נכתב על ידי Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... עוד

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right


3.1K 97 57
נכתב על ידי Mintyhippo95

Jack's POV

I woke up really early, so I could see Elsa sleeping beside me. She looked so beautiful the way the moon light hit her; her long hair looked like it was made of silver strands and her skin shimmered like freshly fallen snow.

How lucky am I to have her this close to me again?

I closed my eyes just in time to hear her alarm go off. It was pretty quiet, so that may be why I didn't hear it yesterday, but I heard it now. She stirred, and turned it off. I felt her get up and walk into the bathroom, then come out a few minutes later. She pressed her soft lips against my head, then I heard her leave the apartment.

That is when I got up. Today everyone was back, and that means we are having tryouts again. Every time a new agent joins the group, we have tryouts to see who the strongest leader would be, and there is no doubt in my mind that leader would be Elsa. She is not only physically strong, but also mentally. She doesn't let stuff get under her skin, and she never loses her focus. She has never let the hardships of her life bring her down. She accomplishes anything she wants, even when she is torn apart. She is a remarkably strong woman

Anyway I got up and took a long relaxing shower, put on my spy suit and weapons, then made breakfast for Elsa and I.

I have been trying to think of a place to take her for her birthday, but I'm not sure. I mean she has traveled the entire globe, had just about every dish, is well educated and cultured, and knows basically everything. Where should one take someone like her, someone that amazing?

I don't know,  but I wanted to think of something amazing. I love her so much, and she has never really had a birthday celebration or stuff like that since she was 12. She deserves the best and only that.

I finished making our breakfast, which was raspberry and ricotta cheese stuffed French toast. I made sure I sprinkled powered sugar and raspberries on top for garnishes, then got out the maple syrup for her......... what if she doesn't like maple syrup?

SHIT!!!!! What if she wants something else on top, and all I have is maple syrup!!!!!

I was about to run to the store, when Elsa walked in the door all sweaty.

"Morning!" she said, then pecked my lips, "Jack, what is wrong? You look like you are having a heart attack." she said looking at me.

"Do you like maple syrup?" I asked.

"Yeah......... why?" she asked slowly, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God."

"Okay, seriously. Why is that such a critical question? Is there a sniper across the roof ready to shoot you unless I like maple syrup?"

"No. I made you breakfast, but I wasn't sure if you liked maple syrup." I said.

"So you had a panic attack?" she asked.

 "Yeah, I just wanted to make something that you would like."

"Well, I had plans on skipping breakfast, so I'll eat it for lunch." she said.

"What?!" I asked.

"Yep, how much time until we have to be at the stupid agency?" she asked.

"Well, Anna's plane is arriving at 2 pm, but I thought we would meet up with the others before then." I said, "I'm going to guess around 5-6 hours."

"Well, you thought wrong about meeting with them early. I'm going to put the food and stuff up, and I expect you to be in the bedroom by the time I'm done." she said walking towards me and playing with the zipper on my suit, "Go on, and be a good boy." she slapped my butt.

God this woman drives me crazy!

I went to the restroom, and quickly took off my spy suit and waited. Moment Elsa walked in, I tackled her onto the bed, and started ripping her clothes off.

Elsa's POV

We both finished ravishing one another, and my head was resting on Jacks chest while he was twirling one of my curls with his finger. Both of us were on the floor covered up in blankets, because we managed to break Jack's entire bed.

I think we have been having sex 2-3 times a day now, and I honestly am loving it. I'm not sure about him, but he sure isn't complaining.

"T-That was am-mazing Els." Jack panted out.

"I'm going to take you to my house in the Caribbean's sometime. It is on a privet island, bed outside in the ground outside, hot springs, play room, and lots of alone time." I said.

"God, I'm so there." he said while pulling me closer, "No one will actually hear us screaming."

 "Yeah, people called the cops on us like twice." I laughed.

"Yeah, remind me to get a new bed, door, locks, and soundproof walls today." Jack said.

