Mail Order Bride

By misscowgirlup22

771K 22.6K 1K

Anna is your average small town girl. The only problem is that she moved to the city, after she finished coll... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

23.2K 694 18
By misscowgirlup22

Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 15

              Anna and Cassie made sure to leave a note and tell the hands where they were going since Brent was nowhere to be found.

              It took a little while to get into town, but since it had been barely noon when they left they managed to get into town a little after one. The first place they went was the pharmacy. They had to get the pregnancy tests and then they were going to find a bathroom so that Cassie could use them.

              They managed to find the tests without a problem, but when you live near a small town, everyone knows you, and when you do something as scandalous as buy a pregnancy tests, they have questions... All the woman would wonder who it was that had got themselves knocked up, and the all the guys would wonder who got lucky.

              "Let's find a bathroom where we can go and have you use the tests." Anna spoke up.

              Cassie looked nervously at Anna. "I don't want to do this in public. It's already nerve racking enough knowing that there is about a ninety-nine percent chance that I'm pregnant."

              "Okay, then where do you suggest we go?"

              "I don't know maybe somewhere private."

              Anna sighed and looked sternly at Cassie. "You see Cassie I don't exactly know anywhere private we can go in town. If you've forgotten, I'm kind of new here. So you wanna help me out?"

              Well, I have a friend who owns a store here in town and the bathroom in her store is in the backroom of her store. So it's pretty private."

              Anna looked relieved. "Okay, where's her store? Can I get a name for her and the store?"

              "The store's a couple blocks down Main Street. It's called Jess's Old Time Boutique, and I'm guessing you know what her name is, just from that."

              "Yup." Anna grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her out of the town pharmacy and out into the parking lot.

              "Seriously did you have to pull me out of there like I was a two year old or something." Cassie asked Anna incredulously.

              "No, but you'll probably have one in a couple of years."

              "Hey, hey. No reason to get all personal here." Cassie sighed with a look of shock on her face. "I thought we were friends," she pouted.

              Anna couldn't help it, she broke out laughing. "We are, but it was just too good. I couldn't help myself." She looked at Cassie sheepishly through her laughter. "Sorry..."

              "It's fine can we just get out of here, and to Jess's store? I'm really anxious to use these things." She shook the bag in her hand, which contained the pregnancy tests.

              "Yeah, let's go get in the truck."

              They went to Cassie's truck and Anna climbed in the driver's side. "You're going to have to give me directions Cassie. I'm not sure I'll be able to find this place without it."

              "Sure, but, I don't think you'll need my help. It's kind of hard to miss."

              Anna drove down the street a little farther.

              God, she was right. Anna wouldn't have missed it if she was blinded and going the opposite direction. There was a giant stuffed bull out front of the store, and there was a stuffed deer, and a bear. Not to mention all the other animals.

              "Seriously, Cass? I thought that this was an old timey store. Not the Walker, Montana taxidermist shop."

              "Don't look at me I'm not the one who decided to do this with my store. That was Jess, talk to her."

              Anna looked at Cassie like she was crazy for wanting to go there. "Okay, is this like a hobby of hers or something?"

              Cassie just shook her head. "I guess you could say that. She goes hunting a lot. What else do you do with the animal once you've killed it?"

              "I don't know get the meat and then dispose of the poor things body."

              "Seriously, Anna? How have you survived living in the house? There are deer and elk heads everywhere."

              Anna sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. That's different. It's not like their standing on the floor; their heads are attached to the walls. I don't mind the heads, but I just find the bodies standing on their own a little creepy."

              Cassie started laughing so hard that she was holding her stomach while she convulsed in her seat with each laugh. "Oh, Anna you crack me up! Let's park and go in. I haven't seen Jess in a couple of weeks."

              They found a spot quickly, and before they got out Cassie snagged the bag with the tests.

              "What are you going to tell her when we go in?"

              Cassie looked at Anna like she wasn't sure how to answer her. "I don't know...the truth."

