Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

By AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... More

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
Couldn't think of a title, sorry..
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
I Wonna Hear Your Voice
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
Guts and a burned finger
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
Same Mistakes
A Pretty Little Morning


89 6 4
By AnthemForTheHomesick

Noah's P.O.V.

I gazed at the sleeping figure next to me, soft snores leaving his mouth. Liam had left earlier to make some breakfast, so it was just Niall and I. His blond hair was spread out on the white pillow.


He groaned, squinting his eyes to protect himself from the burning morning light.

"Morning. How are you feeling?"

I asked him, my voice barely a whisper. I knew Niall couldn't handle alcohol very well, so he was probably pretty hungover.

"My heads pounding, but seeing your face just made my day a bit better."

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness, though I felt my heart flutter.

Come on, girl doesn't like cheesy comments?

"Here, take this."

I handed him a glass of water and some pills, which he took.

If only he knew I was feeling about just as awful as he did.

"Want me to get you some breakfast? I can bring it to your room if you want me to."

He shook his head and opened his arms.

"No, I want you to come cuddle with me."

I did as he demanded and crawled inside his strong grip.

Don't get me wrong, I love cuddling with him. It's just that I wasn't feeling very well, which usually came with insecurity.

I'm not dumb, I can put two and two together. And you probably too, if you're a girl.

Niall's scent teased my nostrils, his normal cookie-smell now mixed with alcohol.

Yes, some people do smell like cookies. And the Irish guitar playing mofo happens to be one of them.

"Do you know what we're supposed to do today? If we get Harry out of his bed that is."

Niall asked, ending his sentence with a small chuckle.

Apparently Harry tends to get a bit cranky when he's hungover.

I guess it'll take a lot more than 'my face' to brighten his day.

"Liam mentioned something of a signing and a concert."

"Are you sitting with us during the signing?"

He asked, his gorgeous blue eyes filled with hope.

"I dunno."

I replied, resting my head on his bare chest, that rose every few seconds. Along with his heartbeat, it was one of the most calming things ever.

"I sure hope so."

He whispered, but I didn't answer him.

"Would you rather stay with Paul?"

He then asked and I shrugged, tears suddenly brimming in my eyes.

Damn you, mood swings.

"It's the hate, isn't it?"

I replied to his question with a small nod, nuzzling my head on his neck.

"Hey, you'll be alright, you hear me? You're a beautiful girl, so talented, so sweet."

He placed a kiss on the top of my head, his thumb caressing my arm. I muttered an almost inaudible thank you, before closing my eyes again.

Not for long though, 'cause Liam walked into the room.

"Noah, do you wonna wake the other boys? They'll kill me if I do it."

He asked, tilting his head expectantly. I hummed in response, not caring to unwrap myself from Niall's embrace.

"Now? As in right now? This very second?"

He insisted and Niall sighed.

"Jesus Christ, Liam, we get it. Now leave and let my princess get up properly."

The older boy shuffled out of the room, a smirk on my face.

"Thanks Ni."

I whispered, slowly lifting the covers and crawling from underneath them.

"See you in a bit."

I placed a kiss on his forehead, to which he responded by wrapping his arms around my neck in a tight embrace.

"Okay, you can let go now."

I chuckled, as he pouted.

"Bye, Nono."

"Bye, Nini."

I closed the door behind me, making my way to Louis's room, which was the closest.

I knocked softly and entered, smiling at the sight of a sleeping Lou.

"Oh your highness, queen of sass, the time to arise has come."

He opened one eye, eyeing me suspiciously, a smirk on his face.

"Why thank you, my princess of sass. How can I ever repay you?"

"Video game lessons."

I stated simply before turning in my heels and filing out of the room.

After waking the other boys up, I walked to the bathroom.

And yep, there's that familiar trail of blood.

Fuck. You. Mother nature.

Fuck. You.

I quickly threw on some -not white- clothes and went back to my room to find some pads.

Luckily, Niall left the room, probably to get some breakfast.

You see, last time I had my period, I didn't tell the lads. I mean, don't wonna give'em a heart attack, now do we?

I looked in my suitcase, in that particular pocket that no one ever opened.

Only to find it empty.

Okay, mother nature: 2. Noah: 1.

What a bitch.

"Looking for these?"

I heard a familiar accent ring behind me and I quickly turned around, my face turning crimson when I noticed Zayn holding a pack of pads.

"Yes,how'd you know?"

I sighed, eyeing the floor nervously.

This was one of the most awkward situations ever.

"I could tell. You, young lady, were having mood swings."

He said, plopping down on Niall and my bed.

"I was not."

I spat back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Were too. "

"Were not."

"Jesus Christ, I'm not arguing with a girl on her period."


He chuckled, before patting the spot next to him, indicating for me to take a seat. Which I did, nervously shuffling closer.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know?"

"I know, it's just a bit awkward when you live with five teenage boys."

"I get that. But none of them know. I'm the only one and I knew it last time too."

I gasped, slightly shocked.