"Remind me to visit Victoria Secret again." I said and Jack smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, we're late, that's all." he said, then started kissing me again. I of course kissed back, and slowly crawled on top of him. He sent sparks tough me as he ran his large calloused hands all over the smooth skin of my body.

We heard the bedroom door open, but ignored it. Probs another cop or something.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!" people screamed and covered their eyes. I looked to see everyone in the group including Kristoff here.

"Hey guys." Jack groaned, and I rolled off of him and covered myself up with the blanket.

"This is why you were late?" Hiccup said.

"Please Hiccup. We all know if you were getting some, you would be late too." I said and Jack silently chuckled.

"Jack! What happened to your bed?" Punzie asked. That poor naïve child.

"You see Punzie, Jack and I were going 50 shades of Gray on it........ like hardcore, then the bed just broke and gave out." I smirked, and their jaws dropped.

"So, are you going to join us, or just stand there and watch?" Jack said, and they all looked at him shocked.

"Look at you." I said, "I really think my personality and sass is rubbing off on you."

"I guess so." he chuckled and kissed my head.

"Seriosuly guys, what do you want?" I asked.

"We need you guys to come into the agency. You were supposed to meet us there, and when you didn't we came to get you." Eugene said, "Only to see you two starting to go at it........ again."

"Hey, at least I'm screwing someone my own age and I like. I've had to do men three times my age." I said, and everyone but Jack and Eugene's jaws dropped.

"I think that might be the nicest thing you've said about me." Jack smiled.

I laughed at him, "Yeah, but don't get used to it. Tonight, you'll probs get whipped."

"Ooh....... someone is feeling kinky." Jack said then started kissing my neck and collarbone. I shivered at his touch and let out a little moan, my eyes starting to roll up into the back of my head with pleasure.

"Guy! We are still here!" Punzie yelled.

Jack glared at them and growled.

"Fine, I'll get ready." I said, "We'll finish this later." I said to Jack's ear and I saw a smirk creep up in his face.

"NO! No one is going to finish anything!" Anna yelled.

"My sweet little tot, if you can stop me, then of course not. Sadly you fight with a conscious, not me. I also fight to the death, when you give into pain. If you want to stop me, then you'll have to kill me." I said, "And are you guys going to leave, or am I going to have to stand up and dress in front of you?"

"No!" Jack said pulling me closer to him, "No one here is seeing you that way except me."

"Darling, they may be able to see my body, but you are the only one who is allowed to do whatever you want with it." I said making him blush. I used my magic, and created an outfit for me. I put on a pair of high waisted black leggings, black leather combat boots, and a beige suede vest. I stood up, and kicked the others out of the room so Jack could get dressed. I pulled my hair up, and froze it there is it was in a short curly bob, and gave it a few ice blue streaks. Then I opened my suitcase and loaded up a few gun, knives, ammo clips, explosive chips, and then slipped on a poison ring.

"How is it you look more and more beautiful every day?" Jack said while hugging me from behind.

 "Jack, I'm not even wearing any makeup." I said while position myself so our bodies just fit together like two puzzle pieces.

"I know, that is why. You have nothing on, nothing artificial. It is naturally you, and it is what every girl should strive for."

"I like wearing makeup sometimes." I said.

"I know." he chuckled, "But you don't need it. You are beautiful without it."

"GUYS!!!" Mer shouted, "Not to inturupt this touching moment before it turns into another makeout session, but we have to go."

"Shut it Red." I said.

"Elsa, question...... why are you associating with Kristoff from school, the one who was in the Nightmares." Eugene asked sort of glaring at him.

"He owes me a great deal of debt, and is trustworthy enough. I'll explain sooner or later, but we have to go." I said while grabbing the breakfast from the fridge and shoved it in my mouth. Even with no maple syrup it was amazing.

"Holy crap! I have a guy who can cook!" I said, and Jack smiled at me.

"Thanks Snowflake. Why don't we take those to go though, we don't want to be late." he said and I nodded. He packed them and blew on them covering them in a thin layer of frost.

I smiled remembering the first time he did that, back when we were 19 and young. The day I found out I wasn't as alone as I thought.

