World of Wolves

By Zipster666

168K 2.6K 422

(PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS The Wolf Beasts and Beauty and the Beast) A holiday trip gone bad. Hayley and her sister... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42

Chapter 21

3.2K 44 3
By Zipster666

hey guys here is another upload and guys please to be mad at what happens.

also the next upoad is going to be insane and when i mean insane i mean absolutely so good that you will scream and jump about wherever you are reading. but that is the next upload.....

hope you enjoy.


Chapter 21

I couldn’t stop blubbering no matter how hard I tried. Nothing was stopping my tears, nothing was helping my pain. Mike had gone through all of that without even coming to something better. He was being tortured before he died. It wasn’t fair. That boy had died before he was even called a teen, he die before he found his mate or even learnt how to read or right. The more I thought about it the more hurt I felt.

Seth held me tighter making me face him instead of the body. I wanted to die for causing Mikes death. I gripped onto Seth’s shirt and he looked down at me with concerned eyes. Nothing was going to bring back Mike. His neck was broken beyond repair and his body was mangled. Nothing was attached to him anymore and it just made him seem less human. He was in the middle of changing into something that had been in his genes since he was in the womb.

I don’t think he could even be considered human anymore. His face was contorted and his body was short in some places and long beyond belief in others. One side of his body was upright and the other so close to the ground it looked flat.

“Come on kid, you can do it.” Seth whispered in my ear. What was he talking about? I wasn’t a kid and what was I supposed to be doing? “Just get up, change already!” his voice had turned dark and demanding.

“W-w-what am-m I supposed- t-t-to be doing?” I stammered rubbing my eyes dry. They hurt to be touched.

“Mike, get up!” he cried out, frustration contorting his face. I was actually frightened. He wasn’t talking to be he was talking to Mike hoping for him to somehow be alive and well.

“He’s dead, Seth. He’s gone.” I whispered feeling useless. I just killed a kid. I just killed a kid I didn’t know.

Then I heard another snap behind me. My eyes widened and a smile formed on Seth’s face. He was actually smiling. I didn’t want to look over my shoulder in case it was just Mike’s body moving because of the bones shifting. But I did anyway and what I saw blew my mind.

I screamed in surprise and happiness as a moan escaped Mike’s lips. My body was filled with hope and faith and I finally moved my legs up and towards him. Before I could reach him Seth grabbed my hand stopping me. I turned to look at him my smile mirroring his. “He’s alive, how?”

“The body dies for about a minute before it starts off again with the full conversion to wolf. He has the full ability to change into a wolf without the pain he had just undergone because the body is now accustomed to what it had to do.”

“But why did the bones break? Why did the body have to damage itself?” I whispered looking in front of me at the mangled body. He moved and a sigh left his body. I could see him growing again and the bones in his face were almost fully together at the peak looking more like a muzzle than a nose.

“The bones had to break because the size of the wolf is so much greater than the size of a human. The bones had to break so when he shifts they can move into the positions and grow in size without puncturing his internal organs.” Seth said to me.

I was flooded with relief. It wasn’t my fault that he had died. It was natural for his neck to break and for him to die on me. I was still shaken but grateful that I didn’t have manslaughter on my hands. I couldn’t handle a death. Not after the loss of my mother and now the loss of the rest of my family. I don’t know what I would have done.

There was an uncomfortable groan from behind us and a growl was sounded. I turned my eyes back to him and saw fur sprouting from its flesh. He must be changing into a wolf already. Poor boy, he had to go through so much just so he could follow his kind. Stupid genes.

I could see the muscles swelling actually looking like someone was pumping them up like a balloon. His feet were growing three times their size and so was the rest of the body. Mike had gotten up onto all fours and his clothes ripped in half as his chest and waist burst into its normal shape.

“How come his clothes ripped, they never rip when you do it?” I asked not taking my eyes off this transformation.

“The body isn’t used to sucking the clothes into the body like we do. But one day he will learn and be able to do it very quickly.”

“How come this can be seen? When you do it, it’s just a blur?”

“Because my body was used to it and I have done it many times before so I can just do it all in a blink of an eye.”

“You don’t know how to read or right but you know metaphors.” I chuckled slightly. I guess I was back to normal now that I knew everything was ok. There was nothing to worry about.

“Get back!” Seth yelled pulling me behind him just as Mike growled and pounced at me. I didn’t understand. Mike was huge, more than 10 times his normal 12 year old size. Why was he trying to attack us? What had I done?

“Get back, Hayley! I am going to shift and I don’t want you to be in the way!” I started to back up but obviously not quick enough because the blur in front of me exploded and the force flew me through the air and into the cave wall. I landed hard my wrist twisting it in the process. All the air was forced out of me and my lungs pleaded for it back in. I wheezed trying to push myself off the ground.

Stars danced in front of my eyes and the world was growing dark at the edges. In front of me I could see Seth baring his sharp fangs at Mike. Mike growled back but seeing that Seth was greater in size and authority he backed away. Mikes eyes darted towards me; I didn’t see anger in them but curiosity. He must have maybe seen that I was a threat but how? He saw me before and in between the change didn’t he remember me?

I couldn’t think up possibilities because my eyes gently closed and I slumped to the ground. I heard some more growling and then I heard shouting.

