His Last Joke (Sequel to His...

By DCfreakxox

129K 5.2K 1.5K

Previously after Eva getting involved in pursuing a certain jewel with The Joker and The Riddler. Evangeline... More

I'm Back!
Patient 0801
Therapy Begins
Back Story ?!
I Know You
Glass Slides and Love Bugs
Dinners and Skype Calls
Settling Back
Just Like Me!
History Repeats Itself
Behind The Cowl
Is This Goodbye?
Take Me To Him
Here Comes Natalie
Wayne Manor
Fake Blondes
Hot Dogs and Chess?
Falling Back
Black Out
Miss me?
Founder's island
Package Delivery
Breaking The Bat
The Power's Call
Test Results
Merry Christmas
Batman To The Rescue
Put Batsie On Speed Dial
The Bat Has To Die
Daughter of The Demon
The Demon Trials
The Grand Finale
Author's Note


2.8K 132 27
By DCfreakxox

~ Chapter 23 ~

After about three games of chess, and Jack figuring out I was letting him win the third time, because it was only fair. We decided to leave. I took Jack back to the asylum and led him back to the ICU and he thanked me for taking him out for a change and I decided to take an early leave. I then made my way out to the mainroad and took a cab and made my long way back to Wayne Manor. Every time I entered that place I feel more and more guilty about the way I treated Bruce.

* 3 weeks later *

After the first time I took Jack to Regency Park, it's become quiet a routine. I took him there like 2 more times in the past two weeks. Everyday it was all the same. Wake up, go to the asylum, take Jack out twice a week, get home, no sign of Bruce, go to sleep, wake up early, and that went on forever. I went out once and got Jack some new clothes though. Something about Natalie's ex's outfit wreaked asshole. I was getting closer to Jack but so was Natalie. Something which has been pissing me off since the day I met her. Every day I show up to the asylum and she's already in his room. It's like she knows when I arrive to work and makes sure she's there before me. She also has this tradition of interruping and cutting the time I have with him short, since I always end up to be the one leaving.

I made my way into the asylum and up to the ICU after registering my attendance and scanning my ID. I made my way down to Jack's room and opened the door but he wasn't there. I walked over to the bathroom but the door was opened and there was no one there. I felt a chill run through my body as my heart began to ache. I made my way down the hall asking people if they saw him but they all said no. I then made my way down to Sarah at the front desk. She must've seen him leave right?! I approached Sarah who was typing something on her computer and decided it was more important than looking up at me.

"Sarah have you seen the Joker?! He isn't in his room and no one saw him leaving his room." I questioned her and she shrugged.

"What? Then where the hell did he go?!" I highered my voice.

"I don't know, Striker. I'm busy go see if anyone else knows where he is." She grumbled at me still typing on her laptop.

I then stormed away and made my way up to Jeremiah's office. I gave his door two knocks before swinging it open.

"Where is my patient?!" I demanded.

"Good morning to you too Dr. Striker-" He started but I cut him off.

"Dr. Arkham please answer my question." I repeated not bearing the anxiety.

"Jesus. Someone's stressed out. Relax, he's gone out." He says simply.

"Gone out?! Gone out where?!" I raised my voice again.

" I don't know. Ms. Jackson took him out this morning I suspect they'll be back in the afternoon or so, they just left half an hour ago."

Ms. Jackson?! Then it hit me.


"So what?! She's a fucking doctor now?! Who gave her the right to take him out?!" I shouted the jealousy blinding me and Jeremiah stands up.

"Dr. Striker, this is no way to talk to your employer. Please lower your voice, I will not accept this new attitude of yours." He stresses.

"I'm sorry, but who gave her the right to take out my patient without my permission?! She is just a nurse! What does she know about anything?! What if something happens to him?! Where did she even take him?!" I asked.

"I don't see any problem with giving the patient some fresh air, regardless who accompanies him, you have advised so yourself. I'm afraid I can't help you with their location either."

"Then tell me the names of the guards you sent with them, I'll call them and ask them." I said.

"There aren't any." He replied and my blood boiled.

"What?! So, you send guards when he's with his doctor but when he's with a random nurse you fully trust her with him?!" I go back to yelling again.

