Nothing's Ever Easy [BoyxBoy]

By SuckedInByBooks

91.2K 3K 609

[COMPLETED] Travis Dawn's life has never been easy. Living in the shadow of your best friend is tough, but he... More

Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 1
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 2
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 3
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 4
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 5
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 6
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 8
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 9
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 10
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 11
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 12
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 13
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 14
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 16
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 18
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 19
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 20
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 21
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 22
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 23
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 24
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 25
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 26
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 27
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 28
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 29
Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 30 [Final]

Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 7

3.3K 120 13
By SuckedInByBooks

Yes, Yes i know that I took longer than I said I would. But i did work on the chapter on the weekend. I just happened to be able to finish it now.

I sent out a message earlier that I was making some changes in the story in relation to the characters. New actors for the guys!

Landon Baxter- Chris Pine

Nicholas Hoult- Travis Dawn

Skylar Astin- Adrian West

And introducing Henry Cavill- Wyatt Riley

I'm leaving the girls as they are. :)

The pic though is of Landon ;)

The video link is Now by Paramore


comment, vote, like etc


 I heard a knock at my door and I scowled. Whoever that was had better have a good reason for disturbing me. "I swear if it's not important, you're a dead person. I was catching up on my long awaited sleep."

 I pulled the door open and saw Travis flinch at the force I used. "If I knew I was tiring you I would have stayed at home."

"Sorry, it's not your fault. My dad had me sit in a conference last night. He claims that he wants me to get used to the business side of things." I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to come in. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"I needed to escape for a while." I noticed he was taking deep breaths and I furrowed my brows. "You could guess where Evelyn is, Eleanor is completing her homework in the library and Nick and Mark are at a birthday party. I wanted to watch over them but the birthday kid's mom promised me that she'd look out for them."

"You're welcome here anytime." I said pulling him closer to me. He winced and I loosened my grip a bit. He was probably still getting used to me touching him.

"I didn't seem so welcomed a moment ago." He joked.

"I thought it was Claire or Nash at the door." I replied honestly.

"Nash is your cousin, right?" I nodded. "Yea, I had the pleasure of meeting him while he was hung upside down over a keg."

"Yea, he has a habit of going a bit overboard. He went to college all innocent and returned that way." Both of us laughed at my confession. "Are you hungry? I'm sure we can get you whatever you'd like."

"No, I'm fine thank you. I just wanted to be near you." I smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.

He moaned slightly and let me push him back onto the bed. I hovered over him and reached under his shirt so that I could rub my hand along his side. I pulled him closer to my body and saw him flinch again.

"Travis, if you don't want to then say so." I said pulling back. "You're acting like you're scared of me."

"No, I want this. I'm sorry." He shook his head frantically.

"It you're not ready, I understand." I caressed his cheek and smiled at him.

"Landon, I'd say we've gotten a bit further than kissing what with you practically rubbing up against me at the party." I felt heat pool in my cheeks.

"Sorry about that by the way." I mumbled. He dismissed my apology saying that I didn't go too far.

"The point is that I want to, okay? I'm not scared of you." He leaned up on his elbows and kissed my cheek. 

I captured his lips again and he lay back down. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I moved from his mouth and began to nibble on his neck. I grabbed his leg and wrapped it around the back of my thigh. I ground down into him. He moaned again and smirked at the way he was reacting. I placed my hand on his hip and squeezed as I ground down again.

"Ah." I would have continued but that was a moan of pain and not pleasure.

"Travis, did I hurt you?" He shook his head. "Tell me the truth."

"You didn't. Forget about it, it doesn't matter." I could tell that he was trying to divert me away from this topic.

I glanced down at his hip where my hand was still firmly placed. I squeezed again, but softer this time which caused him to pull away. I reached for the hem of his t-shirt and moved to lit it up.

"Don't." He's aid grabbing onto the fabric.I ignored him and continued raising the t-shirt. I gasped at the huge purple bruise I saw on his side. "Who did this?"

 "It's not important." I grabbed at his shirt again. 

"Like bloody hell it isn't!" I moved off the bed and went out into the hallway to buzz Freddy. I came back in and found Travis' eyes filled with tears. I rushed over to him and embraced him in a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was afraid of how you'd react. I wasn't wrong there." He sniffed.

"This is not your fault, Travis." I drew circles on the small of his back hoping that it would calm him down. "Talk to me."

"H-Harold, he got mad. I was in the way. I shouldn't even have been there." He wiped the tears away from his eyes. 