"I know Elsa, I remember that day too." he smiled basically reading my thoughts, and kissed my head, "Now seriously come on, keep looking at me like that, and I'm going to take you on this table in front of everyone."

"Interesting............. well, I'm not shy." I smirked.

"HELL NO!!!!!!" Everyone yelled and dragged us out into some large van.... thing. I've never seen a vehicle like this nor would I ever drive one.

I know it seems like I have sex a lot, and I do. I guess just the fact that I lost my virginity already and I can't get pregnant contribute to that. There is no worries or fears anymore, just bliss........ well when I'm with Jack. I think it isn't about the sex, but more about the partner. Whenever I'm with anyone else, I have to pretend to enjoy it, but really I just want to die in shame. With Jack it is always different. I always felt hot and wild.... well wilder. I just feel like I can never have enough of him. With him, sex is not just a fraction like people say it is. With him, it is magic. I feel raw, venerable, even trust. Then there is a feeling that I can't describe, and think that most people may never reach.

I think another reason I do this is because he is a strong man. I don't mean just physically either, but mentally. It takes a really strong man to handle a broken woman, especially one like me. When he found me, my insides were torn to shreds. Most men who would have learned the truth about me would have ran or tried to kill me, Jack was different. He was gentle, understanding, patient, caring, and never gave up on me... not once. He stuck around, after all the stuff I did to him, and is slowly piecing me back together.

"Elsa, what are you thinking about?" Eugene asked, "You've been staring out of the window for over 20 minutes, and haven't blinked."

"Just thinking about Jack." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah, he really cares about you. Every time you have left or something happened to you he went all crazy and suicidal. The only time he seems okay and himself anymore is when you are around." He smiled while taking a seat next to me.

"I know." I said feeling blush creep up on my cheeks.

"All he talked about after you took off on the plane from Russia was you and him having a family. Even saw some marriage magazines in his room. I thought Anna was going to kill him."

"Doesn't surprise me, he loves me a lot. He gets jealous and worried for some of the dumbest reasons. It is annoying but sweet. I never thought that anyone would get jealous over me, yet alone worried. I thought I was destined to roam this earth alone forever, then I met him."

"So, how do you feel about him?"

"The same, but I don't want to say it.....not yet. I'm scared that if I do, it will make it real. I don't think I'm cut out for a relationship or bridal material. I'm still trying to figure out being a mother, and focusing on the Nightmares."

"I missed these." Eugene said tackling me in a hug, and I saw from the driver seat in the van Jack slightly glaring.

"Missed what?"

"Our heart to hearts." he said.

"Yeah, well you left. I didn't stop or give them up, it was you." I said, "And don't apologize for it either, you knew exactly what you were doing. After I saved you, took you in, gave you a new look, taught you everything I knew, protected you, accepted you into my family, and let you into my heart, you just left me."

After that I turned to face the window again, and looked out of it until we arrived. We all jumped out and instantly Jack was by side, hand around my waist. I saw from the corner of my eyes he glared at Eugene.

"Jealous much?" I said softly.

"Very." he said.

"Calm down, I'm yours Jack." I said and rested my head against his shoulder. After that he seemed to calm down, and he kissed my head.

"I know Elsa, but you have a lot more history with him than I have with you."

"You know what, this weekend you and me are taking a little vacation to my house in the Caribbean that I told you about, and I will show you who I would rather fuck any day." I said slightly louder than necessary, and I heard Anna starting to get furious.

It's a win win!

"God! How did you stay single all of these years?" Jack said.

"Because I was work obsessed, extremely violent, and waiting for just the right fuck buddy. One who is kind, caring, has endurance, strong, and really kinky." I said, "Now seriously stop being so jealous and insecure. I'm a girl, it is my job to be insecure. Your job is to make me feel better about those insecurities."

"Elsa, we all know you are not even close to insecure." he chuckled.

"True. No shame." I said sassily snapping my fingers, making Jack laugh.

