Demesne ¦¦ Hunhan, Taoris, Ka...

By Exophoenix18

1.3K 24 22

"you promised you would protect me no matter what right?" "of course" "then stay with me. Forever " In a wor... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2


139 2 2
By Exophoenix18

Prince Lu Han

Age: 24

Personal Servant: Kim Jongdae

Prince favors being outdoors and will ask to be allowed to play games in the back field. He is allowed to do so as long as the gates are locked and guards are present. Prince attends classes in the mornings and remains in his quarters for the rest of the day.

Note: Do NOT allow him in the kitchen unattended.

Prince Kyungsoo

Age: 23

Personal Servant: Byun Baekhyun

Prince is rather quiet and prefers to be in the library where it is quiet. Do not leave him unattended. Prince rises at 7am promptly and attends classes until noon. He has a habit of shoving around his servant. Don't worry, he's only joking and doesn't mean any of the death threats seriously.

Note: Do Not leave him unattended with any scissors, needles or sharp objects. Prince must take his medicine every day which will be delivered by Baekhyun.


"Kris, did you get the-"


"OK, but did you remember the-"


"And what about the-"

"Tao, we have everything. Now hush or we'll be late."

"I know, I know, I'm just excited." Tao sulked. Kris admired him for a moment smiling.

"I know, Pumpkin. It's not everyday we get to make our friends important people."

Tao sighed and nodded with a smile on his face. "Absolutely. Ok... Let's go. I don't want to keep them waiting." He picked up a satchel and headed towards the mount awaiting them outside. Kris grinned and followed. They climbed into the cart and waited to start moving. Tao suddenly put a hand on Kris' arm as if remembering something.


Kris chuckled and ruffled Tao's hair and the cart took off.


"Should we at least try to find Xiumin?" Yixing asked.

"If you think you can find the elf, be my guest." Suho responded with a chuckle.


"He's short."

"Oh... oh! haha"

Suho rolled his eyes. As if on cue, a flash of orange hair grabbed their attention.

"Found him." Yixing smiled, pleased.

"Xiumin!" Suho called out for him as he rounded a corner away from them. His head popped out from the corner a moment later. "Yes?"

"Would you like to join us in taking our students to the guards ceremony? We want them to see what it will be like since it won't happen again for quite some time."

"Oh my gosh! Yes! My brother is in that. He would kill me if he found out I was coming but yes! When are we leaving?" Xiumin bounded over to them.

"During 4th section. We will meet by the gates and leave."

"What about Eunhyuk and his students?"

Suho and Yixing side-eyed each other. "The Psychic school is much too busy actually learning to meddle with such petty things." Suho scrunched his face and spoke in a mocking tone. Xiumin was baffled. "He does realize that the high priest will be there right?"

Suho shrugged, "His loss."

"Xiumin, when was the last time you ate?" Yixing poked him in the ribs.

"Um, I don't know. What day is it?"

"How will you survive without Sehun living with you anymore? I swear, one day we'll be like, 'Where's Xiumin?' and we'll find you in your house, dead, thinner than a post, with a schedule in one hand and your books in the other." Suho reprimanded.

"You make it seem like that would be a bad way to die." Xiumin smiled.

Suho just laughed and shook his head. "Come eat lunch with us, then you can go back to fretting over schedules."

"You guys are going to eat?"

"Well, we already did, but we still have some left over if you are hungry." Yixing replied.

"When am I not hungry, honestly." Xiumin shrugged shyly. Yixing and Suho laughed and lead Xiumin back to the classroom in the Light School.


Have you ever tried to round up about 180 jittery, excited, magic students into one small courtyard? Yeah, neither had Yixing, Suho, or Xiumin.

"Well fuck me in the ass with a rusty spoon." Xiumin sighed.

"Why would you do that? You could get so many diseases!" Yixing was astonished.

"What? No, not literally."

"I should hope not!"

"Anyways, how are we gonna do this? 60 kids per teacher? That doesn't seem safe. Each school with their teacher? That doesn't seem fair."

"Assign student leaders. 3 per group of about 20. Then all you have to do is keep up with 3." Suho suggested.