              That seemed to be enough of an answer for Anna because she didn't say anything in return. As they entered Anna seemed to be side stepping all the stuffed animals. It was so amusing that Cassie almost started laughing again.

              Once they entered the store Anna was immediately in love. It was kind of a country home store. There was some old and new stuff. Part of the store was dedicated solely to clothing, and it was like the rest of the store, with some of it being new and old fashion styles.

              When Jess saw Cassie he face lit up and she sashayed towards them. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"

              Cassie shrugged her shoulders. "I've been okay. It's still hard you know, with Clint gone."

              "I know I'm sorry, and who's this?" She asked motioning towards Anna as she flipped her dark blonde hair over her shoulder.

              "That's Anna, my brother's girlfriend." She looked at Anna. "This is Jess."

              "Hi it's nice to meet you. I'm glad to know that someone's finally trying to tame Brent."

              "What? How many girls have tried to tame him?" Anna asked suspiciously.

              Jess looked at her as if she was shocked that she didn't know. "Brent's quite popular in this town. Just about every girl has tried to tame him and make him their own, that is until you came about and did it in a matter of minutes."

              "Oh." Anna said, looking extremely uncomfortable with the conversation that was going on.

              Jess took the hint and changed the subject. "So Cassie, what's in the bag? Is it something for me?"

              "Uh, no... Can we talk to you somewhere private?" Cassie looked around, hoping that no one was listening to the conversation that they were having.

              "Sure, I'll just have my manager watch the store for a little while." Jess looked around until she spotted a red headed girl. "Hey, Maggie can you watch the store for me? It'll only be for a little while."

              "Sure, boss." Maggie smiled at them.

              "Thanks, just call me if you need me for anything. I'll be in the back." Jess told the girl, she couldn't be much older than twenty or twenty-one.

               Jess directed them into the back of the store, which thank goodness was empty. "Okay, what's in the bag, and why are you being so secretive?"

              Cassie set the bag on the table next to her and opened  it up and then she grabbed the pregnancy tests out.


              "Yup. That was my pretty much my reaction, Jess." Anna smiled at her.

               Jess looked over at Cassie. "You're pregnant with Clint's baby."

              Cassie nodded her head. "Well, I'm think I am, but I'm taking the tests just to be extra sure."

              "Oh my, my, my. What have you gotten yourself into this time, Cass?" Jess asked her.

              "Most likely life as a single mother..."

              Jess and Anna each picked up a pregnancy test, and opened up their packaging. Anna was the first one to hand Cassie a test.

              "Get in there and do whatever it is you have to do." Anna pointed towards the bathroom in the far left corner of the room.

              Cassie walked over to the bathroom, repeatedly hitting her hand with the pregnancy test. She was nervous, she had an idea of what she was going to find out, but she wasn't sure what the results would be.

              Anna and Jess waited outside of the bathroom talking quietly while they waited for Cassie to emerge with the tests results.

              About fifteen minutes later Cassie exited the bathroom with the pregnancy test wrapped in a paper towel. "Hey, Anna," Anna whipped her head around to look at Cassie. "What does it say the sign on the test for being pregnant is?"

              Anna grabbed the box and read the back of it. "The box says, two pink lines for being pregnant, and one for not being pregnant."

              Cassie walked over to them and moved the paper towel to the side. In the middle of the test there were two pink lines staring the three of them square in the face.

              "Oh my, God." Cassie dropped the test and you could hear it clank when it hit the hard wood floor.

              "Wow..." Anna and Jess said simultaneously.

              Jess looked at Cassie. "Here take the other one just so that were sure." Jess handed the second test over to Cassie.

              Anna and Jess sat in silence for another fifteen minutes, while they waited for Cassie. They were both too nervous and excited to say a word.

              The door to the bathroom opened once more and Cassie emerged with the other test wrapped in a paper towel.

              "What does this one say?" Jess asked.

              Cassie moved the paper towel away. "I'm not sure. The symbols on it are different than the ones on the other one. It looks like it's a pink line with a blue line going through the middle of it." Cassie picked up the box and looked at it. "It says that the sign says that I'm not pregnant." Her face fell, and a single tear trickled down her cheek. She'd been hoping for a mini Clint.