"Come on." he chuckled offering me his hand. I inspected it, then took it. We walked into the agency together. Apparently the word about me returning has spread, because more people were staring at me than before.

I just rolled my eyes, and continued walking with Jack the others trailing behind us. We all went up the elevator, and walked into Manny's meeting room.

We all sat down, but Jack didn't let go of my hand.

"Jack, we're sitting down. You can let go."

"Yeah Jack, let go." Anna said.

"Anna, stay out of this. You have no right to tell me what Jack or me can do. Worry about yourself." I glared.

"Alright." Jack said. He let go then started tickling me. I busted out laughing uncontrollably, and fell on the ground. Jack pinned me down and continued tickling me.

"J-Jack-k, s-s-stop-p!" I struggled to say.

"Only if you say Jack Frost is the sexiest man alive." he smirked.


"Very well." he said, then started tickling me harder.

"ALRIGHT! J-Jac-k Fros-st is-s the s-sexies-st-t m-man ali-v-ve." I said and he stopped smirking.

"Oh, wipe that smirk off your face." I said, and he chuckled. He picked me up and sat back down in his seat, me still in his arms.

"Jack, seriously let me go."

"Then I'll have to tickle you again." he smirked.

"Dude, get a room." Hiccup said.

"Gladly." Jack smirked.

"No one is getting a room." Manny said walking in, "Jack, let Elsa go."

Jack grumbled, but let me go, and I sat back down in my seat.

"Alright, well it is good to see you here Elsa." Manny said.

"Yeah yeah, what the hell do you honestly want with me."

"Elsa, you are still far and away our best agent. We need you here, the agency needs you."

"Yeah, but why? You have all of these people, so why do you need me."

"Elsa, you don't play fair. With you brain, powers, training, lack of emotion, and personality you are what we need. We need someone who isn't afraid to break the rules or hurt others. You were right, evil always wins because good has to play fair. You are neither good or evil, we need someone like you."

"Manny, you know I do my best work alone. I was doing fine, so why bring me in?"

"As I said we need you. Besides, it is time to take the agency like your parents wanted."

"Manny." I growled, "The truth."

"The agency is not doing so well since your parents died. You were the only one who got better results than them, and know how to get results. We need a hero too."

"You know my parents dying was your fault." I hissed.

"I know, and I blame myself everyday." he said sadly, "Your parents were like family to me and my most trusted agents. I would do anything to get them back."

I could feel myself wanting to explode and beat the shit out of him, and everyone could feel it in the room. The temperature dropped and ice crept up the walls. But before I could do anything Jack sat me in his lap and wrapped my arms around me, and I felt a sense of calmness wash over me. The ice melted and the room went back to its original temperature.

"Get your hands off of my sister!" Anna hissed at Jack.

"Nope." he said, "After losing her 3 times, I'm never going to let her go again." he said and nuzzled his nose in my hair.

"Manny, you have to separate them. They are not right for each other." Anna said.

"Shut it muffin muncher. If I could find it in me to kill my parents if necessary, then I sure as hell can kill you. Sad part is I will probably still sleep like a baby." I glared.

"Elsa, everyone here agrees." Anna said.

"Anna......... I don't." Eugene said, "Elsa seems to make Jack happy, more like his old playful self. Jack is like a drug to Elsa, he calms her down and makes her more......... human in a way. Yeah, they have sex a lot, but they seem to balance each other out, and make each other a better person. Isn't that what you are looking for in a relationship?"

Jack smiled at me when Eugene said that and kissed my cheek. I just chuckled at him, and leaned back so the back of my head was resting on his shoulder blade.

"I say we get rid of both of them." Mer said.

"Sure Red. By the way, did you tell the doctors you got your ass handed to you by a retiree, or did you just say you got hit by a semi-truck?" I smirked and I could see she was pissed.

"I honestly don't care who they date....... just put a sock on the door or something next time." Hiccup said.

 "Why on Gods name are we talking about this?" Kristoff asked, "I thought we were here for something important, not who Elsa dates!"

"He has a point." Punzie said.

"Elsa, can you please leave us for just one moment?" Manny asked.

