
By Fieldofginger

48.4K 1.7K 573

I'll be writing in here when I'm supposed to be writing my other story's because I'm trash and can't just com... More

Procrastination is the devil
The man that can't be moved (septiplier)
Did you get my message? (Pewdiecry)
I don't believe in hell (no ship)
I'll be loving you (septiplier)
Cold (pewdiecry)
Passing notes (septiplier)
The first to go (halloween)
It losses to me (more halloween!)
Gone (septiplier)
Love (septiplier)
Not an update
Hights (septipler)
Romeo oh romeo (pewdiecry)
Tell him (Septiplier)
Subscribers (septiplier)
40 days of septiplier
Thank you tumblr
Demon keeping (septiplier)
His eyes (septiplier)
The boy across the hall (pewdicry AND septipler)
The other boy across the hall. (Mostly septiplier)
I'm sorry. (Who ever you want it to be)
One night. (Septiplier)
Good Riddance (no ship)
StrawberryMilkshake (pewdiecry)
Scared (septiplier)
Dreaming (pewdiecry)
Chibi (Septiplier)
Contradistinction (septiplier)
The light in the darkness (teaser)
Fine (septiplier)
Hero (septiplier)
Sunshine (septipler)
Challange Accepted
Skype (septiplier)
Not giving up. (Pewdicry)
Memory (septiplier)
Chick Books (pewdicry)
Why I'm loud
Break apart (septiplier)
Lies (jacksepticeye)
Broken (septiplier)
Mine (septiplier)
Happy birthday (septiplier)
Pink part 1 (septiplier)

I know I'm a wolf (pewdiecry)

1K 43 7
By Fieldofginger

Dear rabbit, my legs are getting weak... chasing you

"Hey there rabbit!" Russ taunts. The young blond looks at us scared.

"Aw, is baby bunny scared?" Minx hissed. The man looked down and continued his path away from my pack. "Rabbit" was a term for our "pray". The whole school called us the wolves. The rest of the group rather liked the name. I found it all too realistic. The pack started after the helpless swede as he took off towards what I can only assume was his home.

And the snowfields... Wouldn't seem so big, if you knew
That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry...

I hate this! I hate it! I'm hate being a predator. I hate chasing pray as if it were a meal. I hate being known as some heartless animal with no sense of decency for other people. I hated being a wolf.

And I've captured you once, but it wasn't quite right...

I watch as Ken and Snake hold the thin man down and Russ come up to take the first blow. I looked away and caught the attention of Minx.

"What's wrong Cry? This little bunny getting on your soft side?"

"Cry? Soft side? Please." Scott smirked.

"I don't have a 'soft side'." I growled. The blond looked at me pleadingly but I couldn't back down now. I couldn't let them think me a cowered. So what did I do? I slugged him. Right in the stomach.

He fell over, coughing and spluttering for air. I felt all the emotion drain out of me as the poor man wheezed.

The group, seeming satisfied, started to beat the man senseless. He cried and screamed but they just kept attacking. Predators to prey.

So I'm tellin' you.. That you'll be safe with me.

"Would you quit it!" I called. "He's already bloody and probably has a concussion!" I pulled Russ away and he sneered.

"Let go of me masky!" He shouted. In that moment, everything stopped. The relentless attack ceased. The whimpering quieted. All there was was me and him. "Look cry..." he starts.

"Just... Go." It wasn't a suggestion and they knew it. They stood up and walked back to the hang out spot without me. I looked back at the blond and started towards him slowly.

Oh rabbit, my claws are down now so don't be afraid...

He shook violently and started to cower away from me. Unfortunately, his injuries wouldn't allow it. I crouched down to eye level. "I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered. "Let me take you to the hospital ok?" He shook his head and croaked out a quiet;

"N-no! I'm f-fine."

I can keep you warm, as long as you can just try... To be brave!

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"F-Felix." He croaked.

"Felix, I want to help you. But you have to do something for me ok?"he nodded slowly and I put a hand under his arm and another under his legs. "Be brave. " I whispered.

Yes I know I'm a wolf, and I've been known to bite,

"I-I'm sorry.... For hitting you." I said once I placed him in the passenger seat of my car. "I know you don't trust me. I don't really blame you."

"It's ok." He cut me off. He sounded much stronger now.

But the rest of my pack... I've left them behind.

"I'm not going back to them." I say after a few minutes of driving.

"What? But you're a w-"

"No I'm not. Not any more."

And my teeth may be sharp, and I've been raised to kill...

"So you won't hurt me? Ever?" He asked timidly.

"No. Just cause I can, doesn't mean I will."

But the though of fresh meat... It's making me ill!

I think back to all the people I've beaten. All the bones I've broken. All the injuries I've caused. I shiver. That's not me. I think. Not anymore.

So I'm telling you... That you'll be safe with...Me,

Once we get into the hospital, he starts to shake again. I hold him to my chest and ask him what's wrong. "I don't want to tell them." He whispers.

"Who? The doctors?" I ask

"Anyone. I don't what to tell anyone."

I didn't need to ask why. I knew. It's the same reason I hit him in the first place. Weakness. He feels weak. And with weakness, comes fear.

"It's ok. I'm here.

I'll protect you."

So rabbit, please stop looking the other way...

After inspecting his injuries, they had us wait in the small sterile room. He kept looking at the floor, at the wall, at the poster in the corner, anywhere but me. I grab his chin softly and turn it towards me. "It's ok." I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into my side softly as to not hurt him anymore.

It's cold out there... So why not stay here, under my tail...?

He stiffened, then relaxed into my shoulder. He placed his head in the crease of my neck and closed his eyes.

"Don't fear rabbit. I may be a wolf, but I'm no predator."

I love this freaking song!

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