The New Boy

By oliviamarie08

216K 5.8K 376

When good girl, Haley Olsen, gets involved with the new player in town, Cody Cunningham, her life will get tu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Eight

4.5K 138 18
By oliviamarie08

Only two more chapters left! So sad): But check out my new promo for my new book The Miracle, its gunna be a tear jerker..... but please give me feedback on that! I think this chapter is going to be the chapter you guys have been waiting for.... for a long time. Well hope you enjoy! xoxo Olivia


We arrived at Coachella and they were millions of hippys everywhere. I saw Vanessa Hudgens and her boyfriend, and even Miley Cyrus. We parked his truck by all the party trailers and headed to the first concert around 6 after eating at a fast food restaurant near by. 

"This is amazing! Best Birthday ever!" I grabbed him kissing him, he picked me up turning while kissing. 

"Anything for you." He smiled and he lead us closer to the stage past all the young adults screaming for the first act. San Cisco played and I danced in a huge group of people, someone was spraying paint all over us dancing but it was fun. 

The blasting music, air reaking of beer and weed, and all the shirtless men with their bikini girls on their shoulders due to the heat was just everything that made this amazing. I wore a little crop top and booty shorts but took off the crop top to a bikini top. 

"Baby, get on my shoulders if you can't see." When everyone got up dancing I was jumping to glimpse the band. I nodded and he picked me up throwing me over him and I could see everything. It was amazing. I threw my hands up and Cody bounced making me laugh. 

A girl with hair down to her butt, walked up handing Cody a daisy flower crown for me to wear. He handed it up to me and I set it on my head smiling. It was Midnight when Fridays concert finally ended. We headed back to the truck and next to us were a bunch of seniors partying and the hollered for us to join. I looked at Cody, "Why not?" He laughed and we walked over to their camp. 

They handed Cody and I some beer, "Oh no thanks man, I'm good." The guy just smiled and took it back. 

"No problem dude. Where you guys from?" He asked cracking himself a beer.

"Southern Cali, How about you?" Cody said with his arm around me. 

"We from San Fran, the next 3 trailers are me and my buddies! I forgot to ask for your guys names?" He reached out his hand to Cody. 

"Cody" and he reached back shaking the guys hand. 

"and you?" The guy with brown hair and light light blue eyes asked me. 

"Haley." I smiled shaking his hand. 

"I'm Maverick, Feel free to get beer or smoke some dope, and my friend Ally over there is painting some indian shit on everyone if you guys wanna do that." He smiled and we just nodded. 

I ran over to Ally and for her to paint me like an indian. "Hi girl, you look hella good." Ally said, "What's your name?" 

"Haley and thank you. You are all really cool, I'm here with my boyfriend Cody, over there." When Cody saw me pointing he waved which made me smile. 

"I'm ally, so you wanna become an indian?" I nodded and smiled. She took out some smudgy paint and marked me all over, then took out a feather tucking it behind my ear. 

"Cody come here!" He walked over and I made him get painted too. We took a picture, which was adorable. 

"Wanna shotgun with me?" Ally said after finishing Cody. 

"Sure!" Cody just laughed as he saw me having all the beer slip down me. We danced with them and just partied. Cody didn't have anything but I had quite a few drinks. It was around 3:30 we headed back to his truck and washed off. We wrapped me up in a blanket and spooned me. We fell asleep telling scary stories under the stars. One of the best nights of my life. 

The next day we woke up around 1 and got lunch. The day was really fun, we hung with Ally and Maverick during the Saturday concert. Around 6 we headed to the main hall concert for Grouplove. Cody and I danced in the mosh pit but when it got too intense we got out. I needed water after 2 hours of dancing so we walked to the bar. 

On the way to the bar, this girl with long curly brown hair stopped Cody. He looked as if he saw a ghost. He hesitated then hugged her really tight. "Oh my God Sophia." He kept saying. I stood their in shock and just watching them hug endlessly. She looked a little older then us but I was unsure if I should interupt. 

