Shattered (Ross Lynch/R5 Fanf...

By xsophix

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"Life isn't always easy. ... For nobody. ... But especially for me it's a living hell. ... Why did it have to... More

Chapter 1 II Counting Stars
Chapter 2 II Tears Of An Angel
Chapter 3 II It Was Enchanting To Meet You
Chapter 4 II Say Something
Chapter 5 II You Never Walk Alone
Chapter 6 II Let Her Go
Chapter 7 II Big Girls Cry
Chapter 8 II The Heart Wants What It Wants
Chapter 9 II Part Of That World
Chapter 10 II Face To Face
Chapter 11 II Apologize
Chapter 12 II What Now
Chapter 13 II Stay With Me
Chapter 15 II Angel
Chapter 16 II Pray
Chapter 17 II Leave Me Alone
Chapter 18 II Naturally
Chapter 19 II One Time
Chapter 20 II Count On Me
Chapter 21 II I
Chapter 22 II Intuition
Chapter 23 II Mad World
Chapter 24 II High Hopes
Chapter 25 II Smile
Chapter 26 II Feel Again
Chapter 27 II What Do You Mean?
Chapter 28 II Safe And Sound
Chapter 29 II Crazy
Chapter 30 II Thinking Of You
Chapter 31 II Dancing In The Sky
Chapter 32 II It Should Have Been Me
Chapter 33 II Poor Unfortunate Souls
Epilogue II Shattered

Chapter 14 II Human

491 26 0
By xsophix

Chapter 14

Ross' POV

It feels like years have already passed. Still no sign from Rebecca or any other information from nurses or doctors. What if she didn't make it? ... I don't know how I'd handle this. I'd probably want to be with her, but I can't leave my child behind. Not without a parent. I'm sitting in the quiet bright hallway on an uncomfortable plastic chair with my legs up against my chest, while my arms are wrapped around them. I'm shaking like crazy and my gaze is focused onto the neat floor. Mrs. Andrews is sitting next to me, trying to talk some reassuring words to me to make me feel better, but it's not working. I slightly rock back and forth in my chair.

Ross: *whisper* ... She can't leave me. ... Not now.

Mrs. Andrews: Ross, everything's gonna be okay.

Ross: How do you know? You haven't seen her. ... S-she ... she looked so broken.

My tears roll down my cheeks and again, I feel how Mrs. Andrews draws some small circles on my back to calm me down.

Mrs. Andrews: Do you want me to call someone? Maybe someone from your family?

My head shots up. ... She doesn't know how my relationship is towards my family. I've never told her that my family basically abandoned me. I look at her and I can clearly see that she's waiting for an answer.

Ross: ... No. ... I'll do it.

I slowly stand up and grab my phone from the bag on the floor, before disappearing into the bathroom, to have more privacy. Before I call my sister, I place my phone on the sink and lean myself onto it, while looking into the mirror. I look terrible. Dark circles under my eyes, pale skin and red eyes. I look like a ghost. I splash some cold water in my face and look yet again in the mirror. No change. Still the sad and tired face like before. I wipe my wet hands on my pants and pick up my phone. With shaking thumb I scroll through my contacts till I find Rydel's number. Should I really call her? I mean, what if the rest will find out? What will they think of me and most importantly Rydel? Okay, there's no time for all these questions. I'm just gonna call her. I press the call button and put the phone on my ear. Patiently, I'm waiting for Rydel to answer. One ring, two rings, three rings. Who am I even kidding? It's five in the morning. There's no way Rydel's already awake. I'm about to hang up, when I hear a groggy voice answering.

Rydel: Hello?

Ross: Rydel, it's ... it's Ross.

No answer. Did she already hang up again? Or is she just so shocked that I actually called her again after such a long time?

Rydel: R-Ross? ... Is that really you? Are you really calling?

Ross: Yeah it's me.

Rydel: I'm so glad you called. I missed you so much.

Ross: I missed you too. Listen, there's a reason why I'm calling at five am.

Rydel: What is it?

Ross: ... I'm ... I'm in the hospital.

Ross: Oh no, Ross. What happened? Are you okay?

Ross: I'm fine. ... Rebecca gave birth and-.

Rydel: Congratulations. I'm so-.