"That works." Xiumin walked to where his hoard of students awaited, "OK guys, here's the deal, Break up into your classes. Years 1 and 2, here, Year 3 here, and year 4 here. I will Appoint 1 student per group to keep track of you so don't do anything stupid. "Xiumin waited for the groups to form. He glanced over at the other schools. Suho's groups outnumbered his own at least 3:1. He looked back at his kids, maybe about 30 in all. "Year 4, your leader is Leeteuk, Year 3, Jackson, Years 1 and 2, Zelo."

"Yasss! Bow bitches."

"Jackson, don't make me change my mind."

"Yes sir."

With the student leaders in place, the walk to the ceremony was much simpler than it could have been. The students mingled and the teachers discussed where to stand to observe. 30 minutes later, they arrived. The grand courtyard was scattered with families, guards, and workers, all here to see the appointing of the guards. A large stage at the front signaled Suho where to lead the students. As they made their way to the front, the excited chatter got louder and louder.

"Professor Kim?"

"Yes?" Suho and Xiumin turned around at the same time and Zelo's face switched to surprise.

"Um... My professor."

Suho chuckled and turned away leaving Xiumin and his student alone.

"Professor, do you mind if i stand with you.... in case I have a question or something," Zelo's cuteness made Xiumin happy. Zelo was one of the few students he had made a real connection with. From what he had gathered, Zelo's parents were both magic wielders. His mother was a light wielder while his father was a Physical wielder and the General of the King's Army. In other words, he was the head honcho. In fact, Xiumin thought, He might be here today. He smiled and ruffled the taller boy's hair. His head was a good half foot above Xiumin's but he didn't care.

The stage remained empty for a while. The students continued to chatter and several had taken seats on the ground to wait, their robes spread out covering the grass with the colors of their schools. Finally, soldiers entered the stage. They marched on, carrying the flag of the kingdom.

All of the students stood and waited eagerly. The soldiers stopped in the middle of the stage and marched backwards to make room for all the members of the court making their way onstage. The red, orange and yellow robes of the royals swished around their feet as they made their way to the seats marked for them.

"It's amazing how many guards they have for them. We haven't had a threat in decades. you'd think they'd lay up a bit." Zelo whispered.

"You can never be too safe." Xiumin whispered back.

Once the last of the royals took his seat, the generals and majors entered the stage with several Lieutenants trailing them. They were all led on by Zelo's father. The moment he stepped foot on the stage, Zelo took in an excited breath.

"That's my dad." He boasted proudly.

The members of the army took their positions in front of the guards with the flags, one of the generals, Xiumin realized, was Chanyeol. Sehun talked nonstop about him and his greatness. Talking about how one day he hoped he could be as brave and powerful as him. Although, knowing Sehun, he never let anyone know. Xiumin thought he looked sort of goofy with his overly serious face until he realized that he was terribly resisting a smile. Two soldiers stepped on stage next. Two blonds.

"And that's my brother." Xiumin pointed to the skinnier one with the shorter dirty blond hair. Zelo turned to his professor with admiration. "Really?" Xiumin nodded with a smirk.

Sehun and Kai strode to the center of the stage where they met the priests and were blessed. Xiumin thought he saw Sehun stick his tongue out at Kris and Kris "accidentally" whack him with the holy water brush, but he could have been wrong. Or not judging from the glare the High Priest, Tao shot them both. Xiumin tried hard not to giggle. When the priests moved away, Sehun and Kai stood on the center of the stage, alone. The kind entered. The boys turned to him and kneeled with heads bowed. The king, flanked by 6 guards and servants, stopped in front of them.

"Today, I place my sons in new hands. My children, My heirs. My treasures. Years of training have prepared you for this. Today is the day, all that hard work and training is put to use. You will use every skill to protect the princes. Rise."

Sehun and Kai rose to their feet.

"General Park."

Chanyeol stepped forward.

"Do you believe these soldiers are well equipped and trained well enough to protect their prince with their lives?"

"Yes, your majesty,"

"Have you, to the best of your abilities, prepared them for any threat or obstacle they may face and taught them everything they need to know?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Then I give you the honor of bestowing this task upon them."

Chanyeol's eyes widened a little and he stuttered a bit before stepping forward to meet his soldiers. A servant came forward with a decorated box and presented it to the king. The king motioned to the box with a smile. Chanyeol slowly reached for it and took out the contents inside. He then stood in front of his soldiers.

"Raise your right hand."

They did so.

"Repeat after me."

