The Beast Enslaved

By I_think_in_writing

436K 10.7K 434

TEMPORARILY ON HOLD "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight we have 19 pieces up for auction, and I can t... More

updating schedule
โค Catherina
So so sorry


11.9K 350 6
By I_think_in_writing

AN: alright you guys ☺☺ sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger 😉 but we writers have to keep yall on the edges of your seats somehow... 😝😝 anyway... here's Aram's view on things ☺ have fun!

And don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!

Also, shout out to @Meagan_Miller for being the first vote on this chapter 👊 thank you for voting, and thank you for supporting me 💛

xoxo M


The little sub sitting before me in her barstool looked like she was in her own little world. She reminded me a lot of the woman who chased my every dream. Not that tame little Kittycat would ever wear a dress like that or go to a club like this. She moved her head and I saw something glint in the flashing lights. At fist I thought it was a regular necklace, but then again I had never had much luck. When I looked at it closer, I realized that it was, in fact, a collar, clearly staking somebody else's claim. I sighed and ran my hand across my face. Ever since I left Catherina and El at that hospital two years ago, memories of her followed me everywhere. Sometimes I even hallucinated. I mean, I moved all the way across the country, I couldn't just accidentally run into her on the street. Which, truth be told, was exactly what I had wanted. I had wanted to get as far away from her and from my short life as a slave as I could. But I had to learn the hard way that you can't run from your past. It follows you like a shadow, everywhere you go. I heard the sub sigh and she clinked the ice cubes in her glass.

"Trouble in the play room?" I asked teasingly.

She looked up and I felt the breath get knocked out of me.

"Aram?" She sounded like she couldn't believe it.

Hell, I couldn't believe it! I was hovering somewhere between shock, fear, and relief. A part of me wanted to scoop her into my arms and never let go. A different part of me, however, wanted to run as fast and as far as it could. I would never go back to being someone's slave. Never. I swore that to myself the day I escaped.

She hopped off her stool to stand in front of me, her hands automatically reaching up towards my face. I caught both her wrists in my hand and held on to them. She didn't look scared of me, not anymore. She also looked more self confident. I guess having her bastard of a father arrested did her some good.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

For some reason, her concearn nearly tore me apart. I had done pretty well for myself - I'd been made CEO of a couple of clubs like this one a little while back and was now living comfortably. But she didn't know that. For all she knew, I could have been shot the day I left her and nobody would have been the wiser.

The fear of her forcing me back into slavery now suddenly seemed so absurd.

I let her hands go and scratched at my nape. She submissively lowered her gaze and clasped her hands behind her back. For a little while we just stood there. I hadn't realised I had missed her until I saw her again. I really wanted to get her out of this club and make her mine but the glittery collar was holding me back.

"So... uh... whose is that?" I asked and pointed at her neck.

She reached up to touch it before dropping her hand again.

"Carmen's." She answered quietly.

Carmen? A woman? I never knew she was a lesbian. Well that sucked. If I ever had dreams about making her my sub... well, those were destroyed.

When I didn't answer, her eyes quickly flitted up to my face before lowering again.

"I mean, it belongs to my best friend Carmen. She gave it to me so the Doms would leave me alone."

Relief washed over me and I almost closed my eyes in joy.

"So you wouldn't mind if I take it off?"

She blushed, I could tell even with her head lowered. Then she nodded. I smiled.

"Speak up." I commanded.

"No, Sir." She answered. "I wouldn't mind."

Again, a smile made it's way across my face. This was going to be fun. Not only was she unspoken for, she also wanted me to take the misleading piece of jewellery off.

"Turn around." I told her, and she complied immediately.

I unclasped the complicated clasp which held the collar closed. The person wearing it would never be able to get it off by themselves. Then again, that was the general idea.

"How about we go bring that back to your friend Carmen?" I asked. "I assume she's here."

I wanted to get the damn collar as far away from her as possible. Again, she just nodded.

"Speak up." I ordered.

"Yes Sir."

"Lead the way." I told her.

For a moment she looked unsure. It was considered rude to walk in front of or next to a Dom if you were a sub. Her designated spot would usually be to my feet or behind me. I just smiled reassuringly and placed a hand on the back of her neck. I remembered that she always needed a lot of reassurance after what her father had done. Stroking the side of her neck with my thumb I nodded.

"Go on. Bring me to Carmen."

She let her gaze glide over the dance floor before it locked on something and she started walking. Not long after we had made it to a blond young woman who was dancing with two equally willing males. They seemed to dote on her, both so willing to please. Though the both of them looked like football players or bouncers and they could have easily been mistaken as Doms, the way they stared at the woman between them gave them away.

"This is Carmen, Sir." Catherina told me, motioning to the Blond who still hadn't seen us.

I massaged her neck and whispered a 'well done' into her ear lowly. I could feel her shudder against my hand.

"Carmen?" I asked, pulling the three of them from their trance.

She turned around and looked first at me then at Catherina. When she saw where my hand was, her eyes narrowed.

"She was collared. Do you not know to respect a claim when you see one?" Carmen asked.

I grinned. Protective. Catherina always seemed to bring that out in people.

"I do, in fact. So you must understand how happy I was to take it off her. It's yours, I presume?"

Her eyes raked over Catherina then she nodded.

"It is. I need to speak to Cat in private. Can you look after my boys for a second, we'll be right back."

Before I could react, Carmen had pulled Catherina from my grasp and was walking away, though not before giving each young sub a pat on the butt. I looked at the two of them. They both immediately lowered their gazes.

"What're your names?" I asked, for lack of a better topic.

"Danny, Sir." The brunett one answered.

"Isaac, Sir." The dark skinned one replied.

"I'm Aram Coldwell."

They both nodded acknowledgedingly. I sighed.

"Come on, lets go look for your mistress."

I started making my way across the dancefloor to the bathroom, which is where I assumed the two women went. Once we made it through a door and into a wide hallway, it got quieter and I sighed in relief. The loud booming of the bass always irritated me to no end. I turned to look at the boys.

"So Carmen's your Mistress, huh?"

They both looked at eachother.

"We met tonight, Sir." Isaac said. Danny nodded, as if backing that up.

"But you want her to be your Mistress? Both of you?"

The concept awed me. Two subs. Danny blushed.

"Yes Sir." Isaac answered for the both of them. Danny sought safety closer to his friend.

That was when I realised something. These two were already in a relationship with oneanother. Though they were both submissive, they most likely loved eachother. They just needed a willing Dom or Domme to help out. Before I could ponder the thought any longer, the door to the women's restroom opened, and out stepped Carmen and Catherina.

Carmen immediately came up to the boys, holding out the collar Catherina was just wearing and a more manly version of it. They stared at them in awe. It was cute, really.

"Be mine tonight." Carmen commanded.

There really was no other word for it. Both boys looked like they would melt right on the spot.

"Yes, Mistress." They said in unision.

With a self satisfied smirk, she placed one collar on each boy. The glittery one on Danny and the black, rough one on Isaac.

She took a step back and looked at them before nodding.

"Now come. We're going home."

The trio left, leaving me and Catherina alone in the hallway.



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