Ross: Rydel, listen. ... Rebecca lost too much blood during the delivery. ... She's in surgery right now.

Rydel: Oh no. That's horrible. Should I come? Do you need a shoulder?

Ross: *between sniffles* I-if you d-don't mind.

Rydel: I'm on my way.

Ross: And Rydel?

Rydel: Yeah?

Ross: Please don't tell the others that I called, okay? I don't them to come.

Rydel doesn't answer immediately. Probably because she's shocked how I don't want my own family here with me, but she knows the reason and I wanna avoid an argument in a hospital. Especially this early in the morning.

Rydel: ... Alright. I won't tell them. See you in a bit.

Ross: Bye.

With that we both hang up. I exit the bathroom again and walk back to the chairs. When Mrs. Andrews sees me, she instantly jumps up and comes to me. She engulfs me in a hug and I return it by wrapping my arms around her.

Ross: Any news?

Mrs. Andrews: ... No.

I burry my face further into her shoulder.

Mrs. Andrews: I'm sorry Ross. ... But you know you can always come to me when the worst thing happens. Then I'll help you with raising your child.

Ross: Thank you.

Mrs. Andrews: And after all, you still have your family.

I wince, when she mentions my family. If only she knew. We release from the hug and sit down again. In that moment, the grand doors open and a blonde girl comes in, followed by three people. She's about to go to the receptionist, but when she sees me she immediately runs towards me. Now I finally recognize her and I jump up from my chair and wrap my sister in a bone crushing hug. While I cry in her shoulder, she runs her hand slowly through my blonde messy hair to calm me down.

Rydel: Shh, she'll be okay. She'll be okay.

?: ... Ross.

I release from my hug with Rydel and look at the three guys standing behind her. My eyes wide. ... It's them. ... Rydel told them. ... Rydel brought them. She promised me not to. I wipe my tears and stare with a blank expression at my two older brothers and Ellington.

Ross: ... Riker.

Riker: ... We meet again.

Ross: ... Seems so.

I pull Rydel by her arm closer to me and whisper in her ear.

Ross: You promised me you wouldn't tell them. And that also concludes to not bring them here.

Rydel: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Ell woke up because of your call and when I told him I'm going to the hospital, he told me he comes with me. I couldn't change his mind.

Ross: What about Riker and Rocky?

Rydel: Apparently, they heard us leaving the house. And when I told them what's up they also wanted to come.

Ross: *begging* Rydel!

Rydel: I'm so sorry. I wasn't careful enough. But maybe that's also a good chance to make things straight between you guys.

Ross: They wouldn't listen to me.

Rydel: You haven't even tried yet.

Ross: I don't want them in my life anymore. They hurt me so much. You know that.

Rydel: Ross, please give them another chance. They could've changed.

Ross: They'll never change. I-.

Ellington: Rydel?

We get cut off and turn around, just to look at the three confused guys. Rocky steps towards us.

Rocky: ... Rydel, what's going on? Why are we here?

Rydel looks at me, like she's asking for permission if she can tell them or not. I shake my head with wide eyes, telling her to not say a word. She turns back to her brothers and boyfriend with a serious expression on her face.

Rydel: ... Ross became a father.

Ross: Rydel!

Rydel: His girlfriend lost too much blood while giving birth and is now in surgery. ... He only wanted me to come because he still thought you hate him.

Ross: Rydel, what are you doing?!

She turns to me with a calm, yet angry expression. Does that make sense? Tears start building in her eyes, but she holds them back.

Rydel: I saw you Ross. ... I saw how much you wanted to tell them.

She turns back to the guys, who stand there with their mouths open. Mrs. Andrews just watches this whole scene. I think, she can't really believe what is happening right now.

Rydel: ... That's why he didn't wanna tell you, I guess. Because he was afraid you'd reject him again. ... This is our chance to finally become a family again.

Rocky looks with disgust at me, while guilt starts to spread through my whole body.

Rocky: I don't wanna be a family with him again.

Rydel: Rocky, you need to let the past behind you.

Rocky: Let the past behind me?! Rydel, did you forget what he did?

Rydel: No I didn't. But he's still our brother.

Rocky: Not to me.

