Cut To Live - A Poem Anthology

By IfOnlyToBeInfinity

10.2K 602 162

I see a man, Who walks alone, A gun to his head, And no one to know... More

A Man With A Gun
Hate Won't Hide
Never Right
Be Guilty
His Room
A Big Picture
Life Beats Fast
What do you do?
Fly Away
Who is me?
The Place Of Forgotten
Inside I'm Screaming
Memories So Vivid
Behind The Scenes
Live, Cry, Bleed, Scream.
Hostage (Block)
I F***ing Hate The World
Because I've Had Enough
Silence (Water Poem)
Dry Eye
Behind the Scenes
Separation Anxiety

Recovery With A Draw Full Of Knives

238 18 3
By IfOnlyToBeInfinity

Stood beside a draw full of knives,

All alcohol hidden,

My mind is screaming,

My demons arisen,

Clutching my sides,

Like I'm about to fall apart,

Nails digging in,

Trying not to start,


Maybe I'll choke on my pain,

Try to keep quiet,

Suppressing the bane,


I silently shout,

Everyone's asleep,

Nowhere to reach out,


That's the reality,

My worse fear,

I'm losing my sanity,

I reach out for the bottle,

It's taken - hidden away,

Now what choice do I have,

Why would they leave me this way,

My only way of coping,

My numbing device,

It makes so ill,

But that's a small price,

Now it's gone, vanished,

Hidden from sight,

But it's still in my mind,

I can't sleep at night,

Now it's just me,

And a draw full of knives,

With nothing to numb me,

What will I decide?


A/N: I decided against the knives btw, (maybe I'm mad or something) as much as it kills me, I did this instead. Thanks for reading, please do the usual, comments welcome.

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