Fly Away

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I am gone,

The words have flown away,

My head is empty,

I have nothing left to say,

 I gaze out of the window,

And wish I could fly away, 

Escape from this world,

Live another day,

But there is no way out,

I am stuck,

Happy endings just don't happen,

Life's not like a book,

I wish I could write my own life,

Have a fairytale ending,

Give myself a future,

Watch myself ascending,

But that'll never happen,

No writing is enough,

Nothing beats life,

Life is tough,

So what's so great about life?

What is it really we are trying to preserve?

What's all the fuss about?

It's getting on my last nerve,

Why is everyone happy?

I wish I could be,

What is the secret,

Is there something I don't see,

It's all those overly happy people,

I hate  them the most,

And those with arrogance,

Who brag and boast,

They fill life with noise,

It's impossible to think,

How can I find the meaning of my life?

Instead I just sink,

So who can really blame me,

For flying away?

I've gone for good,

And that's where I'll stay. 


A/N: Hey everyone, thanks again for reading, however you may have just wasted the past couple of minutes of your life. This poem was written purely from a mental block, so that's why it isn't very good; I apologise. It is a bit random, I may take it off, comment and tell me what you think! <3

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