"Yes, Ms. Striker because in the last few weeks you've proved that he hasn't needed it. Now enough of this useless issue. Get back to your work." He said.

"He is my work!" I yelled before storming out of his office.

I was seething with anger. God, what am I supposed to do now?! Where the fuck could she have taken him anyway?! Ugh, one of these days I'm going to slap her so hard her blonde dye's going to drop off.I looked at my watch and it was 12:00pm. What the fuck could they be doing so early?! I then headed to my office and checked the computer for places they could've went to within the perimeter. After about an hour of looking, I found nothing. I shut down the computer and slid back in my chair. All of a sudden I felt the room getting warmer and warmer, making it more and more harder to breathe. Everything seemed to just close in. I was starting to feel suffocated when I decided I needed some air.

I made my way out of the asylum and walked towards the mainroad. After I reached there I remembered the first time I walked out here and headed to Regency Park. I took in my surroundings for a moment and decided to head there. I made my way to the park and at some point I started running. I ran as fast as I could. I ran faster than I would've if there was something threatening me. I just needed a break. I feel like she's getting closer to him than I ever was and the closer she gets, the farther I'm pushed.

I stopped running when I found myself in the middle of the park and stood, resting my hands on my knees. After catching my breath I made my way towards a bench to my left and took a seat. I bent over and rest my face in my hands and let out I sigh I didn't know I was holding before my whole body started trembling. I let the stress and the worry take over me and started crying. I felt like everything I have worked for was falling apart. I was overthinking and I let my mind lead to the worst scenarios. But I couldn't help but feel like part of it was true.

"Eva..?" I heard and I lifted my head from my hands. I quickly sniffed and wiped away a tear that was still on my cheek.

"Jack." I replied surprised as I looked up and found him in front of me.

"What's going on?" Natalie's voice soon followed. I straightened up and she was standing behind him.

"Eva!" She gasped. Oh, kill me now.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just about to ask the same of you guys.." I mummbled.

"Oh well, Jack was bored and I decided to take him out for a bit." She said and I looked over to Jack who had his eyebrows furrowed and was still frowning at me.

"How did you find out about this place?" I turned back to Natalie.

"Oh, I didn't, Jack drove us here." She replied.

"He drove?!" I asked.

"Yeah ever since we went out last week and he wanted to try driving us back, he's been great at it." She explained.

Last week?! They went out last week?! Wait, did she just say he's been great at it?! Every time I rode with him I always had to say my set of prayers and practically pry the seat's leather out with my nails!

"Anyways, it's great running into you here! We were just about to go." She said.

"Okay." I stood up.

"I'll see you at the asylum, Doc." She said and came in from behind Jack to hug me but stopped mid way and grabbed both my arms.

"Wait! Are you crying?!" She asked.

"What's wrong?! Oh my god!" She squealed and hugged me, her fruity perfume almost suffocating me.

"It's nothing. I was trying to reach my fiancee..he's hasn't been answering the phone for a while and I got worried." I lied.

I looked over her shoulder at Jack who was still staring at me with the same expression. I gave him a look like I didn't understand what he was trying to say and Natalie pulled away.

"Well come on. You gotta come back to the asylum we can't leave you here. Where did you park?" She asked.

"No, I didn't-.. I came on foot.." I said.

"Oh then come and ride back with us! I'm not letting you walk back there, especially when you're like this. Come on." She replied and grabbed my arm.

After agreeing to walk with them, Natalie let go of my arm and her and Jack walked a few steps in front with me trailing behind. Natalie was talking about something but Jack wasn't listening. He kept trying to look back at me or view me from the corner of his eyes. After reaching the parking lot Jack got into the driver's seat and Natalie walked over to the passenger's seat and looked back at me.

"Come on, Eva." She grinned then got in.

I sighed and opened the door to the back seat and got in. Jack put on his seat belt and Natalie followed causing me to raise my eyebrows at how different this is and fastening my own. Joker would've never put his seat belt on, but I guess he isn't Joker so..What are we gonna do?! Jack pulled out of the parking lot and started driving to the mainroad and his driving was surprisingly very stable, and almost perfect. I remembered him slamming his foot on the brakes every 5 seconds and zooming between lanes just a month ago.

