
By gabriellacali

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"The truth about love is, the more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you see their flaws. You not... More

Chapter 1 - Back at it
Chapter 2 - Music
Chapter 3 - She's Different
Chapter 4 - Straight up feelings
Chapter 5 - We want what's wrong.
Chapter 6 - You me and her.
Chapter 7 - Her again.
Chapter 8 - One Last Time
Chapter 9 - I can be without you
Chapter 10 - Frienenemys.
Chapter 11 - You dont have to worry with me.
Chapter 12 - Consider it
Chapter 13 - What if
Chapter 14 - Better this way or not?
Chapter 15 - There's my confession.
Chapter 17 - Compatible
Chapter 18 - We're here
Chapter 19 - Alliteration.
Chapter 20 - Whose
Chapter 21 - Give into me

Chapter 16 - Just Like Me

34 2 2
By gabriellacali

We had been flying for about 10 hours and we had about 10 more to go. I wasn't quite sure the exact times. Justin got up a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom, I guess.

I unbuckled my seat belt, getting out of my seat and making my way over to Jaden. "Hey." I say, smiling as I sit down next to him.

He laughs, referring to the situation that took place earlier, "Is he still mad at me? I don't think he is cause I smiled at him earlier and he smiled back but-"

"Yeah no he's fine, he just the jealous type. He was like that with Sasha, except he probably would have pounced on that guy if it were her instead of you." We both laugh but my mind wonders off to the name mentioned, Sasha.

"She really messed him up didn't she?" Damn. Did I just say that out loud? "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I shouldn't have asked. I just notice so many things about Justin. He really doesn't trust-"

"-Easily. Yeah he doesn't trust easily. He won't admit it was her who caused that but I personally think it was her. I mean, it's not that she is a bad person, her and I had a great relationship. I liked her a lot but she did ruin him," I apologize for asking, "It's okay don't worry, you can ask me these things and I'll answer the best that I can without breaking bro code of course." I giggle as Jaden finishes.

Jaden watches me intently as I carry on, "I mean I'm getting all these mixed signals from him," I look at the small TV attached to the chair in front of me, "I don't know what he's trying to tell me. Does he like me, does he not? I'm so confused and I was so mad earlier, as you know." I look back at him.

"I could tell." He laughs and I notice how nice his smile is. He's always smiling. I wish I could be that happy all the time, unfortunately my hearts been broken on many occasions.

"Yeah, he was about to kiss me, like we literally were centimeters apart and he just stopped, pulling away and walking away. I was so confused. I don't know what's going on Jaden!" I raise my voice while giggling, lightening the mood.

"I heard about that." Fredo says and my head snaps back to him. Did Justin actually speak to Fredo about what happened?

As if Jaden reads my mind he carries on, "He told me that the two of you were about to hook up or whatever," we both let out a small chuckle at this whole thing being so high school, "Anyway then he pulled away and you got all pissed off." Damn right I did.

"I already know all of that! Tell me why Justin pulled away! Tell me tell me what he said!" I ask like a child.

"I can't," Jaden begins to put his earphones in his ears, "It would be breaking bro code," He looks at me and smirks, "Sorry G-dawg." I kind of liked the new nickname Jaden had used but I grew annoyed.

He placed his earphones in his ears, zoning out from our conversation. "Boys and their damn bro codes." I mutter, getting out of Justin's seat only to be bumped into by someone.

"Sorry I-" I look up, "Justin." I breath out, surprised but happy.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me, "I want to speak to you." I smile gesturing to the newly found empty seats behind Justin's seats.

"Nah, I'm tired, it's late," Late? We're on a plane, you can sleep whenever you want. There's no bed time when your on a plane.

"I think I'm just going to go to sleep." I immediately turn away from him, moving to the two seats behind him. I am tired and vexed. I want to be alone, not between two hotties.

I lift up the arm chair, plugging my earphones in and going into Rihanna's album, Loud. I lie down over the two seats, attempting to sleep off the anger I held for Justin right now. He embarrassed me, again.

'Why is everything with you so complicated,
why do you make it hard to love you
oh I hate it'

Why is he so complicated? Is he really mad at me? I'm so confused. What did I even do? I should be mad at him, I am mad at him. He's the one whose messing with my head.

I honestly thought we could do this as friends. I'm suddenly doubting that but it's too late now, I'm on a plane to his home town, his house, his life.

I need to find out what's going on in his head because we cannot keep having these childish fights.

Let's not think about that now, I need my sleep.


I sleep for about three hours and I wake up to another four hours of flying. At least I killed a little bit of time.

Now, it was time to sort some shit out.

