Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

When I woke I felt sluggish and groggy. My eyes seemed to me glued shut together with my sleep and my muscles ached like a bitch. My mouth was dry and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. When I opened my eyes I seemed to open up my mind and I remember all of before. I almost cringed away from the flood of unwanted memories.

The room I was in was dark and my bed was warm but empty of one person. My heart felt the same emotionless emptiness that I felt yesterday. I wanted to cry at all the stupid events that happened. I can’t believe what has happened to my life. I rubbed my face and grabbed the almost empty glass of water. I choked down the last of the liquid, savouring the feel of the liquid sliding down my throat. I almost threw the glass when I finished it but I stopped myself, already embarrassed enough for a life time.

I went to get out of the bed but wires plugged into my arms restricted me. I ripped them out wincing at the pain. My feet touched the cold linoleum and I pushed myself off the bed. My knees buckled but I held onto the bed for support. Eventually I pushed off and made my way slowly to the bathroom door. I opened it and was met by an automatic light. I blinked rapidly to regain sight. The mirror showed my true appearance and it made me want to cry.

My hair hung lifelessly at the sides of my face with a short spot at the back of my head where they ad shaved it off. Stiff stitches protruded from my head in stiff points. My skin was pale compared to its normal tanned colour. My body was skinny than usual because of my lack of nutrients. I still hadn’t eaten since I woke up and my stomach was protesting. My cheeks were scarred slightly but they would disappear over time. My eyes are what haunted me the most. They were puffy, red and raw. They showed how truly exhausted I was and the time I had been in the coma. I looked older than I was, my eyes filled with sorrow and defeat. I was unloved and alone.

I hadn’t looked at my baby bump yet. I had kind of been putting it off. It would remind me too much of the times I spent with Seth. I still couldn’t come to grabs with the fact I was a mother.

A mother at 21.

A single mother at 21.

My shoulders slumped and an empty sob left my lips. This was going to be horrible raising our baby without him. Seth was everything to me and all I had was a piece of him and not the real thing. I swallowed loudly and pressed my hands to my bloated stomach. And there it was, the reflection in the dusty mirror; the reflection of my baby bump. The worst thing is I couldn’t even conjure up a smile it was that depressing. Without Seth, what’s the use of smiling anymore?

The bump was small but definitely there. Now I believed that I was pregnant. There is no way you could fake a pregnancy like this. I had a werewolf baby growing inside of me. A little girl or a little boy growing away in my womb. It was mind boggling at the amount of time it took to grow. I wouldn’t even have a bump yet if it was a normal pregnancy.

My stomach churned uncomfortably as I stared in the mirror. Bile rose in my throat and the taste was terrible. I felt even worse when I realised I wanted to throw up because of my appearance. But then I knew it when vomit began to rise. I was getting delayed affects of the pregnancy. I was sick into the toilet until it burned my throat and I was heaving up gas. I didn’t have much in my stomach anyway so it was more than painful.

The bathroom door opened and I spun my head around expected Seth but instead I saw Alisha. She smiled sadly at me. “Morning sickness?” she asked.

“You bet...” my stomach churned again and I hung my head in the toilet. Why did babies make their mummies throw up? It just wasn’t fair.

“I remember this,” she said sitting on the tiles next to the toilet. “It was horrible but with all this there are good times. Just wait till the kicking starts.”

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