"Omg, how?"

I asked and he shrugged.

"I have a lot of sisters, remember? But that's not the point now. The point is, I understand if you don't wonna talk to me about it, but know that if you need anything, you know where to find me."

He said, opening his arms for a hug, which I gladly accepted.

"Thanks Zayn."

Oh my god, I'm an emotional mess right now.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.

I can tell when she's in her period, I could last time too. I didn't tell her though, because we weren't that close yet.

"Can someone get Noah? I'm hungry and I want to get breakfast."

Niall whined, his head resting on the kitchen table.


Liam yelled, to which we all replied with groans.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

"Who's gonna kill you?"

Noah asked, plopping down on a kitchen chair. She looked about just as bad as we did.

"Love, are you hungover?"

Harry raised his eyebrow, looking at her questioningly.

"Jesus Christ, Harry."

She rolled her eyes and rested her head on Niall's shoulder.

"Than what's wrong with you?"

Louis asked, now joining the conversation too.

"I'm tired."

She sighed, as her eyes dropped close for a second.

"Liam, did you put her in bed too late?"

Liam scowled at then, clearly offended and I decided it was 'bout time to defend Noah.

"Calm down, lads. She's a teenager, it's normal."

That seemed to calm them down a little and they all took their food.

"Is that all you're gonna eat?"

Niall asked Noah when he noticed she'd stopped eating.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry."

She shrugged, shoving her plate in his direction.

"Noah, you're gonna finish your meal."

Louis ordered and she scowled at him.

"No, I'm not."

Woah, someone's getting sassy.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"You're not skipping meals again. If you don't finish your plate right now, I'll-"

He didn't get a chance to end his sentence, since Noah simply shoved her chair back and stood up, leaving the room.

"Dafuq just happened."

Harry said, his eyebrows raised in a confused matter.

"She's just tired, don't get mad at her for this."

I warned them, standing up to go after her.

They nodded, but kept quiet. This was a side of Noah that she rarely ever showed.

I softly knocked on her door, saying 'it's Zayn' to let her know who came after her.

"Come in."

She answered, her voice barely a whisper.

When I filed in the room, she was curled up in a ball on her bed, a pained expression on her face.

"Hey, you alright?"

I asked, taking a seat next to her and stroking her hair.

She replied with a nod, not even glancing up at me.

"Want me to get you some painkillers?"

I asked, remembering my sisters always asked for those.

But she shook her head.

Damn Noah and her 'I don't take painkillers'-thingie. On the other hand, I'm sure she went through pain much worse than this before.

I pulled her in a hug, gently drawing circles on her back. A single tear fell on my brown chinos.

"What's wrong?"

I whispered in her ear and she pressed herself against my chest.

"Please tell the lads I'm sorry. Urgh, I'm so stupid, I-"

"Hey, it was just as much Louis's fault as it is yours, okay?"

She shrugged, as I pressed a kiss on her now wet cheek. She quivered under my touch, which made me pull her even closer.

"How long are your periods normally?"

I asked and she chuckled.

"I only feel like this for 2, maximum 3 days. Don't worry."

She explained, a small smile playing on her lips.

"That's good. Now go take a shower and when you're ready, come back amd be fab."

I ordered, to which she nodded and stood up.

"Want me to pick you an outfit?"

"Yes please, but n-"

"No white, I know."

I winked, shoving her out of her own room and making my way to her closet.

Dear mother nature,

Fuck you.

No one hurts our princess.

Noah's P.O.V.

As the water drops fell on the ground and the cold air embraced me, my mind flooded back to this morning. I'm such a screw up. Not even a warm shower like the one I just took could make the feeling go away.

I quickly dried myself, eager to find out what Zayn had picked for me. Wrapped in a towel, I opened the door a little, searching the hallway for one of the boys.


I picked up the clothes, noticing Zayn had added a note to it. I walked back in the bathroom, while unfolding it.

I found you this.

I think we should prove the lads something, aye ;)

P.S: You should apologise to them yourself

Xxxxxxx Zaynie

I chuckled at his note as I threw on the clothes. I soon found out what he meant.

He picked me a dark brown skinny jeans (which I appreciated), a tight white top and one of his checked shirts. I let the blouse hang open.

I swear, the shirt made my breasts about twice as big.

Thank you, Zayn. Thank you. Cogh cough.

As I walked down the stairs, I felt my nerves kicking in. What if the lads got mad at me again. I took a deep breath, before opening the door to the living room.

I walked in as casually as I could and sat down next to Niall on the couch. He and the lads were watching some kind of series.

Harry gasped when he saw me and Zayn shot me a reassuring wink.

"Where the hell did you find that?"

Louis asked, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

Zayn noticed me hesitating and helped me out.

"I found it in her closet. Oh, and the shirt's mine."

This shocked the lads even more.

"You set this up?"

Harry asked, his expression one of disbelief.

"I think she looks gorgeous."

Niall said, not giving Zayn a chance to answer. He pulled me on his lap and whispered something in my ear.