Natalie started yapping on about something but I wasn't listening, and Jack didn't look like he was listening either. At some point I looked up at the rearview mirror and Jack was looking right at me. I locked eyes with him and he still had that curious expression on his face. Time seemed to stop and he kept his eyes locked with mine before eventually flicking his eyes to the road so he doesn't crash the car. He kept glancing at me through the rearview mirror with his eyebrows furrowed as if he was the one who should be angry. I eventually ignored him and looked out the window even though I still felt his eyes on me.

A few minutes later we pulled over at the asylum and I unfastened my seat belt and opened the door hoping for some air away from them. Natalie soon followed and her pager beeped.

"Oh that's me guys I've gotta run I'll see you later!" She said and she grabbed her bag and made her way across the lot towards the steps.

I turned to walk away but someone grabbed my forearm. I snapped my head back at the sudden move my eyes slightly softening when I realized it was Jack.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned me.

Oh nothing I'm just..dandy! My fiancee was just out with a whore who's been trying to get him laid for the past 3 weeks that's all. No biggie.

" Nothing. What's wrong with you?" I diverted the question towards him.

"Don't lie to me. I can tell you're not okay." He replied.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Natalie's high-pitched shouting.

"Aren't you guys coming in?!" She yelled from the top of the stairs.

I looked back at Jack and I hadn't realized how close we were standing. I looked down and he still had his grip on my arm.

"Are you going to let go of me now?!" I asked him as he slowly let me go.

I sighed and cursed at myself for all of this.

"I'll meet you upstairs." I said and made my way to my office.

I collected my bag and papers and headed towards Jack's room. After this I'm going to go home. I'm so done for today. I gave the door two knocks before entering.

He was standing and turned towards me when I opened the door.

''Eva." He said.

"Jack." I replied and he went silent.

"Well?" He said.

"Well what?!"

"Aren't you going to explain to me why you're so snappy today?" He asked.

"I'm not snappy." I replied.

"Well..can you tell me why you looked so sad back at the park?" He took a step towards me.

"I already told you, Jack. I got a little worried over my fiancee. That's all." I replied.

"I don't buy it.." He said softly.

"What? I'm not lying to you. I was worried." I said and he inched closer almost trapping me against the wall next to the door frame.

"Then there's something else..There's something else there Eva, I know it, I can see it in your eyes. You're still frustrated." He said quietly.

I looked into his eyes and felt like I was trapped, like he cornered me and I couldn't squirm my way out of this one.

"Tell me.." He said.

I then closed my eyes and sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

He looked a bit confused.

"You went out. Twice. Not once did you think about telling me. " I said.

"It didn't seem relevant." He shrugged.

"Didn't seem relevant?! So I'm here almost everyday for almost 3-4 hours and I tell you everything you want to know and everything you ask about but you didn't think it was relevant to tell your doctor, oh I don't know..the fact that you've been going out with the nurse!"

"It didn't come up, Eva." He said a bit sharper.

"So, all those times we just sat there with you having nothing to say you didn't once think about telling me about your daytime escapades! What if something would've happened to you?! Did you not think once about the consequences I would face or how I would feel?! Did you not think about how worried and lost I'd be when I come here and not find you especially with no one knowing your location?! I thought we were best friends!" I highered my tone.

"Well maybe that's just what you remember." He snapped at me and I felt as though the words gave me a blow to the gut.

I then turned around and opened the door, making my way down the hallway. When I reached the elevator I saw Jack exit his room.

"Eva, Wait! I didn't mean to say that!" He yelled and jogged towards me but I closed the door and headed out of the asylum.

I hailed a taxi and made my way back to Wayne Manor. I'm such a fool. I almost sank into the leather of the back seat. How could I ever think he'd still feel the same?! He wasn't the same person.. How could I think he'd love me the same?! That's insane. He would only have to be insane to love someone like me..and I guess he's not.. anymore.

