Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
8: Stop It!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!
18: His Return..
19: Turned
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
26: Captured! Part 3
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
32: Haunting You...
33: Our Wedding

9: Happy Birthday Mase!!

1.8K 34 7
By AmorAuctor


Chapter 9: Happy Birthday Mase!!

Date: 29th July 2011

Time: 5:04pm

Location: Mason's house.

Mission: The best birthday for Mase.

I ran around the house, carrying bottles of beer and soft drinks. I ran outside and placed them on the table.

"Hey! Hade! Don't go near the food!!" I yelled.

"Why not?!"

"Cos you're gonna eat it!!"

"No I'm not, I'll help make it!" he whined like a baby.

"You're shit at making food, remember at the cafeteria" I said to him, putting my hands on my hips.

He groaned and grumbled something incoherent.

I ran inside and shouted for Zane.

"Done the flowers" Zane and Jade said walking to me.

"Done the music" said Vince and Miranda, also approaching me.

"Done the cake" said Eric, licking icing from his hands.

"Awesome" I exclaimed.

I turned to Zane and Jade. "Get the barbecue sorted" They nodded and ran off.

I turned to Vince and Miranda. "Sort tables and chairs out"

I turned to Eric. "Wash your hands"


"Everything sorted?" I asked my brother and their mates.

"Yupp" they all replied.

{Mase, when you coming back?} I asked.

{Soon, 30min} He grumbled, grumpily.

I don't blame him...I would be mad if I was in his position...


I woke up and smiled at his face. It was his birthday!!

I put my head back down on his chest and sighed.

I felt him shiver slightly and grinned when I realised I sighed on his chest.

I did it again and his arms wrapped round me.

"Morning Rox" he mumbled, opening his eyes.

"Hey Mase" I muttered, closing my eyes.











He expected me to wish him a happy birthday, but I'm gonna pretend I forgot. How cliché.

He sighed and leaned in to kiss me, but ended up kissing my cheek since I moved my face the other way.

"Get up and dressed" I said getting up from him. "Princi Poop called and he wants to 'discuss' summit with you"

He sighed sadly and nodded. He walked out the room.

It killed to see him like this but imagining his face when he finds out what I've got stashed for him later on...

I smiled.

Flashback Over

Miranda and Jade were back, tucking, curling and just messing with my hair and makeup.

I was wearing a black 'sexy', their words not mine, one-strap and backless dress, with black stiletto heels.

"Ok..." Jade breathed out.

"We're done" Miranda sighed.

Jade was wearing a soft pink dress, reaching below her thighs, her hair was curled and her makeup was soft. She wore pink sandals with heels.

Miranda was wearing a white elegant dress, her hair was in a bun and her makeup was soft too. She wore white heels.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. My makeup was light but awesome. My eyes had this whole smoky effect and I was wearing pink lip-gloss. My hair was curled and in a bun with a small curly strand handing out at the front.

I smiled and hugged both of them. "Thanks"

"God, you've changed" exclaimed Miranda, grinning at me.

"I know right, Mase really changed you"

"And I changed him..." I whispered to myself, smiling.

Euch!! That sounds

Mason's P.O.V

Yes, it angered my wolf slightly that Rox forgot my birthday, even though I told her yesterday.

Yes it hurt me that she forgot but, it's cool, atleast she's accepted me as her mate, finally.

I tried to speak to her through the mind link but she blocked me out, she does that so much!!

Am I not an awesome person to talk to?

I chuckled, shaking my head.


I spend too much time with Rox, though it always feels so little.

I parked in the driveway and raised an eyebrow when I saw a piece of toilet paper hang down from my bathroom.

What is going on?

I got out from the car, locked it and opened the door.

It was quiet...but...


I smiled, shaking my head.

I had smelt them already, but I can act like I never knew...

I searched around the room for Rox, she was obviously behind this.

I saw Zane and Jade, hugging each other.

I saw Eric, smiling with that icing? Stuck in his teeth.

I saw Haden with toilet paper stuck to his left shoe.

I saw Vince and Miranda, kissing. Really? At my birthday?!

But I couldn't see Rox.

"HADEN!!" I heard her beautiful voice yell. I heard the sound of heels race down the stairs. "What the hell did you do to the bathroom?!"

Her eyes widened when she saw me.

I chuckled.

"Aww man!!" she stomped her foot down. "I missed it?! I thought you guys were practicing again!! Ok, Mase step outside and we'll do it again" she said making her way over to me.

I chuckled and slammed my lips to hers. She gasped but then kissed back. My arms went around her waist as hers went around my neck, she played with my hair.


I rolled my eyes and held back my growl.

Every. Single. Fuckin. Time.

Roxy's P.O.V

"Shut the hell up!!" I snapped at Haden.

I swear, every time!!