I don't know what to say. I just realized that I totally lost the trust and love from my second oldest brother. A frown appears on my face and I look down. Suddenly, a pair of arms is being wrapped around my shoulders. It's Mrs. Andrews.

Mrs. Andrews: How can you say that to your own brother?!

Rocky: Stay out of it.

I hear footsteps coming into my direction and when I look up, I see Rocky looking at me with a straight face.

Rocky: It was good to see you again Ross. I'm glad you got to continue your life, but I can't forget what happened. ... I'm sorry, but you're not my brother anymore. ... And you never will be. ... Goodbye.

Rocky slightly pushes Mrs. Andrews' arms away and wraps me in a short goodbye hug. I squeeze my eyes to suppress my tears, but they escape my eyes. Rocky quickly releases again and turns around again. He walks towards the grand doors, till he exits the hospital. He's gone. Rocky's gone. We got along so well in the past and everything's lost now. With teary eyes I look at my oldest brother with a pleading look.

Ross: ... R-riker?

Riker: ... Mmmh?

Ross: ... I-I'm sorry.

He doesn't answer, he just stares at me, before he comes to me and engulfs me in a hug. I sob slightly into his shoulder, before he releases me again.

Riker: ... I know you are. ... I may not have fully forgiven you yet, ... but I'm glad I got to see you again. And I'm proud of you for organizing your life with a beautiful girlfriend and a now newborn. ... Maybe we get to see each other again, ... but for now I hope that your girlfriend will get through the surgery.

He places his hand on my shoulder and sends me a small smile.

Riker: ... Good luck ... brother.

He wipes my tears with his thumbs, before he turns around and leaves. What happened? Why the sudden change of emotions? They hated me around a year ago. Does Rydel have something to do with this? Anyway, whatever happened, I'm so glad I got the trust from at least one of my brothers back. Now I just have to figure out Ellington. When I look at him, I see that he's smiling at me, before he comes to me and pulls me in a hug, while I nuzzle my face in his shoulder.

Ellington: ... Rydel and I are here for you. ... You're not alone with your child.

That just makes me sob harder. I'm so thankful right now for my sister. If she wouldn't have brought the guys to the hospital, I wouldn't have the support from Riker and Ellington now. I can understand that Rocky still hates me. I mean, I also still hate me for what I've caused, I got to talk things out with Ellington and Riker and I'm so grateful for that. Ellington runs his hand over my back, so I'd stop sobbing, but it's not working. I can't suppress my tears of happiness. But then I remember. There's a reason why I'm in a hospital now. ... One good, one bad. I just hope the bad one turn into a good one too. Someone taps me on my shoulder, causing Ellington and I to release from our hug and that's when we look at a young nurse, probably around 25 years old.

Nurse. Excuse me sir. Are you Ross Lynch?

Ross: Yes. ...What's the matter? Any news on my girlfriend?

Nurse: I'm sorry sir. We haven't heard anything yet. She's still in surgery, but we'll inform you as soon as possible, when we know something.

My head drops and I place my hands over my face and soon later Rydel places her arm around my shoulders.

Nurse: ... I was just wondering, if you'd like to meet your newborn.

My head pops up again and I look at the slightly smiling brunette nurse. Rydel rubs my shoulders lightly, probably trying to tell me that I should say yes, but I hesitate with my answer.

Ross: ... Is ... Is it possible?

Nurse: ... Of course. If you'd just follow me then I'll guide you over to the newborn station.

I turn to Ellington, Rydel and Mrs. Andrews. From all of them I earn a reassuring smile, telling me that I should definitely go.

Ross: ... A-alright.

Nurse: Great, then just follow me.

The nurse walks ahead and Rydel literally has to take my hand and pull me with her, while Ellington and Mrs. Andrews walk behind us. ... I'm about to meet my newborn. I don't even know if it's a boy or girl, but I'll love it to the moon and back, no matter what gender. ... I just hope that Rebecca will be soon with me again. Like I said, I can't raise our baby on my own. I'm not ready for this. At least not to do it alone. A child needs a father and a mother and I hope it's gonna be like that. If not, I don't know what I should do. After all, I'm also just human.


another chapter! i put a little quote from girl meets world in it. of course i changed it. did you find it? if so tell me in the comment below


Love you <3<3<3

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