"He shouldn't be hitting you in the first place. I take it that this is not the first time it's happened?" Travis shook his head. "You're a minor; I'll get Freddy to call the police."

"I don't want you to call anyone!" He yelled at me. "Not the police, or a social worker or anyone else. They'll take my family away from me. My dad...he's been sick for a while and they made Harold my legal guardian. I can take the beatings as long as he leaves the others alone. I'll be eighteen soon and then I'll look after my siblings. Please, I'm begging you. Don't let them take my family away." He clutched tightly onto my t-shirt and looked at me pleadingly with tear stained eyes.

"Travis, he's hurting you." I cupped his cheek. "I don't like seeing you like this. He has no right."

"It doesn't matter what we tell him. All he cares about is staying out of prison."

"Then instead of you coming here, I'll go over to your place in case he tries anything." I decided.

"If he finds out about us he'll kill you. He's a firm believer of the straight and narrow way of life. Sure, he knows that I’m gay, but he chooses to ignore it. I think that’s better than using that as the reason for most of my beatings. Well, sometimes." It saddened me to know that he couldn't even feel safe in his own home.

“Travis,” I cupped his cheek in my palm. “He doesn’t scare me. Why would he? I mean, he’s so much of a coward that he’d strike a kid?”

“That might be, but there’s nothing I can do at the moment. We’re graduating soon and I’m hoping to get that scholarship so that I can study medicine and hopefully become a surgeon. Once I’m eighteen then I’ll figure something out.”

“I’m here for you Travis; I want you to know that.”

“I do.” He reassured me. “I’ve really got to get going. I have an afternoon shift at the diner before I start the night shift at the convenience store.”

“You don’t need to work so much.”

“I want to be able to support myself. I refuse to be anyone’s charity case.” He leaned up and kissed me on my cheek before he got off the bed.

I walked him to the door and waved as he walked off down the road. I wanted to take him home, but he refused to let me. I covered my mouth with my hand as I remembered that I didn’t tend to Travis’ bruise. At least I knew that he was on his way to work. He was safe for the moment.



I narrowed my eyes as Adrian through a stray pea at me. We were in the cafeteria for break instead of being outside where we usually sat. I picked us said pea from the table and flicked it back at him. I grabbed another one and threw it at him when it landed in his open mouth. I clapped for him and he bowed in a mock manner.

The smile was soon wiped from my face when I saw that Wyatt had just entered the cafeteria. That guy had the ability to make my blood boil just by being in the same area. I was usually a very calm and understanding person- even if I said so myself- but whenever I saw his face I wanted to punch his lights out.

Adrian noticed my sudden change of emotion and turned around to see what had caught my attention. “Ignore him, Travis. He won’t cause trouble in the cafeteria; he has too many detentions lined up.”

I nodded and tried to focus on finishing my food. it looked like Wyatt was going to walk passed us and I breathed out a sigh of relief. Too bad that was forward thinking on my part because Wyatt came and stood next to me. I looked up at him and tried my best not to flinch at his presence. It wasn’t that I was scared of him, because I wasn’t; he just had that vibe about him. Like you knew something bad was going to happen.

“I heard you’re dating our resident whore.” Wyatt mocked and I heard his goons snicker behind him.

“If you’re talking about Landon then yes I am, not that it’s any of your business.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “And I don’t appreciate you calling him names.”

“Oh, would you look at that. The little faggot’s defending his boyfriend.” I heard laughs coming from various sections of the cafeteria. “You just proved us right though. You preferred dick all this time. Seems like all our teasing wasn’t for nothing.”

“Think what you will, it still remains my business and not yours.” I turned away from him and stabbed a carrot with my fork.

“You’re not even denying it.” Wyatt pressed on. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I looked over at Adrian and shook my head. I could see that he was doing everything not to beat Wyatt up. “There’s nothing to deny. Why don’t you go get a life or go bother someone else. I’m not interested.”

Wyatt grabbed me by my collar and dragged me out of my seat. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? As if what interests you has any effect on me. You better watch our queer-boy, you stay here is not welcome anymore.”

“I don’t care what you or your goons or the rest of the school for that matter thinks. It’s not going to make me change.” I spat at him. “So you can go fuck yourself.”

Wyatt leaned back and head butted me which caused my nose to bleed. I could feel the blood dripping down my mouth but I did nothing to wipe it away. “Watch you you’re talking to, faggot. You won’t get off so easily next time.”

“Let go of him.” Adrian and Landon both said at the same time. Wyatt let me go and I fell to the floor. I was starting to feel a bit light headed. I moved up to sit on the chair and I watched as Wyatt smirked and walked away.