“Hayley? Hayley!” someone screamed their words jumbling together.

I felt my head gently lifted off the cold stone. All I could feel was the cold except for warmth at the back of my head. I could faintly feel some pain but it was fading quickly. I just felt so tired and weighed down. It was like someone was adding blankets on top of me; one heavier than the last. My eyes felt heavy and thick, the protest to open them was so faint it was barely even there.

I was fading in and out only hearing parts of conversations. I tried piecing the words together to form something but it was hard enough just to listen. The only word that really got my attention was:


Why would they say bleeding? Is Seth bleeding? What did Mike do to him? Wait maybe Mike is the one bleeding? What about me? Was I the one bleeding? I had been thrown into a wall by an unnatural force. That was probably the best result. The body doesn’t like colliding into a stone wall.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I winced. My heart raced and my breathing sped up. My eyes flicked open from the pain and my vision was blurred. I could just see bright white light above me. Shapes moved above me making my eyes travel back and forth.

One of the shapes came close to my face and it came into view.                It was still blurry around the edges but some of the features became evident. “I’m so sorry babe. Please stay awake.” Seth spoke, a painful expression on his face.

“Mmm…can’t.” I mumbled back shutting my eyes again. It was taking too much of my energy to stay awake. It was just so much easier to close my eyes and rest. They will understand that right? You need rest to get better so why were they trying to keep me awake.

“No, Hayley! Stay with me! Don’t go to sleep. You may not be able to wake up. Please stay with me baby please.” He was begging now. I didn’t know whether to listen to him or my body. He did say that I might not wake up if I went to sleep but maybe I would be better than ever if I did sleep. I would certainly heal faster…but at a risk.

“I’ll….try.” I whispered prying my eyes open. I have to concentrate on something. I kept my eyes on Seth’s face. With every second the picture got clearer and I could see everything around me.

There were a couple of werewolves around me. They were putting towels on me and then taking away red ones. So I was the one bleeding. Some pressure started on my side and I screamed. Seth’s face became alarmed and then pained. What, what happened?

It felt like a fire was burning on my side. I could feel lots and lots sharp pangs on my side. It felt like someone was viscously pinching me. Then the pain started to build. I screamed again and felt pressure being applied to my wound. What was happening to me? I didn’t know you could get so many injuries just from being thrown into a wall.

“Hayley! Oh, shit! It’s stuck…oh my god……get it out….painkillers…..going to hurt….shit!”Ever word was starting to blur together again. I was only able to figure out some of the important words. Something moved in my side and I cried out again. I moved my hands to the side using all of my energy to get there. I covered it with my fingers and felt something hard and long there. I tried to move it but almost fainted in pain. A piece of wood was actually stuck in my body.

No wonder it hurt so much. A piece of wood was lodged in there. Painkillers…hurt….get it out….stuck. The words suddenly made sense. Seth was saying that I had the piece of wood in my side and he was going to get it out.

I tried to lift my head to get a look but I was too weak and Seth kept pushing me down anyway. I sighed clenching my teeth as another wave of pain washed over again. I was getting so weak and the corners of my vision were turning black. Soon I would lose consciousness and no matter what Seth or anyone did I wasn’t going to wake up for a very long time.

“What’s…happening?” I breathed out. No one answered. Maybe no one heard it. My arms and legs began to tingle funnily and a salty taste began in my mouth. I couldn’t even swallow because my throat was so dry, or maybe it was the fact that I had no energy to even think to do so.

Seth moved over me, his body becoming hazy. Sweat lined his forehead and he looked down at my body in worry and concentration. Seeing him like this was scaring me. I didn’t think it was that bad. I could see his lips moving, barking out orders to the guys but I couldn’t hear any of it. My ears were ringing loudly drowning out any other noise in the room.

Seth caught a little packet of something and then began to furiously rip it open with his sharp teeth. He looked quite frightening when he was doing so. Some little circle objects spilled into his hand. Shakily he brought a few to my lips. I couldn’t open my mouth. I didn’t even have enough energy to blink anymore. Every breath was shaky and I realized how serious this had no become. I was dying. I should have noticed because of how freezing I was becoming.

Someone grabbed my jaw and opened my mouth pouring in the little objects. An extremely bitter taste melted onto my tongue making things very dry. My body screamed at me to spit it out but I hastily swallowed. I felt as the objects formed a lump in my throat and painfully slid down my esophagus.

Seth smiled sadly down at me, stroking my cheek. I tried to smile back but the only thing my body would allow me to do was close my eyes. Before I did I saw the panicked face of Seth.

And then the excruciating pain…

I sat up screaming my lungs out. Fire burst through my body making me scream louder. Seth leant back with a bloody hand that almost made me ill. But what I noticed before I passed out from the pain was the long stake of red wood in his hand. My blood dropped from its point making little droplets form.

My wound was warm and I could feel my back wet with, not sweat but blood.

i really hope it was good enough for you all. Holidays are almost over for me...actually only have one day left....and i would have uploaded heaps throughout it if i wasn't in Bali for the whole of it with no computer.

i am really sorry and i hope this was satisfying enough.

love you all...Crazedemo xx


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