              The other two got really close to Cassie and read the box, and then they looked at the test. They each saw the same thing that Cassie had. The test was negative.

              "Anna is this the good pregnancy test or the cheap one that we got." Cassie asked her, trying not let anymore tears trickle from her eyes.

              Anna grabbed the receipt from the bag and looked over it. "It's the cheap one."

             Jess looked at Cassie, and she saw that more tears had fathen down her face. "Okay this means that it might not have been accurate. Maybe we should leave here and go to you OBGYN and have her do a blood test, or something. 'Cause you know blood doesn't lie."

           "Yeah... I guess you're...right." She hiccupped as she spoke. "That's...what Anna suggested...we do next anyways." She continued to stare at the test in her hands, like it had taken away the last thing that she'd had, as she hiccupped.

              Anna crossed over to her, and lifted her chin up so that they were looking eye to eye at each other. "It'll be okay. I know you want this baby, and for what you've told me it seems like you are pregnant. But if you don't end up being pregnant, you'll be fine. You may have to pull yourself up again like you had to when Clint left, but you'll be fine. You're a Donovan, so that just makes you extra strong. Okay?"

              "Okay, then let's get going to my doctor's office, it's almost two o'clock." She wiped her face free of tears with her hands.

              "Give me one second and I'll grab my purse, and then we can all go together." Jess crossed to an office in one of the corners and then she unlocked the door and grabbed her purse quickly before she close the door and locked it. "Let's go."

              Anna picked up her purse and they all left the backroom together.

             "Hey, Maggie, you're in charge. I should be back in an hour or two. If you need me call me, and I'll get back here as quickly as I can."

              Maggie nodded at Jess, and the three of them headed towards the front door.

              "You might want to call your doctor, Cass, and make sure that they know you're coming." Anna advised as the exited out into Main Street.

              "I'll do that once we get in the truck." Cassie said as they walked towards the parking lot.

              "Well, well, if it isn't Cassie Donovan. I haven't seen in a while. What's it been a year, two, more? Who really cares? How's Brent? Oh, God I can't wait to see him. You know he's the best I've ever had, and the stuff he bought me wasn't, too bad either. I'm sure he'll be glad to see me." Cassie turned around to find Leslie standing there.

              All five foot six of her, with her long curly blonde hair and her light blue eyes. The nerve she had to comeback, wearing the Stetson hat and belt buckle Brent had bought her, no less. Cassie couldn't stand the woman.

              Anna stared at her. So this was the woman that had hurt Brent so bad. Anna wanted to make her feel pain. She already felt jealous around her because of her past with Brent, but she'd be damned if she was going to let her take Brent away from her.

              "Ah, if it isn't Leslie the slut. Why are you back here? I thought you were told not to come back." Cassie had Anna and Jess behind her for back up.

              "You guys did, but I saw Brent's ad in that magazine and I decided that he needed me here. After all I was going to be his wife, why can't I just reclaim my position? Oh," she giggled evilly. "That's right I can. Hahah."

              "He doesn't want you here Leslie. He's found someone knew, and there close to being engaged." Cassie glared at her enough to make Anna and Jess afraid of Cassie's wrath.

              "I beg to differ Cassie, he called me the other day and he told me he wanted me back." Leslie smiled at her so confidently that her fakeness came through.


You all probably hate me right now... Is Cassie really pregnant? I don' know, I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out... Leslie's back, I'm sure you all want you claw my eyes out just for that little plot twist. Don't worry I hate her, too and I'm the one that created her. How could Brent do that to Anna? I don't know I guess have to wait for the next chapter to find out...

Okay, enough torturing you guys. Anyways, the next chapter should be up Saturday. The song on this side is a good one, I think it describes this chapter pretty well, Love Don't Live Here Anymore by Lady Antebellum.

Thanks for reading!!! Please comment and vote!!!

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