Dan was ready to continue the fight.

But instead of hitting him again, Dan let go of him and stepped back slowly. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed forever, one terrified, the other threatening, before Dan bowed down gracefully and left the bathroom.

Phil, still up against the wall, ran to the toilet and threw up for a third time.



Quest ran up the corridor and burst into the meeting room. The whole team was still there, analysing Link Maxwell's case.

"What?!" Zarah asked, hopeful.

"I've got him!" Quest repeated triumphantly.

"Are you serious?!" Dallas exclaimed.

He nodded his head vigorously. He threw the grocery store's security camera video on the table and started explaining, the hype from earlier still pumping through his veins.

"I went to the grocery store and had a look at the footage. I saw the same black hooded man, except for the fact that he did not have his hood on." He explained hurriedly. "I've seen him before, many times, and it all makes perfect sense now, because every time I saw him, I was on duty for Alpha!"

"Who is it?" Vani Singh asked. "Do you have a name?"

"I have a name, but I realized an hour ago it's a fake one." Quest replied. "I met him at a bar not long after Emily Fontaine's death and he told me he was called Rupert."

"Alright, doesn't matter, we can still find him." Wade said.

"That's not all." Quest continued. "He's most definitely Alpha. But I think I figured out our DNA problem. See, Alpha has a friend. I met him too. In fact, he was at the grocery store earlier. I had seen them together at Emily Fontaine's crime scene. They wanted to know what had happened. He looked really nervous to see me, and acted very strangely. He said he was called Philip, and I'm pretty sure he was saying the truth. But, the best part is that he was wearing the exact coat one of the officers described in the Guy Hurell and Howie Ikin case. He said he had seen a man with a purple coat with galaxy motifs walking away with the two victims. He was wearing it."

"So you're saying he's the copycat?" Zarah wondered.

"See, I still don't think he's a copycat!" Quest explained. "Alpha wouldn't let anyone do his work, he's too religious about that. No, maybe Philip is helping him... It might be unconscious, but he is. Maybe 'Rupert' threatens him, we know he's insane, he wouldn't hesitate to take someone hostage and force them to lead us in different paths or plant fake evidence."

"Well, is Philip guilty, then?" Vincent asked.

"By the look of it, no." Quest replied. "He seemed too nervous to see me, if he wasn't threatened, or if he had been willing to participate in Alpha's shenanigans, he would've acted casually. He would've known 'Rupert' talked to me loads of times without looking suspicious, so he would've been confident too. But even the first time I saw them, he looked very nervous and out of place. He didn't want to be there. Alpha is probably using Philip to blur his trace, he wants to lead us to him so he still has time to finish off his pattern. He's buying time. No, we're definitely looking for Rupert."

"But we're not 100% sure that Philip is innocent." Dallas mentioned.

"We've profiled Alpha enough to know he did all of this on his own. He would not let his credit go to someone else." Quest assured. "We found the second DNA at Guy Hurell and Howie Ikin's crime scene, and the description of Alpha changed during that same crime. He was probably wearing Philip's coat and left a hair of his behind!"

Dallas nodded and smiled widely. He couldn't believe they were finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

"Alright, Kadner, not too fast." Tucker interrupted. "All of that is great, but you forget one small detail. K."

The room fell silent once more.

"If Alpha is so religious about his pattern and that there's no copycat, where is K?"

Quest sighed.

"I'm still working on that." He replied quietly. "Maybe K was killed before L and  they're hiding it for a specific reason. I don't know."

Tucker scoffed but Quest ignored him. Wade turned to him.

"How do you want to proceed?" He asked.

"I want it to be discreet. We have to get him from behind. We can't get to Philip because Alpha is probably watching his every single move. If we get to him, he'll have the time to throw him at us and run away."

"Can you find him?" He asked.

"Uh, well, I don't know his real name and I don't know where he lives." Quest admitted.

"Do you remember what he looks like? We could get a portrait done."

"Uh..." Quest dug in his memory. He remembered his face very vaguely. "I know he's got brown hair and a fringe... But, honestly, he had one of the most average faces I've ever seen..."

He grabbed the sides of his head with both hands to try and remember.

"I remember very few details, it was a while ago..." Quest scratched the back of his head. He remembered having headaches every time he saw Rupert or thought about him.

"Oh, my God..." He whispered.

"What is it?" Wade asked.

"The headaches, Wade..."

Wade closed his eyes slowly and buried his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, but... what?" Zarah said, confused by the looks of defeat on the two agents' faces.

"Quest has terrible headaches and memory loss from time to time." Wade explained very briefly.

"I had them every time I thought about Rupert or saw him." Quest added, feeling panic overcome him. "I thought it was over..."

"How can you have that?" Dallas questioned, intrigued. "I mean... you're a detective!"

"I had an accident." He simply said.

"Another proof you can't trust the MI5!" Tucker spat. "You ask for their help for the case of a serial killer and they send you a detective with bloody memory loss!"

"Look, alright, Quest is a good detective and he has proved to be completely functional regardless of his injury, so please, can you shut the fuck up for once?" Wade exclaimed.

He scoffed.

"Agent Kadner, you said you met this said 'Rupert' and his friend Philip at Emily Fontaine's crime scene for the first time, correct?" Vani Singh asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Well, then, you are probably not the only person to have seen them. There must have been at least someone else in this team to have seen their faces!"

"Of course, yes!" Quest exclaimed. But then he remembered. "But the thing is... the only person from the team I called over to talk to them was Jesus..."

A collective sigh was heard across the room. But Vincent, who had stayed awfully quiet, suddenly spoke.

"Quest, we don't have enough proof to incriminate this Rupert you're talking about."

Dallas' jaw dropped. "He's right..."

"On the tapes he has his hood on and you only realized it was him after seeing Philip and the back of his head." He continued. "The DNAs we have don't match anyone's, let alone Rupert's, if we can't prove that it belongs to him, even if you find him, we can't arrest him... And the proofs we already have are technically not enough to consider this particular person as a suspect! Anyone could have black clothes and brown hair! And, no offense, but, with your memory loss and Jesus gone... Who can actually prove Rupert and Philip were there at Emily Fontaine's crime scene...?"

Quest massaged his forehead.

"You're right." He sighed. He thought for a few seconds. "Okay, this is what we're going to do then. See, I've thought about it a lot before and I've had a realization that Alpha would want to see me before he finishes his pattern. He would want to brag, for sure. And since he's a very symbolic guy, he'll want to see me at the same place we met before."

"What do you suggest?" Wade asked.

"We wire me. We put a camera at the bar, and I go back. He'll be there, I'm sure of it. Philip saw me, Rupert will know about it. He will be there."

Wade nodded. They all looked uncertain, but it was their last chance at catching Alpha before it was too late.

"When he leaves, someone will follow him from a safe distance. This way we'll know where he lives, or where he hangs out. I'll make sure he leaves before me, so then I can grab his glass. We'll have his DNA and we'll be able to match it to one we already have."

"I want to be the stalker." Zarah said after Quest was done. "If someone gets to know where that son of a bitch lives, I want to be the first."

Quest agreed.

"The rest of you will monitor everything. Wade and I will go set everything up, we'll call you when we're ready. In the meanwhile, focus on finding K."

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