Hade held his hands up in the gesture of, 'oh fine!!' or 'I surrender, because you're an awesome warrior who will kick everyone's asses

I grinned mentally, definitely the second one.

Mase chuckled.

"Happy birthday" I whispered in Mase's ear as everyone 'retreated'

So, it's ok when Zane kisses Jade or when Vince kisses Miranda, or when Eric kisses icing or when...Hade...whatever; but it's not ok when I kiss Mase.

I swear man, jeez!!

"Thank you" he whispered back, hugging me to death, but it felt good.

I hugged back and sighed in content.

"Can you please cut the freakin' cake?!" Hade yelled exasperated and hungrily.

I wonder what his mate will be like...

I wonder if she'll put up with...all him...

I rolled my eyes and gave Mase one more peck before stomping on Hade's toe and walking outside. I grabbed Mase's hand smiling and leading him to the cake.

My eyes widened. "ERIC!!!"

Mase's P.O.V (Birthday Boy!!)

I felt her freeze. "ERIC!!"

I flinched a little at the tone of her voice. She was gonna kill her brother.

Should I stop her or watch?

Eh, I'll see.

I'd love to see her kill all of them, then that way they'll never disturb us again.

Unless they haunt us.

I rolled my eyes mentally.

How the hell am I gonna get rid of them?

Should I get rid of them?

"YOU FAT MONSTER!!" Rox yelled, looking at the remains that cake?

The only thing left was a strawberry.

I guess someone doesn't like their fruits and veg.

Well, none of her family does.

I don't know about her dad though, it's been ages since I've seen him. I wonder where he is. Still in that room?

She was fuming, but sexy. God, she was a big turn on. She's so sexy when she's mad. I could just...

"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE SO I CAN RIP YOUR FREAKIN HEAD OFF!!" Rox's voice snapped me away from my thoughts. Boy, she'll be mad if she knew I was thinking all this...or would she?

{I am mad, but I'm madder at Eric} She said.

I smirked. {I love you}

She blocked me off causing me to smirk even more.

"Sorry Roxy. I the icing" Eric's voice was trying to be innocent but my Rox will see right through it.

"YOU ATE HIS FREAKIN CAKE!!" she yelled.

Told ya.

Boy, do I know my mate!!

"But, he wasn't gonna eat it" he argued.

Before Rox could reply I cut in, without thinking. "Yes I was!!!"

Everyone snapped their attention to me.

Uhh... "Hi"

Roxy's P.O.V

"Go get another cake!!" I yelled at Eric, pointing at the door.

"Can...I have some?"

"No!! Take..." I started, scanning around the room.

Can I trust Eric to go on his own? {No}

Can I trust Hade to go with him? {Hell no!!} I grinned at Mase's responses.

Can I trust...Zane and Jade to go? {I guess}

I smiled. "Zane and Jade, can you guys go please?"

"Yeah sure" Jade smiled, taking Zane's hand and pulling him towards the door.

"Now what?" I mumbled.

{We could go upstairs} Mase replied smirking.

I rolled my eyes.












5 min later





"Let's play pass the parcel!!" exclaimed Hade, grabbing a party hat from the table...they were for the kids, Hade. He popped the hat on and smiled goofily.

"Uhh...we didn't buy any toys or anything..."

"I did!! Now let's go!!" Hade yelled.

I rolled my eyes.

I'm surrounded by babies.


"PASS THE PARCEL UNTIL THE MUSIC STOPS!!" Hade yelled into a little boy's face. "HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO PLAY?!"

"I'm...sworry" the little boy sniffled, on the verge of tears.

"SAY IT, DON'T SPRAY IT!!" Hade yelled, all in the boy's face.

The little boy frowned. "I-I...I sworry"

"SAY IT PROPERLY!!!" Haden shouted.

The boy cried.

He did not just do that.

He. Did. Not. Just. Do. That.



"You freakin apple!! How could you shout at a little boy?!" I scolded Hade while running to the boy and picking him up.

"Don't side with him Roxy. He didn't know how to play!" Hade argued. "And don't call me an apple!!"

"He's 4!! And that's what you are, a stinky apple!!" (No offence to apple eaters, I just hate fruit. Don't take it personally or anything)

Hade gasped loudly and dramatically. "For the record...I thought he was 15"

I rolled my eyes. "You're so stupid"

Mase's P.O.V

The way she held that baby. The way she protected him and fought for him.

Made me realise, I want a baby with her.

Roxy's P.O.V

"Ssh! If you stop crying you can...slap Haden and I'll buy you a McDonalds Happy Meal" I cooed.

He immediately stopped crying and smiled. "Tank woo"

The 'aww' girls were back, standing in my doorway. 'Aww' ing more, God man!! I thought we lost them at the beach, I guess they're a bunch of freakin stalkers!!

