hotline bling » jack gilinsky

By natemaloley

692K 20K 9.7K

"you and me, we just don't get along. you make me feel like i did you wrong." + lowercase intended highest ra... More

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19K 620 258
By natemaloley

jack's pov

i beat both sam and johnson in basketball and i use my shirt to wipe off the perspiration on my forehead. it wasn't a physical game, but it sure was a workout. i watch as madison gathers up the tickets that are shooting out of the machine.

she's trying to get enough for a stupid stuffed animal. a stuffed animal that i should be giving to kendall. she's been ignoring me these past few days, but i can't blame her. i was being stupid.

"we have enough tickets!" madison squeals and i refrain from rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"we're gonna go play another game while you guys go get your prize." johnson says, dragging naomi away from us and i can tell that he's annoyed by madison too.

"and we're gonna go have sex in the bathroom, bye." sam quickly adds, taking karina away too.

great. now we're alone. madison wraps her arms around my right arm and takes me towards the prize area. as much as i want to be mean and rude, i just can't. not to her at least.

madison gapes at all of the stuffed animals and she's taking way too long. i thought she already knew what she wanted. i tap my foot impatiently on the carpet floor and look around the arcade.

my eyes narrow at two people playing air hockey. i could recognize that hair and body anywhere. i blink my eyes a few times to make sure i'm not hallucinating. sure enough, she's with the person i hate most in the entire world.

"madison, i'll be back. pick whatever you want." i say distracted and she nods her head.

i stride over to the air hockey table, dodging the people in my way. kendall bends over to hit the puck and i swear, my pants got tighter. i put my hand on her elbow and she stands up, startled. her eyes flicker up to mine.

"hey, jack." she cautiously says, stepping back from me.

i frown a little as i feel my heart start to concave. she doesn't want me near her. i bite my bottom lip before speaking up.

"what are you doing here?" i ask and her eyebrows bunch together in confusion.

"it's a public place."

i nod. not exactly the answer i was looking for and i definitely didn't mean for the question to come out as rude as it sounded.

"i'm busy." she murmurs, paying attention to the game again.

"can we talk?" i ask softly.

kendall's pov

i shake my head no and he tilts his head, confused as to why i declined. i'm not going to let him ruin my night, even though it was slightly ruined seeing him with the infamous madison.

"i know you're with her." i say, angrily hitting the puck.

"with who?" he asks and i roll my eyes.

"you know exactly who i'm talking about." i snap. "madison. you said you were over her, but here you are, with her!"

i can't help but raise my voice a little. i sound clingy and possessive and obsessive. those traits don't suit me too well.

"i'm here with johnson and sam, too."

"and naomi and karina." i add. "i got it, don't worry. it's a triple date." i shrug.

the game finishes and no tickets come out of this machine. it's slightly disappointing because i want to get candy with tickets.

"it's not a triple date." jack says and i can hear a strain in his voice; he's trying to not shout at me.

"let's make it a quad date." i tell him. "i have a date."

i smirk like a bitch, standing next to travis. jack swallows and clenches his jaw.

"what are you doing?" jack asks.

"what do you mean 'what are you doing'?" i mock. "i'm just trying to have fun and don't ruin it for me. you can get that half of the arcade and we'll get this half."

"this isn't a piece of your property." jack retorts. "you can't tell me where to stay at. if you can't stand seeing me with madison, just admit it."

i feel travis tense beside me and he murmurs that he's going to go to the bathroom. i look past madison and she's hauling a teddy bear and walking towards jack.

"aw, she's has to bring her stuffed animal everywhere she goes!" i say to jack.

"kendall, don't." jack shakes his head.

"hey!" madison smiles to me. "i remember you."

my eyebrows raise and i give her a fake smile, "it's me. in a flash." i quickly glance up at jack and he's looking directly at me. "i'm going to wait for travis. catch you guys later. most likely not."

i brush them off and speed walk towards travis, but i already see him speed walking towards me. wide eyed and everything. concern takes over me and my eyebrows pull together.

"what?" i ask.

"i just saw karina and that sam kid walk out of a stall together." he tells me and i burst out laughing. "that's puts such an ugly image in my head."

"i'm sure it does."

i tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and travis steps closer to me. i'm not the biggest fan of PDA and i want to keep this pg-13.

"ken!" i hear an oh-so-familiar voice.

i turn on my heels and wave at naomi, who's walking towards us. hand in hand with jack johnson.

"hey, man." johnson greets travis, doing some guy handshake. "can i talk to you real quick, kendall?"

"everyone wants to talk to me." i groan and he starts to walk a few feet away from us and i follow behind him.

we leave travis and naomi to converse with each other. johnson nervously looks around before opening his mouth.

"what happened with you and jack? you guys were doing so well. don't even sugarcoat it because he told me only a small part of him and i kept on encouraging him to text you, but he just gave up after one day and said you weren't answering."

"it's true. i wasn't answering. he disgusts me." i cross my arms over my chest.

"i hope you know that him and madison aren't actually together. she just came because he didn't want to be lonely with us. he's only using her for fame." he whispers the last part.

my eyes widen and i swat johnson's arm, "you knew about that! you're supposed to be a good friend and tell him to not do that."

"i'm being a good friend and trying to get him to talk to the girl he wants. that's you, kendall."

"we already talked tonight." i purse my lips together, avoiding eye contact with him. "you could probably already guess. that didn't end well."

"you'll come around eventually." johnson shrugs.

he sounds so much like jack. those are words that jack would say. i'd be willing to give him another chance if i didn't have travis and if he didn't let madison stick around. i'm just confused with all of my emotions being mixed.

"is madison even old enough to get into a vape lounge or strip club?" i ask johnson and he just laughs. "i'm completely serious."

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