Harry potter and the war of l...

By paterdave2

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This is a Harry Potter Fanfiction. I don't own any rights they all are J.K.Rowlins The story starts the day a... More

Harry potter and the war of life
Chapter 2 Home sweet home
Chapter 3 Sirius' Return
Chapter 4 Returning to Hogwarts
Chapter 5 Details and Arrangements
Chapter 6 Attack on the Burrow
Chapter 7 At the ministry
Chapter 8 Statements and Confrontation
Chapter 9 A birthday to remember
Chapter 10 Trouble in paradise
Chapter 11 Letters
Chapter 12 The three broomsticks
Chapter 13 Diagon Alley
Chapter 14 George
Chapter 15 the Hogwarts express
Chapter 16 The New Teachers
Chapter 17 first lesson
Chapter 18 A lunar problem
Chapter 19 Meeting the Baylay's
Chapter 20 wolf talk
Chapter 21 Revelations
Chapter 22 Fighting Voldemort
Chapter 23 More revelations
Chapter 24 What is it with Malfoy
Chapter 25 Halloween
Chapter 26 Something Forgotten
Chapter 28 Travel arrangements
Chapter 29 Unexpected
Chapter 30 What to give to the Weasley's
Chapter 31 Fight with Ginny
Chapter 32 Talks with Molly
Chapter 33 Change of plans
Chapter 34 Christmas at the Potters
Chapter 35 Unexpected presents
Chapter 36 Arriving for diner
Chapter 37 Diner
Chapter 38 Talks
Chapter 39 Taking Dudley home
Chapter 40 Trip to Paris
Chapter 41 Trouble at the ministry
Chapter 42 Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 43 Decisions
Chapter 44 The voice of Hogwarts
Chapter 45 What to do with Sirius
Chapter 46 Draco Forgiven
Chapter 47 New Problems
Chapter 48 Trapped
Chapter 49 New information
Chapter 50 The Leader
Chapter 51 Wonders and attacks
Chapter 52 No time to Celebrate
Chapter 53 Letters from home
Chapter 54 Family Talks part 1
Chapter 55 Family Talks part2/Last train ride

Chapter 27 Wandless Wonders

757 9 1
By paterdave2

AN Thank you all for the comments and the messages send to me.
I really enjoyed it.
I now have chapter 27 done for you all and I hope that you like it as mutch as the last few.

And as always a vote and comment is welcome.