"Don't mind them, love. This kind of beauty makes them a little uncomfortable."

I giggled a bit at his words, which made his grin even wider. Maybe he noticed that I'm not as happy as usually?

"If you think the outfit should stay, raise your hand."

Liam said, raising his hand as soon as he finished his sentence.

The lads followed his lead and Zayn shot me a smirk.

"It's decided then."

We filed out of room and into the car that waited in front of the door.


Louis greeted, idk yet, our driver.

"Morning, boys. How are you today?"

Idk yet asked us, to which we shrugged.

"Same old, same old."

Louis's P.O.V.

"How are you today, love?"

I asked one of our fans politely, a wide smile on my face.

The response was not quite understandable, it was more a long shriek.

"I hope that means something good."

I joked and she nodded vigorously.

To my left, I saw Harry hugging some redhead, stroking her back in a comforting matter. He always did that, trying to calm our fans down so they'd be less afraid.

Liam was next sitting on Haz's other side, making some small talk with someone.

Zayn was sat on my right and he was signing a brunette's album, smiling widely. Though I could notice that his mind was elsewhere. He seemed particularly protective over Noah today. Who could be found on his right, between him and Niall. She was just smiling at some fans, answering some questions and sometimes even taking pictures with them.

Niall was glancing at her in a proud manner. Every time someone complemented her, his smile grew even wider. He had his arm around her, making sure she knew she wasn't alone.

We knew it was a feeling that sometimes threatened to take the upper hand when she was in a sea of people.

"Well, have a nice day, babe."

I waved goodbye to the redhead and turned to the next fan in the line.

"What's your name?"

In front of me stood a tall blond girl, which was probably not even her real hair colour. She was chewing vigorously on some chewing gum. Her make up was over done, her lips were bright red and her eyes black as hell.

"I'm Melanie."

She said, her high pitched voice annoying me to death.

Calm down, Lou. She'll only be here for five minutes tops.

"A gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl."

The lie rolled effortlessly off of my tongue and she smiled brightly.

"I know."

She shot me a wink and handed me her album.

Okay, don't gag, don't gag.

I quickly signed it and passed it to Zayn, who seemed just as disgusted as I was. He copied my actions, without giving her a second glance.

The girl then stood right in front of Noah, or Symphony, as we're supposed to call her now.

"Omg, Tiffany, look, you were right. Her hair is fake."

She stretched her arm towards Noah, giving her hair a hard tuck.

Noah seemed quite taken aback at first, no hater had ever physically hurt her before.

"Excuse me?"

"Jeez, she's even uglier in person. She should wear some make up."

Some brunette joined the party now, she must be Tiffany,

"Damn right, like, how fat is she? I bet she weights like a hundred pounds."

I noticed Noah biting her lip, trying her best not to be rude. She doesn't want to come over like some kind of brat. But damn, you've gotta stand up for yourself. Yet she kept quiet. That was until a loud smack filled the room.

That fucking white trash bitch of a Melanie did not just slap Noah.

Our girl stood up, her cheek slightly reddening.

"I would slap you back, but that would be animal abuse."

She spat, though I could see the tears in her eyes. That was one hell of a slap.

Tiffany now raised her hand too, but some guy Directioner held it back.

"Damn it people, where's Paul Higgins when you need him?"

He yelled and as if right on cue, our bodyguard jumped on top of the two girls.

That's right, slut. No one touches our girl.

The boy now turned to Noah, his tanned hand reaching for her cheek.

"Hey, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I love your voice, even though you barely say anything. I love your accent and those adorable mistakes you sometimes make. I love your eyes, even though they're always hidden behind a mask. I love your hands, always held by one of the lads. I love your hair, that looks like it's made out of you. Symphony, you're gorgeous. Dn't let this girls bring you down."

Suddenly, the whole room started clapping and so did we. Noah blushed, her eyes now pointed at her black converse.

I gazed at the boy for a second. He seemed about fifteen or sixteen years old. His small quiff was a special kind of blond and his plump lips seemed perfect for his soft voice. He even smelled of roses.

"Young man, do you have tickets for tonights concert?"

Liam asked him, studying the boy intently.

"No, it was sold out."

The blond guy's smile faltered for a second, but it brightened again when Liam pulled a ticket out of his pocket.

"Front row."

He explained and the boy's eyes widened.

"T-thanks so much. I can't ever repay you. T-this is awesome."

I chuckled at him, he was a bit starstruck.

I then focussed my attention on Noah.

Niall had pulled her in a hug, her head pressed against his chest. He was furious, but kept calm because he didn't want to upset Noah even more.

Zayn stroked her back soothingly, his eyes filled with a mix of worry and desperation. As if he really hated this situation, he felt bad because it happened.

And Noah just gazed at the boy, her expression one of admiration and interest. Maybe we should let her watch the concert on the front row tonight.


As promised, a new chappie! Thanks for the lovely feedback :) Soooo, new character. What're your thoughts on him?

Xxx Astrid

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