Vampiric Romance

By bubblygal

140K 4.7K 152

Emilee Grey is a now a University student, together with her best friend Jenn Lewis. What happen when her pas... More

'Vampiric Romance
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five (Jay & Jenn)
Chapter Twenty Six (Jay & Jenn)
Chapter Twenty Seven (Jay & Jenn)
Chapter Twenty Eight (Jay & Jenn)
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six


3.4K 136 19
By bubblygal

Vampiric Romance Epilogue

*Emilee's POV*

Jenn and I got married to Jay and Ren respectively for 1 year already. We held our wedding together. Uncle Jackson also passed the throne to Ren. Jay is also helping Ren in managing our world. I looked out of the window. It's snowing outside. It's winter again.

"Emilee!!! Let's go outside!!!" Jenn barged into my room and dashed to me, pulling me up from my bed.

"Ok. Ok." Jenn and I ran out happily into the snow. Our footprints are left on the snow. Jenn squatted down and started to roll snow balls.

"Take that!!" Jenn threw the snow ball at me. I walked towards and grabbed some snow from the ground and sprinkled over her head. Both of us laughed happily.

"JENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" But that happiness didn't last for too long. Jay stomped angrily out of the castle.

"Opps." I heard Jenn said.

"Jenn, didn't I told you to stay indoor?!" Jay asked Jenn.

"I'm sorry but I'm too bored. And the snow is so pretty so I..." Jay glared at Jenn and Jenn stopped talking.

Jay sighed and ruffled his hair a little. "Jenn, I'm not blaming you. Is just that... I mean you are pregnant now. It's cold outside and slippery. I don't want you to slip and fall. If you want to come out, can you please tell me first? And you should put on more clothes too!!" Jay took off his coat and put around Jenn.

"Don't worry. Emilee is with me." Jenn said. Jay looked at me and I showed him an apologetic looked. You know how hyper Jenn is. She needed to move around but Jay is worried about her and always wanted her to stay indoors.

"Just tell me the next time where you are going ok." Jay gave in to Jenn.

"Ok." Jenn smiled at hugged him. Actually the guys could just read our mind to know where we are but they just wanted to feel respected and tell them what we are going to do or where we are going instead of them finding out themselves by reading our mind.

Suddenly, I felt something weird. I covered my mouth as I felt like puking. I speed into the castle and dashed to the toilet. I hugged onto the toilet bowl, vomiting but nothing came out. Then, I felt something kicking inside me. Ow.

"Emi?!" Ren came beside and held me up. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

Jay and Jenn then walked slowly up to us. "Are you pregnant, Emilee?" Jenn asked. I looked at her shocked. I turned to look at Ren. He is also shocked. We asked Dr Harry to come and check on me.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant."

"Wohoo!!!!" Jenn jumped for joy. Ren and I are still surprised.

"I'm going to be a daddy!" Ren laughed happily.

18 years later...

"Lucas, you remember that you are coming back to Vam today right?" I dialed my son, Lucas' phone number and called him on the day of his birthday. Currently, he is on Earth.

"But Mum... I kind of promise Ashley to celebrate my birthday with her." My son grumbled over the phone. Doesn't this sound a bit kind of familiar...?

"NO. You must come back today. You may tell her to postpone the celebration." I insisted. He's turning 18 today!! I should have force him to come back to Vam yesterday.

"Mum... But why doesn't Mia have to go back?" Mia is my daughter's name. I gave birth to Lucas and Mia. Mia is just 2 years younger than Lucas. Jenn also gave birth to 2 children, Cole and Leah. Cole is the same age as Lucas and Leah is 1 year younger than Cole.

"She still has school."

"I also have school!!" Lucas objected.

"Lucas, I can explain. You just come home now!!!" Ok. I'm kind of pissed now. I kind of understand how Auntie Jane felt that night when Ren insisted on celebrating his birthday with me.

"Mum, I told you. Not today. Probably tomorrow?"

"Lucas, you are turning vampire today!! You will just be tempted to bite Ashley!!!" I said. I mean that's what Ren did right?

"What? Vampire? Mum, did you watch too much movies?" Ok! Like father like son!!

"NO!!! Just get your ass back right now!!!"

"Mum! I can't!! Ashley is knocking on my door already. I talk to you later." And the line went dead.

'Ren!!!! Go and grab your beloved son back right now!!!!!' I screamed in my mind.

Well... Don't the father and the son think the same way? I just shook my head and sat on the couch. I took the photo frame that is placed on the table. It is my family photo with Ren, Lucas and Mia. I smiled when looking at the photo.

This is my family and forever, we will be together.

I love you, Ren. I love my family and friends. Forever is the word.

The End.

Thanks all readers for your support!! This is the end of the Vampiric Romance. Sequel? Nope. I'm not going to write a sequel for this story because I ran out of ideas related to Vampires. Sorry. But I will be writing on other stories soon.

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