Chapter 27 Wandless wonders

The attack attempt on Ron, Hermione and Ginny went through the school as wild fire.  All the students wanted to know what happened and in the end the story was so blown up that Ron was almost killed and that Hermione had a huge cut across her stomach Ginny was the one who had killed Pansy using a killing curse and she was the hero of the day. Harry had learned from Pansy that she was working alone to get her revenge on him and his friends for her lost of Draco and that he and his parents were no longer on their side. She wanted to kill Ginny and Ron so the Mudblood and the filthy Half-blood would know what it felt to loose a pure-blood wizard. She had been taken away to Azkaban to go on trial, and he knew she would be found guilty with a statement like that and serve a lot of time in the wizard prison. 
When he returned to his office it was to see Malfoy there waiting.
He wasn't in the mood for sneers but he knew he was also a teacher and that he act like one.
"Can I help you with something Mr. Malfoy?" Harry asked him, "because if I am not mistaken I am not your teacher so for questions you should go to Professor Black."
He thought he had said that well he was polite but made it clear he wasn't in for a chat.
"Wow." Thought Draco. "He is good at his job. A friend of mine tried to hurt him or his friends and here is is being polite to me, even if he doesn't want to talk I do."
"Sorry to bother you Sir." Draco began, "I know this isn't the best time and all but I really want to talk to you and not about classes but about what happened."
Harry did not see this one coming, he had thought Draco was here to gloat and get info on Pansy.
"Come in." Said Harry.
They entered the office and Harry sat behind his desk.
"Please sit." He offered Draco a chair.
"What is it you wanted to say?" He asked Draco directly.
Draco had anticipated this. "I want to say I am sorry that this happened and I am glad that nobody got hurt. Also I heard from Mr. Ron Weasley that it was Pansy who did this. I hope that she wasn't doing it for me or saying it that she did it on my orders because that is not true. I would never do anything like that to put my parents trust and well being in danger. You have to believe me Sir."
"I believe you Draco." Harry said. "And please for now no Sir just Harry. I can not tell you that Pansy did not do it for you because she did. Not in the way you think but as revenge."
"Revenge?" Draco said questionably.
"Yes revenge." Harry continued. "She wanted revenge on me for losing you and your parents. She feels I got you away from the dark side of magic and she wanted me and Hermione to feel the same. She wanted us to feel what it was to lose a pure blood wizard."
"She is insane." Draco spat.
Harry could not contain himself and laughed at this remark.
"Sorry," he said, "but just two months ago you would have said the same thing about me."
Draco now hearing himself say it now also laughed.
"I would never have thought this possible," He said. "You and me laughing at my cost. I must say it Harry I am really thankful for this chance you are giving me. Can I ask a favorof you and that  you please talk to Damien about what happened and why Ron and I are not the best of friends."
"Damien?" Harry asked. "What has he to do with all of this?"
"Well after our chat with my parents I went back to him and apologized to him." Draco began. "We became friends. I know you will not believe me but I really like the little kid. I was walking him to his class when we came across the scene of the attack. And well lets just say Ron had his opinion on my involvement in the matter and was willing to share it with all of us."
At that moment the door swung open and in came Ron, Hermione and Ginny.
"Can't you three knock before coming in?" Said Harry.
"What is he doing here?" Ron said.
"What Mr. Malfoy wanted was to know what the true reason was for Pansy to attack and not jump to conclusions. Also he offered his help in any way to get the security of the school back up so this could never happen again." Draco looked at Harry because he could not remember making such a promise. The small shake of Harry's head told him to keep quit.
"Draco if you excuse me I need to talk to these three on some other matters."
"That is okay Harry." Draco said as he offered his hand which Harry took. Draco got of his chair and before he left greeted the other three. After he closed the door Harry placed a privacy ward around the room and exploded.
"What on earth were you thinking walking in like that and than asking what a student is doing in MY office?" Harry aked with his voice raised and not hidding his anger. "I told you several times when the door is closed don't come in I am busy. You better have a great excuse ready for yourself for accusing Malfoy for being the mastermind because he could easy get you into trouble for that."
"Harry calm down." Said Ginny. "We are sorry."
"Calm down?" Harry went on. "Calm down? Don't you see what is happening here. Your smart brother is doing the same thing he has always said he hated the most. People judging you by the past. Yes Draco was not the finest to be around with and yes he hated us. But he was also the one who was lied to and the one that was used by others to get their dirty work done. I can tell you from personal experience that isn't funny to know and it is a lot to deal with." Harry fell back in his chair and his three friends stood there and looked at him in shock. They never had believed they would see the day that Harry would defend Draco Malfoy and yet here here he was doing just that.
"You were not used by others to do their dirty work." Hermione said.
"Oh wasn't I." Harry started voice raised almost to a shouting level. "Dumbledore has been training me from day one I steped in Hogwarts to die for him. He used me and lied to me. He will confirm it to you if you ask him I am sure of it."