They pulled out of the hug and she started to cry, "You look just like him." She lightly touched his cheek. He started to cry really hard, I have never seen Cody like this. She grabbed him hugging him as he shook. "Shhh... Don't cry." She said also crying. 

"I can't do this. I can't do this." He stood up still crying and shook his head. 

"It wasn't your fault Cody. Please." She said and he lashed out turning from sad to angry really fast. 

"Never say that. It was my fault. He should be here right now. I can't fucking do this." He got really close up to her then ran toward the camp. I looked back at her now on the ground crying. 

It was pitch black in the camp except for the light of trailers. "Cody!" I screamed multiple times. I found the truck and saw Cody by the tire, with his hand behind his neck and he was shaking. 

I slowly approached him, "Cody... What just happened?" He looked up at me with red helpless eyes. I sat next to him rubbing his arm. "Please tell me." 

"I didn't want you to find out this way Haley." He said with a shaky voice. 

"I'm so confused who was that girl. Please just tell me Cody." He entwined his fingers into his hair and pulled hard. He looked at me and sighed. 

"After my parents died, I kind of snapped in a way. It was mostly because my mom was gone, she was my everything. I only had my brother Jack at the time. We partied a lot, I would get black out drunk to numb the feeling of emptiness. One night we we're at a party and they ran out of alcohol. So, I was already shitfaced, I grabbed Jacks keys and told everyone I would handle it with my fake Id. Jack and Sophia, his girlfriend, came out after me taking the keys and telling me to go back inside." He started to cry and I rubbed his back. He looked at the ground and just stared for a moment. 

"I wouldn't let it down that we needed more booze. So Jack, who was already buzzed, told me we could go if he drove. So we all hopped in, with Sophia in the back and me in shotgun. On the way there, I kept on goofing around and hitting him and taking the wheel. He kept telling me to stop. He would just yell "Stop Cody!" and I wouldn't stop. I took out a joint from my pocket and lite it. I kept shoving it in Cody's face and laughing and he would swerve. He kept telling me that we were going to crash. I can remember his voice." He was shaking. 

"We we're going down a busy street almost to the liquor store and I shoved him jokly again and he swevred into a moving truck going 70. After that It was a blur then I woke up crushed between the shattered window shield and the ground. We had flipped. That's how I got these, a lovely reminder of how big of a monster I am." He pulled up his sleeves showing me those mysterious scars that I would stare at.  

"I pulled my self out of the side window and heard Sophia screaming stuck too. I punched the other window and pulled her out. She has a scar on her forehead. There was blood everywhere. I screamed Jack and there was no reply. I started to scream and the ambulance came and had to use to jaws of life to pull him out. He died on impact. Sophia cried for weeks. I had no one. My whole family was dead. Sophia told my aunt she thought I was suicidal so my aunt took me in and I stayed in her house for the whole summer. Then I came to our school and met you. I gave up alcohol and weed and just went straight edge.  I realized that their was still the old Cody my mom knew and that was when I was with you. I haven't told you because I just came to the point where I couldn't lose you. You couldn't know how horrible I was cause I loved you too much to lose you too. My heart just would not be able to lose another person." I was crying due to the realization of how hard his life was. 

"Cody." I rubbed my hand on his cheek and just stared at him while I cried. "You are not a monster. I could never think of you as that. Never. I love you so much. I am so sorry that you lost him." He grabbed me and hugged me for what it felt like forever. 

"I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for killing him. I don't even know if he will ever forgive me." He looked at me with such sorrow. 

"It was a huge accident. You can't keep hurting yourself for this. I know for a fact that Jack is looking down at you right now telling you to stop beating yourself up for this." I grabbed him and just stared right into his eyes. 

"Haley. Remember when I said I didn't know what the future was?" I nodded, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. 

"Its you. Its been you since day one. You are my future. I love you so much. I will love you forever Haley and never doubt that." He leaned in to kiss me and his lips told me how much he loved me. "You are my everything. Forever." 

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