Mail Order Bride

By misscowgirlup22

771K 22.6K 1K

Anna is your average small town girl. The only problem is that she moved to the city, after she finished coll... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

21.9K 693 50
By misscowgirlup22

Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

 Chapter 16

            “What the f*ck did you just say Leslie?” Cassie questioned her.

            “You heard me. Your brother wants me back. He said he’s tired of the bimbo he’s with.” Leslie smiled demurely at them.

            Anna stepped forward. “Excuse me; just who do you think you are? You think that you can just call me a bimbo and get away with it?!” Anna was fuming.

            “I do. You can’t even measure up to me you little slut. You have plain brown hair with split ends as far as the eye can see. Me, well, I’m blonde and blue eyed you can’t get much better than that. Plus, you could stand to lose a couple of pounds.” Jess and Cassie both looked ready to claw Leslie’s eyes out. They gasped not believing what she’d said. “As for me I’m perfect you much have seen my picture in magazines and what not. You can’t be fat if you want your photos to be plastered everywhere.”

            “You little b*tch. I can’t believe you went there. And just so you know my name is Anna you dumb bimbo. Brent would never go with you. He’s told me time and time again that he hates you, and wishes you the worst that can come to a person."

            “Well, slutty Anna that’s not what he said in the message that he left me on my phone.” She said in a sing song voice.     

            “Okay you dumb b*tch you need to stop talking because you just sound like an unintelligent oversized b*tch. Got it slutty, bitchy Leslie? Brent is with me and he will never go for you again. He learned his lesson the first time. Wish for a second chance all you want, but you won’t get one.” Anna was ready to attack. This little bitch was going to try and take her man. Well, you know what she wasn’t going to let that happen.

            “Fine you don’t believe me.” She grabbed out her new Samsung S4 smart phone. Not shocking in the least, she probably got one of her new beaus to buy it for her. “Then how about you listen to the message you little sluts?”

            Leslie messed with her phone a little bit and then all the sudden the voice mail was playing, and they all could hear Brent’s voice. “Hey, babe it’s me. I miss you. When are you coming home? Call me when you get this, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you, and I want you back. Talk to you later.”

            Anna stood there with her mouth wide open in shock. “No, no, it can’t be true he… he wants me, not you.”

            “Obviously not. Now if you three will move, I have to buy an outfit for when I go and see Brent. Have fun with your hopeless love life slutty Anna. Oh, I really like that name for you.” She cackled at Anna. “See y’all, next time you see me I’ll have Brent’s ring on my finger, again.” She strutted away laughing at the three of them just standing there staring after her.

            Anna hauled @ss the rest of the way back to the truck. She couldn’t, wouldn’t let anyone see the tears of hurt that Brent and Leslie had caused to spill from her eyes. She ended up sitting up against one of the truck tires.

            How could he have done this to her?!

            All he’d done was told her lies. She’d thought she could take his word and know that it was true, but now…

            Now she didn’t know anymore. It was like she was stuck in one of her romance novels or one of the ones she’d read. But this, this seemed so real, not like a book.

            Real… Her life was seriously one-hundred percent, finally falling apart and it was like she was watching it all flash before her eyes.

            Oh God, now she was going to have to go back to New York. Oh, how she loathed New York and everything about it except Chrissie.

            Chrissie! How she missed her. Maybe moving back wouldn’t be so bad as long as she always had Chrissie with her. Her loyal best friend through thick and thin and through hell and high water Chrissie would always be there for her.

            “Anna?” Cassie asked hesitantly. “I’m sorry about what my brother did to you. I’m sorry about Leslie too, even though I can’t control her.”

            Anna finally looked up, and tried to stop wallowing in her own self-pity. She wiped her eyes free of tears, embarrassed that she’d been crying against a truck in the middle parking lot while it was still the middle of the afternoon.

            “It’s okay.” She croaked. “I think that I’ll be okay, maybe once my heart heals from the break going down the middle of it. Although, that may not happen for ten or twenty years.”

            “Oh, Anna I know it hurts really badly, this is what I went through with Clint.” Cassie helped Anna up from sitting position against the truck. “I can’t believe he did this to you. I’m so, so sorry.”

            With a quick flick of her hands against her jeans Anna removed all the dirt from her hands. “Cass, I really don’t want to think about this right now, or else I might crawl into a ball and start sobbing hysterically.

