The Immortals~

By suGar_Twinkles95

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Penelope has suffered a great loss, with her Family. Especially her own blood and soul...Esmeralda. When she... More

~The Immortals~ The Beggining? Ch.1
~The Immortals~ Metting The Person I Least Expected. Ch.2
The Immortals~Ch.3
The Immortals~Ch.4
The Immortals~Ch.5
The Immortals~Ch.6
The Immortals~Ch.7
The Immortals~Ch.8
The Immortals~Ch.9
The Immortals~CH.10
The Immortals~Ch.11
The Immortals~Ch.12
The Immortals~ Ch.13
The Immortals~Ch.14
The Immortals~ Ch.15
The Immortals~ Ch.16
The Immortals~ Ch.17
The Immortals~ Ch.18
Chapter 19: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-One:The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-Four:The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty Six: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty Seven:The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Immortals
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Immortals
Chapter Thirty: The Immortals
Chapter Thirty-One; The Immortals
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Immortals
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Immortals

Chapter Twnety-Two: The Immortals

272 6 2
By suGar_Twinkles95

“Laurent.” I say rather calm even though all my body parts want to kill every part of his breathing body.

“So, what is it that you wanted?” He raised a brow expecting a challenge from me, but gets nothing. He's still old and by the looks of it he hadn't even drank or shot himself at all.

“Nothing in particular. I just came to visit an old friend.”

“Ha, you make my laugh Damon. What are you really here for.”

I was still standing in front of Penelope who held still for once in her life. She kept quite as she watched us talk, “I want to know were Erik is.” I demanded,

“Erik? You mean Erik isn't with you? Instead you get a girl to accompany you. Come on Damon you think I didn't realize who she is.”

“Laurent, this is between you and me. Leave her out of it.” I growl,

“Oh calm down. I wasn't going to harm the poor girl. Penelope come here.”

Penelope PROV:

I watched as the rambled on with there conversation as I just stood there freaked out by this mans appearance. He was pale and I mean ghostly pale. There was a cut that reached his forehead and ended down his throat. His eyes were pitch black. I just couldn't look away from him in tell he said my name.

“Penelope come.” he snapped his fingers,

“Penelope don't listen to him. Stay.” Damon ordered,

I walked toward the man name Laurent and watched as his bony hands stretched out to smooth my cheek, “So, your the girl that has the power to save this doomed world.”

I didn't move. Didn't breath. I basically didn't do anything, just started.

“You can hear her can't you? Esmeralda.” He walked in circles around me as he faced me again,

“What are you talking about? She can't talk to ghosts.” Damon told him,

“On the contra, Penelope hasn't been telling the whole entire secret. Tell him Penelope.”

I could breath again, I could move. I needed to get out of here, but instead I walked right in front of Damon and told him the truth, “It's true. Everything he's saying is all true. I didn't tell you because I was scarred that my imagination was turning into reality.” I blinked once trying to capture the hurt in Damon's eyes, but all I saw was angry.

“You couldn't have told me in a better time?”

“Well, well, I see you can't trust the girl.” Laurent began, “I think I can take it from here.” His bony fingers stroked my hair.

“I'm afraid I can't let you do that.” Damon stepped sided into the side and walked closer tell he was facing Laurent,

“And why is that?” Laurent raised a brow as he looked at Damon cold,

“Because I came here finding out about Erik not about Penelope.” Damon took a step forward as Laurent took a step back,

“Well, you weren't that describable .” He mentioned as he came towards me,

“Give her to me or I won't leave you in a pleasant state.” Damon threaded,

“You dare threaten me? I'll have you say that if you give me your life then I'll have to simply kill the girl.” fast as a snake Laurent took out a needle with blue liqueur. Damon stopped in midair as he looked at me then toward Laurent.

“Stop.” Damon growled as Laurent needle was close to my neck. Feeling the prick of the needle.

“And what? Like I said, you may be faster and stronger, but your still not as smart as me. Well, if only your brother was here.” he smiled broadly,

“Okay, let's make a deal.”

“No deal, you know my deal all ready.”

“Okay, but let's make it fun.” Damon grinned,

“I'm listening.”

“You can have my soul.” Damon said, as Laurent greedily shook his head, “But you let Penelope go and you tell her were Erik is.”

“Your one brave man. Deal.” he let go of me as he came toward Damon. I could finally breath and move

“No! Damon! This is stupid, take my life.” I plead to Laurent,

“Its the only way Penelope. Save us.” I ran toward Laurent and Damon, but they vanished into thin air. I grasped at what just happened as tears ran down my cheeks. This is all my fault. If I hadn't stayed and wasn't so damn stubborn then Damon would have found out about Erik. There's a note in the bottom of my shoe. I pick it up reading it.


The Forest of Dreams is were Erik is at. Save us and tell Erik I tried.


I closed my eyes as I recapture all the good things Damon did. He saved my life, so now it's my turn to return the favor. This is the new improved Penelope. No more stubborn. More like controlling my powers and try to get a hold of Esmeralda and Erik. And hopefully Damon too, if he's still alive if you know what I mean.

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