The Prophecy.

By Onadustyrock

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Thirty Seven and a half minutes is the exact time it takes a vampire to drain the average human of the blood... More

Chapter Two - The Order
Chapter Three
Suctus Cida
Chapter Four Vampire 101
The Prophecy
Vampire Movie Date Night
The Dinner
Finding Out
The BrotherHood 101
Geffron & Geffrin
Andrasteia by Chester
Taking Control by Chester
The Chosen are called by Chester
Ciao e mangiare by Chester
Taking Sara by Chester
Abbots Father by Chester
The Plan To Take Her Back by Chester
Abbot's Plan.
'J' by Chester
I wish I'd never met you', by Jeremiah
Part two
Now I know what a vampire attack feels like, by Chester
Back from the dead
Good Bye J (Back to Teia)
Running Away
Gate Crashers
Begging you
Stalking Explained
Hiding at J's
Near The End
End of the Road
The Cursed Gift
Meeting Michael
The next day
Turned by Chester

The Brothers Return

120 3 0
By Onadustyrock

'Are you alright?' Chester asked me, he sounded panicked. I nodded my head 'I'm fine' and I hugged him and he began to kiss me again. It was at that moment that I realised I was actually head over heels in love with Chester and I did worship him.

We realised where we were and we both began to quickly get dressed in case someone came in. We both stood there looking at each other, 'If you had told me this morning that my day would have ended like this, I would have thought you were mad' and he slid his arms around my waist and started to kiss me again, I liked kissing him. I put my hands up inside his shirt and began to massage his back.

He whispered into my ear, 'You'd better stop that or I might have to take your clothes off again.' I laughed and he took my hand and we started to walk, 'let's go to my room,' he said. We left the library and started to make our way to Chester's room when from behind us we heard a big booming voice.

'Harrington, where the fuck have you been? I've been looking for you,' Marios roared. He was just about to grab Chester when he looked at me and let out a huffy laugh.

'What do you want?' Chester asked him as he let go of my hand and folded his arms.

Marios looked at me again and then at Chester, 'Nothing' came his reply, 'I need my one of my brothers picking up from the airport but I will tell Rick to go. You are off the hook, for now' and he turned and walked away.

'Can he tell,' I asked Chester,

'I'm not sure but it would appear so,' he answered. 'Cant believe he is not making me go, he always makes me do everything.' He beamed at me and took my hand and we walked back to his room and we stayed there until the next day. I awoke the next morning wrapped in Chester's arms, I felt blissfully content and happy and I just watched him as he slept. I thought he really was handsome and I stroked the stubble on his chin with my thumb, this made him stir so I quickly pulled my hand away, closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. I did not want to move from here.

Someone nuzzling and kissing my neck pulled me from my heavy sleep, it was the best nights sleep I had, had in a while. It was Chester, I turned to face him and he had just begun to kiss me when there was a loud knock at the door 'Chester, they've started to arrive, you have to get up. I don't want to handle them alone.' It was Rick. 'Be there in five' Chester shouted back. He turned to me, 'Let's shower', he said as he raised his eyebrows.

I actually gulped, 'What together?' I asked him and he laughed and nodded and pulled me up out of bed and carried me into the shower. The warmth of the shower and the feeling of his hands as he massaged my body was complete ecstasy. He put both hands around my wrists and placed my hands high above my head on the tiled wall, he moved my hair to the side and began to kiss my neck. I moaned out loud, I had no idea showering with someone could feel this good.

'Don't move' he whispered in my ear and he squirted shower gel into hands and began to wash my body, he massaged and washed me everywhere, he started with my arms and slowly worked his way down, he only stopped when I came. He turned me around handed me the gel and told me it was my turn, I was unsure what to do, he realised this and guided me, it made me happy that I was able to return the favour and pleasure him too.

Once out of the shower we dried each other and he could not stop kissing me and I did not want him too. He eventually let me go and threw me a pair of jogging bottoms and a t.shirt. 'I'd better go and help Rick, come down when you are ready,' and he kissed the top of head and left.

