Forgetting the Boy NextDoor

By dreamydancer

846 25 5

Kyle has always lived inside a glass closet. He was gay and proud of it. But what will happen when an old lov... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Three

56 2 0
By dreamydancer

As I run into school the flashback's overwhelm me. How could he?


"Dylan? Where are you?"

I pace as I clutch the bottle of tabasco sauce, then pause to read the note for the thousandth time. DEAR KYLE HERE IS A BOTTLE OF TABASCO SAUCE FOR THE HOTTEST GUY AROUND. MEET ME AT THE PEIR AT 8:00. God he was so dirty, but then that was one of the things that I loved about him. Yes I love this boy, and that's why tonight we will finally be together. Starting up the pacing again I glance at my phone, it's 8:30, where is he? Is he standing me up? Giving up I sit down on the curb, I pull out my phone to call a taxi, wondering where I will go when it gets here.

When it arrives I climb in and tell him my address, "24 Second Street please." When we arrive I pay my fee and in a moment of spontaneity decide to sneak into his house. Sending a text I tell him to meet me at the back door. (subtle reference I know) Knocking once I stand back and wait, after a few minutes I hear footsteps coming towards the door, but instead of my lover I see Racheal. Grumpily she asks, "What do you want?"

"Is Dylan there?" I ask nervously.

"Yes but we're busy so please go away."

"Whatever," I say as I brush past her and make my way towards Dylan's bedroom.

However, halfway down the hall, I see my 'boyfriend' come out of his room shirtless and in his boxers, "Rachael?" he asks.

"No just me," I say then run down the stairs and out the back door, through my front door and into my room.

{end flashback}

Making my way to first period I dry my eyes and try to forget that night which caused me so much pain. Luckily I have drama first so I can forget about everything. Sitting in the seats with the rest of the students I wait for class to start. As the bell rings, our teacher, Mr Dan, stands up and says, alright class we have a new student here today. Craig can you please stand up? Having not noticed him in my emotional state I am shocked that he is in this class with me. Immediately his eyes find mine. "Hi everyone, I'm Craig, for those of you who have been in one of my other classes I apologise for the repetition." This causes some laughter among the students and craig sits down again. "Alright everyone," says Mr Dan, "let's get into pairs." Craig and I make eye contact and I make my way over to him. "Long time no see," I say as I sit down. "Hey," he says as he looks into my eyes, "is something up? You looked really upset when you walked in."

"It's a,..." I start

"Long story?" he chuckles, "you know one day I will make you tell me that story." Giggling I turn to the front to hear our task for the day. "Alright everyone," Mr Dan announces, "today we will doing improvisation. Each group has 5 minutes to come up with their scene and then we shall all watch them. Looking back at Craig I grin, I have just had a wicked idea.


As I stand centre stage I wait for Mr Dan to tell us to start, and try to control my laughter. When he says go, I stand in a weeping position. As Craig enters I turn to him and scream, "how could you?"

"What did I do my love?" he asks struggling to control himself.

"You cheated on me, with the maid!" I gasp and turn away from him.

Pulling me toward him he begs me, "please my love it was only a moment of weakness."

"A moment of weakness," I gasp, "she has your ten year old son!"

"Okay so it was ten years of weakness," he says and it takes all my effort to not laugh.

"I shall never let you back into my life," I say and walk off the performance area.

"Oh well," I hear him say, "at least I still have the maid."

As he ends the scene, I run back on stage laughing, hold his hand and we bow. The laughter subsides as we sit down, and I look at him. "You know, aside from the 'weaknesses' we make a cute couple," I chuckle.

"Yeah, I think so too," he says as he looks me in the eyes. Before I can even think the bell rings and we are forced out of the classroom.

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