They began their oath to protect and serve the king and his family. Swearing to lay down their lives if the need arose in order to ensure the safety of the heirs to the throne. This went on for several lines until,

"I swear to protect what is mine."

Sehun and Kai lowered their hands and Chanyeol took a step towards them.

"I now, with the King's blessing, appoint thee guards of the royal family." He placed a medal on the breast of Sehun's robe and repeated the action to Kai. He paused for a moment, staring at the third medal in his hand. He had never seen a medal like this one before. Wait, No. Yes he had, but in only one other place. Chanyeol's head shot up and he looked at the king who was smiling at him.

"And I," said the king, stepping forward, "Appoint thee, General of the Army." The king stepped back and Chanyeol looked to be on the verge of tears. Sehun and Kai were smiling widely as Chanyeol took his place standing next to them. The crowd cheered.


"Yes Zelo?"

"Who are those men in black?"

Xiumin turned to him confused. "What men?"

Zelo pointed to the back of the stage, behind the royals who were now beginning to exit the stage. Xiumin squinted and saw a line of figures in black hoods behind the stage. There must have been about 10 of them in all black.

"I don't know."

Movement caught his eye and Xiumin saw one of the figures dart onstage behind the moving crowd of royals and soldiers and crouch behind the priest. He slipped something into Tao's bag then what looked like a note into his pocket. Tao turned around to see who had touched him but the figure had darted off the stage with alarming speed. Tao shrugged it off and resumed smiling at the crowd.

Fear filled Xiumin.

"Zelo, tell the other professors to meet me in my classroom immediately upon our return." Xiumin turned to Zelo's equally terrified face. Without comment, he ran off.

"Something is wrong. Something is very very wrong."


"So, we finally get to meet these princes everyone talks about but never sees." Sehun stripped off his dress robe back in the training room and slipped into his usual uniform. Kai began to mirror his actions.

"I wonder what Prince Lu Han is like. The scrolls were so vague. I'm going to be spending the next 20 years with him, I should at least know a bit more." Kai complained.

"I'll bet Prince Kyungsoo is hot. He sounds super mysterious." Sehun smirked.

"Shut the hell up stupid. That's the prince you are talking about. . . Besides, no one is a hot as me." Kai struck a pose. Being without a shirt on, his demeanor was much more sexual than the joke had meant to be.

"Oh yes, let me just go clean up the downtown because you make me so wet." Sehun deadpanned.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"And neither is your sexiness. If I kiss you, it's because you asked for it."

"I fucking dare you to."

"Really? Don't tempt me."

"Try me tough guy." Kai smirked.

"Oh now you are really asking for it."

"Oh I doubt you wi-- Holy shit, Sehun!"

"What?" Sehun leaned back from his new position of pinning Kai against the wall.

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"I told you. You asked for it."

"Ugh, stupid."

"You're not pushing me away.~" Sehun leaned his chest back against Kai's and placed his forearms against the wall on either side of Kai's head. Kai stuttered for a moment and blushed. Sehun leaned in close and placed his lips against the older's ear. "Who's the one flattered now?" To add to his effect, he nibbled at his earlobe.

"Yah! Don't do that?" Kai finally managed to push him away, although halfheartedly. Sehun crashed to the ground in a fit of laughter. Kai scrunched his face and tried to rub the blush away before moving on to hide his little (or not so little if you know what I mean teehee) friend.

"I hate you." Kai scolded.

"Oh, I love you too, Jonginnie~"

"Aish." Kai threw a random shoe at the boy on the ground and it hit him square in the nose.

"Oh my gods!"

The boys went back and forth a bit, arguing, laughing, enjoying their last time in the old practice room together. (and casually bringing up the number of sexual moments they've had with each other in this room. Which is to say, too many.) By the time a messenger arrived to tell them their coach was ready, they had their scrolls in hand and were donned in their uniforms with their new medals shining brightly. They pushed each other through the door and raced each other to the mount where Chanyeol was waiting for them. On their way to the palace, the discussed their promotions and the new lives ahead of them. One day, they'd look back on this conversation and wish life had turned out the way they planned. Upon their arrival, they were escorted into the palace where the king awaited them on his throne. Servants lined the walls, all with their heads bowed. Two boys sat next to the King. The one on his left had a baby face and lightish brown hair that cascaded over his forehead. He was smiling at the soldiers who entered. The other boy had dark brown hair and pale skin. His head was hung and he avoided all eye contact. The soldiers reached the throne and kneeled.

