Baby Scars, Darling || Koli

By kaedengalaxy

20.3K 1.1K 255

Note: This is badly written but read if you wish After being beaten near to death mercilessly by her family a... More

A Letter to My Readers
2019 Update


2.1K 111 12
By kaedengalaxy

Small whimpers left a tiny body, the child curled into a ball in a corner as their body shook terribly with cold and hunger, their ribs prominent through a tattered and threadbare shirt that hung off of their bony frame.

Big blue eyes peeked over thin arms, her cheekbones seeming as though they'd break through her paper skin, pink lips chapped and cracking as she ran her small tongue over them. She uncoiled her body carefully, eyes darting around as she slowly began to crawl over to her blankets, a small teddy bear lying by a thin pillow, a cup of ice water sitting next to the window sill.

The child picked up the cup in her dainty hands, looking around and searching for any sign of danger before bringing the cup up to her lips, relishing in the feeling of the cool liquid slid down her aching and burning throat. Finishing the liquid, she set the cup back down before crawling over to her blankets and held her bear to her chest, smiling softly as she ran her thin fingers through the bear's dirty brown fur. The child gasped when she heard the sharp sound of her mother's heels clicking against the attic steps, coming closer to the shaking frame of the child in the corner.

A woman with eyes so much like her child's crouched down, glaring at the child who looked up at her with innocent eyes before kicking the child in the stomach. A sick smile graced the woman's red lips when the small child screamed in pain before picking her up by the hair and dragging her up the stairs and throwing her in the living room.

The people in the room laughed at the child's whimpers before hurting her further, the child screaming herself hoarse until she stopped, her vision beginning to fade in and out. They put her into the car before driving as far as they could, all the way into a different town before throwing the child on the side of the road, where she clutched her bear to her chest as she coughed up a mouthful of blood. "Hello. Are you okay?" a small voice asked, their voice accented heavily," My name is Taka, I hope you are okay," the voice said. The child only whimpered again as she coughed up another mouthful of blood before she went under.  

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