Almost Perfect

By PsykoticOffenses

2.5K 193 72

'He came out of the car with his hair swept back, no slacks nor suit, black jeans and his lace up boots, he t... More

Elizabeth Jade Jackson (partially edited)
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 22

44 6 1
By PsykoticOffenses

Here we go!!! dont forget to vote, comment and share


'I will never forget you, you will always be by my side, from the day that I met you, I will love you to the day I die...' I drummed my fingers along to the beat on the table once the beat had dropped until I was rudely interrupted by Mr Rogers frantically waving his arms around in front of me. Why on earth was he craving my attention? I inwardly groaned as I took my headphones off and stared at him stupidly. I was enjoying that!

"Really?!" he asked annoyed.

"Sorry, I got bored". I smiled innocently.

"If you are bored, maybe you should leave the classroom and we will have a chat with your parents about your attention span whilst I'm trying to teach." He crossed his arms against his chest as if he held great power. He knew he had me now. Always pulling out the parent card. Prick.

"Maybe I will just turn off my music and do my work..." I smiled innocently and put my phone away.

"Good choice." At that he returned to the front of the class to continue draining us of all the will power we had left. It was period one on a Monday morning being spent doing calculus. I don't think I was the only one who had turned off. I looked round and locked eyes with Elliot. He chuckled and then turned his focus on Mr Rogers. I smiled and let the rest of the lesson take me with it. Let me tell you, I and numbers do not go well together but I had exams to pass so I may as well get through the torture.

Instead, I drifted off thinking about Eliot. He was clouding my thoughts. I wasn't able to focus at all. As if he was draining any concentration left in me. He had pulled every heart string I had and there was no stopping him making me feel every emotion. It was him and only him. I couldn't help think how his lips felt on mine. Moulding with mine in a perfect fit and then the fireworks came, erupting in my stomach and I felt it all over again. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a thud. I looked down to see that my book had fallen to the floor. I quickly picked it up and noticed that everyone was packing away. Glancing up at the plain white clock that rested on the wall I was surprised. It had been two hours. Crikey. I grabbed my shit and wandered out the door with the rest of the class into the packed corridors.

"Hey", I turned around to find Eliot behind me. He tugged on my elbow and guided me through the heated crowd of teenagers towards my locker. I glanced at him leaning across the locker beside me and stuffed my things in, then taking the things that I needed out of it.

"One week left Lee, then we are FREE!" I smiled euphorically. We had planned as a whole to go on a road trip to my home town after wondering why my parents weren't picking up there so called phones.

"Unfortunately my lizard, exams exist."

"Don't worry I'm aware, I just choose to ignore that fact." I winked and slammed my locker door shut.

I started walking and heard him follow after me.

"You prepared?" I asked, cos I sure wasn't.

"A bit of last minute revision will do the trick, what about you?" I felt him keep pace beside me and then he reached out for my hand and intertwined them with his. I glanced down at our hands and continued to walk, trying to control my heartbeat and act as normal as possible.

"Liz?" he asked worried as he glanced down at me.

I was so totally lost I forgot he even asked me a question. Stupid hormones. "hmm".

"I asked if you were prepared" he said smiling.

"I am totally prepared for these exams!" I said with no enthusiasm at all. I was screwed. Hell I wasn't prepared at all!

"I think I'd be able to smell the sarcasm in a different country." We both chuckled and made our way to our usual bench outside near the ending of the cliff. Id tried drawing the scenery once but never managed to finish it. I was in too much shit to focus on art at the moment. I sat down beside Lauren and Eliot took a seat next to Marc. I guess Lauren was making moves because she and Marc stopped conversing as if we had butted in.

"Hey guys". Marc said happily. I replied and looked over at Lauren who looked as if she was holding her breath until I nudged her. She slowly breathed out and looked towards me. I wiggled my eyebrows at her playfully which got her to laugh. She slapped me on the arm and then took out her phone. Next thing I knew I felt my pocket vibrating. I whipped out my phone and viewed the text I had received. I looked over at Lauren and laughed. "Really?" I asked.

My phone vibrated in my hand.

Laur: Yes J

Me: you doorknob

Laur: but u laav me

Me: he asked u out!

Laur: yesyesyes

I squealed in delight and pulled her into a hug. The boys looked at us confused as if we had grown two heads and continued talking. I and Laur continued to text each other instead before the rest of them started rolling in.

Me: this is fakkin awesome

Laur: yaas, and I heard what happened between you and lover boy over there! Didn't think to tell me did ya

Me: there was no point telling u, u would've found out anyways ;)

Laur: true

The bell began to ring which signalled the end of break. I put my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my things. I said my goodbyes to the others and walked to English Lit with Laur and Eliot. I was beginning to really enjoy the feel of his hand in mine as we entered the classroom where we had to separate and go to our separate seats. This was the beginning of a hell of a long week jam packed with exams. Maybe I'll get swallowed up by a black hole. Hopefully.


hey people of the world. hope you enjoyed it, its not edited so im sorry for my stupid mistakes, i wrote this on my phone.

dont forget to vote and comment.

stay smiling people

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