I get up from my seat, walking over to where Justin and Jaden were seated. I look down on him, with a stern look on my face. They both look up, "Uh Justin, I'll be back in five." Fredo unclips his seatbelt, "Just need to hit the can." He was about to get up but I stop him.

"Sit," I demand quickly, emotionless. Justin looks between the two of us, I keep my eyes on Justin while Jaden remains standing, "You don't need to leave, this won't take long." I say to him.

"Okay." Jaden says quietly, sitting back down.

"You aren't meant to be out of your seat." Justin says, looking down.

"Does it look like I care?" They both look at me surprised, then look at each other and smirk. "Listen, if this is going to work then you have to stop being so damn moody with me! I don't know what's going on in your head, I don't read minds so you need to tell me how you feel if I've done something." I say looking straight into his eyes. He looks down at his phone then back up at me.

"I don't know what your talking about, there's no problem. I'm chilled, always have been." He says nonchalantly. Absolute Liar.

There was something weird about the fact that I could read him like a book.

"Don't bullshit me." I spat.

"I'm not." He continues to look down.

"Okay that's it, Justin get up and let's go talk about this properly please." I ask, rolling my eyes.

"There's nothing to say, whatever you want to say, you can say in front of my boy Jaden over here." He nods his head in Jaden's direction. He is being such an asshole.

"Dude, don't bring me into this." Jaden replied to Justin's cocky comment.

"Justin, your being an ass right now."
I fold my arms.

"Just chill out." Justin says.

"Do not tell me to chill out when your the one who got upset and began sulking!" I point out.

Justin immediately stands up in defense, "I did not get upset!" He raises his voice.

"Okay then what was that back there?"
I gesture to our seats, "why did you get all weird back at the airport, when I said I was coming with you and back when I sat down next to Ashton." I turn back, smiling towards Ashton who is currently watching Justin and I going back and forth.

"So that's your new boy huh? Ashton?" Justin mimics his name. Immature. I hope Ashton didn't here that.

"Oh stop it. What is your problem Justin?"

"I'm not the one with the problem, clearly." I was loosing my patience, I give up. I go back to my original seat.

"Sorry about that." I whisper to Ashton.

"Let me move over one so you are in the aisle seat. You can talk to him then." That was considerate of him.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." The both of us move, his hand touching the small of my back as we switch seats.

"Oh for fucks sakes." I hear Justin mutter and my head shoots in his direction.

"What?" I spit, sitting down, utterly annoyed.

He ignores me.

"I cannot believe you right now. I literally didn't expect this side of you." I lean over closer to his seat since there is an aisle between us.

I am ignored, again.

"Is this about Matty? Because you think I still love him and want to be with him? Is that it? Or are you just-"

"So you do- you do want to be with him?" Justin answers me with a question, at least I got answer. I didn't know what to say though.

"That's not the point here." I whisper.

"Yes it is I-" He cuts himself off, looking down, "Your right, it's not the point because I don't care if you love him, love him all you want, We're just friends remember?" He asks rhetorically and cockily.

"Oh is that how it is now?" I question him, raising my voice.

"Did you think I liked you?" Justin chuckles.

Oh hell no.

He did not just do that. Why is he being so vindictive? I might have an idea.

"I know what your doing and you don't have to do that with me." Suddenly, I wasn't so mad anymore because I realized what he was trying to do; cover up his feelings incase he gets hurt or turned down. Something I do often. He was just like me and that was reassuring. It's a habit developed when your in a serious relationship that fails.

"Do what?" Justin spits, looking directly at me for the first time this whole banter.

"Nothing Jay." I shake my head to give him the impression that I was disappointed in him. I decide I wontouldn't call him out on it, not here. I look away from his gaze, plugging my earphones in and going on my phone. I sent a text to Ciara:

'Justin and I are already fighting and we're only on the plane.'

I look back at Justin and watch him for while, trying to understand why I was so drawn to him even though right now, he was like a girl on her period.

After a few minutes, he looks back at me and catches me staring. I look down then back up at him.

"I'm sorry." Justin mouths. I only smile at him then look towards the window of the plane. My earphones still in, I play Drama by Roy Woods featuring Drake. It seemed to fit the situation. Justin was going to bring a lot of drama in my life but I had drama too, a lot of it but I genuinely think everything is going to be fine.


Leave your comments or votes so I know I have someone reading my book. I don't get a lot of reads, I care and I don't care. Obviously I want people to read my story because I know if you give it a chance you'll enjoy but I enjoy witting and I know where this story is going and it's going to be one that's sticks with you if you read it, an emotional book. So please just help me get reads and suggest things if you don't like certain things about it. Thanks you xx


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