            Cassie looked taken aback, Anna didn’t want to talk about her lying, cheating, @sshole of a brother? “Okay, I guess…”

            Jess finally spoke. “Why don’t we all continue on to Cassie’s doctor and then after were finished there we can go and find Brent and attack him for being a lying, cheating freaking scumbag? Sound good?”


            The sound of truck tires on a dirt road brought him out of his haze. Where Cass and Anna finally home? They’d been gone since God knows when and it was now almost four in the afternoon. What could have been so important that they’d had to make an impromptu trip into town for?

            He didn’t know. Brent had tried to understand the female brain, but unfortunately he was still completely rusty on the subject, and probably would be for the rest of his life. Females were a mystery to his male mind.

            After putting up Mav’s tack up Brent went outside of the barn to see if Cassie and Anna were home.

            Ah, Anna, Brent honestly couldn’t imagine a life without her anymore. She’d wrapped him around her finger, unknowingly and he found that he kind of liked it to be honest.

            When Brent stepped out of the barn, he did not expect to find what he did.

            Leslie Garrison, the woman that had made his life a living hell.

            “Hey, cowboy. I bet you missed me.” She smiled at him seductively.

            Brent probably looked like someone had punched him in the stomach, and he felt like it, too, but he managed to regain his composure rather quickly. “No, Leslie. I honestly can’t say that I have.”

            “Oh, poo, poo. You and I both know that’s not true.” She winked at him, and he just continued to stare at her.

            “Well, believe it because it’s very much the truth, and I don’t like being questioned on what I say.”

            “You don’t mean that. You’re just trying to hurt me because I hurt you,” She pouted and moved her blonde hair from her face.

            “I’m sure you’ll live.” Brent grimaced he didn’t know how one could be like her and manage to live with themselves. “Now get off my property. I told you a long time ago not to comeback. I’ll forget this ever happened if you leave. If not fine by me, but then I’ll be forced to take each measures in getting rid of you.”

            “But Brent, I’ve come to reclaim my position as your fiancée. Now you can kick that damn floozy Anna, back of to wherever she came from.” She stepped a little closer to Brent and he retreated backwards a couple steps trying to get away from her.

            “How the hell do you know about Anna?!” He questioned her. He was starting to get pissed off. He wanted Leslie gone, and he wanted her gone now.

            “I met her in town earlier with your sister and a friend of hers. Don’t worry I forgive you for dating other woman during my absence. Lord knows I wasn’t a saint myself.”

            “You are about the farthest thing from a saint. The only words that really befit you are: cheating whore.”

            Leslie laughed shrilly. “Oh, you always did have a good sense of humor.” Her face turned stone cold. “Now you listen to me. I am going to be your wife, and there is nothing you can do about it. Not unless you want me to ruin you. I can be very, and I mean very persuasive when I want to be.” She played with a lock of her blonde hair, while her brown eyes bore holes into his.

            “Not gonna happen. I have someone else know, and I want you to leave, or else I will be forced to call Sherriff Andrews out here, and you and I both know that he never liked you one bit.” He smiled, Leslie had always been afraid of the Sherriff. “I’m sure he’d be glad to take out the trash for me.”

            “Seriously threatening me with Sherriff Andrews? Is that all you can come up with? I thought you were better than that.”

            Brent was barely keeping his anger in check. “Well, Leslie my mamma always told me men don’t hit woman. And I am trying very hard not to throw that all out the window and smack you so hard that your gums bleed.”

            “So you like it rough now. Well that’s fine by me.”

            He was getting so pissed off by her little playing dumb act. “Oh, you wish. Why don’t you go find another hand and run off with him?”

            “Because silly I want you, and your money.”

            This time it was Brent’s turn to laugh. “So the truth finally comes out. I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to mention my money.”

            “You didn’t seriously think that all the women in town fell for you because of your good looks, did you? No, Brent they want your money and that’s it.”

            “That’s nice. I have someone who’s not fazed by my money and I am happy with her so now if you don’t mind I’m going to go and call the sheriff and have you removed from my property. Don’t be surprised if you get a restraining order in the mail.” Brent started to walk towards the house for his phone.

            “Anna’s leaving you, you know.”

            That got his attention so fast that he whipped around and created a little plume of dust. “What did you just say?” He asked not so kindly.