"Fine, but make it quick. I'm on the clock here, I have people to kill." I said, and Jack let go of me.

I walked out and mouthed 'thank you' to Eugene, who responded by winking at me.

Just like old times.

Jack's POV

"Alright, what was that about?" I asked moment Elsa walked out of the room.

"Jack. Elsa is off limits." Manny said.

"Why?" he asked.

"She may be sweet at times, but she can be a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. She isn't safe for anyone to really be around." Manny said, "She killed over 30 agents here, and more outside of the agency. She didn't even feel a ounce of regret. You are like a son to me, and I won't risk your life for some fling."

"The killing 30 agents was your fault, and you know it." I said glaring, "You made her like this!" She was young and innocent once, and then you got your hands on her! You wanted her to be able to kill anyone without feeling anything, and to be violent. She became what you wanted, exactly what you wanted. Now you are saying that not only can she not be happy or shouldn't have a shot at a normal life, but also me! She is not a fling, I love her!"

"I'm going to have to side with Jack here." Eugene said, "You saw what happened. Elsa was turning dangerous, then moment Jack hugged her she calmed down. As long as he is around, she is normal. Jack also was suicidal every time Elsa and him were apart and when we thought she was dead, now look at him. He is back to his playful self. They may have sex a lot, but it is not a fling. I can tell he loves her."

"Please, he only loves the fact that she will sleep with him. Once she stops he will just leave her." Anna said.

"Says the girl who left her and gave up on her." I spat out and Anna looked hurt, "You were her sister, and she gave up everything for you, then you just packed up and left moment something went wrong. You gave up on her, but I didn't."

"Jack, we just don't want you to get hurt." Punzie said, "And think of the kid if she gets pregnant. All of the late nights, crying, complaining, and stress. You know she will lose it, and what will happen to the kid?"

"Are you saying Elsa would kill our child?!" I said taken aback.

"It is a possibility." she said.

"No it is not! She wants a kid so bad. She always talks about it, reading anything about parenting, goes to classes. She would never hurt our kid, and she is going to be a great mother."

"I'm going to side with Jack here. Elsa has been doing stuff for babies for a long time." Kristoff said.

"And why should we trust you? You were in the Nightmares!" Anna said.

"Yeah, last time I checked you were in the Nightmares and Elsa was torturing you." Eugene said.

"Was, Elsa got me out. Long story she lourd me away from the school, captured me, tortured me in ways that she honestly deserves a medal for. Either way I didn't give up, and she admired me for that. She offered me a deal. I tell her what I know, and she will build me up a successful company, give me 10 million dollars, and get me out of the Nightmares. I honestly hated being in the Nightmares so I agreed. Today I am living a very prosperous life because of her, so I am in her debt. I help her out any way I can, and over time I have learned quite a bit about her. I know for one she really wants kids, and certainly wouldn't hurt them."

"Guys, why are we talking about this? It is not up to us to decide who they can date or not. We have a job to do, and we are wasting time." Hiccup said.

"Great!" I said, and opened the door so Elsa could walk back in.

"So.... can we start now?" she asked, "Or are we just going to sit here like idiots?"

"Uh...... we are just having tryouts today. Since you are joining the group, we have to determine the new group leader." Manny said.

"Good, let's hurry up. I have some unfinished business back at my place." she said, and I glanced at her and smirked.

"What would that be?" Manny asked sounding not really interested. Please don't say it Elsa, please don't say it.

"I'm going to fuck your adopted son so hard, he won't be able to walk tomorrow." she said smirking, and I saw Manny getting mad at her. I wrapped my arms around her, like I could shield her from Manny's glare. She looked at me, and I could feel the corner of my mouth twitching. I was trying so hard not to smirk and to keep a straight face it was insane.

"Elsa..........." he started, but she cut him off.

"Shut it. This is my agency now, your ass belongs to me. Either way, I never follow orders, you know that. I've never really been a team player." she said, "Now, come on." she said. I let her go, and we both walked out of the office towards the testing area leaving the others behind.

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