I stood in his room in utter disbelief, I had made love with Chester, spent the night in his room and just showered with him. I jumped up and down like I was a child, I was so happy at this moment. I ran to my room to change and then made my way to the kitchen, I was starving and as I passed Marios' study I saw someone go inside, I realised it was Gryffen, I could tell from his hair. He had lovely hair, long honey blonde and it was as straight as a ruler. I was jealous my was a brown frizzy mess.

Marios saw me walk past his door and he shouted me back, 'Andrasteia, a moment please'. 'Please' I thought, I'd never heard him say that. I walked up to his door and he motioned for me to come inside.

'This is my brother Gryffen', he told me. Gryffen put his hand out and we shook hands, 'Hello', I said it was almost a whisper.

'Give him the book I gave you and show him Abbot Carter and the other two,' Marios told me. 'He needs to refresh his memory.'

'Seriously', Gryffen asked him, 'Abbot Carter, that guys a right nutter. I really cannot believe he is still alive. Thought we were called back because of Jeremiah and Isaac, not him'

'He is causing me problems, so I want him taken out as well.'

Gryffen clapped his hands 'OK, show me this book then' and he opened the door and gestured for me to leave. I took him to the library and once we were there he walked in right behind me and shut the door.

I turned and looked at him, to be honest I was a little panicked as to why he had shut the door. He must have read the expression on my face because he held his hands in the air and said 'No I'm not here to hurt you, I need to ask you a favour.'

'A favour?' I asked him.

'Do you know where Jeremiah lives and does he live with Issac' he questioned me.

'Good try, I'm not telling you anything at all about them, this is some kind of trick.' I retrieved the book and gave it to him, 'excuse me I want to leave', I said.

'Wait, Andrasteia please,' he begged and he then told me the whole story of how he was dating their sister and he was desperate to see her.

'I call Jeremiah and tell him, that's the best I can do. I'm not showing you were they live.' I told him sternly. 'and I'm not telling you if they live together'.

I fished into my pocket and retrieved the phone Jeremiah had given me and called him. He answered on the third ring, 'Teia, sweetheart how are you feeling,' he asked.

'I'm OK, I know, you know that brothers are returning....' He cut me off, 'I take it Gryffen is there.'

'Yes' I answered, 'Please Jeremiah, you have to leave. They are all coming back. You must know you are in danger.'

'Seriously, they are all like a pack of clowns. I am not scared at all. Don't worry babe'

'Is it true your sister is here, can I speak to her?'

'Teia, I'm not a mongrel, I know Gryffen is stood next you. I can hear him biting his nails, its one of his many annoying habits. Look I will let him speak to her but briefly'.

The next voice that came on the phone must have been Emie's, I said a brief hello and gave the phone to Gryffen. He eagerly took it from my hands and walked to the other end of the library, I assumed he wanted some privacy. After about twenty minutes he came over with a big beam on his face.'Thank you' he said handing me the phone back, 'listen, my brothers don't know about Emie, please keep this a secret'.

I nodded at him and decided I liked Gryffen, he seemed really nice, 'I don't want to hurt Jeremiah or Issac' I told him.

'Well me either, but only because of Emie. Jeremiah is actually OK but Issac is a jerk.'

I sensed there was some history there but did not dare ask why.

'Thanks again for letting me use your phone', and he then turned and left the library. I looked out of the window again just as Chester pulled into the drive way, I did not even realise he had gone out. He had someone in the car with him but I could not see who it was. I saw Chester get out of the car and he looked annoyed. He looked up and saw me watching him and he broke into a big smile. He motioned for me to come outside and I ran as quick as I could. I stopped in my tracks when I saw who was getting out of the car, it was Olyver, 'Move' he barked as he pushed past me, he almost knocked me flying, but I did not say anything and neither did Chester, we knew better.

At the same moment Rick pulled into the driveway and my heart stopped he had someone in the back it was Henry and I was scared shittless of Henry. Henry said exactly what he wanted to anybody and he did not care.

'Andrasteia, well, look at you all grown up, filling out quite nicely aren't we. Come and give uncle Henry a kiss' and he held out his arms and puckered his lips.