            Leslie shrugged at him. “Well, I made a mash up of voicemail that you’d sent me in the past, and now she believes that the reason I’m hear is because you called me and asked for me to come back so that we could be together.” She smiled wickedly at him. “I’m sure she’s making plans to leave your @ss and go back home to wherever she came from.”

            Brent was ragging mad now. “You little slut! How dare you think that you have a hold on my life, and that you can just waltz on in and destroy it for your own sick pleasure! Anna is the only woman I want.” They could hear another truck coming up the road now. “You better fix this mess or else you will live an extremely miserable life from now on. Do you hear me?!”

            She mock saluted him while she kept her bored looking stature. “Yes, sir, but I’m afraid I’m not going to take it back. I kind of like being the only woman in your life now.”

            “God dammit!!!” He bellowed.

            The sound of a truck turning of and the sound of doors opening could be heard. Leslie looked around and saw that Anna, Cassie, and Jess were finally back.

            Knowing that all eyes were on the two for them Leslie grabbed Brent by the shirt collar, and dragged her mouth against his. She wanted there to be no doubt in Anna’s mind that Brent had now chosen her. Leslie sighed and moaned as loud as she could and make it sound real. Brent just stood there stunned by what Leslie was doing.

            “What?! No, no, no, no, no, no! I can’t believe this!” Brent heard Anna yell as she ran for the house after seeing them locked together.

            Brent finally broke free of Leslie, and saw Anna run into the house, and then all he heard was the deafening sound of the front door being slammed.

            “That’s it Leslie! I’m calling the sheriff and having you removed now! Are you happy! You just ruined my one last shot at love! God f*cking dammit!!!” Brent stormed off past her in search for Anna.


            “Cassie, all of the pregnancy tests we did on you are coming up positive. It looks like you are going to be a mother.” Her doctor said as she smiled at her.

            A mini Clint!

            She’d never been so happy in her life. It was official she was going to be a mommy.

            “From what I’ve found, your due date will be June17th. Congratulations!”

            “Thank you, doctor.” Cassie picked up her purse.

            “I think were finished here. On your way out go and see my secretary out in the lobby, and she will get your first ultrasound appointment set up. You should find out the sex of the baby then.” The doctor moved a lock of light brown hair out of her face, and led Cassie, Jess, and Anna out into the lobby. “Have a nice day. I’ll see you soon.”

            “Thank you again, doctor.”

            Once Cassie had set up her next appointment Anna went up and stood next to her. “I told you everything would work out.”

            “Thanks Anna, for everything. I really mean it. Where would I be without you?”

            Anna smiled a small smile at her. “I don’t know, but I’m sure you’d be just fine.”

            “Maybe,” Cassie smiled grimly at Anna. “I just hope everything works out for you. I’m just sorry this all happened to you.”

            Anna’s face fell, until then she’d managed not to think about it for the past hour.

            Jess picked up on Anna’s mood change and decided to change the subject before it could go any farther. “How about we go back to the ranch, and boot the men – or man – out and have ourselves a girls night?”

            Anna smiled at her. “Fine by me. I don’t know if I can face Brent right now anyways.”

            On the way home they chatted out everything, well, except for the sore subject of Brent and what was going on there.

            When they pulled up to the house all three of them saw Leslie and Brent talking about half way between the barn and the house. They all got out of the truck and then Leslie hauled Brent against her and they started to kiss.

            Anna’s world came crashing down the second she saw the kiss. So it was true. He didn’t want her.

            Anna’s heart broke – no it shattered into a million pieces at her feet. “What?! No, no, no, no, no, no! I can’t believe this!”

             Anna ran into the house as hot tears began to run down her face. She heard Brent yelling in the distance, but she was too far gone anymore to care. She ran up the stairs and into her room and then she collapsed on her bed and began to sob hysterically.

            So this is what it felt like to have your heart broken, she thought as she sobbed.


So, how many of you hate me right now? Show of hands?

I'm sorry it's probably not the drama you wanted. Hey, at least you know that Brent's innocent. I hope that makes up for the unwanted drama.

The song on the side is She Won't Be Lonely Long by Clay Walker.

Also go and check out the synopsis for Cassie's story, Runaway Bride!!!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! Please vote and comment!!! Thanks for reading!!!

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