"He loved you Harry." said Ginny, "how can you say that."
"Because it is true, Mrs Weasley." Said Albus Dumbledore from his painting on the wall.
"I must say I was hoping young Mr. Potter here would remember that we agreed on calling us by our first names but alas I must say I am guilty on all charges. Even the ones of loving Harry."
Ron, Hermione and Ginny were blown away by this news.
"You never told us that. Why and how long did you know?" Ginny asked him.
"I have known this from the day of the battle and I didn't told you because I don't wanted you to hate Albus for it. I know I don't so I didn't want you to do so." Harry told them.
"I understand why he did what he did. I would have done it differently perhaps but that is on the things I know now. Ron I really mean this I want you to say your sorry to Malfoy, and not just say it but mean it. Perhaps this will teach you that he is trying to change. But that is not the reason that I wanted to talk to you. The reason is that I have made some discoveries about myself and I need your help. Ron could you get Sirius for me please?" Harry asked Ron.
He didn't want Sirius really there but he wanted to test his theory. Ron got up and walked over to the door. Harry didn't want the door to open because if Ron got through he would get Sirius and that is not what he wanted. Ron tried and tried and tried but he could not open the door.
"Harry we are stuck, the door won't open." Ron said in a small panic.
"Ron sit Ginny could you try and open the door please?" Harry said. Ginny walked over and she just opened the door as it was nothing.
"What was the problem little brother?" She said. "Want me to get Sirius for you Harry?"
"No please close the door and sit Ginny." Harry said to her.
Hermione's eyes went big.
"Harry you did that. You can do wandless and non verbal magic?"
"He can do what?" Said Ron?
"I don't know if I can do wandless or non verbal magic or not." Said Harry. "That is what I want to talk to you all about."
"What do you mean Harry?" Said Dumbledore's painting. "My dear boy what I just could see looked a lot like wandless and non verbal magic to me. Why do you think it is not the case?"
"Well the point is." Harry said, "I don't use any spells. I just think of it and it happens. It almost looks like I don't have control over my magic anymore. Just the other day when Malfoy's voice became loud like he was hit by the sonorus charm. I could see him whispering and I thought I would love to know what he was talking about and just after that his voice became that loud. And today when we found Pansy I felt that somebody was close. I wished to myself I could see them and there was Pansy in plain sight. So you can see that I didn't use any spells to get the things to happen. My magic just did it for me."
"I can see what you are saying, but I would not worry about it." said Dumbledore.
"Harry, when you used the wandless magic you really needed something to happen." Hermione interrupted.
"For example when you send Ron to get Sirius you really needed him to not get through that door because if he did he would get Sirius and you than had to send him back. Your magic is not out of control but it has evolved in a way that your thoughts are automatically changed in spells."
"My magic has evolved?" Harry said with a lot of question in his voice.
"I think Hermione is right." said Dumbledore. "I will talk with the other headmasters in the office about this when Minerva is gone. He continued."
"Thank you Sir." Harry said. "Thank all of you. Because I thought I had a serious problem and that I perhaps had to stop teaching here."
"Harry," Ginny had got of her chair, "you know that whatever happens you always would be able to teach here. All the students love your lessons and all the teachers think it is great at how you teach and interact with the students. So never ever think Minerva will let you go. Now how about some more wandless wonders? Can you also make things fly?"
The other four in the room laughed at this.
"What?"Ginny asked. "I want to know what I am getting in to."
Harry thought about it that it would be wonderful to let Ginny fly through the room but nothing happened. "Sorry Gin," He said, "I think it only works when I am in trouble or something like that."
"Well," Ginny said, "you will be in trouble if you will not do as I say."
She smiled at him when she said it so everybody knew that she was joking.
"Albus," Harry said to his former headmaster, "What am I to do? Should I inform Minerva en Sirius about this, or do you think it is better that they don't know."
"That is up to you my dear boy," Said Dumbledore to him, "if you think is better for them to know than you should tell them, if not than you need to say nothing."
"Well," said Ron, "I think you should tell them but not before Albus has had a chance to talk with the other headmasters about this."
"That is a smart idea Ron." Hermione said.
"Well I must say I agree with Ron and Hermione." said Dumbledore and Ginny at the same time.
The whole room laughed and well it was decided that Dumbledore would talk to the other headmasters and that if they had their talk they would tell the others.
When everybody left Harry hold Hermione back and asked her what kind of thing she thought Ginny would love for the trip.
"Disneyland Paris." Was all she said and it clicked in Harry's mind.
He had never been there but he knew it for sure that Ginny would love it to be in a place that muggles thought was magical.
"Thanks." He said. Hermione only smiled.
The four walked back to the dormitory and talked with their friends till it was time or bed.
Harry could not sleep well because he knew he had some vacation planing to do.
Even that he loved to teach and the lessons he had with his friends. He could not wait for the next weekend.

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