I was rooted to the spot, 'Here, can you take these,' Chester asked as he handed me two rucksacks. I was annoyed and what I actually wanted to say was 'You're not my fucking uncle so carry your own bags,' but what I actually said was 'Sure Chester, which room?'

'Housekeeping has issued a list of where everyone is staying, it's on the message board if you need to check it,' Chester told me. He and Rick grabbed the rest of Olyver's and Henry's bags and we carried them to their rooms. The arrival of Henry and Olyver immediately changed the atmosphere at the Manor, the air felt thick and I could see Chester was tense.

I walked past Marios' study and saw the three of them, Marios, Henry and Olyver, hugging each other and laughing. Olyver saw me and shouted, 'What the fuck are you looking at?' and they all laughed as I jumped, Olyver was just like Henry and Marios, he loved to humiliate people.

The next day I was walking down the hall when I heard my name being sung, I stopped and closed my eyes. I knew their voices it was the twins, I turned around and they both ran at me and hugged me.

'Looking hot',' one of them said and they both started to dance around me.

'Where's Chestbore' the other one said and I just looked at them, you really could not tell them apart.

'He has gone to pick up Asin and stop calling him that, his name his Chester.'

'Ooo, well I take it he has finally bitten the apple, shame I wanted to bite it first'. I really had no idea who was talking and no idea what he meant.

They both started to stare at me and one of them stroked my neck, 'See the Carter Duo did a real job on you. I think you're lucky you are standing here. Let's take her out somewhere brother, think she needs loosening up, too much time spent with Chestbore and it's started to rub off' and the other one answered 'Good idea, brother'.

'No, I can't leave the Manor without Chester and Abbot is out looking for me.' They both started to laugh. I was becoming more nervous around them with each second that passed and it did not help that they were both just staring at me. Then one of them picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and started to walk towards the door.

'Put her down NOW,' I sighed with relief it was Chester. 'Make me, Boringtton,' the twin said that was holding me.

'He said put her down so do it,' it Asin and he barked it as a real order. The twin quickly dropped me to the floor and they both walked out the manor, both of them purposely banged into Chester as they left, I did not know why they hated him so much.

On hearing Asin's voice Marios appeared and they both hugged each other, 'You two in my study,' Marios commanded. Chester came put his arm around me and we both walked inside together. Henry, Olyver and Gryffen were already inside and the intimidation they made you feel is indescribable. Chester knew so he took my hand and squeezed it and he did not let go.

'So you're a dozy shit,' Henry said to me, 'and you,' he said pointing at Chester, 'could not get a trained dog to do anything you say,' and Olyver started laughing. Asin then walked in and he, Henry and Olyver embraced each other.

'So Abbot Carter, that psychotic nutter has gone on the rampage again,' Asin said. ‘and you think that those two can bring him down. Have they ever been out hunting?'

'No! Marios replied, 'there has never been a need, but you four can help them. Apparently he likes house music so make a list of the local clubs and go out looking.'

'And what will you do, dear brother,' Henry cooed at him.

'I want to be hear the moment that idiot arrives, let's see if a beating can wake him up,' Marios replied and they all started laughing.

'If you lay a finger on him, I will return the beating,' said one of the twins as they both walked through the door and into the study and Henry scoffed 'and who is going to save you when I start to beat you,'

'I am,' said the other twin and I now understood what Chester had been trying to say, the brothers were spilt down the middle with Gryffen sitting on the fence.

'Enough! Grow up the lot of you,' Asin roared, 'No brother will fight each other. Do you understand me Geffron, Henry,' and they both nodded. However Henry's face was like stone and it was obvious he did not like being told what to do by Nichasin.

Just then Henry's phone rang, 'speak of the devil,' said as he answered it.

'What Nicholyn,' he barked and then he hung up. 'They have managed to get a direct flight, they are leaving in an hour,'

'Well this time tomorrow, we are going out to get Abbot Carter, so everyone get themselves ready.' Marios said as he left the room and he was quickly followed Henry.