Landon knelt down next to me and raised my chin so that he could get a good look at me. “Why the fuck didn’t you do anything to stop him, Adrian?”

“I told him not to.” I said, though my voice sounded weird as my nose was a bit clogged.

“What the hell for?” Landon raised his voice and I lowered my head. “What if something worse happened to you?”

“I don’t need a protection. I’m not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself. He won’t stop tormenting me if you guys keep fighting for me. He sees me as a weakling and he’s using that to his advantage.” I took a napkin and held it against my nose to stop some of the bleeding. “You can either stay here or you can help to the nurse’s office. The choice is yours.”

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I could see some of the students looking at me. Some with pity in their eyes, the others with what I assumed to be disgust. I ignored them and continued down the hall. I was expecting something like this to happen. The worst thing about this was that I got beat up at home, as if that wasn’t enough, it had to happen at school too.

I heard mumbling behind me and I turned to see Landon and Adrian in a heated argument over the events that just took place. I sighed and closed my eyes so that I could calm myself before I got angry.

“If the two of you won’t cut it out then why did you bother coming with me?” They stopped and turned to me. “Adrian, I’m sure my sister is free. You guys can do whatever it is when I’m not around. As long as you’re not here helping him cause trouble.”

He looked like he was about to protest when I held my hand up to stop him. “Go, now. Landon can accompany me to the nurse.”

Adrian nodded and walked in the opposite direction with a few glances back before he turned around the corner. I took a few steps before I stumbled and almost fell against a wall when Landon caught me.

“It’s not too far. Just two more corridors.” He said with an encouraging tone.

After we reached the nurse’s office it didn’t take us long to be allowed to go back to class. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible even though the nurse wanted me to stay till last period. Landon promised her that I wouldn’t be ‘walking into anymore doors’ so she let me go. I didn’t want to tell her that it was all Wyatt’s fault. I had enough problems on my plate already.

We walked to the library and I sat at an empty table close to the back as to not be in complete view of the other students. I was down for a few minutes when I heard someone running behind me. I turned around and saw Evelyn coming our way.

“Travis, Adrian told me what happened. Are you okay? Is your nose broken?” she held up my chin and inspected my face.

I glared at Adrian. “Thank you for calling my ‘mother’. What the hell did you do that for?”

“I forced it out of him. I knew you would blame it on something else if I asked you.” she sat down next to me which left the seat next to Landon the only one available for Adrian. They scowled at each other but I chose to ignore them.

“I wish that I could beat Wyatt up. Heaven knows that he deserves it.” Adrian ground out.

“Yea, do that and I get beaten up because of it.” He said back and folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t want you guys to keep standing up for me. I’ll call you when I need help.”

“Do you think we’ll allow him to touch you?” Landon leaned forward.

“He will no matter where you guys are. Just, leave it alone please.” I turned to Adrian. “In any case, your coach said that you already got two warnings, one more would kick you off the team.”

“My grades are good.” Adrian bit back.

“Yea, but I hardly think that he’d want hooligans on his team. We only have a few months left. And in any case, what Wyatt’s doing is nothing. I’m used to it.” I shrugged.

“Don’t say that!” Evelyn said.

“Why, it’s true.” I shrugged. “You guys can go back to class. I’ll stay here and read a book or something. It turns out that Ms. Josephine is not here today.”  I said referring to my Humanities teacher who kept insisting that we call her by her first name.

They tried to protest but I made them see that there was no point in staying here if they were either going to fight or be bored. I didn’t feel like having anyone staring at me for an entire period.

I gave a weak smile to Evelyn who was the last to leave. I could sense that she was worried about me the most. Not just because she’s my sister but because she knew exactly what I was going through. All the beatings that my uncle tried to give them, I took them. And I would do it again whenever it happened again. They were my family and he had no right to beat up kids just because the world didn’t agree with him.

I pulled out my earphones and put my iPod on shuffle in my favorite playlist; a mixture of Rock and Pop songs over the past few years. I covered my head with my hood and rested it in the fold of my arms. If they were kind enough to grant me with a free period I was going to use it to catch up on lost sleep- all thoughts about reading books forgotten. I closed my eyes as the music filled my ears, taking me off to a different world, if only for the moment.


A/N: Sooooo? What did you guys think? I'll be going over these chapters again to correct any mistakes that I've made. (I have my suspicions here and there)

Wyatt's a dick. That is all.

Thanks for reading.

Much Love...


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