"Rise, Soldiers. And meet my sons." The king wore a face of pride as his sons stood. As they did so, two servants peeled away from the wall and each stood behind one of the princes. Sehun, Kai, and Chanyeol all rose to their feet.

"Oh." Chanyeol gasped lightly. Sehun glanced at to to see him staring at something behind the throne. He followed his gaze and grinned. There at the end of the general's line of sight, was the servant standing behind the Prince with the stoic face. The servant's hair was a brown with sun tinted highlights. He was wearing... eyeliner? Sehun noticed he was averting his eyes from the general and a pink tint ghosted his cheeks.

"Lieutenants Sehun and Jongin. These are my sons and the ones you will be spending every hour protecting. Luhan," he motioned to the baby faced smiling one who waved and bowed somehow at the same time. He seemed excited. "And Kyungsoo." The sad looking prince just nodded.

Kai and Sehun gripped their scrolls behind their backs.

"Dude, switch with me." They whispered and elbowed each other at the same time.


"Xiumin? Zelo called for us. He said it was urgent." Suho and Yixing entered the classroom and shut the door behind them. Yixing sat atop one of the desks in the vacant classroom. Most of the students had gone home after returning from the ceremony. Others were out in the field dueling or practicing spells. Xiumin glanced out of one of the windows to make sure none of them were coming into the building.

"I think that something is wrong."

Suho furrowed his brows and Yixing looked concerned.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Yixing spoke quickly, thirsty for a clarification.

"Today at the ceremony," Xiumin started. "There were these men in black cloaks. I didn't see them until Zelo pointed them out to me. But they were all hovering behind the stage. Th-they just -- They put something in the Priest's satchel and a note in Tao's pocket."

"Tao? Why Tao?" Suho began to grow worried.

"I don't know. But the way they moved and behaved... It wasn't... it wasn't-- I don't know, I just don't like it. I have a bad feeling about it."

"Xiumin, we haven't had a threat in decades. We are a peaceful nation. Why would someone try to attack us?" Suho reasoned.

"That's the thing. I don't think it's another nation."

"Are you implying--" Suho was cut off by frantic knocking at the door. Xiumin glanced at the professors, then moved to open the door.


"Sir, there's something wrong." Jackson pointed off into the distance and Xiumin's heart sank. There in the sky, was a cloud of smoke.


"See Tao. I told you that everything would be fine."

"Says you! Do you know how many times I had to freeze time to fix your hair or robes? Honestly, were you raised in a barn, look at you." Tao reached up and brushed several strands out of Kris' face. Leave it to Tao to be overly concerned with appearances. Kris smiled and grabbed his hand. "Well at least you look perfect."

Tao stared at him with his catlike eyes. "Really?"


Tao smiled and leaned his head on Kris' shoulder, lulled by the movement of the coach. "I'm so tired." He yawned.

"Well then, when we get back to the temple you can rest." Kris pet his hair affectionately. After a short while, the mount stopped moving. "Finally!" Tao leaned up and let go of Kris' hand. Kris had a sinking feeling after his lost contact. He wished he could have held Tao a little longer. Later on, he would really wish their moment had lasted longer. Tao jumped out of their cart and grabbed his satchel. As he did so, a folded piece of paper with his name on his fell out of his pocket. Kris shook his head at Tao's hurry and slowly exited the coach. Tao nearly ran into the temple, ready to get some rest. Kris reached for his bag. The note on the seat caught his attention.

"Tao!" Kris called for him even though he knew he wouldn't be heard. He picked up the note to take inside for Tao, assuming it was just another one of his reminders. But the writing on his caught his eye as well. It wasn't Tao's handwriting nor was it written in Chinese as Tao had always done. Kris set the bag back down and unfolded the note with the Korean writing addressing it to Tao.

"Tao!" Kris called more frantically. Begging Tao to come out of the temple. He re-read the note several times hoping the marks would rearrange themselves to say something else.

"All Magic Must Die."

Kris took a step towards the temple, "TAO!"

His call couldn't even be heard to himself over the sound of the explosion. 

/// Aish! I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been super busy with theatre and school. But the schedule is clearing up now so updates should be a bit more frequent. Again, Thank you so much for reading. Leave a comment if you enjoyed or if there is something I need to fix. Thank you  and don't forget to share. XOXO///  

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