Abbot withdrew his fangs from my neck, I was just conscious and he slapped me hard which brought me round but I could not stand unsupported and I fell to the floor as he let go of me. 'Fucking Nic never liked me, I am going to make him pay for calling me that,' he said to me. 'I need a drink, you look like you need one too,' and he pulled me up and dragged me into the kitchen, sat me on a stool and gave me a large brandy, I now knew brandy was his favourite drink.

'Drink up,' he said pointing at the glass on the table in front of me. I was shaking making it hard to hold the glass, Abbott walked over, took the glass from me and held it to my lips, 'drink,' he said and so I did.

'I think I need to give you a rest, but it's difficult for me, you are sooo addictive and your scent. You have no idea what you are doing to me.' I kept my eyes to the floor, I did not dare look him in the eye. Just then a woman walked in she did not speak or look at us. She looked in her mid-fifties and she started to take food out from the fridge.

'Your cook,' Abbot told me. 'You need to keep your strength up, come let's go and sit until it is ready. I have compelled her not to speak of even look at you. So she won't bother you. I'm excited we are getting to my part. I have something to tell you did you that Jeremiah and I used to be friends'

I now knew he was as 'mad as a hatter; he had already told me this story but he was distracted by his phone ringing, 'well fuck me,' he said as he looked at it, 'looks like Alfonzo has told daddy what I've done.'

He then answered the phone, 'surprised you have my number. Phones weren't invented the last time I saw you.' and he started to laugh, 'well I don't care,' he said still laughing, 'and I am not bringing her back.' He then began to roar with laughter and I could hear Marios screaming on the other end of the phone. Abbot then hung up and looked at me, 'the fairy in charge is mad with me, oh dear' and he pretended to bite his nails.

He then picked up his phone again, 'Sara call me when you get this. Where the hell are you?' he looked agitated and I knew he had been trying to contact her since yesterday without success. He then picked up my right hand and bit at my wrist, again he began to feed. I'd had enough and tried to pull away and he actually laughed into my wrist as he sucked stronger and then came the pain.


A very large commotion alerted Chester's and my attention, we stuck our heads out into the hall and there was Nicholyn dragging in three very large rucksacks. I knew it was him because the twins screamed 'Nico' when they saw him and then they were all jumping up and down hugging each other.

Henry appeared, 'you'd better fucking tell me he is with you,'

'He is in the garden throwing up, he is a bit travel sick,' Nicholyn replied. One of the twins ran out into the garden and came back with who must have been Waryn and he was trembling. Henry walked right over and went to slap Waryn but the twin pushed him back, 'I warned you not to touch him, so don't fucking touch him.'

Henry pushed the twin back, 'Don't fucking push me you cunt,' and the twin pushed him again, 'then don't fucking call me a cunt, dickhead,'

Chester and I started to laugh, it was quite entertaining, I kind of liked the twins.

The door to Marios' study flew open and he glared at Henry, 'Grow up Henry', he roared, 'Waryn in here,' I watched as poor Waryn shook his head and started to walk backwards. 'Don't make me come and get you,' and the twin with Waryn said 'it's OK, come on,' and he pushed him inside the study and closed the door.

Henry then saw that we were watching, 'why are you two fuckers just standing there, take these bags.' We ran and took the bags to the rooms where they were staying. Dinner that evening was strange, the noise they made when they were all together was unbelievable. They were all drinking and shouting, even Marios had joined them, it's actually the first time I had seen him eat. He saw me watching him and he winked at me, 'Teia come here,' he shouted over the bustle.

My eyes shot to Chester and my heart went into my throat, Chester cocked his head to the side as if to say go. I looked over to Marios and he raised his hand and waved me over. I stood up and went over to the table. ‘Brothers, for those of you that don’t know this is the famous Andrasteia,’ and they all started to laugh except for Waryn who just smiled at me. I was nervous but Marios just kept staring at me, he was pushing his tongue around his teeth just like you do when you are trying when clean them after eating. He rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together, ‘are you ready for tomorrow’ he asked me and then Chester was at my side, ‘she is ready, we both are.’ Marios then said ‘you’re dismissed,’ and the noise began again as the brothers started talking and we left.

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