I checked my phone and it was 5PM. I reached Wayne Manor at around 6:30 and decided I was done for the day. I had declined Alfred's offer for dinner who had questioned me with worried eyes when I had declined him and went straight to my room. I then changed my clothes and went to sleep. I needed an escape of everything that has happened today. I can still see the way he looked at me which his cold eyes when he accused me of assuming our friendship would still be valid after his incident. When he showed me the annoyance he must've felt at how persistent and pestering I must've been. I then shut all those thoughts down and went to sleep.

I woke up sometime later but there was no light outside. I checked the clock and it read 4AM. I tried to go back to sleep but my stomach protested since I haven't eaten anything in almost a day. I decided to pull my robe on and go get something to eat. I slowly made my way down stairs to the dimly lit hallway and made my way towards the kitchen. As I neared the end of the hallway I heard some rumbling sounds and I froze. I looked around not knowing what to defend myself with as I tugged the power cord and grabbed the mini lamp on the table nearest to me. I inched slowly towards the door and checked if someone was in there before entering slowly.

I moved in further went I saw that no one was there and lowered the lamp in my hands. I now stood in the middle of the kitchen, right before the island and I heard the sound of a foot step. I quickly snapped around taking in a huge gasp when I turned around and saw someone as I dropped the lamp before I looked up.

"Bruce.." I breathed.

"What are you doing here?!" I stuttered and he quietly laughed at me.

"I live here, Eva." He said cooly.

"I'm sorry. It's just..I didn't think you'd be here..right now." I explained.

"It's okay. I didn't think you'd be here right now either. You got me this time." He winked and I gave him a small smile.

"Well, now that we've probably woken up Alfred." He said looking down at the lamp I dropped and I giggled.

"I guess I'll be on my way." He smiled and turned to leave as I suddenly panicked and called after him.

"Bruce!" I said taking a step forward and he back at me.

Can I..talk to you for a second?" I asked before looking down at my nails which were picking at each other.

"Sure, Eva." He said before turning back and giving me a small smile.

"I just..I wanted to tell you that I didn't mean to-" I started but he interrupted me.

"It's fine Eva. I know it must've been hard for you." He said almost ending the conversation.

"No! But I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. It wasn't in your hands and what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry..Bruce." I sighed.

"I really didn't mean to push you away but you know how much this means to me. I know that you're trying to look out for me and I know that I'm constantly ruining that because of how reckless and unsure of what I'm doing I can be but you should also know that I'll never push you out of my life Bruce. You know how much you mean to me. You and Alfred..you guys are almost the only ones I have left. I'd never want you to turn your back on me, I wouldn't handle losing you because if I did..I wouldn't have anyone..and I'm more than glad that I have you at my back because I need to have someone to turn to Bruce and you have no idea how much you guys are important to me. So again, I'm sorry and I hope you'll forgive everything I've said and everything I've done to you. Just please don't turn your back on me.." I finally said feeling a single tear roll down my cheek.

And it was at that moment when I realized how truly alone I felt. Without Jack I didn't have anyone. He made me realize how alone I really was and it made me value the few people I had, like Bruce, even more.

I looked at Bruce who was looking at me dead in the eye, almost speechless. He made a small movement and for a split second I was sure he was going to turn away and leave before he suddenly wrapped his arms around me. I was shocked for a few seconds before hugging him back and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I then felt the gratitude seep into me and all the guilt I had once felt finally left me.

Bruce then pulled away and held me by my arms.

"You'll never push me away Eva. I'll always be there for you no matter what you do. I was never angry at you in the first place. I still wanted to help and I knew you needed a place to stay but you also needed some space, that's why I left. I'll always have your back, Ev." He spoke before he gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you, Bruce."



I am soooo terribly sorry it's been so long but as I have posted earlier I have been blessed with finals exams :/

I am so sorry for the huge wait. I know this chapter doesn't seem like much but I managed to squeeze this in between my studies.

However, 3 more updates will be posted by the date I promised. (5 days time)

I hope you guys liked this one

Let me know if there's anything wrong with it

It was written on so many different times, I'm sure I messed something up at this point xD

I really hope u guys like it.

Things will be getting better (way better ;) ) I promise.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you guys think!

Hope you're all doing great!

Much love xxx

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