Don't they have anything better to do?

I glared at them and they trotted off, like horses.

Aww, sorry that's an insult.


Mason's P.O.V

"Happy birthday to you!!" Everyone sang. "Happy birthday to you!!" I smiled my best smile. "Happy birthday, dear Mason!! Happy birthday to you!!"

Zane and Jade came back with my cake and god it looked scrumptious, I could eat it all in one go...even though it was from around the corner, but cake is cake and I think Eric would agree with me on that. In the corner of my eye I could see Eric stripping down the cake and licking his lips. What the hell is he, a vampire?!

But, I guess the cake had a few glitches. Well...since we were in a rush the cake actually says... 'Get well soon!' Do they even make cakes for that? That must be some weirrrrd shop...

"Woo!!" Everyone started clapping and I smirked at Rox who hit Eric at the back of his head.

"Stop perving on the freakin cake!!" she whisper yelled at him.

I chuckled and winked at her. She grinned and made her way over to me.


"Mmm!!" Rox exclaimed putting a spoonful of cake in her mouth. Eric wasn't allowed any since he hate the last one, only things left were the candles. I saw Eric licking his lips and so did I. I wish I was the cake.

Rox's P.O.V

"Mmm!!" I exclaimed, shoving another spoonful of yummy cake in my mouth. I swear, I was gonna piss myself laughing at Eric and Mase. The jokers!! Mase stared at me with lust while Eric was just perving on the cake.

I rolled my eyes mentally.

"ROXY!!" Hade yelled.

"What?!" I yelled, but the sound was muffled by the cake in my mouth. "Mmm!!"


"I AM!!" Justin yelled. I heard fast footsteps and the living room door burst open revealing a very pissed off Hade and a very laidback Justin.

"Hey Jussy!!" I exclaimed, throwing the bowl at Eric, who caught it but dropped a crumb. I hugged Jussy but pulled a disgusted face at Eric who picked the crumb up and...ate it!! Eeww!!

"Hey Roxy!!" Jussy exclaimed back.

I heard growling from Mase, so I pulled away, glaring at Mase in the process. Idiot, he's just my BFF!!

{Couldn't you have a girl best friend?} Mase asked, trying to calm down.

I shrugged. {I get along with boys better}

{You mean me}

{No, boys}

I heard more growling from him, I cut him off and grinned. "So, whassup?" I asked Hade and Jussy, grinning.

"HE CHEATED!!" Hade yelled, pointing a finger at Jussy.

Jussy crossed his arms. "You know, it's rude to point"

Hade scowled and turned the other way.

"Uhh, what happened?"

"HE CHEATED!!" Hade yelled on the verge of tears.

I rolled my eyes.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP DOING THAT!!" Hade yelled in my face.


He had a blank face and then nodded. "Ohhh yeahh"

I rolled my eyes.


But I cut him off, by glaring at him.

"Now, what did you do Jussy?"

Jussy shrugged. "Harry was just helping me out"


"Hwello Roxy!" chirped the little boy that Hade upset, earlier.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked, picking him up.

"I'm good, we were pwaying musital chwairs! (musical chairs)" he exclaimed, smiling brightly.

"On a 20 Year Old's birthday party" Mase mumbled.

I chose to ignore it. I smiled at Harry with the same enthusiasm. "Wow!! Who won?!"

"I DID!!" Jussy yelled, sticking his tongue at Hade.

"Yeah! I was in chwarge of da musit! (music)" Harry said, grinning.

Ohhhh!! Now, I get it!! If you're dumb then lemme explain... Oh and no offence or anything, but you are really slow.

So, this awesome boy, Harry, let Jussy win so he could get back at Hade.

I'm soo lovin this boy!!

"Really?! Wow!! That's so grown up!"

"I knwo!! I'm older dan him!!" he said pointing at Hade.

Hade scowled. "That doesn't make sense!!"

"Uhh, Hade?" I said. "It does..."

Why is my family full of idiots?

Hade frowned. "I-I didn't mean that!! AHHHHH!! STUPID LITTLE BOY!! WHAT KINDA NAME IS HARRY?!"

"What kwinda name is Hwaden?" Harry retorted.


"Wow! Is dat the bwest you can come up wid?"

I snickered. Hade just got told!! By a 4 year old!!

"I'm not your friend anymore!!" Hade said, sticking his tongue out and giving Harry and thumbs down.

"You weren't my fwend in the first pwace"

I laughed while Hade stormed off. "IM EATING THE LAST MILKYWAY"

"No!!" Harry yelled, running after Hade.

"Well..." Jussy said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well..." I repeated, swinging on my heels.

"Well...wanna go upstairs now Rox?" Mase asked.

I grinned while Jussy ran out the room.

"Happy birthday Mase!!"


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