Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawso...

By narniaXisXhome

20.6K 255 64

"Shane, how long has it been since you slept?" "A while. I don't have time for sleep." He was too concerned w... More

Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 1
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 2
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 3
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 5
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 6
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 7
Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 8

Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 4

1.5K 29 1
By narniaXisXhome

Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 4

"Shane...Dawson?" I sputtered. Even though I now considered him a douche, that didn't mean he wasn't still my celebrity crush.

The girl he was with looked back at me, slightly annoyed, and I recognized her as the girl from the "Douchebag" music video and "Shane Dawson's Love Story". So she was his girlfriend in real life. And here I'd always thought he was single (I kicked myself for not seeing it sooner; she was, after all, the only girl I ever remembered him kissing in his videos). Darn, I wanted him to get with Brittani Taylor so bad!

Shane turned around after her, and after a few seconds I saw recognition light his face and he gave me that adorable white smile. "Hey! Darcy, right?"

I was kind of in awe that he knew/remembered my name. I didn't speak until I got a nudge from Aiden, Jacob, and Noah. "Yeah," I said dumbly.

I didn't know why I was so starstruck (okay, yes, it was because I was a huge fan). I mean, my boyfriend was probably equally if only just a little less famous.

"Cool." Shane held out his hand. I shook it. His eyes were distracting; he was wearing a light blue shirt that brought out the blueness in his blue-green eyes. "Your video is so funny. Maybe after the movie we can talk about that collaboration." He winked at me.

"Yeah," was all I could say again.

He turned around to get his tickets from the annoyed lady behind the glass. Then, before he and (I couldn't remember her name and it was killing me. Then again, it killed me seeing him with anyone but Brittani Taylor) walked in, he turned back to me and said, "Nice shirt, by the way."

I looked down at myself. I was wearing a cyan shirt that nearly matched his in color. The one with a picture of emo hair on it. The Shane Dawson one.


"I'm not a creeper if that's what you're thinking," I said quickly. The ticket girl and the people behind us were getting seriously pissed, so Aiden took over in getting our tickets.

I actually was kind of a creeper. I knew that his real name was not Shane Dawson, but was, in fact, Shane Yaw. Shane Lee Yaw. I knew he used to weigh way over 300 pounds and lost around 150. I knew that his dad was an alcoholic, which was really what drew me to him so much, since my dad was also an alcoholic, and that his dad used to abuse him. That he was a virgin and saving himself for marriage, also like me. But this was all information any fan knew, most fans just weren't as kindred as I was.

"Sure," Shane said, drawing the word out. "Fangirl."

"Proud of it!" I cried, then smiled at him. I couldn't believe I had ever thought he was a douche. He was really nice to his fans and quirky, and had a naturally funny personality.

"Guess we're chopped liver," Aiden mumbled once Shane and Lisa (Lisa! That was her name! Her channel was Lisbug!) had gone inside. "'Cause I'm not a fan too or anything. I don't watch your new videos every Saturday or anything."

I cracked up and grabbed his arm, holding on to it as we walked in. "Look, he's right there at concessions," I gestured. "Now's your chance."

We got in line a couple people behind Shane and Lisa.

"Oh my God!" I heard a girl yell loudly when we were in line, and I thought here come his fangirls.

"You're Eli Ellison's girlfriend!" Finally I realized she was freaking over me and turned to where her yells were coming from. "And you're cheating on him while he's in another country! I knew it! Skank!!" she said all this loud enough for the whole theater to hear.

I sighed. I was used to jealous girls, and normally what they said didn't bother me, but that didn't make the hate from being Eli's girlfriend any easier. I wanted my fame to come on my own terms, not thanks to him. Aiden patted my head but let go of my arm. "It's okay mini-me.” Aiden was 3 years older than me, so we joked that I was his younger twin sister. “People that can't understand our relationship are just jealous."

I smiled as I turned back around...until I met Shame's eyes and realized he and his girlfriend had been watching me the whole time and had seen the whole thing. I looked down at my feet.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I told the boys. It was known that I ALWAYS had to use the restroom before a movie or I'd have to go during it. "Get my usual." Watermelon Sour Patch.

As soon as I got in I splashed some cold water on my flushed cheeks, carefully not to get any on my made-up eyes, every single one of the day's and night's events whirling through my head and jumbling my thoughts.

I couldn't help myself. The second I finished with my face I whipped out my phone from my back pocket and speed dialed 2: Chey.

"Hey," she picked up on the second ring.

"Oh my God," I gushed. “So we're at the movies down the street, right? And you will never guess who was literally rightin front of us in line!”

“Ummm, Big Bird? Geez, Darce, this is California, it could beanybody.”

Since she failed at guessing, I couldn't hold it in any longer. “Shane Dawson!” I squealed.

“Shut up!” Chey said. “He's there right now? Are y'all seeing the same movie? What movie are y'all seeing? I'm coming down there right now, famewhore!”

The door to the bathroom swung open and I glanced away from the mirror to see Lisa walking in. “Gotta go,” I told Chey quickly. “The movie's about to start.”

I hung up and turned around to leave only to face Lisa. “Darcy, right?” I nodded. She held out her hand, and I shook it. “Lisa. Shane showed me your video. I thought it was amazing.” She seemed really genuine and really nice. I could see why Shane liked her. Except, of course, for the fact that he was supposed to be with Brittani, but if he was with anybody but Brittani, I was glad it was this girl.

“Thanks,” I smiled. “It was nice meeting you.”

I completely forgot about peeing, I just walked right out of the bathroom. The movie had probably already started by now. I was walking so fast I almost ran into someone.

“Whoa,” Shane Dawson said when I nearly bumped into him, then he blocked my path.

I was kind of annoyed, but at the same time I would have rather been talking to him than seeing a movie I didn't really care about other than a hot guy.

“You're not in the theater yet?” I asked.

“Waiting for Lisa,” he nodded toward the girl's restroom. I didn't see why they couldn't have gotten their seats, then him wait in the theater while Lisa went to the bathroom (this is what the guys and I usually did), but I didn't ask. Maybe, I reasoned, he had used the bathroom too.

“The movie's about to start, you know,” I said pointedly, but he didn't move out of my way.

“Hey, where do you live?” he asked suddenly.

“About 10 minutes that way,” I pointed to my right.

“That is so weird,” he laughed; I'd always loved his cute laugh from his videos. “I live 10 minutes that way.”

“Cool,” I smiled. “Maybe we'll bump into each other again.”

“I didn't know we lived so close,” he went on. “Maybe we can film the video together after all. Make this our meeting place.”

“Sounds awesome,” I was trying not to beam.

He handed me his iPhone. “What's your number?”

I put my number in and gave it back to him, then gave him my Blackberry knock off so he could do likewise.

“I better go,” I said as soon as Shane handed me my phone back. “If my friends think I'm taking too long in the bathroom they'll get all pissy.”

I really didn't want to walk away, but it was a good thing I did when I did, because Lisa walked out of the bathroom just as I was a few steps away from Shane.

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