YouTuber One-Shots

By Luucent

8.5K 333 58

This is a book of YouTuber stories. Some of which are very sad. Also I don't own any of these characters but... More

Forbidden Love (ZeRoyalChaos)
Tragic Couple (MiniCat)
Breakeven (SeaChaos)
Flares (SeaChaos)
Insanity (H20Vanoss)
If We Fall (MiniCat)
Little Things (Krinx)
Coffee? (ZeRoyalChaos)
Welcome Home (Surprise)
Open Those Eye's (H20Vanoss)
Would You? (MiniCat)
Soldier (Surprise)
Cheese (ZeRoyalChaos)
Heart Problems (SeaChaos)
A Vist, Some Pasta, and a Knife (ChilledMexican)
Behind The Lake (Phan)
Star Gazing (H20Vanoss)
This Point Onwards
Our First Dance [MiniCat]
Truth in Lies [SeaMexican]
Angel's Light [Krinx]
Secrets Should be Said [MiniCat]
This is for Tags. Soo... Yeah
The Pattern Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt [H20Vanoss]
Apple Hill [Surprise]
Letters To A Crime Committer [SeaMexican]
Photographs Are Not Worth 1,000 Words, More Like 3 [TehFawkes]
Flower Of Spring [SeaMexican]
Gaming Contest [Surprise]
Help + Sorry
Rich [Surprise]
I Want To See My World [Phan]
Noise {Phan}
Papa [Surprise]
End {Surprise}

Boredom Leads To Great Things (Phan)

213 7 0
By Luucent

Note: This is in modern day

I looked around the ball room. It was light up by a beautiful chandler hanging above everyone's heads. The walls were decorated by delicate jewels. In the back of the room was a buffet table with many different snacks.

Many important people were dancing the night away while others stood on the side chatting about useless politics. It really was a common sight, just fancied up with sparkly dresses and suits.

I looked towards the guest of honor, who were my parents. I had to come to the event because I was their oldest son and I had to keep up appearances. Even though they know I will just go to the back of the room and sulk, like I am currently doing.

Honestly why did I have to be born into some high class family? It would be easier and I'd probably be happier if I was born into some low class family.

I guess fate isn't on my side today.

I sighed and took a sip of the wine that tasted like freshly mixed chemicals. I hoped I would be able to get drunk, but I know I couldn't choke any more of that stuff down. To bad...

I put the wine back on a waiters platter who was making a trip back to the kitchen. Then I faced myself back towards the group of people that were classified as the 'upper class'.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see a boy with black hair and blue eyes. Funnily enough he was taller then me and his tie matched his eyes. He had a childish grin and seemed to be a 5 year old.

"Hello, I'm Phil!" This man, now known as Phil said.

"Please go away," I replied. I was not in the mood to deal with a bratty kid that was just going to talk about Julia Morgan or Kyla Song the two prettiest, richest, and sluttiest girls you could ever know.

"Why would I do that?" He asked seemingly confused. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had this look in his eyes, his grin disappearing.

"Because I told you to and you're just going to talk about the 2 'prettiest girls on earth' and most rich boys would say, aren't you?" I said.

"No, I'm just here to 'keep up appearances' and from the bored look on your face, so are you!" He retorted with his childish grin returning.

I looked at him once more and realized his eyes, behind all the childishness held the same boredom as mine. The same 'can-I-just-get-away-from-all-these-idiots' look.

"You're right, and since you're right and seem interesting I have a proposal!" I told him with a now with my lips curving ever so slightly upwards.

"Now what might this be?" He asked. His eyes considerably brightening with the news that I have an offer. It was quite an odd sight to see a grown man so excited over something so simple as an offer.

"Would you join me outside, and while out there you have to do me a favor," I declared.

"I'd love to, but do I get to know what kind of favor?"

"Nope! You will only know if you join me outside," I replied to his comment.

Then I grabbed his hand-which was incredibly soft by the way-and we made out way through the crowd of people on the dance floor to the back doors.

Not so soon afterward we were hit the the cold November air.

There he looked at me and I answered he earlier question with, "The favor is for you to dance with me."


"Yeah, did you mishear or something?"

"No I just didn't expect you to be a dancer or want to dance in general," He said which made me blush and start to grumble something along the lines of 'well I didn't expect you to come outside'.

Soon we stood straight in front of the other. He was smirking and offering his hand out. Of I took it and we started swaying. 

Our dance wasn't that of a normal ball and it wasn't that of some nightclub. Our dance was slow and was just stepping 1 foot forward and 1 foot back, hand in hand, chest to chest, and my head on his shoulder. 

Soon he started humming something. It was an old soft tune with a slow melody. Honestly it was the best thing for the moment. After that we just danced occasionally exchanging facts or stories about our lives. 

I learned he had a sister who was here looking for her special someone, apparently she new something important was going to happen love related. He was a big nerd and loved some of the same music as me. 

But all to soon the clock struck 12 and I had to leave on my parents order's. Of course we exchanged numbers and said a parting goodbye. 

Said goodbye may or may not have included the best kiss of my life or a passionate gazes. 

Also I may or may not of sat no one of the benches touching my lips for the next hour and a half until my mom came outside worried sick about me.

So if someone asked me how to sum up that entire night I would tell them it was perfect. That I met the boy of my dreams, that we dances in the back yard of a ball, and that I wouldn't change anything. Except if I could I'd add more kissing.


This is not edited and is about 951 words. Anyways hope you enjoyed! Also 1 FREAKING THOUSAND READ YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

See ya, Humans


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